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Radiation-induced heart disease (RIHD) is a long-term side effect of radiotherapy of intrathoracic, chest wall and breast tumors when radiation fields encompass all or part of the heart. Previous studies have shown that pentoxifylline (PTX) in combination with α-tocopherol reduced manifestations of RIHD in rat models of local heart irradiation. The relative contribution of PTX and α-tocopherol to these beneficial effects are not known. This study examined the effects of PTX alone or in combination with tocotrienols, forms of vitamin E with potential potent radiation mitigation properties. Rats received localized X-irradiation of the heart with an image-guided irradiation technique. At 3 months after irradiation rats received oral treatment with vehicle, PTX, or PTX in combination with a tocotrienol-enriched formulation. At 6 months after irradiation, PTX-treated rats showed arrhythmia in 5 out of 14 animals. PTX alone or in combination with tocotrienols did not alter cardiac radiation fibrosis, left ventricular protein expression of the endothelial markers von Willebrand factor and neuregulin-1, or phosphorylation of the signal mediators Akt, Erk1/2, or PKCα. On the other hand, tocotrienols reduced cardiac numbers of mast cells and macrophages, but enhanced the expression of tissue factor. While this new rat model of localized heart irradiation does not support the use of PTX alone, the effects of tocotrienols on chronic manifestations of RIHD deserve further investigation.  相似文献   
In vitro experiments were performed to determine whether 2450 MHz microwave radiation induces alkali-labile DNA damage and/or DNA-protein or DNA-DNA crosslinks in C3H 10T(1/2) cells. After a 2-h exposure to either 2450 MHz continuous-wave (CW) microwaves at an SAR of 1.9 W/kg or 1 mM cisplatinum (CDDP, a positive control for DNA crosslinks), C3H 10T(1/2) cells were irradiated with 4 Gy of gamma rays ((137)Cs). Immediately after gamma irradiation, the single-cell gel electrophoresis assay was performed to detect DNA damage. For each exposure condition, one set of samples was treated with proteinase K (1 mg/ml) to remove any possible DNA-protein crosslinks. To measure DNA-protein crosslinks independent of DNA-DNA crosslinks, we quantified the proteins that were recovered with DNA after microwave exposure, using CDDP and gamma irradiation, positive controls for DNA-protein crosslinks. Ionizing radiation (4 Gy) induced significant DNA damage. However, no DNA damage could be detected after exposure to 2450 MHz CW microwaves alone. The crosslinking agent CDDP significantly reduced both the comet length and the normalized comet moment in C3H 10T(1/2) cells irradiated with 4 Gy gamma rays. In contrast, 2450 MHz microwaves did not impede the DNA migration induced by gamma rays. When control cells were treated with proteinase K, both parameters increased in the absence of any DNA damage. However, no additional effect of proteinase K was seen in samples exposed to 2450 MHz microwaves or in samples treated with the combination of microwaves and radiation. On the other hand, proteinase K treatment was ineffective in restoring any migration of the DNA in cells pretreated with CDDP and irradiated with gamma rays. When DNA-protein crosslinks were specifically measured, we found no evidence for the induction of DNA-protein crosslinks or changes in amount of the protein associated with DNA by 2450 MHz CW microwave exposure. Thus 2-h exposures to 1.9 W/ kg of 2450 MHz CW microwaves did not induce measurable alkali-labile DNA damage or DNA-DNA or DNA-protein crosslinks.  相似文献   
The goal of this study was to determine whether radiofrequency (RF) radiation is capable of inducing oxidative stress or affecting the response to oxidative stress in cultured mammalian cells. The two types of RF radiation investigated were frequency-modulated continuous-wave with a carrier frequency of 835.62 MHz (FMCW) and code division multiple access centered on 847.74 MHz (CDMA). To evaluate the effect of RF radiation on oxidative stress, J774.16 mouse macrophage cells were stimulated with gamma-interferon (IFN) and bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) prior to exposure. Cell cultures were exposed for 20-22 h to a specific absorption rate of 0.8 W/kg at a temperature of 37.0 +/- 0.3 degrees C. Oxidative stress was evaluated by measuring oxidant levels, antioxidant levels, oxidative damage and nitric oxide production. Oxidation of thiols was measured by monitoring the accumulation of glutathione disulfide (GSSG). Cellular antioxidant defenses were evaluated by measuring superoxide dismutase activity (CuZnSOD and MnSOD) as well as catalase and glutathione peroxidase activity. The trypan blue dye exclusion assay was used to measure any changes in viability. The results of these studies indicated that FMCW- and CDMA-modulated RF radiation did not alter parameters indicative of oxidative stress in J774.16 cells. FMCW- and CDMA-modulated fields did not alter the level of intracellular oxidants, accumulation of GSSG or induction of antioxidant defenses in IFN/LPS-stimulated cells. Consistent with the lack of an effect on oxidative stress parameters, no change in toxicity was observed in J774.16 cells after either optimal (with or without inhibitors of nitric oxide synthase) or suboptimal stimulation.  相似文献   
This study was designed to determine whether chronic exposure to radiofrequency (RF) radiation from cellular phones increased the incidence of spontaneous tumors in F344 rats. Eighty male and 80 female rats were randomly placed in each of three irradiation groups. The sham group received no irradiation; the Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA) group was exposed to 835.62 MHz FDMA RF radiation; and the Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) group was exposed to 847.74 MHz CDMA RF radiation. Rats were irradiated 4 h per day, 5 days per week over 2 years. The nominal time-averaged specific absorption rate (SAR) in the brain for the irradiated animals was 0.85 +/- 0.34 W/kg (mean +/- SD) per time-averaged watt of antenna power. Antennas were driven with a time-averaged power of 1.50 +/- 0.25 W (range). That is, the nominal time-averaged brain SAR was 1.3 +/- 0.5 W/kg (mean +/- SD). This number was an average from several measurement locations inside the brain, and it takes into account changes in animal weight and head position during irradiation. All major organs were evaluated grossly and histologically. The number of tumors, tumor types and incidence of hyperplasia for each organ were recorded. There were no significant differences among final body weights or survival days for either males or females in any group. No significant differences were found between treated and sham-exposed animals for any tumor in any organ. We conclude that chronic exposure to 835.62 MHz FDMA or 847.74 MHz CDMA RF radiation had no significant effect on the incidence of spontaneous tumors in F344 rats.  相似文献   
In vitro experiments with C3H 10T(1/2) mouse cells were performed to determine whether Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA) or Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) modulated radiofrequency (RF) radiations induce changes in gene expression. After the cells were exposed to either modulation for 24 h at a specific absorption rate (SAR) of 5 W/ kg, RNA was extracted from both exposed and sham-exposed cells for gene expression analysis. As a positive control, cells were exposed to 0.68 Gy of X rays and gene expression was evaluated 4 h after exposure. Gene expression was evaluated using the Affymetrix U74Av2 GeneChip to detect changes in mRNA levels. Each exposure condition was repeated three times. The GeneChip data were analyzed using a two-tailed t test, and the expected number of false positives was estimated from t tests on 20 permutations of the six sham RF-field-exposed samples. For the X-ray-treated samples, there were more than 90 probe sets with expression changes greater than 1.3-fold beyond the number of expected false positives. Approximately one-third of these genes had previously been reported in the literature as being responsive to radiation. In contrast, for both CDMA and FDMA radiation, the number of probe sets with an expression change greater than 1.3-fold was less than or equal to the expected number of false positives. Thus the 24-h exposures to FDMA or CDMA RF radiation at 5 W/kg had no statistically significant effect on gene expression.  相似文献   
MRI is often used in tumor localization for radiotherapy treatment planning, with gadolinium (Gd)-containing materials often introduced as a contrast agent. Motexafin gadolinium is a novel radiosensitizer currently being studied in clinical trials. The nanoparticle technologies can target tumors with high concentration of high-Z materials. This Monte Carlo study is the first detailed quantitative investigation of high-Z material Gd-induced dose enhancement in megavoltage external beam photon therapy. BEAMnrc, a radiotherapy Monte Carlo simulation package, was used to calculate dose enhancement as a function of Gd concentration. Published phase space files for the TrueBeam flattening filter free (FFF) and conventional flattened 6MV photon beams were used. High dose rate (HDR) brachytherapy with Ir-192 source was also investigated as a reference. The energy spectra difference caused a dose enhancement difference between the two beams. Since the Ir-192 photons have lower energy yet, the photoelectric effect in the presence of Gd leads to even higher dose enhancement in HDR. At depth of 1.8 cm, the percent mean dose enhancement for the FFF beam was 0.38±0.12, 1.39±0.21, 2.51±0.34, 3.59±0.26, and 4.59±0.34 for Gd concentrations of 1, 5, 10, 15, and 20 mg/mL, respectively. The corresponding values for the flattened beam were 0.09±0.14, 0.50±0.28, 1.19±0.29, 1.68±0.39, and 2.34±0.24. For Ir-192 with direct contact, the enhanced were 0.50±0.14, 2.79±0.17, 5.49±0.12, 8.19±0.14, and 10.80±0.13. Gd-containing materials used in MRI as contrast agents can also potentially serve as radiosensitizers in radiotherapy. This study demonstrates that Gd can be used to enhance radiation dose in target volumes not only in HDR brachytherapy, but also in 6 MV FFF external beam radiotherapy, but higher than the currently used clinical concentration (>5 mg/mL) would be needed.  相似文献   
Current protocols for delivering radiotherapy are based primarily on tumour stage and nodal and metastases status, even though it is well known that tumours and their microenvironments are highly heterogeneous. It is well established that the local oxygen tension plays an important role in radiation-induced cell death, with hypoxic tumour regions responding poorly to irradiation. Therefore, to improve radiation response, it is important to understand more fully the spatiotemporal distribution of oxygen within a growing tumour before and during fractionated radiation. To this end, we have extended a spatially resolved mathematical model of tumour growth, first proposed by Greenspan (Stud Appl Math 51:317–340, 1972), to investigate the effects of oxygen heterogeneity on radiation-induced cell death. In more detail, cell death due to radiation at each location in the tumour, as determined by the well-known linear-quadratic model, is assumed also to depend on the local oxygen concentration. The oxygen concentration is governed by a reaction-diffusion equation that is coupled to an integro-differential equation that determines the size of the assumed spherically symmetric tumour. We combine numerical and analytical techniques to investigate radiation response of tumours with different intratumoral oxygen distribution profiles. Model simulations reveal a rapid transient increase in hypoxia upon regrowth of the tumour spheroid post-irradiation. We investigate the response to different radiation fractionation schedules and identify a tumour-specific relationship between inter-fraction time and dose per fraction to achieve cure. The rich dynamics exhibited by the model suggest that spatial heterogeneity may be important for predicting tumour response to radiotherapy for clinical applications.  相似文献   
To determine if radiofrequency (RF) radiation induces the formation of micronuclei, C3H 10T(1/2) cells were exposed to 835.62 MHz frequency division multiple access (FDMA) or 847.74 MHz code division multiple access (CDMA) modulated RF radiation. After the exposure to RF radiation, the micronucleus assay was performed by the cytokinesis block method using cytochalasin B treatment. The micronuclei appearing after mitosis were scored in binucleated cells using acridine orange staining. The frequency of micronuclei was scored both as the percentage of binucleated cells with micronuclei and as the number of micronuclei per 100 binucleated cells. Treatment of cells with cytochalasin B at a concentration of 2 microg/ml for 22 h was found to yield the maximum number of binucleated cells in C3H 10T(1/2) cells. The method used for the micronucleus assay in the present study detected a highly significant dose response for both indices of micronucleus production in the dose range of 0.1-1.2 Gy and it was sensitive enough to detect a significant (P > 0.05) increase in micronuclei after doses of 0.3 Gy in exponentially growing cells and after 0.9 Gy in plateau-phase cells. Exponentially growing cells or plateau-phase cells were exposed to CDMA (3.2 or 4.8 W/kg) or FDMA (3.2 or 5.1 W/kg) RF radiation for 3, 8, 16 or 24 h. In three repeat experiments, no exposure condition was found by analysis of variance to result in a significant increase relative to sham-exposed cells either in the percentage of binucleated cells with micronuclei or in the number of micronuclei per 100 binucleated cells. In this study, data from cells exposed to different RF signals at two SARs were compared to a common sham-exposed sample. We used the Dunnett's test, which is specifically designed for this purpose, and found no significant exposure-related differences for either plateau-phase cells or exponentially growing cells. Thus the results of this study are not consistent with the possibility that these RF radiations induce micronuclei.  相似文献   
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