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Narrative transportation is described as a state of detachment that arises when one becomes immersed in the narrative of a story. Participants viewed either an intact version of an engaging 20 min film, “Bang You’re Dead!,” (1961) by Alfred Hitchcock (contiguous condition), or a version of the same film with scenes presented out of order (noncontiguous condition). In this latter condition, the individual scenes were intact but were presented out of chronological order. Participants were told a cover story that we were interested in the amount of gun violence depicted in films. Both groups were given the goal to remember to lift their hand every time they heard the word “gun” spoken during the film. Results revealed that participants were significantly less likely to remember to execute their goal in the contiguous condition, presumably because this narrative transported viewers’ attention and thereby “hijacked” processing resources away from internal goals.  相似文献   
An insect larval toxin designated CryII is produced by several subspecies of Bacillus thuringiensis and differs from the other major delta-endotoxins in these bacteria in its size, toxicity profile and presence as part of an operon with three open reading frames (ORF). Such an operon from a novel B. thuringiensis isolate has been cloned and differs from one previously characterized in the following ways: (a) the size and number of amino acid repeats in one of the ORFs; (b) the smaller size of the CryII protoxin and the presence of a unique 110-kDa CryII-related antigen; and (c) high larvicidal activity for a particular Lepidopteran but low activity for a Dipteran. Various subclones of this operon were introduced into a plasmid-free B. thuringiensis strain and only the cryII gene was found to be necessary for protoxin accumulation.  相似文献   
Two crosses between Triticum turgidum wheat lines differing in their response to chlormequat (CCC) were tested. In the F2 population of one cross, which was segregating for the Rht1 dwarfing allele, each plant was cloned by separation of two tillers, one of which was treated with CCC. The tall (rht1/rht1) and the intermediate (Rht1/rht1) genotypes showed a greater response to CCC than the semi-dwarf (Rht1/Rht1) genotype, as expressed by culm length and date of ear emergence. The F3 families of another cross and their two semi-dwarf parents were grown in a three-replicated field test in paris of rows, one of which was treated with CCC. In one of the parents and in 1/4 of the F3 families CCC induced a wide-angled tiller growth, suggesting a monogenic control of this growth habit in response to CCC.Based on an M.Sc. thesis presented by the senior author to the Faculty of Agriculture of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.  相似文献   
In this note we distinguish between multiple mutations affecting a given locus which are generated at separate error-prone lesions and multiple independent mutations generated at a single error-prone lesion. We describe a basis for determining the probability with which the latter class of mutations occurs based on the mutant fraction in the progeny and determine an average probability of 0.6 mutations/replication/mutagenic site for those EMS-modified sites which are mutagenic for G6PDH activity in CHO cells.  相似文献   
The compound alpha-D-mannopyranosylmethyl-p-nitrophenyltriazene (alpha-ManMNT) has been tested for its effect on four alpha-D-mannosidase activities present in rat liver. When p-nitrophenyl alpha-D-mannopyranoside was used as a substrate, preincubation of enzyme with 1.0 mM alpha-ManMNT inhibited soluble alpha-D-mannosidase by 90%, lysosomal alpha-D-mannosidase by approx. 60%, and had virtually no effect on Golgi mannosidase II. Golgi mannosidase I removal of the four alpha-1,2-linked D-mannoses from the common Man9GlcNAc2 oligosaccharide structure formed during N-linked glycoprotein biosynthesis was also blocked by treatment of the Golgi fraction with this compound. Mannosyltriazene inhibition of the three susceptible hepatic alpha-D-mannosidases was largely irreversible. alpha-ManMNT should therefore be useful for studying oligosaccharide processing and possibly for determining the turnover time of the inhibited alpha-D-mannosidases.  相似文献   
Summary Recently, the Wilson's disease locus (WND) has been mapped to the long arm of chromosome 13. We have analyzed segregation of serveral chromosome 13 markers flanking the WND locus and used multipoint linkage analysis to determine the most likely WND genotype of each of 57 unaffected individuals in 5 Wilson's disease families. Approximately 46% of these could be classified as carrier (heterozygote), homozygous normal, or homozygous affected (not yet symptomatic) with a probability of at least 90%, while 77% could be classified with a probability of at least 80%. Our results demonstrate that even though there is a significant decrease on average in serum copper concentration in Wilson's disease heterozygotes compared to normal homozygotes, other sources of variation in serum copper concentration are much greater and preclude use of serum copper to detect heterozygotes for Wilson's disease. Subsequent analyses showed that a familial component, independent of WND genotype, is the major factor accounting for variation in ceruloplasmin levels among unaffected individuals; age is another factor accounting for more variation in copper levels among unaffected individuals than WND genotype.  相似文献   
To assess the effects of perturbing the surface of low density lipoprotein (LDL) on the conformation of apoB-100, LDL (d 1.030-1.050 g/ml) isolated from normal subjects were treated with phospholipase A2 (PL-A2) for 0.5 to 15 min. The resulting P-LDL and concurrent control LDL (C-LDL) incubated without PL-A2 were isolated by gel permeation chromatography. Approximately 50% of LDL-phosphatidylcholine was hydrolyzed in 2 min and approximately 85% in 5 min. Lysophosphatidylcholine compounds (LPC) and free fatty acids (FFA) accumulated during lipolysis but most of the LPC and all of FFA could be removed by adding FFA-free albumin to the lipolysis mixtures. Immunoreactivities of P-LDL and C-LDL were evaluated in competitive radioimmunoassays, using a library of anti-human LDL monoclonal antibodies directed against the major regions of apoB-100 (the T4, T3, and T2 thrombin fragments). One epitope defined by monoclonal antibody 465B6C3 and localized near the carboxyl end of the apoB-100 molecule became less immunoreactive (ED 50s increased); three other epitopes on the T2 fragment near the LDL receptor recognition site and four epitopes localized towards the middle (T3) and amino terminal (T4) regions did not change. Altered immunoreactivities were not related to LPC and FFA contents. Thus, the conformation of apoB-100 was selectively altered by phospholipolysis. The interactions of P-LDL with cultured fibroblasts were grossly altered: P-LDL were bound nonspecifically to fibroblasts of both normal and homozygous familial hypercholesterolemic subjects and P-LDL were not degraded. LPC and FFA retained in LDL did not explain these alterations, nor did changes of epitope expression near the LDL receptor recognition site. It is likely that the apoB-100 aberrant cell interaction is due to loss of surface phospholipids and "uncovering" of core lipids that react nonspecifically with cell surface components.  相似文献   
A perfused rat liver was used to study the effects of 5-diazo-4-oxo-L-norvaline on lysosomal glycoprotein catabolism. Addition of this compound (1.0 mM) to the perfusate reduced activity of beta-aspartyl-N-acetylglucosylamine amidohydrolase by 99% in 1 h. Treated livers were unable to completely degrade endocytosed N-acetyl[14C]glucosamine-labeled asialo-alpha 1-acid glycoprotein as evidenced by a 50% reduction in radiolabeled serum glycoprotein secretion compared to controls. This decreased degradation was matched by a lysosomal accumulation of glycopeptides with the structure: GlcNAc beta(1-4)GlcNAc-Asn. The result suggested the presence of an unrecognized glycosidase in rat liver lysosomes, since this remnant was extended by one more GlcNAc residue than would have been expected after specific inactivation of the amidohydrolase. Such a novel enzyme would therefore catalyze cleavage of the N-acetylglucosamine residue at the reducing end of alpha 1-acid glycoprotein oligosaccharides only following removal of the linking Asn. The activity was then detected in lysosomal extracts by using intact asialo-biantennary oligosaccharides labeled with [3H] galactose or N-acetyl[14C]glucosamine residues as a substrate. To prevent simultaneous digestion of the material from its nonreducing end, beta-D-galactosidase in the enzyme extract was first inactivated with the irreversible active site-directed inhibitor, beta-D-galactopyranosylmethyl-p-nitrophenyltriazene. The observed di-N-acetylchitobiose cleaving activity worked optimally at pH 3.4 and was uniquely associated with the lysosomal fraction of the liver homogenate. The enzyme also cleaved triantennary chains and di-N-acetylchitobiose, but failed to hydrolyze substrates that had been reduced with NaBH4. The new glycosidase was well separated from N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase (assayed with p-nitrophenyl-beta-D-glucosaminide) by gel filtration chromatography and had an apparent molecular weight of 37,000. A similar enzyme that hydrolyzes di-N-acetylchitobiose had previously been found in extracts of human liver (Stirling, J. L. (1974) FEBS Lett. 39, 171-175).  相似文献   
Summary In previous studies we have found that several anions can be transported by an exchange process in rabbit ileal brush border membranes. We demonstrated exchanges of Cl for OH or HCO3, SO4 for OH, oxalate for OH, and oxalate for Cl. The purpose of these studies was to determine the number of distinct carriers mediating these exchanges. We utilized substrate and inhibitor specificity studies to distinguish between different anion exchange transporters. We conclude that SO4OH and oxalate: OH exchange occur on the same carrier because: (i) pH-gradient stimulated transport of both14C-oxalate and35SO4 were equally sensitive tocis-inhibition by unlabeled SO4 or oxalate; and (ii) both were inhibited equally by K. We conclude that oxalate: OH and oxalate: Cl exchanges occur on different carriers because: (i) Cl or SO4 caused unequalcis-inhibition of these two exchanges; and (ii) as compared to oxalate: Cl exchange, oxalate: OH exchange was more sensitive to inhibition by probenecid and K and less sensitive to inhibition by bumetanide. Finally, we conclude that oxalate: Cl exchange and ClHCO3 exchange occur on different carriers because: (i) ClHCO3 exchange was almost completely insensitive tocis-inhibition by oxalate; and (ii) oxalate: Cl exchange was more sensitive to inhibition by DIDS and bumetanide than ClHCO3 exchange. Thus we have found that there are at least three separate anion exchangers on rabbit ileal brush border: (i) a ClHCO3 exchanger; (ii) a SO4OH exchanger, which also transports oxalate; and (iii) an oxalate: Cl exchanger.  相似文献   
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