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In this study, the chemical features of dendritic mesoporous silica nanoparticles (DMSNs) provided the opportunity to design a nanostructure with the capability to intelligently transport the payload to the tumor cells. In this regard, doxorubicin (DOX)-encapsulated DMSNs was electrostatically surface-coated with polycarboxylic acid dextran (PCAD) to provide biocompatible dextran-capped DMSNs (PCAD-DMSN@DOX) with controlled pH-dependent drug release. Moreover, a RNA aptamer against a cancer stem cell (CSC) marker, CD133 was covalently attached to the carboxyl groups of DEX to produce a CD133-PCAD-DMSN@DOX. Then, the fabricated nanosystem was utilized to efficiently deliver DOX to CD133+ colorectal cancer cells (HT29). The in vitro evaluation in terms of cellular uptake and cytotoxicity demonstrated that the CD133-PCAD-DMSN@DOX specifically targets HT29 as a CD133 overexpressed cancer cells confirmed by flow cytometry and 3-(4,5-dimethyl-2-thiazolyl)-2,5-diphenyl-2-H-tetrazolium bromide assay. The potentially promising intelligent-targeted platform suggests that targeted dextran-capped DMSNs may find impressive application in cancer therapy.  相似文献   
Meloidogyne californiensis n. sp. is described and illustrated from bulrush Scirpus robustus in California. LM and SEM studies revealed that this species differs from other known species in the genus Meloidogyne especially by the prominent posterior cuticular protuberances in the female, the distinct shape of the perineal pattern which is marked by one prominent stria in the perineum, indistinct lateral lines, many broken discontinuous striae on both sides of the arch, and the excretory pore being located posterior to stylet base. Second-stage juveniles 448-628 μm long, stylet length 11-13 μm, styler delicate, with small knobs sloping posteriorly, cephalic region with 2 or 3 annuli, and inflated rectum. Males vary greatly in size (712-1,952 μm), stylet length 18-28 μm (mean 22 μm), cephalic region slightly set off the body with two or three annuli, spear heavy with massive rounded knobs, lateral field marked by four areolated incisures as seen by SEM.  相似文献   
Salinity had generally little influence on the water content of different parts of cowpea(Vigna sinensis L.), calabrese(Brassica oleracea L. var.botrylis) and red radish(Raphanus salivus L.) plants. Salinity showed a promotive effect on the growth of cowpea, while in calabrese the effect was either promotive or depressive depending upon the concentration of the NaCl, and in red radish plants salinity progressively suppressed growth. Total nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and sodium contents of cowpea leaves were not affected by salinity treatments, while in calabrese and red radish leaves the contents of N, P and K were generally decreased as the salinity level increased. Gibberellin (GA3) applied to salt-treated plants had either a stimulatory or inhibitory effect on the growth, water content and contents of N, P, K and Na in the leaves depending upon the plant type, the concentration of GA3 and level of salinity.  相似文献   
The ability of ethanol to reduce alpha-adrenergic receptor-mediated pressor responsiveness in vivo was investigated in chloralose-anesthetized male Sprague-Dawley rats. Catheters were inserted in the jugular vein and the femoral artery of rats for the injection of drugs and the measurement of blood pressure, respectively. Dose-response curves for phenylephrine and norepinephrine were constructed by plotting the change in mean arterial pressure following a bolus dose of the agent against the dose of the pressor agent used. Following construction of an initial dose-response curve, animals were challenged with either a 1 g/kg dose of ethanol or an equivalent volume of saline (iv) and the dose-response curves were repeated. Using a similar protocol, pressor responsiveness was evaluated in animals pretreated with either yohimbine (1 mg/kg) or prazosin (3.9 micrograms/kg), a dose sufficient to produce partial blockade of alpha receptor-mediated pressor responsiveness, and then treated with ethanol. Ethanol produced a partial blockade of alpha receptors when the animals were challenged with either phenylephrine or norepinephrine. This blockade produced by ethanol was shown to be similar to that produced by the receptor blocking agents used in this study. To rule out any nonspecific effects of ethanol in reducing vascular reactivity, some animals were challenged with angiotensin II both before and after treatment with ethanol, yohimbine, or prazosin and after both drugs were administered together. Ethanol, as well as the alpha 1- and alpha 2-adrenergic blocking agents tested failed to have any significant effect on angiotensin II-pressor responsiveness, ruling out any nonspecific effect of ethanol on the vasculature. It is concluded, therefore, that ethanol has alpha receptor blocking-like activity in vivo.  相似文献   
Class II genes of miniature swine have been characterized by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis and by analysis of a series of clones isolated from a lymphocyte genomic library. For RFLP analysis, DNA samples from three independent major histocompatibility complex homozygous lines and three intra-MHC recombinant lines were digested with a variety of restriction enzymes and analyzed in Southern blots using human cDNA probes for DP, DQ, DR, and DZ alpha genes, and DP, DQ, DR, and DO beta genes. One, or at most two, unique fragments were detected by hybridization with each of the human probes tested. In contrast, multiple bands (five to six for most enzymes examined) were detected by each of the human probes tested, the majority of which were found to cross-react with at least three of these probes under conditions of moderate stringency. Genomic DNA from the SLA c haplotype was cloned into an EMBL-3 bacteriophage vector, and the corresponding genomic library was screened with each of these human cDNA probes. The class II genes thereby isolated from this library showed characteristics consistent with those anticipated from the RFLP analysis. Thus, unique genes were obtained which showed no evidence of cross-hybridization, while genes showed extensive cross-hybridization and were frequently detected in the library by more than one human gene probe. These data are consistent with early evolutionary divergence of a genes, prior to mammalian speciation, and with continuing evolution of genes, with possible shared usage of these genes by different a loci. The data also imply that genes can readily be assigned to loci homologous to their human counterparts, but that genes will require further mapping and/or sequence analysis to confirm assignments.  相似文献   
Development of the phytoseiid mitePhytoseiulus persimilis Athias-Henriot was studied when fed on three mite species as prey. The tenuipalpid mite,Brevipalpus pulcher (Canestrini & Fanzago), is an unsuitable prey forP. persimilis as predatory larvae reared on any stages developed to the protonymphal stage only. WhenP. persimilis larvae were reared on the eriophyid mite,Eriophyes dioscoridis Soliman & Abou-Awad, only a few developed to adulthood, but failed to oviposit. On the contrary, predatory larvae fed on the tetranychid mite,Tetranychus urticae Koch, matured in a significantly shorter period and resulting females exhibited a high rate of reproduction.  相似文献   
The specificities of two monoclonal IgM antibodies (18.25 and 21.14.2) evoked in mice with guinea pig myelin basic protein were examined and interpreted in terms of a specific folding of the protein's polypeptide chain. Studies with guinea pig and rabbit myelin basic protein fragments showed that a region encompassing the central Phe-Phe (87-88) sequence is obligatory, but not sufficient, for reactivity with antibody 18.25. Appreciable reactivity was observed for rabbit peptides 22-95 and 45-151, and lower, but significant, reactivity was shown by peptide 32-95. Only very weak reactivity was seen with peptide 44-95. No reactivity was observed with peptide 1-95 after its lysine residues were acetylated, acetamidinated, or guanidinated. These results have been interpreted in terms of a polypeptide chain folding that creates an epitope within sequence Val-Val-His-Phe-Phe-Lys-Asn-Ile-Val (84-92). The specific conformation of this epitope, which includes probably the Lys-89 and possibly the Asn-90 and Val-92 side chains, could be formed by the association of sequence 84-92 with either sequence Ile-Leu-Asp-Ser-Ile-Gly-Arg-Phe-Phe (37-45) or with sequence Val-Leu-Ser-Arg-Phe (108-112) to form beta-sheet structures essentially identical with those that appear to be present in the intact BP [Martenson R.E.J. Neurochem. 46, 1612-1622 (1986)]. The second monoclonal antibody, no. 21.14.2, reacts only with guinea pig myelin basic protein and fragments containing the species-restricted sequence Arg-Ala-Asp-Tyr-Lys-Ser-Lys (129-135).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Rabbit myelin basic protein (BP) was subjected to partial cleavage with plasmin, and 15 cleavage products were isolated by a combination of gel filtration and ion-exchange chromatography. Their identification was achieved by amino acid analysis and tryptic peptide mapping, supplemented in some instances by carboxy-terminal analyses with carboxypeptidases A, B, and Y and amino-terminal analyses with dipeptidyl aminopeptidase I. The results showed that major plasmic cleavage sites included the Lys89-Asn90, Lys133-Ser134, and Lys153-Leu154 bonds. Cleavages also occurred at the Arg31-His32, Lys53-Arg54, and Arg25-His26 bonds, but these appeared to be less extensive. A large number of additional peptides were produced in relatively low yield. The smaller of these were isolated from heterogeneous fractions by high-voltage electrophoresis-TLC. Amino acid analysis of these peptides showed that minor cleavage sites included the Arg9-His10, Lys13-Tyr14, Lys103-Gly104, Lys137-Gly138, Lys140-Gly141, and Arg160-Ser161 bonds. In spite of a lower selectivity toward peptide bonds in BP as compared with pepsin, cathepsin D, and thrombin, plasmin has the advantage over the former proteinases in that it does not cleave at or near the Phe44-Phe45 bond. Instead it cleaves at the Arg31-His32 and Lys53-Arg54 bonds, thus preserving the entire hydrophobic sequence Ile-Leu-Asp-Ser-Ile-Gly-Arg-Phe-Phe as well as short sequences to either side.  相似文献   
Salinity caused a consistent reduction in the growth of cowpea plants and water content in their leaves. The total as well as the pigment fractions, except carotenoids, exhibited lower values than those of control plants at almost all salinity levels. With the rise of salinization, the total nitrogen and potassium contents in the leaves were decreased but the sodium content was increased and phosphorus content was not significantly affected as compared with the controls. The application of IAA to salt-treated plants increased the water content in the leaves but it had no effect on the number of leaves and the stem length. The pigment contents in the leaves were either promoted or inhibited with the application of IAA, depending upon the level of salinization. The application of IAA to plants irrigated with water of the highest salinity level was effective in increasing the potassium content in the leaves as compared with the control, but it had no effect on the other mineral elements.  相似文献   
The interactive effect of salinity and presoaking in ascorbic acid or phyridoxine on germination, seedling growth, and some relevant metabolic changes ofLupinus termis andVicia faba seeds were studied. Germination studies indicated that broad bean tolerated NaCl salinity up to 240mM NaCl and lupin to 200mM NaCl. The lengths of roots and shoots and their water content, as well as dry matter yield, remained more or less unchanged up to the level of 80mM NaCl. Salinity induced marked progressive increases of carbohydrates and proline in broad bean and soluble protein in lupin seedlings, irrespective of the salinity level used. The other organic solutes (soluble protein in broad bean and carbohydrates in lupin seedlings) remained more or less unchanged at low and moderate levels of NaCl. However, under the higher salinity levels, in lupin the losses in carbohydrates were accompanied by increases in soluble protein, whereas in broad bean an opposite effect was obtained. The level of 40mM NaCl had a pronounced stimulatory effect on the all the variables studied. Presoaking seeds in either ascorbic acid or pyridoxine counteracted the adverse effects of salinity on germination and seedling growth as well as on some metabolic mechanisms of lupin and broad bean plants. The importance of these processes to the salinity tolerance of broad bean and lupin have been discussed.  相似文献   
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