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When exposed to normal human or guinea pig sera, promastigotes of Leishmania enriettii and L. tropica activate the complement cascade by the alternative pathway and fix C3 on their surfaces. In high (25%) serum concentrations, the result of complement activation is parasite lysis. At lower concentrations (4%), complement fixation results in enhanced parasite binding and uptake into murine peritoneal macrophages. Parasites are lysed in normal guinea pig, C4-deficient guinea pig, normal human, and C2-deficient human sera when they are incubated at 37 degrees C for 30 min. Fetal calf and normal mouse sera are poorly lytic. Lysis requires Mg++ but not Ca++, is mediated by heat labile (56 degrees C, 30 min) component(s), and does not occur when the incubations are maintained at 4 degrees C. Guinea pig serum preadsorbed with promastigotes of L. tropica in EDTA at 4 degrees C for 30 min is fully lytic. Immunofluorescence studies with anti-C3 antibodies show that under these conditions C3 is deposited on the surface of the parasite. The serum-dependent binding of parasites to macrophages is also mediated by heat-labile, nonadsorbable factor(s) present in normal guinea pig and mouse sera, as well as C2-deficient and C4-deficient sera. The serum-dependent macrophage recognition mechanism is trypsin sensitive but relatively resistant to chymotrypsin. Parasites but not macrophages can be presensitized at room temperature with low levels (8%) of serum to enhance their binding to macrophages. Presensitization does not occur at 4 degrees C. These results show that Leishmania promastigotes of several species can fix complement by activating the alternative complement pathway. This may then result either in parasite lysis or in an accelerated uptake of the parasite into phagocytic cells. In vivo, the biologic outcome of infection may reflect a balance between extracellular lysis and enhanced uptake into phagocytic cells.  相似文献   
Turnover times for water passing through several Sulfolobus acidocaldarius-containing springs were determined by measuring the dilution rates of small amounts of sodium chloride that were added to the springs. Chloride was diluted out exponentially, while concentrations of the bacteria remained constant. Additionally, temperature, pH, and chemical composition of the springs also remained constant during the time that the chloride was being diluted. The springs are thus steady-state systems, and since the rates of bacterial growth must be at least equal to the chloride dilution rates, minimal doubling times for the bacterial populations can be calculated. Half-times for chloride dilution, equivalent to bacterial doubling times, were on the order of 10 to 20 h for springs ranging in volume from about 20 to 2,000 liters, but approximately 30 days for two larger springs of about 1 million liters. Formaldehyde-fixed cells of a serologically distinguishable strain of S. acidocaldarius were also added as markers to four of the smaller springs, and the dilution rates of these bacteria were compared with the chloride dilution rates. The rates agreed reasonably well, thus verifying the growth rates obtained from the chloride dilution rates. In three springs, exponential growth was studied by draining the springs and allowing them to refill with bacteria-free water. Exponential doubling times were on the order of a few hours, much more rapid than steady-state doubling times. The methods used in this work may have wider utility in aquatic environments.  相似文献   
Previous reports have suggested that Leishmania spp. interact with macrophages by binding to Mac-1 (CD1 1b/CD18), a member of the leukocyte integrin family. To better define this interaction, we tested the ability of leishmania promastigotes to bind to purified leukocyte integrins and to cloned integrins expressed in COS cells. We show that leishmania promastigotes bind to cellular or purified Mac-1 but not lymphocyte function-associated antigen-1 in a specific, dose-dependent manner that requires the presence of serum. Binding is inhibited with specific monoclonal antibodies to Mac-1. In the absence of complement opsonization, three different species of leishmania tested fail to bind directly to any of the three leukocyte integrins. We show that binding to Mac-1 requires the third component of complement (C3). Organisms incubated in heat-inactivated serum or serum that has been immunologically depleted of C3 fail to bind to Mac-1. Because the addition of purified C3 to C3-depleted serum restores leishmania binding to Mac-1, we suggest that parasites gain entry into macrophages by fixing complement and subverting a well-characterized adhesive interaction in the immune system between Mac-1 and iC3b.  相似文献   
Structure of soluble and membrane-bound human annexin V.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Annexins are a family of water-soluble proteins that bind to membranes in a calcium-dependent manner. Some members have been shown to exhibit voltage-dependent calcium channel activity, a property characteristic of integral membrane proteins. The structures of human annexin V in crystals obtained from aqueous solution and in two-dimensional crystals when bound to phospholipid layers have been determined by X-ray and electron crystallography, respectively. They are compared here. Both structures show close correspondence, suggesting that annexins attach to phospholipid membranes without substantial structural change. These observations, together with biochemical data, lead to the conclusion that annexin V interacts with phospholipid membranes with its convex face. We propose that binding is mediated by direct interaction between the phosphoryl headgroups and the calcium bound to polypeptide loops protruding from the convex face. The membrane area covered by annexin may thus become disordered and permeable allowing calcium flux through the membrane and the central channel-like structure found in annexin molecules.  相似文献   
In vivo, collagen I, the major structural protein in human body, is found assembled into fibrils. In the present work, we study a high concentrated collagen sample in its soluble, fibrillar, and denatured states using one and two dimensional {1H}-13C solid-state NMR spectroscopy. We interpret 13C chemical shift variations in terms of dihedral angle conformation changes. Our data show that fibrillogenesis increases the side chain and backbone structural complexity. Nevertheless, only three to five rotameric equilibria are found for each amino acid residue, indicating a relatively low structural heterogeneity of collagen upon fibrillogenesis. Using side chain statistical data, we calculate equilibrium constants for a great number of amino acid residues. Moreover, based on a 13C quantitative spectrum, we estimate the percentage of residues implicated in each equilibrium. Our data indicate that fibril formation greatly affects hydroxyproline and proline prolyl pucker ring conformation. Finally, we discuss the implication of these structural data and propose a model in which the attractive force of fibrillogenesis comes from a structural reorganization of 10 to 15% of the amino acids. These results allow us to further understand the self-assembling process and fibrillar structure of collagen.  相似文献   
The bioartificial pancreas encapsulating pancreatic islets in immunoprotective hydrogel is a promising therapy for Type 1 diabetes. As pancreatic islets are highly metabolically active and exquisitely sensitive to hypoxia, maintaining O2 supply after transplantation remains a major challenge. In this study, we address the O2 limitation by combining silicone-encapsulated CaO2 (silicone-CaO2) to generate O2 with an extracellular hemoglobin O2-carrier coencapsulated with islets. We showed that the hemoglobin improved by 37% the O2-diffusivity through an alginate hydrogel and displayed antioxidant properties neutralizing deleterious reactive O2 species produced by silicone-CaO2. While the hemoglobin alone failed to maintain alginate macroencapsulated neonate pig islets under hypoxia, silicone-CaO2 alone or combined to the hemoglobin restored islet viability and insulin secretion and prevented proinflammatory metabolism (PTGS2 expression). Interestingly, the combination took the advantages of the two individual strategies, improved neonate pig islet viability and insulin secretion in normoxia, and VEGF secretion and PDK1 normalization in hypoxia. Moreover, we confirmed the specific benefits of the combination compared to silicone-CaO2 alone on murine pseudo-islet viability in normoxia and hypoxia. For the first time, our results show the interest of combining an O2 provider with hemoglobin as an effective strategy to overcome O2 limitations in tissue engineering.  相似文献   
Kate Causey and Jonathan F Mosser discuss what can be learnt from the observed impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on routine immunisation systems.

In the final months of 2021, deaths due to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) surpassed 5 million globally [1]. Available data suggest that even this staggering figure may be a substantial underestimate of the true toll of the pandemic [2]. Beyond mortality, it may take years to fully quantify the direct and indirect impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic such as disruptions in preventive care services. In an accompanying research study in PLOS Medicine, McQuaid and colleagues report on the uptake of routine childhood immunizations in 2020 in Scotland and England during major pandemic-related lockdowns [3]. This adds to a growing body of literature quantifying the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on routine health services and childhood immunization [4,5], which provides important opportunities to learn from early pandemic experiences as immunization systems face ongoing challenges.McQuaid and colleagues compared weekly or monthly data on vaccine uptake in Scotland and England from January to December of 2020 to the rates observed in 2019 to estimate the changes in uptake before, during, and after COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns in each country. The authors included 2 different preschool immunizations, each with multiple doses. They found significantly increased uptake within 4 weeks of eligibility during the lockdown and postlockdown periods in Scotland for all 5 vaccine dose combinations examined: During lockdown, percentage point increases ranged from 1.3% to 14.3%. In England, there were significant declines in uptake during the prelockdown, lockdown, and postlockdown periods for all 4 vaccine dose combinations examined. However, declines during lockdown were small, with percentage point decreases ranging from −0.5% to −2.1%. Due to the nature of the data available, the authors were unable to account for possible seasonal variation in vaccine delivery, control for important individual-level confounders or effect modifiers such as child sex and parental educational attainment, or directly compare outcomes across the 2 countries.These findings stand in contrast to the documented experience of many other countries, where available data suggest historic disruptions in routine childhood vaccination coverage, particularly during the first months of pandemic-related lockdowns [5,6]. Supply side limitations such as delayed shipments of vaccines and supplies [7], inadequate personal protective equipment [8], staff shortages [9], and delayed or canceled campaigns and introductions [9] threatened vaccine delivery. Furthermore, fear of exposure to COVID-19 at vaccination centers [10], misinformation about vaccine safety [8], and lockdown-related limitations on travel to facilities [9,10] reduced demand. In polls of country experts conducted by WHO, UNICEF, and Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance throughout the second quarter of 2020, 126 of 170 countries reported at least some disruption to routine immunization programs [10,11]. Global estimates suggest that millions more children missed doses of important vaccines than would have in the absence of the COVID-19 pandemic [5,6]. While many vaccine programs showed remarkable resilience in the second half of 2020, with rates of vaccination returning to or even exceeding prepandemic levels [5,6], disruptions to immunization services persisted into 2021 in many countries [12].As the authors discuss, it is critical to pinpoint the specific program policies and strategies that contributed to increased uptake in Scotland and only small declines in England and, more broadly, to the rapid recovery of vaccination rates observed in many other countries. McQuaid and colleagues cite work suggesting that increased flexibility in parental working patterns during lockdowns, providing mobile services or public transport to vaccine centers, and sending phone- and mail-based reminders are strategies that may have improved uptake of timely vaccination in Scotland during this period [13]. Similarly, immunization programs around the world have employed a broad range of strategies to maintain or increase vaccination during the pandemic. Leaders in Senegal, Paraguay, and Sri Lanka designed and conducted media campaigns to emphasize the importance of childhood immunization even during lockdown [8,14,15]. Although many programs delayed mass campaigns in the spring of 2020, multiple countries were able to implement campaigns by the summer of 2020 [8,1620]. In each of these examples, leaders responded quickly to meet the unique challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic in their communities.Increased data collection and tracking systems are essential for efficient and effective responses as delivery programs face challenges. When concern arose for pandemic-related disruptions to immunization services, public health decision-makers in Scotland and England responded by increasing the frequency and level of detail in reports of vaccine uptake and by making these data available for planning and research. The potential for robust data systems to inform real-time decision-making is not limited to high-income countries. For instance, the Nigerian National Health Management Information System released an extensive online dashboard shortly after the onset of the pandemic, documenting the impact of COVID-19 on dozens of indicators of health service uptake, including 16 related to immunization [21]. Vaccination data systems that track individual children and doses, such as the reminder system in Scotland, allow for highly targeted responses. Similarly, in Senegal, Ghana, and in Karachi, Pakistan, healthcare workers have relied on existing or newly implemented tracking systems to identify children who have missed doses and provide text message and/or phone call reminders [8,22,23]. Investing in robust routine data systems allows for rapid scale-up of data collection, targeted services to those who miss doses, and a more informed response when vaccine delivery challenges arise.Policy and program decision-makers must learn from the observed impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on health systems and vaccine delivery. The study by McQuaid and colleagues provides further evidence that vaccination programs in England and Scotland leveraged existing strengths and identified novel strategies to mitigate disruptions and deliver vaccines in the early stages of the pandemic. However, the challenges posed by the pandemic to routine immunization services continue. To mitigate the risk of outbreaks of measles and other vaccine-preventable diseases, strategies are needed to maintain and increase coverage, while ensuring that children who missed vaccines during the pandemic are quickly caught up. The accompanying research study provides important insights into 2 countries where services were preserved—and even increased—in the early pandemic. To meet present and future challenges, we must learn from early pandemic successes such as those in Scotland and England, tailor solutions to improve vaccine uptake, and strengthen data systems to support improved decision-making.  相似文献   
Three drug-dependent mutants of human rhinovirus 16 (HRV16) were characterized by sequence analyses of spontaneous mutant isolates and were genetically reconstructed from a parental cDNA plasmid. These mutants formed plaques in the presence but not in the absence of the selecting antiviral drug, WIN 52035, which binds to the capsid of wild-type virus and inhibits its attachment to the host cell. The drug-dependent phenotype of each mutant was caused by a single amino acid substitution in the VP1 coat protein. The three independent mutations conferring drug dependence are M1103T, T1208A, and V1210A. Single-step growth experiments involving rescue of one of the three mutants (V1210A) by delayed drug addition suggested (i) that the drug dependence lesion is at the stage of virus assembly and (ii) that one or more components of the viral assembly pool decay in the absence of drug. RNA accumulation and infectivity were unaffected by the absence of drug in all three mutants, suggesting that the labile assembly component is coat protein.  相似文献   
Since protection of cells from stress-induced apoptosis by the heat shock protein Hsp72 involves suppression of stress kinase JNK, we suggested that Hsp72-mediated JNK inhibition might also be critical for myocardial protection from ischemia/reperfusion. Transient energy deprivation of H9c2 myogenic cells, used as an in vitro model of myocardial ischemia, led to cell death that had morphological features of apoptosis and necrosis and was independent of caspases. Surprisingly, this unusual type of cell death was regulated by JNK and ERK kinases. In fact, specific inhibition of JNK increased cell survival; specific inhibition of ERKs enhanced deleterious consequences of energy deprivation, whereas inhibition of p38 kinase had no effect. Hsp72 suppressed activation of JNK and did not increase ERK activity, suggesting that inhibition of JNK is the important component of Hsp72-mediated protection. Upon transient energy deprivation, activation of JNK proceeds via two distinct pathways, stimulation of JNK phosphorylation by a protein kinase SEK1 and inhibition of JNK dephosphorylation. Remarkably, in cells exposed to transient energy deprivation, Hsp72 enhanced the rate of JNK dephosphorylation but did not affect SEK1 activity. Therefore, it appears that Hsp72 specifically down-regulates JNK by accelerating its dephosphorylation, which reduces the susceptibility of cardiac cells to simulated ischemia/reperfusion.  相似文献   
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