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Summry— Numerous studies have been published these last few years on the involvement of MAP kinases in signal transduction reflecting their importance in cell cycle and cell growth controls. The identification and the characterization of their direct upstream activator has considerably enlarged our understanding of the phosphorylation network. The MAP kinase kinases (MAPKKs) are dual-specificity protein kinases which phosphorylate and activate MAP kinases. To date, MAPKK homologues have been found in yeast, invertebrates, amphibians, and mammals. Moreover, the MAPKK/MAPK phosphorylation switch constitutes a basic module activated in distinct pathways in yeast and in vertebrates. MAPKK regulation studies have led to the discovery of at least four MAPKK convergent pathways in higher organisms. One of these is similar to the yeast pheromone response pathway which includes the ste11 protein kinase. Two other pathways require the activation of either one or both of the serine/threonine kinase-encoded oncogenes c-Raf-I and c-Mos. Additionally, recent studies suggest a possible effect of the cell cycle control regulatory cyclin-dependent kinase 1 (cdc2) on MAPKK activity. Finally, MAPKKs seem to be essential transducers through which signals must pass before reaching the nucleus.  相似文献   
p44erk1 is a member of a family of tyrosyl-phosphorylated and mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinases that participate in cell cycle control. A full-length erk1 cDNA was isolated from a human hepatoma cell line (Hep G2) library. The erk1 cDNA clone shared approximately 96% predicted amino acid identity with partial sequences of rodent erk1 cognates, and the erk1 gene was assigned to human chromosome 16 by hybrid panel analysis. Human erk1 expressed in Escherichia coli as a glutathione S-transferase fusion (GST-Erk1) protein was substantially phosphorylated on tyrosine in vivo. It underwent further autophosphorylation in vitro (up to 0.01 mol of P per mol) at the regulatory Tyr-204 site and at additional tyrosine and serine residues. Threonine autophosphorylation, presumably at the regulatory Thr-202 site, was also detected weakly when the recombinant kinase was incubated in the presence of manganese, but not in the presence of magnesium. Before and after cleavage of the GST-Erk1 protein with thrombin, it exhibited a relatively high level of myelin basic protein phosphotransferase activity, which could be reduced eightfold by treatment of the kinase with the protein-tyrosine phosphatase CD45, but not by treatment with the protein-serine/threonine phosphatase 2A. The protein-tyrosine kinase p56lck catalyzed phosphorylation of GST-Erk1 at two autophosphorylations sites, including Tyr-204, and at a novel site. A further fivefold stimulation of the myelin basic protein phosphotransferase activity of the GST-Erk1 was achieved in the presence of a partially purified MAP kinase kinase from sheep platelets. Under these circumstances, there was primarily an enhancement of the tyrosine phosphorylation of GST-Erk1. This MAP kinase kinase also similarly phosphorylated a catalytically compromised version of GST-Erk1 in which Lys-71 was converted to Ala by site-directed mutagenesis.  相似文献   
Mitogen activated protein (MAP) kinases and their target ribosomal protein S6 (RSK) kinases have been recognized as shared components in the intracellular signaling pathways of many diverse cytokines. Recent studies have extended this protein kinase cascade by identifying the major activator of vertebrate MAP kinases as a serine/threonine/tyrosine-protein kinase called MEK, which is related to yeast mating factor-regulated protein kinases encoded by the STE7 and byr1 genes. MEK, in turn, may be activated following its phosphorylation on serine by either of the kinases encoded by proto-oncogenesraf1 ormos, as well as by p78 mekk , which is related to the yeast STE11 and byr2 gene products. Isoforms of all of these protein kinases may specifically combine to assemble distinct modules for intracellular signal transmission. However, the fundamental architecture of these protein kinase cascades has been highly conserved during eukaryotic evolution.  相似文献   
Dinoflagellates are a heterogeneous group of protists present in all aquatic ecosystems where they occupy various ecological niches. They play a major role as primary producers, but many species are mixotrophic or heterotrophic. Environmental metabarcoding based on high‐throughput sequencing is increasingly applied to assess diversity and abundance of planktonic organisms, and reference databases are definitely needed to taxonomically assign the huge number of sequences. We provide an updated 18S rRNA reference database of dinoflagellates: dinoref . Sequences were downloaded from genbank and filtered based on stringent quality criteria. All sequences were taxonomically curated, classified taking into account classical morphotaxonomic studies and molecular phylogenies, and linked to a series of metadata. dinoref includes 1,671 sequences representing 149 genera and 422 species. The taxonomic assignation of 468 sequences was revised. The largest number of sequences belongs to Gonyaulacales and Suessiales that include toxic and symbiotic species. dinoref provides an opportunity to test the level of taxonomic resolution of different 18S barcode markers based on a large number of sequences and species. As an example, when only the V4 region is considered, 374 of the 422 species included in dinoref can still be unambiguously identified. Clustering the V4 sequences at 98% similarity, a threshold that is commonly applied in metabarcoding studies, resulted in a considerable underestimation of species diversity.  相似文献   
Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and Y chromosome (NRY) genetic markers have been often contrasted to investigate sex‐specific dynamics. Traditionally, isolation by distance, intrapopulation genetic diversity and population differentiation are estimated from both markers and compared. Two possible sources of bias are often neglected. First, kilometric distances are frequently used as predictor of the connectivity between groups, hiding the role played by environmental features at a microgeographic scale. Second, the comparison of intrapopulation diversity and population differentiation between mtDNA and NRY is hampered by their different mutational mechanisms and rates. Here, we show how to account for these biases by analyzing from a different perspective a published dataset of eight West New Guinea (WNG) populations for which mtDNA control region sequences and seven linked NRY microsatellites had been typed. First, we modeled the connectivity among sampled populations by computing the number of days required to travel between groups. Then, we investigated the differences between the two sexes accounting for the molecular characteristics of the markers examined to obtain estimates on the product of the effective population size and the migration rate among demes (Nm). We achieved this goal by studying the shape of the gene genealogy at several sampling levels and using spatial explicit simulations. Both the direction and the rate of migration differ between male and females, with an Nm estimated to be >6 times higher in the latter under many evolutionary scenarios. We finally highlight the importance of applying metapopulation models when analyzing the genetic diversity of a species.  相似文献   
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