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The purposes of this study were two-fold. First, it compared Japanese infants' (N=129) abilities to regulate emotions at 13 months and 18 months of age, using the Strange Situation procedure. Second, it examined the relationship between the development of emotion regulation and the mother's emotion expression style as assessed by the Emotion Expression Style Questionnaire (EESQ). The total number of subjects who successfully completed all 8 episodes of the Strange Situation procedure increased significantly during the aging between 13 and 18 months of age, indicating that as a group these infants increased their ability to cope with stressful situations. However, infants who had mothers with negative emotion expression styles did not show greater capacity for emotion regulation at 18 months. These findings suggest that the development of emotion regulation is mediated by the mother's emotion expression style.  相似文献   
Replication factor C (RFC) loads the clamp protein PCNA onto DNA structures. Ctf18-RFC, which consists of the chromosome cohesion factors Ctf18, Dcc1, and Ctf8 and four small RFC subunits, functions as a second proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) loader. To identify potential targets of Ctf18-RFC, human cell extracts were assayed for DNA polymerase activity specifically stimulated by Ctf18-RFC in conjunction with PCNA. After several chromatography steps, an activity stimulated by Ctf18-RFC but not by RFC was identified. Liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) analysis revealed the presence of two DNA polymerases, eta and lambda, in the most purified fraction, but experiments with purified recombinant proteins demonstrated that only polymerase (pol) eta was responsible for activity. Ctf18-RFC alone stimulated pol eta, and the addition of PCNA cooperatively increased stimulation. Furthermore, Ctf18-RFC interacted physically with pol eta, as indicated by co-precipitation in human cells. We propose that this novel loader-DNA polymerase interaction allows DNA replication forks to overcome interference by various template structures, including damaged DNA and DNA-protein complexes that maintain chromosome cohesion.  相似文献   
hHR23B was originally isolated as a component of a protein complex that specifically complements nucleotide excision repair (NER) defects of xeroderma pigmentosum group C cell extracts in vitro and was identified as one of two human homologs of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae NER gene product Rad23. Recombinant hHR23B has previously been shown to significantly stimulate the NER activity of recombinant human XPC protein (rhXPC). In this study we identify and functionally characterize the XPC-binding domain of hHR23B protein. We prepared various internal as well as terminal deletion products of hHR23B protein in a His-tagged form and examined their binding with rhXPC by using nickel-chelating Sepharose. We demonstrate that a domain covering 56 amino acids of hHR23B is required for binding to rhXPC as well as for stimulation of in vitro NER reactions. Interestingly, a small polypeptide corresponding to the XPC-binding domain is sufficient to exert stimulation of XPC NER activity. Comparison with known crystal structures and analysis with secondary structure programs provided strong indications that the binding domain has a predominantly amphipathic alpha-helical character, consistent with evidence that the affinity with XPC is based on hydrophobic interactions. Our work shows that binding to XPC alone is required and sufficient for the role of hHR23B in in vitro NER but does not rule out the possibility that the protein has additional functions in vivo.  相似文献   
Thioredoxin (TRX) catalyzes the reduction of disulfide bonds in proteins via the NADPH-dependent thioredoxin reductase system. Reducing the disulfide bonds of allergenic proteins in food by TRX lowers the allergenicity. We established in this study a method to prepare TRX-enriched extracts from the edible yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, on a large and practical scale, with the objective of developing TRX-containing functional foods to mitigate food allergy. Treating with the yeast TRX-enriched extracts together with NADPH and yeast thioredoxin reductase enhanced the pepsin cleavage of β-lactoglobulin and ovomucoid (OM). We also examined whether yeast TRX can mitigate the allergenicity of OM by conducting immediate allergy tests on guinea pigs. The treatment with TRX reduced the anaphylactic symptoms induced by OM in these tests. These results indicate that yeast TRX was beneficial against food allergy, raising the possibility that yeast TRX-enriched extracts can be applied to food materials for mitigating food allergy.  相似文献   
1,N(6)-Ethenodeoxyadenosine, a DNA adduct generated by exogenous and endogenous sources, severely blocks DNA synthesis and induces miscoding events in human cells. To probe the mechanism for in vivo translesion DNA synthesis across this adduct, in vitro primer extension studies were conducted using newly identified human DNA polymerases (pol) eta and kappa, which have been shown to catalyze translesion DNA synthesis past several DNA lesions. Steady-state kinetic analyses and analysis of translesion products have revealed that the synthesis is >100-fold more efficient with pol eta than with pol kappa and that both error-free and error-prone syntheses are observed with these enzymes. The miscoding events include both base substitution and frameshift mutations. These results suggest that both polymerases, particularly pol eta, may contribute to the translesion DNA synthesis events observed for 1,N(6)-ethenodeoxyadenosine in human cells.  相似文献   
High-efficiency bypass of DNA damage by human DNA polymerase Q   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Endogenous DNA damage arises frequently, particularly apurinic (AP) sites. These must be dealt with by cells in order to avoid genotoxic effects. DNA polymerase theta; is a newly identified enzyme encoded by the human POLQ gene. We find that POLQ has an exceptional ability to bypass an AP site, inserting A with 22% of the efficiency of a normal template, and continuing extension as avidly as with a normally paired base. POLQ preferentially incorporates A opposite an AP site and strongly disfavors C. On nondamaged templates, POLQ makes frequent errors, incorporating G or T opposite T about 1% of the time. This very low fidelity distinguishes POLQ from other A-family polymerases. POLQ has three sequence insertions between conserved motifs in its catalytic site. One insert of approximately 22 residues into the tip of the polymerase thumb subdomain is predicted to confer considerable flexibility and additional DNA contacts to affect enzyme fidelity. POLQ is the only known enzyme that efficiently carries out both the insertion and extension steps for bypass of AP sites, commonly formed as endogenous genomic lesions.  相似文献   
The (6-4) photoproduct formed by ultraviolet light is known as an alkali-labile DNA lesion. Strand breaks occur at (6-4) photoproducts when UV-irradiated DNA is treated with hot alkali. We have analyzed the degradation reaction of this photoproduct under alkaline conditions using synthetic oligonucleotides. A tetramer, d(GT(6-4)TC), was prepared, and its degradation in 50 mm KOH at 60 degrees C was monitored by high performance liquid chromatography. A single peak with a UV absorption spectrum similar to that of the starting material was detected after the reaction, and this compound was regarded as an intermediate before the strand break. The formation of this intermediate was compared with intermediates from the degradation of other alkali-labile lesions such as the abasic site, thymine glycol, and 5,6-dihydrothymine. The results strongly suggested that the first step of the alkali degradation of the (6-4) photoproduct was the hydrolysis between the N3 and C4 positions of the 5'-pyrimidine component. Analyses by NMR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry supported the chemical structure of this product. Assays of the complex formation with XPC.HR23B and the translesion synthesis by DNA polymerase eta revealed that the biochemical properties are indistinguishable between the intact and hydrolyzed photoproducts.  相似文献   
DNA polymerases beta (pol beta ) and eta (pol eta ) are the only two eukaryotic polymerases known to efficiently bypass cisplatin and oxaliplatin adducts in vitro. Frameshift errors are an important aspect of mutagenesis. We have compared the types of frameshifts that occur during translesion synthesis past cisplatin and oxaliplatin adducts in vitro by pol beta and pol eta on a template containing multiple runs of nucleotides flanking a single platinum-GG adduct. Translesion synthesis past platinum adducts by pol beta resulted in approximately 50% replication products containing single-base deletions. For both adducts the majority of -1 frameshifts occurred in a TTT sequence 3-5 bp upstream of the DNA lesion. For pol eta, all of the bypass products for both cisplatin and oxaliplatin adducts contained -1 frameshifts in the upstream TTT sequence and most of the products of replication on oxaliplatin-damaged templates had multiple replication errors, both frameshifts and misinsertions. In addition, on platinated templates both polymerases generated replication products 4-8 bp shorter than the full-length products. The majority of short cisplatin-induced products contained an internal deletion which included the adduct. In contrast, the majority of oxaliplatin-induced short products contained a 3' terminal deletion. The implications of these in vitro results for in vivo mutagenesis are discussed.  相似文献   
The XPV (xeroderma pigmentosum variant) gene encodes human DNA polymerase eta (pol eta), which is involved in the replication of damaged DNA. Pol eta catalyzes efficient and accurate translesion synthesis past cis-syn cyclobutane di-thymine lesions. Here we show that human pol eta can catalyze translesion synthesis past an abasic (AP) site analog, N-2-acetylaminofluorene (AAF)-modified guanine, and a cisplatin-induced intrastrand cross-link between two guanines. Pol eta preferentially incorporated dAMP and dGMP opposite AP, and dCMP opposite AAF-G and cisplatin-GG, but other nucleotides were also incorporated opposite these lesions. However, after incorporating an incorrect nucleotide opposite a lesion, pol eta could not continue chain elongation. In contrast, after incorporating the correct nucleotide opposite a lesion, pol eta could continue chain elongation, whereas pol alpha could not. Thus, the fidelity of translesion synthesis by human pol eta relies not only on the ability of this enzyme to incorporate the correct nucleotide opposite a lesion, but also on its ability to elongate only DNA chains that have a correctly incorporated nucleotide opposite a lesion.  相似文献   
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