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Uremic toxins are emerging as important, non-traditional cardiovascular risk factors in chronic kidney disease (CKD). P-cresol has been defined as a prototype protein-bound uremic toxin. Conjugation of p-cresol creates p-cresylsulfate (PCS) as the main metabolite and p-cresylglucuronide (PCG), at a markedly lower concentration. The objective of the present study was to evaluate serum PCG levels, determine the latter’s association with mortality and establish whether the various protein-bound uremic toxins (i.e. PCS, PCG and indoxylsulfate (IS)) differed in their ability to predict mortality.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We studied 139 patients (mean ± SD age: 67±12; males: 60%) at different CKD stages (34.5% at CKD stages 2–3, 33.5% at stage 4–5 and 32% at stage 5D). A recently developed high-performance liquid chromatography method was used to assay PCG concentrations. Total and free PCG levels increased with the severity of CKD. During the study period (mean duration: 779±185 days), 38 patients died. High free and total PCG levels were correlated with overall and cardiovascular mortality independently of well-known predictors of survival, such as age, vascular calcification, anemia, inflammation and (in predialysis patients) the estimated glomerular filtration rate. In the same cohort, free PCS levels and free IS levels were both correlated with mortality. Furthermore, the respective predictive powers of three Cox multivariate models (free PCS+other risk factors, free IS+other risk factors and free PCS+other risk factors) were quite similar - suggesting that an elevated PCG concentration has much the same impact on mortality as other uremic toxins (such as PCS or IS) do.


Although PCG is the minor metabolite of p-cresol, our study is the first to reveal its association with mortality. Furthermore, the free fraction of PCG appears to have much the same predictive power for mortality as PCS and IS do.  相似文献   
Malaria is one of the most prevalent infectious diseases worldwide with more than 250 million cases and one million deaths each year. One of the well-characterized malarial-related molecules is hemozoin (HZ), which is a dark-brown crystal formed by the parasite and released into the host during the burst of infected red blood cells. HZ has a stimulatory effect on the host immune system such as its ability to induce pro-inflammatory mediators responsible for some of the malaria related clinical symptoms such as fever. However, the host serum proteins interacting with malarial HZ as well as how this interaction modifies its recognition by phagocytes remained elusive. In the actual study, using proteomic liquid chromatographic mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) and immunochemical approaches, we compared the serum protein profiles of malaria patients and healthy individuals. Particularly, we utilized the malarial HZ itself to capture serum proteins capable to bind to HZ, enabling us to identify several proteins such as apolipoprotein E (ApoE), serum amyloid A (SAA), gelsolin, complement factor H and fibrinogen that were found to differ among healthy and malaria individual. Of particular interest is LPS binding protein (LBP), which is reported herein for the first time in the context of malaria. LBP is usually produced during innate inflammatory response to gram-negative bacterial infections. The exact role of these biomarkers and acute phase responses in malaria in general and HZ in particular remains to be investigated. The identification of these inflammation-related biomarkers in malaria paves the way to potentially utilize them as diagnostic and therapeutic targets.  相似文献   
The bacterium Treponema pallidum is known to cause syphilis (ssp. pallidum), yaws (ssp. pertenue), and endemic syphilis (ssp. endemicum) in humans. Nonhuman primates have also been reported to be infected with the bacterium with equally versatile clinical manifestations, from severe skin ulcerations to asymptomatic. At present all simian strains are closely related to human yaws-causing strains, an important consideration for yaws eradication. We tested clinically healthy Guinea baboons (Papio papio) at Parc National Niokolo Koba in south eastern Senegal for the presence of anti-T. pallidum antibodies. Since T. pallidum infection in this species was identified 50 years ago, and there has been no attempt to treat non-human primates for infection, it was hypothesized that a large number of West African baboons are still infected with simian strains of the yaws-bacterium. All animals were without clinical signs of treponematoses, but 18 of 20 (90%) baboons tested positive for antibodies against T. pallidum based on treponemal tests. Yet, Guinea baboons seem to develop no clinical symptoms, though it must be assumed that infection is chronic or comparable to the latent stage in human yaws infection. The non-active character is supported by the low anti-T. pallidum serum titers in Guinea baboons (median = 1:2,560) versus serum titers that are found in genital-ulcerated olive baboons with active infection in Tanzania (range of medians among the groups of initial, moderate, and severe infected animals = 1:15,360 to 1:2.097e+7). Our findings provide evidence for simian infection with T. pallidum in wild Senegalese baboons. Potentially, Guinea baboons in West Africa serve as a natural reservoir for human infection, as the West African simian strain has been shown to cause sustainable yaws infection when inoculated into humans. The present study pinpoints an area where further research is needed to support the currently on-going second WHO led yaws eradication campaign with its goal to eradicate yaws by 2020.  相似文献   


The social valorisation of overweight in African populations could promote high-risk eating behaviours and therefore become a risk factor of obesity. However, existing scales to assess body image are usually not accurate enough to allow comparative studies of body weight perception in different African populations. This study aimed to develop and validate the Body Size Scale (BSS) to estimate African body weight perception.


Anthropometric measures of 80 Cameroonians and 81 Senegalese were used to evaluate three criteria of adiposity: body mass index (BMI), overall percentage of fat, and endomorphy (fat component of the somatotype). To develop the BSS, the participants were photographed in full face and profile positions. Models were selected for their representativeness of the wide variability in adiposity with a progressive increase along the scale. Then, for the validation protocol, participants self-administered the BSS to assess self-perceived current body size (CBS), desired body size (DBS) and provide a “body self-satisfaction index.” This protocol included construct validity, test-retest reliability and convergent validity and was carried out with three independent samples of respectively 201, 103 and 1115 Cameroonians.


The BSS comprises two sex-specific scales of photos of 9 models each, and ordered by increasing adiposity. Most participants were able to correctly order the BSS by increasing adiposity, using three different words to define body size. Test-retest reliability was consistent in estimating CBS, DBS and the “body self-satisfaction index.” The CBS was highly correlated to the objective BMI, and two different indexes assessed with the BSS were consistent with declarations obtained in interviews.


The BSS is the first scale with photos of real African models taken in both full face and profile and representing a wide and representative variability in adiposity. The validation protocol proved its reliability for estimating body weight perception in Africans.  相似文献   


Beyond insecticides, alternative methods to control insect pests for agriculture and vectors of diseases are needed. Management strategies involving the mass-release of living control agents have been developed, including genetic control with sterile insects and biological control with parasitoids, for which aerial release of insects is often required. Aerial release in genetic control programmes often involves the use of chilled sterile insects, which can improve dispersal, survival and competitiveness of sterile males. Currently available means of aerially releasing chilled fruit flies are however insufficiently precise to ensure homogeneous distribution at low release rates and no device is available for tsetse.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Here we present the smart aerial release machine, a new design by the Mubarqui Company, based on the use of vibrating conveyors. The machine is controlled through Bluetooth by a tablet with Android Operating System including a completely automatic guidance and navigation system (MaxNav software). The tablet is also connected to an online relational database facilitating the preparation of flight schedules and automatic storage of flight reports. The new machine was compared with a conveyor release machine in Mexico using two fruit flies species (Anastrepha ludens and Ceratitis capitata) and we obtained better dispersal homogeneity (% of positive traps, p<0.001) for both species and better recapture rates for Anastrepha ludens (p<0.001), especially at low release densities (<1500 per ha). We also demonstrated that the machine can replace paper boxes for aerial release of tsetse in Senegal.


This technology limits damages to insects and allows a large range of release rates from 10 flies/km2 for tsetse flies up to 600 000 flies/km2 for fruit flies. The potential of this machine to release other species like mosquitoes is discussed. Plans and operating of the machine are provided to allow its use worldwide.  相似文献   
Amelogenin, the major extracellular matrix protein of developing tooth enamel is intrinsically disordered. Through its interaction with other proteins and mineral, amelogenin assists enamel biomineralization by controlling the formation of highly organized enamel crystal arrays. We used circular dichroism (CD), dynamic light scattering (DLS), fluorescence, and NMR spectroscopy to investigate the folding propensity of recombinant porcine amelogenin rP172 following its interaction with SDS, at levels above critical micelle concentration. The rP172‐SDS complex formation was confirmed by DLS, while an increase in the structure moiety of rP172 was noted through CD and fluorescence experiments. Fluorescence quenching analyses performed on several rP172 mutants where all but one Trp was replaced by Tyr at different sequence regions confirmed that the interaction of amelogenin with SDS micelles occurs via the N‐terminal region close to Trp25 where helical segments can be detected by NMR. NMR spectroscopy and structural refinement calculations using CS‐Rosetta modeling confirm that the highly conserved N‐terminal domain is prone to form helical structure when bound to SDS micelles. Our findings reported here reveal interactions leading to significant changes in the secondary structure of rP172 upon treatment with SDS. These interactions may reflect the physiological relevance of the flexible nature of amelogenin and its sequence specific helical propensity that might enable it to structurally adapt with charged and potential targets such as cell surface, mineral, and other proteins during enamel biomineralization. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 101: 525–535, 2014.  相似文献   
Identification of potent and reversible cruzipain inhibitors for the treatment of Chagas disease is described. The identified inhibitors bearing an amino nitrile warhead in P1 exhibit low nanomolar in vitro potency against cruzipain. Further SAR in P2 portion led to the identification of compounds, such as 26, that have a unique selectivity profile against other cysteine proteases and offering new opportunities for safer treatment of Chagas disease.  相似文献   
Sibling cannibalism in dorada under experimental conditions.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Cannibalism among embryos and larvae of Brycon moorei (Characidae) occurs during daytime and night-time, and persists under permanent darkness. Embryos and larvae of dorada provisioned with formulated feed over the first week of exogenous feeding did not survive, except for those exerting cannibalism. When oered alternative fish prey [embryos of Prochilodus magdalenae (0·5–0·8 mg) and Oreochromis niloticus (9·10 mg)], 1-day-old embryos of dorada preferred preying on these, thereby reducing early cannibalism. However, this promoted depensatory growth and more intense cannibalism later in the larval stage. Dorada provisioned with Artemia nauplii in excess showed more homogeneous growth and higher survival, most cannibalistic acts being restricted to the first 24 h of exogenous feeding, just after oral teeth were fully developed (21 h after hatching). Provisioning dorada with Artemia nauplii a few hours before their oral teeth were fully developed reduced early cannibalism from 41 to 15%. High proportions of deformed fish caused higher mortality, both directly and indirectly, as they promoted early cannibalism, depensatory growth and more intense cannibalism among larvae. The initial sorting of embryos, based on their occupation of the water column improved survival significantly during the first week of exogenous feeding, up to 52% in progenies containing <10% of deformed fish. Size-grading of larvae and young juveniles over the next 2 weeks reduced cannibalism to 2·6 and 1·9% day −1, in the first and second weeks, respectively. These results indicate that cannibalism in dorada can be mitigated eciently through appropriate rearing procedures, and open promising perspectives for the intensive culture of this fast-growing tropical species.  相似文献   


The Government of Senegal has embarked several years ago on a project that aims to eradicate Glossina palpalis gambiensis from the Niayes area. The removal of the animal trypanosomosis would allow the development more efficient livestock production systems. The project was implemented using an area-wide integrated pest management strategy including a sterile insect technique (SIT) component. The released sterile male flies originated from a colony from Burkina Faso.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Monitoring the efficacy of the sterile male releases requires the discrimination between wild and sterile male G. p. gambiensis that are sampled in monitoring traps. Before being released, sterile male flies were marked with a fluorescent dye powder. The marking was however not infallible with some sterile flies only slightly marked or some wild flies contaminated with a few dye particles in the monitoring traps. Trapped flies can also be damaged due to predation by ants, making it difficult to discriminate between wild and sterile males using a fluorescence camera and / or a fluorescence microscope. We developed a molecular technique based on the determination of cytochrome oxidase haplotypes of G. p. gambiensis to discriminate between wild and sterile males. DNA was isolated from the head of flies and a portion of the 5’ end of the mitochondrial gene cytochrome oxidase I was amplified to be finally sequenced. Our results indicated that all the sterile males from the Burkina Faso colony displayed the same haplotype and systematically differed from wild male flies trapped in Senegal and Burkina Faso. This allowed 100% discrimination between sterile and wild male G. p. gambiensis.


This tool might be useful for other tsetse control campaigns with a SIT component in the framework of the Pan-African Tsetse and Trypanosomosis Eradication Campaign (PATTEC) and, more generally, for other vector or insect pest control programs.  相似文献   
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