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Aim Anole lizards (Reptilia: Sauria: Polychrotidae) display remarkable morphological and genetic differentiation between island populations. Morphological differences between islands are probably due to both adaptive (e.g. differential resource exploitation and intra‐ or interspecific competition) and non‐adaptive differentiation in allopatry. Anoles are well known for their extreme diversity and rapid adaptive speciation on islands. The main aim of this study was to use tests of morphological and genetic differentiation to investigate the population structure and colonization history of islands of the Islas de Bahia, off the coast of Honduras. Location Five populations of Norops bicaorum and Norops lemurinus were sampled, four from islands of the Islas de Bahia and one from the mainland of Honduras. Methods Body size and weight differentiation were measured in order to test for significant differences between sexes and populations. In addition, individuals were genotyped using the amplified fragment length polymorphism technique. Bayesian model‐based and assignment/exclusion methods were used to study genetic differentiation between island and mainland populations and to test colonization hypotheses. Results Assignment tests suggested migration from the mainland to the Cayos Cochinos, and from there independently to both Utila and Roatán, whereas migration between Utila and Roatán was lacking. Migration from the mainland to Utila was inferred, but was much less frequent. Morphologically, individuals from Utila appeared to be significantly different in comparison with all other localities. Significant differentiation between males of Roatán and the mainland was found in body size, whereas no significant difference was detected between the mainland and the Cayos Cochinos. Main conclusions Significant genetic and morphological differentiation was found among populations. A stepping‐stone model for colonization, in combination with an independent migration to Utila and Roatán, was suggested by assignment tests and was compatible with the observed morphological differentiation.  相似文献   
Tryptic peptides generated from bovine estrogen receptor have been fractionated and purified using microbore column high performance liquid chromatography. Sequence analysis performed on six of these peptides, derived from diverse structural regions of the receptor protein, yielded 73 unique assignments corresponding to approximately 12% of the molecule. The amino acid sequences of these peptides displayed a high degree of similarity with corresponding sequences from estrogen receptors of mammalian origin, but were only moderately conserved in receptors from non-mammalian species. The sequenced residues of one tryptic peptide, positioned in the estrogen binding domain, were fully conserved in all estrogen receptors.  相似文献   
Restriction endonuclease analyses were performed on mitochondrial DNAs (mtDNAs) representing unisexual parthenogenetic (cytotypes A, B, and C) and bisexual (cytotypes D and E) populations of Amazonian lizards presently regarded as Cnemidophorus lemniscatus. The results of mtDNA cleavage map comparisons among these C. lemniscatus indicated that (1) there was no cleavage site variation among the unisexuals, (2) mtDNAs from the bisexual cytotypes D and E differed in sequence from one another by about 13%, and (3) mtDNAs from cytotypes A–C differed from those of cytotype D by about 5% and from those of cytotype E by about 13%. Higher resolution restriction fragment size comparisons confirmed the high degree of similarity among the unisexual mtDNAs, but identified 12 cleavage site variants among the 13 cytotype D mtDNAs examined. Both cladistic and phenetic (UPGMA) analyses of the data indicate that the unisexual and cytotype D mtDNAs form a single clade, suggesting that a female of cytotype D was the maternal progenitor of the unisexuals. The similarity among the unisexual mtDNAs and the variability among those of cytotype D suggest that the three unisexual cytotypes arose recently from a common maternal lineage. The mtDNA variability observed among cytotype D individuals has a strong geographic component, suggesting that the unisexuals arose from one or a few geographically proximal populations. The mtDNA comparisons also support the conclusion, based on allozyme comparisons (Sites et al., 1990, this issue), that cytotypes D and E, although presently allocated to C. lemniscatus, are separate species.  相似文献   
Mitochondrial DNAs (mtDNAs) of two unisexual, parthenogenetically reproducing species of whiptail lizards (Cnemidophorus velox and C. exsanguis) and their bisexual relatives were compared by restriction-enzyme analysis to assess levels of mtDNA variation and to establish the maternal ancestry of the unisexuals. No cleavage-site differences were found to be diagnostic between C. velox and C. exsanguis mtDNAs, suggesting an ancestry rooted in the same maternal lineage. The mtDNA of the unisexuals is relatively homogeneous, indicating that these lineages are of recent origin. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that the maternal ancestor of both C. velox and C. exsanguis was most probably C. burti stictogrammus, C. costatus barrancorum, or an unidentified taxon closely related to them. In addition, the mtDNA analyses demonstrate conclusively that the triploid species C. velox could not have been formed by the fertilization of an unreduced (diploid) C. inornatus egg, further strengthening the hypothesis that parthenogenesis in Cnemidophorus results from hybridization.  相似文献   
Variation at 18 allozyme loci was assayed among representatives of the geographically widespread, triploid parthenogenetic form of Heteronotia binoei. A minimum of 52 different genotypes were observed among 143 individuals. Virtually all localities sampled had multiple genotypes among the unisexuals. This represents unusually high genotypic diversity for a unisexual vertebrate. Heterozygosity in the triploids was higher than in diploid bisexual populations of H. binoei. Comparison with the alleles present in the diploid bisexuals confirms that the parthenogens are hybrids and indicates that most of the genotypic diversity stems from repetitive hybrid origins. However, the presence of some alleles unique to the parthenogens suggests that mutation adds to their genetic diversity. The genetic structure of this geographically widespread parthenogen suggests the hypothesis that the persistence and spread of the unisexual lineages is facilitated by genotypic diversity.  相似文献   
The lipid content as well as the fatty acid pattern of triglycerides, free fatty acids (FFA), phosphatidylcholine (PC) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) were estimated in renal cortex and medulla of spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) and normotensive Wistar rats (WR) at 4,8,26 and 52 weeks of age. In general, the level of triglycerides in renal medulla appeared higher when compared with the cortex. On the other hand, PC and PE, increasing with age, were usually higher in the cortex. A decreased percentage of linoleic acid (LA) in triglycerides, of arachidonic acid (AA) in PC and of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) in triglycerides, FFA, PC and PE could be found in the kidneys of SHR at 8 weeks of age, i.e. during the development of hypertension. This was accompanied with a rise of AA in FFA of SHR at 8 weeks of age, which occurred with delay in WR (at 26 weeks of age). From the data presented it can be concluded that systematic alterations in the availability of individual polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) in various renal lipids might be related to the onset of hypertension in SHR which should be elucidated in more detail.  相似文献   
Monthly monitoring of fawns collected from an area in Texas endemic for Theileria cervi and Babesia odocoilei showed that transmission of T. cervi occurred during July and August, a time period consistent with the occurrence of Amblyomma americanum. Seroconversion to B. odocoilei occurred during October to December and possibly continued through January and February. The time of seroconversion was more suggestive of transmission of B. odocoilei by Ixodes scapularis than by Amblyomma americanum.  相似文献   
This study examines the response in plasma erythropoietin values to haemorrhage of 20% of the estimated blood volume in chronically cannulated ovine fetuses, of gestational ages 128-144 days. Blood samples were collected at 0, 2, 4, 6 and 24h with respect to the haemorrhage. In 5 control experiments there was no significant change in plasma erythropoietin concentration, across this time period, values being 6.1 +/- 2.3 and 6.4 +/- 2.4 mU/ml at 0 and 24h respectively. Values are mean +/- SEM. Haemorrhage reduced the haematocrit and haemoglobin values, significantly, to 83 +/- 6% and 85 +/- 4% (n = 5) of the initial value, respectively, but did not cause a statistically significant increase in plasma erythropoietin concentrations (7.2 +/- 2.4 and 20.7 +/- 8.2 mU/ml; P = 0.131). A larger degree of haemorrhage, in four fetuses reduced the haematocrit to 64 +/- 2.8% of initial, over 24-54h and increased erythropoietin values very significantly (from 11.9 +/- 3.6 to 91 +/- 8.3 mU/ml; P = 0.001).  相似文献   
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