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As urban areas expand due to increasing human populations, natural habitats are diminishing in quantity and quality. We conducted a study to examine the response of diurnal acoustic communities along a gradient of environments, ranging from native to dense urban areas. We hypothesized that acoustic indices would decline with urbanization, transitioning from natural and rural areas to urban environments. We conducted the research in and around Brasília, Central Brazil. We deployed 24 digital recorders in native, rural, low-density and high-density urban areas. We employed five commonly used acoustic indices (ADI, ACI, NDSI, H and BI) to characterize the acoustic communities and represent the existing biodiversity numerically. We initially compared the index values across different land use types using a non-parametric rank sum test. Subsequently, we selected eight landscape metrics and performed a principal component analysis to summarize the surrounding matrix at each sampling point. We then employed generalized linear models to determine if the acoustic indices exhibited the anticipated variations. The results indicated significant variations in all indices among the different land use types, indicating their responsiveness to distinct acoustic communities and environmental characteristics. ADI, H and NDSI exhibited declining values from native to urban areas, while ACI and BI displayed the opposite trend. These findings underscore the influence of landscape structure on acoustic indices. Consequently, we concluded that adopting appropriate landscape planning, mainly through integrating natural and urban areas, could help preserve biodiversity in tropical urban regions.  相似文献   
Tropical ecosystems are under increasing pressure from land‐use change and deforestation. Changes in tropical forest cover are expected to affect carbon and water cycling with important implications for climatic stability at global scales. A major roadblock for predicting how tropical deforestation affects climate is the lack of baseline conditions (i.e., prior to human disturbance) of forest–savanna dynamics. To address this limitation, we developed a long‐term analysis of forest and savanna distribution across the Amazon–Cerrado transition of central Brazil. We used soil organic carbon isotope ratios as a proxy for changes in woody vegetation cover over time in response to fluctuations in precipitation inferred from speleothem oxygen and strontium stable isotope records. Based on stable isotope signatures and radiocarbon activity of organic matter in soil profiles, we quantified the magnitude and direction of changes in forest and savanna ecosystem cover. Using changes in tree cover measured in 83 different locations for forests and savannas, we developed interpolation maps to assess the coherence of regional changes in vegetation. Our analysis reveals a broad pattern of woody vegetation expansion into savannas and densification within forests and savannas for at least the past ~1,600 years. The rates of vegetation change varied significantly among sampling locations possibly due to variation in local environmental factors that constrain primary productivity. The few instances in which tree cover declined (7.7% of all sampled profiles) were associated with savannas under dry conditions. Our results suggest a regional increase in moisture and expansion of woody vegetation prior to modern deforestation, which could help inform conservation and management efforts for climate change mitigation. We discuss the possible mechanisms driving forest expansion and densification of savannas directly (i.e., increasing precipitation) and indirectly (e.g., decreasing disturbance) and suggest future research directions that have the potential to improve climate and ecosystem models.  相似文献   

A glucose/mannose-binding lectin was isolated from seeds of Parkia discolor (Mimosoideae) using affinity chromatography on Sephadex G-100 gel. The protein presented a unique component in SDS-PAGE corresponding to a molecular mass of 58,000 Da, which is very similar to that of a closely related lectin from Parkia platycephala. Among the simple sugars tested, mannose was the best inhibitor, but biantennary glycans, containing the trimannoside core, present in N-glycoproteins, also seem to be powerful inhibitors of the haemagglutinating activity induced by the purified lectin. The protein was characterised by high content of glycine and proline and absence of cysteine. Rabbit antibodies, anti-P. platycephala seed lectin, recognised the P.discolor lectin. However, no cross-reaction was observed when a set of other legume lectins from sub-family Papilionoideae and others from families Moraceae and Euphorbiaceae were assayed with the Parkia lectins. This suggests that Parkia lectins comprise a new group of legume lectins exhibiting distinct characteristics.  相似文献   
Penicillin-Binding Proteins are peptidases that play an important role in cell-wall biogenesis in bacteria and thus maintaining bacterial infections. A wide class of β-lactam drugs are known to act on these proteins and inhibit bacterial infections by disrupting the cell-wall biogenesis pathway. Penicillin-Binding proteins have recently gained importance with the increase in the number of multi-drug resistant bacteria. In this work, we have collected a dataset of over 700 Penicillin-Binding and non-Penicillin Binding Proteins and extracted various sequence-related features. We then created models to classify the proteins into Penicillin-Binding and non-binding using supervised machine learning algorithms such as Support Vector Machines and Random Forest. We obtain a good classification performance for both the models using both the methods.  相似文献   
The aim of the present study was to investigate determinant factors associated with the presence of dental caries and lesion activity in preschool children. A population-based, cross-sectional study was carried out with 843 children of aged three to five years enrolled at public and private preschools in the city of Campina Grande, Brazil. A questionnaire addressing socio-demographic data and oral health care was self-administered by parents/caregivers. Three dentists previously calibrated examined the children for the diagnosis of dental caries and lesion activity using the International Caries Detection and Assessment System (ICDAS). Nutritional status was evaluated based on the body mass index. Logistic regression analysis for complex samples was performed (α = 5%). The prevalence of dental caries was 66.3%. Among the children with caries, 88.0% had active lesions. Dental caries was more prevalent in girls (OR = 1.53, 95%CI: 1.05–2.23), in children from families with a monthly household income ≤US$312.50 (OR = 2.38, 95%CI: 1.65–3.43) and those whose mothers had up to eight years of schooling (OR = 1.55, 95%CI: 1.07–2.23). Lesion activity was significantly associated with mother’s schooling ≤ 8 years (OR = 2.15, 95%CI: 1.15–4.00). The prevalence rates of dental caries and lesion activity were high and mainly associated with a lower socioeconomic status and mother’s schooling.  相似文献   
BackgroundEnzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) are generally the chosen test for Chagas disease (CD) diagnosis; however, its performance depends on the antigen preparation adsorbed to the solid phase, which may lead to false-positive results and cross-reactions. The use of chimeric recombinant antigens can overcome this limitation. Four chimeric antigens from Trypanosoma cruzi (IBMP-8.1, IBMP-8.2, IBMP-8.3 and IBMP-8.4) were developed and evaluated in phase I, II and III studies using indirect ELISA as diagnostic platform. However, peroxidase-labeled secondary anti-human IgG antibody, which is employed in indirect ELISAs, limits its use for the detection of species-specific and class-specific antibodies. To overcome this limitation, peroxidase-labeled antigens can be utilized, diagnosing both acute or chronic infection, in a species and immunoglobulin class-independent manner, through the use of a double-antigen sandwich ELISA (DAgS-ELISA). We aimed to evaluate and validate the diagnostic performance of the chimeric antigens IBMP-8.1, IBMP-8.2, IBMP-8.3 and IBMP-8.4 in the DAgS-ELISA platform.Methodology/Principal findingsDAgS-ELISA was optimized by checkerboard titration. In phase I study, 207 positive and 205 negative samples were evaluated. Cross-reactivity to other infections was also assessed using 68 samples. The selected conditions for the tests utilized 25 ng of antigen per well and the conjugate diluted at 1:2,000 for all molecules. In the phase I study, the areas under the curve of IBMP-8.1, IBMP-8.2, IBMP-8.3 and IBMP-8.4 were 98.7%, 99.5%, 98.6% and 98.8%, respectively. Among the positive samples, IBMP-8.1 antigen classified 53 (25.6%) as false negative, IBMP-8.2, 27 (13%), IBMP-8.3, 24 (11.6%) and IBMP-8.4, 43 (20.8%), giving sensitivities of 74.4%, 87%, 88.4% and 79.2%, respectively. The only antigen that did not reach 100% specificity was IBMP-8.3, with 96.6%. IBMP-8.3 was also the only molecule to show cross-reactivity with HTLV.Conclusions/SignificanceDAgS-ELISA is a promising tool for immunodiagnosis, and despite the high AUC values, the performance of this assay was different from the values obtained by our group when using these antigens in the indirect ELISA, for this reason, improvements are being considered to increase the sensitivity of the DAgS-ELISA.  相似文献   
The biotechnology for in vitro embryo production is becoming increasingly popular, being applied to humans and domestic animals. Embryo development can be achieved with either 20% or 5% oxygen tension. The extracellular vesicles (EVs) are secreted by different cell types and carry bioactive materials. Our objective was to determine the secretion pattern and micro RNA (miRNA) contents of EVs released in the bovine embryo culture environment—embryo and cumulus cell monolayer—on Days 3 and 7 of in vitro culture under two different oxygen tensions: High (20%) and low (5%). The EVs were isolated from the medium and analyzed to determine size, concentration, and miRNA levels. EVs concentration in low oxygen tension increased on Day 3 and decreased on Day 7. Additionally, altered EV miRNAs derived from the embryo‐cumulus culture medium were predicted to regulate survival and proliferation‐related pathways on Days 3 and 7. Moreover, miR‐210 levels decreased in EVs isolated from the culture medium under high oxygen tension suggesting that this miRNA can be used as a marker for normoxia since it is associated with low oxygen tension. In summary, this study provides knowledge of the oxygen tension effects on EVs release and content, and potentially, on cell‐to‐cell communication during in vitro bovine embryo production.  相似文献   
Dengue virus (DENV) and Zika virus (ZIKV) belong to the same viral family, the Flaviviridae. They cause recurring threats to the public health systems of tropical countries such as Brazil. The primary Brazilian vector of both viruses is the mosquito Aedes aegypti. After the mosquito ingests a blood meal from an infected person, the viruses infect and replicate in the midgut, disseminate to secondary tissues and reach the salivary gland (SG), where they are ready to be transmitted to a vertebrate host. It is thought that the intrinsic discrepancies among mosquitoes could affect their ability to deal with viral infections. This study confirms that the DENV and ZIKV infection patterns of nine Ae. aegypti field populations found in geographically separate health districts of an endemic Brazilian city vary. We analyzed the infection rate, disseminated infection, vector competence, and viral load through quantitative PCR. Mosquitoes were challenged using the membrane-feeding assay technique and were tested seven and fourteen days post-infection (early and late infection phases, respectively). The infection responses varied among the Ae. aegypti populations for both flaviviruses in the two infection phases. There was no similarity between DENV and ZIKV vector competencies or viral loads. According to the results of our study, the risk of viral transmission overtime after infection either increases or remains unaltered in ZIKV infected vectors. However, the risk may increase, decrease, or remain unaltered in DENV-infected vectors depending on the mosquito population. For both flaviviruses, the viral load persisted in the body even until the late infection phase. In contrast to DENV, the ZIKV accumulated in the SG over time in all the mosquito populations. These findings are novel and may help direct the development of control strategies to fight dengue and Zika outbreaks in endemic regions, and provide a warning about the importance of understanding mosquito responses to arboviral infections.  相似文献   
Adiponectin is an adipose tissue specific protein that is decreased in subjects with obesity and type 2 diabetes. The objective of the present study was to examine whether variants in the regulatory regions of the adiponectin gene contribute to type 2 diabetes in Asian Indians. The study comprised of 2,000 normal glucose tolerant (NGT) and 2,000 type 2 diabetic, unrelated subjects randomly selected from the Chennai Urban Rural Epidemiology Study (CURES), in southern India. Fasting serum adiponectin levels were measured by radioimmunoassay. We identified two proximal promoter SNPs (−11377C→G and −11282T→C), one intronic SNP (+10211T→G) and one exonic SNP (+45T→G) by SSCP and direct sequencing in a pilot study (n = 500). The +10211T→G SNP alone was genotyped using PCR-RFLP in 4,000 study subjects. Logistic regression analysis revealed that subjects with TG genotype of +10211T→G had significantly higher risk for diabetes compared to TT genotype [Odds ratio 1.28; 95% Confidence Interval (CI) 1.07–1.54; P = 0.008]. However, no association with diabetes was observed with GG genotype (P = 0.22). Stratification of the study subjects based on BMI showed that the odds ratio for obesity for the TG genotype was 1.53 (95%CI 1.3–1.8; P < 10−7) and that for GG genotype, 2.10 (95% CI 1.3–3.3; P = 0.002). Among NGT subjects, the mean serum adiponectin levels were significantly lower among the GG (P = 0.007) and TG (P = 0.001) genotypes compared to TT genotype. Among Asian Indians there is an association of +10211T→G polymorphism in the first intron of the adiponectin gene with type 2 diabetes, obesity and hypoadiponectinemia.  相似文献   
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