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Sixty-nine strains of Agrobacterium vitis , the causal agent of grape crown gall, originating from different geographical regions of the USA and Europe, were characterized by fingerprint analysis of the 5'-end of the 23S rRNA gene and by Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. For 5'-end 23S fingerprinting, amplicons were digested with Taq I, Rsa I, Ava I, Cfo I and Alu I. For RAPD analysis, three 10-mer primers were used to generate PCR products. There was a high degree of correlation between strain groupings generated by the two methods. However, more diversity was identified when groupings were based on RAPDs. For example, 28 of 29 strains having nopaline type Ti plasmids generated identical 5'-end 23S patterns but formed two distinct RAPD groups that separated strains originating from the USA and Hungary. Similarly by RAPDs, one cluster of strains carrying vitopine-type Ti plasmids could be separated into those originating in the USA and Europe. The composition of strain groups generated by 5'-end 23S and RAPDs were highly correlated with a previous fingerprint analysis of the intergenic spacer region (located between the 16S and 23S rRNA genes) and with RFLP analysis for characterizing Ti plasmids. These findings show that among Ag. vitis strains there is a high level of correlation between two regions of the rRNA operon, total genomic DNA (as determined by RAPDs) and the type of Ti plasmid they carry.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of L-4F, an apolipoprotein A-1 mimetic peptide, alone or with pravastatin, in apoE-/-Fas-/-C57BL/6 mice that spontaneously develop immunoglobulin G (IgG) autoantibodies, glomerulonephritis, osteopenia, and atherosclerotic lesions on a normal chow diet.


Female mice, starting at eight to nine weeks of age, were treated for 27 weeks with 1) pravastatin, 2) L-4F, 3) L-4F plus pravastatin, or 4) vehicle control, followed by disease phenotype assessment.


In preliminary studies, dysfunctional, proinflammatory high-density lipoproteins (piHDL) were decreased six hours after a single L-4F, but not scrambled L-4F, injection in eight- to nine-week old mice. After 35 weeks, L-4F-treated mice, in the absence/presence of pravastatin, had significantly smaller lymph nodes and glomerular tufts (PL, LP < 0.05), lower serum levels of IgG antibodies to double stranded DNA (dsDNA) (PL < 0.05) and oxidized phospholipids (oxPLs) (PL, LP < 0.005), and elevated total and vertebral bone mineral density (PL, LP < 0.01) compared to vehicle controls. Although all treatment groups presented larger aortic root lesions compared to vehicle controls, enlarged atheromas in combination treatment mice had significantly less infiltrated CD68+ macrophages (PLP < 0.01), significantly increased mean α-actin stained area (PLP < 0.05), and significantly lower levels of circulating markers for atherosclerosis progression, CCL19 (PL, LP < 0.0005) and VCAM-1 (PL < 0.0002).


L-4F treatment, alone or with pravastatin, significantly reduced IgG anti-dsDNA and IgG anti-oxPLs, proteinuria, glomerulonephritis, and osteopenia in a murine lupus model of accelerated atherosclerosis. Despite enlarged aortic lesions, increased smooth muscle content, decreased macrophage infiltration, and decreased pro-atherogenic chemokines in L-4F plus pravastatin treated mice suggest protective mechanisms not only on lupus-like disease, but also on potential plaque remodeling in a murine model of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and accelerated atherosclerosis.  相似文献   
In a previous study, tomato race 3 (T3) strains of Xanthomonas perforans became predominant in fields containing both X. euvesicatoria and X. perforans races T1 and T3, respectively. This apparent ability to take over fields led to the discovery that there are three bacteriocin-like compounds associated with T3 strains. T3 strain 91-118 produces at least three different bacteriocin-like compounds (BCN-A, BCN-B, and BCN-C) antagonistic toward T1 strains. We determined the relative importance of the bacteriocin-like compounds by constructing the following mutant forms of a wild-type (WT) T3 strain to evaluate the antagonism to WT T1 strains: Mut-A (BCN-A-), Mut-B (BCN-B-), Mut-C (BCN-C-), Mut-AB, Mut-BC, and Mut-ABC. Although all mutant and WT T3 strains reduced the T1 populations in in planta growth room experiments, Mut-B and WT T3 were significantly more effective. Mutants expressing BCN-B and either BCN-A or BCN-C reduced T1 populations less than mutants expressing only BCN-A or BCN-C. The triple-knockout mutant Mut-ABC also had a significant competitive advantage over the T1 strain. In pairwise-inoculation field experiments where plants were coinoculated with an individual mutant or WT T3 strain and the T1 strain, the mutant strains and the WT T3 strain were reisolated from more than 70% of the lesions. WT T3 and Mut-B were the most frequently reisolated strains. In field experiments where plants were group inoculated with Mut-A, Mut-B, Mut-C, Mut-ABC, and WT T1 and T3 strains, Mut-B populations dominated all three seasons. In greenhouse and field experiments, the WT and mutant T3 strains had a selective advantage over T1 strains. Bacterial strains expressing both BCN-A and BCN-C appeared to have a competitive advantage over all other mutant and WT strains. Furthermore, BCN-B appeared to be a negative factor, with mutant T3 strains lacking BCN-B having a selective advantage in the field.  相似文献   
The genetic diversity among 16 strains of Erwinia amylovora, chosen to represent different host plant origins and geographical regions, was investigated by RAPD analysis. One strain of Erwinia herbicola and one of Agrobacterium vitis were used as outgroups. Ninety-eight different RAPD fragments were produced by polymerase chain reaction amplification with six different 10-mer primers. RAPD banding profiles were found that enabled the Erw. amylovora strains to be distinguished from one another. Cluster analysis based on the number of RAPD fragments shared between strains showed that strains of Erw. amylovora isolated from subfamily Pomoideae formed a single group, whereas two strains from Rubus (subfamily Rosoideae) formed a second group. Two strains isolated from Asian pear on Hokkaido, Japan, formed a third group. Sets of RAPD fragments were identified that enabled each of the two host-range groups and one geographical region (Hokkaido) of Erw. amylovora strains to be unambiguously distinguished from one another and from the outgroups. This study shows that strains of Erw. amylovora exhibit genetic diversity detectable by RAPD analysis, and that molecular and statistical analysis of RAPD fragments can be used both to distinguish between strains and to determine relatedness between them.  相似文献   
Summary To facilitate the development of transgenic grapevines that are resistant to grapevine fanleaf virus (GFLV), grapevine leafroll-associated closterovirus (GLRaV-3) and crown gall diseases, we developed a rapid system for regenerating root-stocks: Couderc 3309, Vitis riparia ‘Gloire de Montpellier’, Teleki 5C, Millardet et De Grasset 101-14, and 110 Richter via somatic embryogenesis. Embryo culture and grape regeneration were accomplished with four media. Embryogenic calluses from anthers were induced in the initiation medium [MS basic medium containing 20 g sucrose per L, 1.1 mg 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) per L, 0.2 mg N6-benzyladenine (BA) per L, and 0.8% Noble agar). The percentage of anthers that developed into embryogenic calli ranged from 2 to 16.3% depending on the rootstock. Calluses with early globular stage embryos were cocultivated with Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain C58Z707 containing the gene constructs of interest. The genes were sense-oriented translatable and antisense coat protein genes from GFLV and GLRaV-3, a truncated HSP90-related gene of GLRaV-3 (43K), and a virE2 del B gene from A. tumefaciens strain C58. Twenty independent transformation experiments were performed on five rootstocks. After 3–4 mo. under kanamycin selection, secondary embryos were recovered on differentiation medium (1/2 MS salts with 10 g sucrose per L, 4.6 g glycerol per L, and 0.8% Noble agar). Embryos that were transformed were regenerated on a medium containing MS salts with 20 g sucrose per L, 4.6 g glycerol per L, 1 g casein hydrolysate per L, and 0.8% Noble agar. Elongated embryos were then transferred to a rooting medium supplemented with 0.1 mg BA per L, 3 g activated charcoal per L, 1.5% sucrose, and 0.65% Bacto agar. A total of 928 independent putative transgenic plants were propagated in the greenhouse. All plants were tested for neomycin phosphotransferase II expression by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The presence of transgenes was assessed by polymerase chain reaction and Southern analysis. ELISA revealed various levels of expression of GFLV coat protein in transgenic plants of Couderc 3309. The transgenic rootstocks that have been generated are being screened to determine whether transgenes have conferred resistance to the virus and crown gall diseases.  相似文献   
In a previous study, tomato race 3 (T3) strains of Xanthomonas perforans became predominant in fields containing both X. euvesicatoria and X. perforans races T1 and T3, respectively. This apparent ability to take over fields led to the discovery that there are three bacteriocin-like compounds associated with T3 strains. T3 strain 91-118 produces at least three different bacteriocin-like compounds (BCN-A, BCN-B, and BCN-C) antagonistic toward T1 strains. We determined the relative importance of the bacteriocin-like compounds by constructing the following mutant forms of a wild-type (WT) T3 strain to evaluate the antagonism to WT T1 strains: Mut-A (BCN-A), Mut-B (BCN-B), Mut-C (BCN-C), Mut-AB, Mut-BC, and Mut-ABC. Although all mutant and WT T3 strains reduced the T1 populations in in planta growth room experiments, Mut-B and WT T3 were significantly more effective. Mutants expressing BCN-B and either BCN-A or BCN-C reduced T1 populations less than mutants expressing only BCN-A or BCN-C. The triple-knockout mutant Mut-ABC also had a significant competitive advantage over the T1 strain. In pairwise-inoculation field experiments where plants were coinoculated with an individual mutant or WT T3 strain and the T1 strain, the mutant strains and the WT T3 strain were reisolated from more than 70% of the lesions. WT T3 and Mut-B were the most frequently reisolated strains. In field experiments where plants were group inoculated with Mut-A, Mut-B, Mut-C, Mut-ABC, and WT T1 and T3 strains, Mut-B populations dominated all three seasons. In greenhouse and field experiments, the WT and mutant T3 strains had a selective advantage over T1 strains. Bacterial strains expressing both BCN-A and BCN-C appeared to have a competitive advantage over all other mutant and WT strains. Furthermore, BCN-B appeared to be a negative factor, with mutant T3 strains lacking BCN-B having a selective advantage in the field.  相似文献   
Since the initial discovery of Xanthomonas perforans on tomato in 1991, it has completely displaced Xanthomonas euvesicatoria as the bacterial spot of tomato pathogen in Florida. Previous research has shown that X. perforans produces at least three different bacteriocin-like compounds (BcnA, BcnB, BcnC) antagonistic toward X. euvesicatoria strains. In this study pathogenicity-attenuated, bacteriocin-producing mutants of X. perforans were created to determine their potential as biological control agents for control of X. euvesicatoria. Several candidate genes were chosen based on previous studies in which mutant phenotypes exhibited reduced virulence in either X. perforans (OpgHXcv) or the closely related X. euvesicatoria strain 85-10 (hpaB, hpaC, xopA, xopD, avrBs2 and gumD). Each candidate gene in X. perforans was amplified and PCR-assisted deletion mutagenesis was performed in the wild-type (wt) X. perforans strain to create potential attenuation mutants. Each mutant was tested for growth rate, disease severity and antagonism toward X. euvesicatoria strains. Three mutants, XopA, opgH, and gumD were significantly less pathogenic than the wild-type strain with the opgH mutant reaching significantly lower internal populations than all other mutants except hpaC. The opgH-strain was the most affected in its ability to grow internally in plant tissue while inhibiting X. euvesicatoria populations equal to or more than the other mutant strains. This mutant strain could potentially be used as part of an effective biological control strategy.  相似文献   


Remodeling of the extracellular matrix is one of the most striking features observed in the uterus during the estrous cycle and after hormone replacement. Versican (VER) is a hyaluronan-binding proteoglycan that undergoes RNA alternative splicing, generating four distinct isoforms. This study analyzed the synthesis and distribution of VER in mouse uterine tissues during the estrous cycle, in ovariectomized (OVX) animals and after 17beta-estradiol (E2) and medroxyprogesterone (MPA) treatments, either alone or in combination.  相似文献   
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