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Comparisons of peptide and oligonucleotide maps of glycoproteins and RNA from nine isolates of equine infectious anemia virus (EIAV) that were generated during parallel infections of two Shetland ponies revealed that each isolate was structurally unique. Each EIAV isolate contained a unique subset of variant peptides, oligonucleotides, or both, indicating that structural variation in EIAV is a random and noncumulative process and that a large spectrum of possible EIAV variants can be generated in infected animals.  相似文献   
Previous studies have identified two highly basic amphipathic helical regions in the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 transmembrane protein that, in vitro, display both cytolytic and calmodulin-binding and -inhibitory properties that could contribute to cellular dysfunctions and cytopathogenesis during a persistent viral infection. In the current study, the structural specificity of the cytolytic and calmodulin-binding activities of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 lentivirus lytic peptide (LLP-1) are examined with synthetic peptide homologs and analogs. The results of these studies demonstrate that even minor changes in LLP-1 amino acid content can markedly affect these properties, suggesting that sequence variation in these highly conserved LLP sequences may correlate with alterations in viral cytopathic properties.  相似文献   
We have previously demonstrated that the Gag p9 protein of equine infectious anemia virus (EIAV) is functionally homologous with Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) p2b and human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) p6 in providing a critical late assembly function in RSV Gag-mediated budding from transfected COS-1 cells (L. J. Parent et al., J. Virol. 69:5455-5460, 1995). In light of the absence of amino acid sequence homology between EIAV p9 and the functional homologs of RSV and HIV-1, we have now designed an EIAV Gag-mediated budding assay to define the late assembly (L) domain peptide sequences contained in the EIAV p9 protein. The results of these particle budding assays revealed that expression of EIAV Gag polyprotein in COS-1 cells yielded extracellular Gag particles with a characteristic density of 1.18 g/ml, while expression of EIAV Gag polyprotein lacking p9 resulted in a severe reduction in the release of extracellular Gag particles. The defect in EIAV Gag polyprotein particle assembly could be corrected by substituting either the RSV p2b or HIV-1 p6 protein for EIAV p9. These observations demonstrated that the L domains of EIAV, HIV-1, and RSV were interchangeable in mediating assembly of EIAV Gag particles in the COS-1 cell budding assay. To localize the L domain of EIAV p9, we next assayed the effects of deletions and site-specific mutations in the p9 protein on its ability to mediate budding of EIAV Gag particles. Analyses of EIAV Gag constructs with progressive N-terminal or C-terminal deletions of the p9 protein identified a minimum sequence of 11 amino acids (Q20N21L22Y23P24D25L26S27E28I29K30) capable of providing the late assembly function. Alanine scanning studies of this L-domain sequence demonstrated that mutations of residues Y23, P24, and L26 abrogated the p9 late budding function; mutations of other residues in the p9 L domain did not substantially affect the level of EIAV Gag particle assembly. These data indicate that the L domain in EIAV p9 utilizes a YXXL motif which we hypothesize may interact with cellular proteins to facilitate virus particle budding from infected cells.  相似文献   
Both internal and external proteins in vesicular stomatitis virus were labeled when intact virions were iodinated with 50 μm iodide; however, only the surface proteins were labeled when the same procedure was carried out at low iodide concentrations (below 0.5 μm). This result together with similar observations reported earlier with another enveloped virus, Rous-associated virus-61 (RAV-61), suggest that viral envelopes provide a barrier to iodination by chloramine-T at low, but not at high, iodide concentrations. By monitoring the permeability of the RAV-61 envelope to successive iodinations and to iodination in the presence of chaotropic thiocyanate ions, it was shown that the permeability of the viral envelope was not altered at the higher concentrations of iodide. Further results support the hypothesis that iodination mediated by chloramine-T inolves two different iodinating species: (a) a membrane impermeable one, possibly “iodamine-T,” which predominates at low iodide concentrations, and (b) a membrane permeable species, possibly molecular iodine, which predominates at high concentrations of iodide. These results reinforce the proposal that the chloramine-T procedure is a useful method for specifically labeling surface proteins of lipid-enveloped structures.  相似文献   
Among the diverse experimental vaccines evaluated in various animal lentivirus models, live attenuated vaccines have proven to be the most effective, thus providing an important model for examining critical immune correlates of protective vaccine immunity. We previously reported that an experimental live attenuated vaccine for equine infectious anemia virus (EIAV), based on mutation of the viral S2 accessory gene, elicited protection from detectable infection by virulent virus challenge (F. Li et al., J. Virol. 77:7244-7253, 2003). To better understand the critical components of EIAV vaccine efficacy, we examine here the relationship between the extent of virus attenuation, the maturation of host immune responses, and vaccine efficacy in a comparative study of three related attenuated EIAV proviral vaccine strains: the previously described EIAV(UK)DeltaS2 derived from a virulent proviral clone, EIAV(UK)DeltaS2/DU containing a second gene mutation in the virulent proviral clone, and EIAV(PR)DeltaS2 derived from a reference avirulent proviral clone. Inoculations of parallel groups of eight horses resulted in relatively low levels of viral replication (average of 10(2) to 10(3) RNA copies/ml) and a similar maturation of EIAV envelope-specific antibody responses as determined in quantitative and qualitative serological assays. However, experimental challenge of the experimentally immunized horses by our standard virulent EIAV(PV) strain by using a low-dose multiple exposure protocol (three inoculations with 10 median horse infective doses, administered intravenously) revealed a marked difference in the protective efficacy of the various attenuated proviral vaccine strains that was evidently associated with the extent of vaccine virus attenuation, time of viral challenge, and the apparent maturation of virus-specific immunity.  相似文献   
We report here on a series of vaccine trials to evaluate the effectiveness of an inactivated equine infectious anemia virus (EIAV) whole-virus vaccine and of a subunit vaccine enriched in EIAV envelope glycoproteins. The inactivated vaccine protected 14 of 15 immunized ponies from infection after challenge with at least 10(5) 50% tissue culture-infective doses of the homologous prototype strain of EIAV. In contrast, it failed to prevent infection in any of 15 immunized ponies that were challenged with the heterologous PV strain. Levels of PV virus replication and the development of disease, however, were significantly reduced in 12 of the 15 ponies so challenged. The subunit vaccine prevented infection from homologous challenge in four of four ponies tested but failed to prevent infection in all four challenged with the PV strain. Two of the four subunit vaccinates had more severe symptoms of equine infectious anemia than nonimmunized ponies infected in parallel. Both vaccines stimulated EIAV-specific cell-mediated immunity. The in vitro lymphoproliferative response was shown to be mediated by T lymphocytes and appeared to be indistinguishable from that induced by EIAV infection. Significant differences were observed in the in vivo lymphocyte responses following challenge with the two virus strains. While peripheral blood mononuclear cells from the inactivated virus vaccinates were equally stimulated by both the prototype and PV strains, the subunit vaccinates challenged with PV exhibited lower levels of spontaneous proliferation and serine esterase activity. This diminished cellular response to PV was correlated with more severe clinical disease in the same ponies. These studies demonstrate for the first time that both an EIAV inactivated whole-virus vaccine and a viral envelope glycoprotein-based subunit vaccine can provide protection against rigorous challenge levels of homologous virus but are unable to protect against similar challenge levels of a heterologous virus. Moreover, the data demonstrate that protection can be achieved in the absence of detectable levels of virus-specific neutralizing antibody in the vaccine recipients at the time of virus challenge. While vaccine-induced virus-specific cell-mediated immune responses were detected, their role in conferring protection was not obvious. Nevertheless, protection from disease appeared to be correlated with the induction of high levels of serine esterase activity following challenge. A significant observation is that while the whole-virus vaccine was usually capable of preventing or markedly moderating disease in the PV-infected ponies, the subunit vaccine appeared to have a high potential to enhance the disease induced by PV infection.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   
We describe a staining technique, using Ponceau S in very mild conditions, by which proteins can be visualized on nitrocellulose replicas without being permanently fixed to the membrane itself, thus allowing subsequent procedures such as immunoblotting or preparative elution of the proteins to be performed. This staining technique can detect 250 to 500 ng protein, which is essentially the same sensitivity seen for Coomassie blue staining of proteins on nitrocellulose. The Ponceau S staining technique was used to locate proteins on nitrocellulose replicas for subsequent in situ radioiodination and trypsin digestion, followed by separation of the resultant digests in two-dimensional peptide analysis. Staining proteins with Ponceau S did not interfere with either the radioiodination or trypsin digestion, as indicated by essentially identical peptide patterns being obtained for the internal protein p26 from equine infectious anemia virus, regardless of whether the digests were prepared from polyacrylamide gel slices or nitrocellulose sections. The combination of preparation of radioiodinated tryptic digests on nitrocellulose and subsequent two-dimensional analysis is sensitive enough to detect peptide additions and deletions occurring in the surface antigen gp90 recovered from two antigenically distinct strains of equine infectious anemia virus. Thus these procedures provide a relatively simple, inexpensive, and highly reproducible technique for the analysis of as little as 250 nanograms of protein after separation by electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gels.  相似文献   
The mechanism by which human immunodeficiency virus type 1 induces depletion of CD4+ T-lymphocytes remains controversial, but may involve cytotoxic viral proteins. Synthetic peptides (lentivirus lytic peptide type 1) corresponding to the carboxyl terminus of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 transmembrane glycoprotein induce cytopathology at concentrations of 100 nM and above. At these concentrations lentivirus lytic peptide type 1 disrupts mitochondrial integrity of CD4+ T-lymphoblastoid cells and induces other changes characteristic of necrosis. In contrast, at concentrations of 20 nM, lentivirus lytic peptide type 1 potently induces apoptosis. Thus, the mechanism by which human immunodeficiency virus type 1 mediates cell death, necrosis or apoptosis, may depend, in part, on the tissue concentration of transmembrane glycoprotein.  相似文献   
Previous evaluations of inactivated whole-virus and envelope subunit vaccines to equine infectious anemia virus (EIAV) have revealed a broad spectrum of efficacy ranging from highly type-specific protection to severe enhancement of viral replication and disease in experimentally immunized equids. Among experimental animal lentivirus vaccines, immunizations with live attenuated viral strains have proven most effective, but the vaccine efficacy has been shown to be highly dependent on the nature and severity of the vaccine virus attenuation. We describe here for the first time the characterization of an experimental attenuated proviral vaccine, EIAV(UK)deltaS2, based on inactivation of the S2 accessory gene to down regulate in vivo replication without affecting in vitro growth properties. The results of these studies demonstrated that immunization with EIAV(UK)deltaS2 elicited mature virus-specific immune responses by 6 months and that this vaccine immunity provided protection from disease and detectable infection by intravenous challenge with a reference virulent biological clone, EIAV(PV). This level of protection was observed in each of the six experimental horses challenged with the reference virulent EIAV(PV) by using a low-dose multiple-exposure protocol (three administrations of 10 median horse infectious doses [HID(50)], intravenous) designed to mimic field exposures and in all three experimentally immunized ponies challenged intravenously with a single inoculation of 3,000 HID(50). In contrast, na?ve equids subjected to the low- or high-dose challenge develop a detectable infection of challenge virus and acute disease within several weeks. Thus, these data demonstrate that the EIAV S2 gene provides an optimal site for modification to achieve the necessary balance between attenuation to suppress virulence and replication potential to sufficiently drive host immune responses to produce vaccine immunity to viral exposure.  相似文献   
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