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Degenerate PCR primers were used to amplify a 600-bp conserved gene region for chitin synthases from genomic DNA ofSporothrix schenckii, a dimorphic fungal pathogen of humans and animals. Three chitin synthase gene homologs were amplified as shown by DNA sequence analysis and by Southern blotting experiments. Based on differences among the predicted amino acid sequences of these homologs, each was placed within one of three different chitin synthase classes. Phylogenies constructed with the sequences and the PAUP 3.1.1. program showed thatS. schenckii consistently clustered most closely withNeurospora crassa in each of the three chitin synthase classes. These findings are significant because the phylogenies support by a new method the grouping of the imperfect fungusS. schenckii with the Pyrenomycetes of the Ascomycota.  相似文献   
One hundred and two conformations of alpha- and beta-D-allopyranose, the C-3 substituted epimer of glucopyranose, were geometry optimized using the density functional, B3LYP, and the basis set, 6-311++G **. Full geometry optimization was performed on different ring geometries and on the hydroxymethyl rotamers (gg/gt/tg). Analytically derived Hessians were used to calculate zero point energy, enthalpy, and entropy. The lowest energy and free energy conformation found is the alpha-tg(g-)-4C1-c conformation, which is only slightly higher in electronic (approximately 0.2 kcal/mol) and free energy than the lowest energy alpha-D-glucopyranose. The in vacuo calculations showed a small (approximately 0.3 kcal/mol) energetic preference for the alpha- over the beta-anomer for allopyranose in the 4C1 conformation, whereas in the 1C4 conformation a considerable (approximately 1.6 kcal/mol) energetic preference for the beta- over the alpha-anomer for allopyranose was encountered. The results are compared to previous aldohexose calculations in vacuo. Boat and skew forms were found that remained stable upon gradient optimization although many starting boat conformations moved to other skew forms upon optimization. As found for glucose, mannose, and galactose the orientation and interaction of the hydroxyl groups make the most significant contributions to the conformation/energy relationship in vacuo. A comparison of different basis sets and density functionals is made in the Discussion section, confirming the appropriateness of the level of theory used here.  相似文献   
Momany M  Zhao J  Lindsey R  Westfall PJ 《Genetics》2001,157(3):969-977
Members of the septin gene family are involved in cytokinesis and the organization of new growth in organisms as diverse as yeast, fruit fly, worm, mouse, and human. Five septin genes have been cloned and sequenced from the model filamentous fungus A. nidulans. As expected, the A. nidulans septins contain the highly conserved GTP binding and coiled-coil domains seen in other septins. On the basis of hybridization of clones to a chromosome-specific library and correlation with an A. nidulans physical map, the septins are not clustered but are scattered throughout the genome. In phylogenetic analysis most fungal septins could be grouped with one of the prototypical S. cerevisiae septins, Cdc3, Cdc10, Cdc11, and Cdc12. Intron-exon structure was conserved within septin classes. The results of this study suggest that most fungal septins belong to one of four orthologous classes.  相似文献   
Branching generates new axes of polar growth in filamentous fungi and is critical for development, reproduction, and pathogenicity. To investigate branching we screened an Aspergillus nidulans temperature-sensitive mutant collection for abnormal hyphal branch (ahb) mutants. We identified two mutants, ahbA1, which showed reduced branching relative to wild type at restrictive temperature, and ahbB1, which showed increased branching relative to wild type at restrictive temperature. Both mutants also showed abnormal conidiophore development at restrictive temperature. The ahbA1 hypobranching mutant showed defects in nuclear division and hydroxyurea resistance. Complementation and sequencing showed that ahbA1 is a previously identified allele of the cell cycle regulator nimX. The ahbB1 hyperbranching mutant had an increased number of nuclei, was osmotically remedial and Calcofluor resistant. The ahbB gene is predicted to encode a novel protein that has homologues exclusively in filamentous fungi. The C-terminal domain of the predicted AhbB protein showed homology with the heme-binding domain of a cytochrome P450 protein and sequencing of the ahbB1 mutant allele showed that the lesion lies just before this putative heme-binding domain. The ahbB1 mutant showed increased sensitivity to the ergosterol biosynthesis inhibitor imidazole. Our results suggest a link between nuclear division and branching and a possible role for membrane synthesis in branching.  相似文献   
Aspergillus nidulans is a well-established nonpathogenic laboratory model for the opportunistic mycopathogen, A. fumigatus. Some recent studies have focused on possible functional roles of glycosphingolipids (GSLs) in these fungi. It has been demonstrated that biosynthesis of glycosylinositol phosphorylceramides (GIPCs) is required for normal cell cycle progression and polarized growth in A. nidulans (Cheng, J., T.-S. Park, A. S. Fischl, and X. S. Ye. 2001. Mol. Cell Biol. 21: 6198-6209); however, the structures of A. nidulans GIPCs were not addressed in that study, nor were the functional significance of individual structural variants and the downstream steps in their biosynthesis. To initiate such studies, acidic GSL components (designated An-2, -3, and -5) were isolated from A. nidulans and subjected to structural characterization by a combination of one-dimensional (1-D) and 2-D NMR spectroscopy, electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry (ESI-MS), ESI-MS/collision-induced decomposition-MS (MS/CID-MS), ESI-pseudo-[CID-MS]2, and gas chromatography-MS methods. All three were determined to be GIPCs, with mannose as the only monosaccharide present in the headgroup glycans; An-2 and An-3 were identified as di- and trimannosyl inositol phosphorylceramides (IPCs) with the structures Man alpha 1-->3Man alpha 1-->2Ins1-P-1Cer and Man alpha 1-->3(Man alpha 1-->6)Man alpha 1-->2Ins1-P-1Cer, respectively (where Ins = myo-inositol, P = phosphodiester, and Cer = ceramide). An-5 was partially characterized, and is proposed to be a pentamannosyl IPC, based on the trimannosyl core structure of An-3.  相似文献   
Kelley LL  Momany C 《BioTechniques》2003,35(4):750-2, 754, 756 passim
A nonimmune phagemid recombinant antibody fragment (rFab) library was generated with a nominal diversity of 1.16 x 10(7) using the QuikChange Multi Site-Directed Mutagenesis kit. Two degenerate primers spanning the third complementarity-determining region (CDR) loops of the antibody fragment light and heavy chain were mutated such that eight or nine amino acids were randomly changed per CDR loop. Seven proteins were used to evaluate the library quality. Protein-specific rFab antibodies were selected after three panning cycles. From 12% to 64% of the randomly selected colonies produced positive ELISA signals to the phagemid rFabs. Multisite-directed mutagenesis allowed a diverse rFab library to be rapidly constructed while retaining the structural framework of a Fab that had been optimized for production in Escherichia coli.  相似文献   
The human receptor subtype for VIP and PACAP, referred to as VPAC(1) receptor, has a large N-terminal extracellular domain which is critical for VIP binding. We further investigated this domain by mutating 12 amino acid residues which could participate in the formation of a tight bend (W67) or a coiled coil motif. They were changed to alanine (A) and the cDNAs were transiently transfected into Cos cells. All mutants but W67A exhibited K(d) values similar to that of the wild-type receptor. For the W67A mutant, no specific (125)I-VIP binding could be observed. Mutants at the W67 site were further characterized after stable transfection of epitope-tagged VPAC(1) receptor-GFP fusion proteins into CHO cells. W67A, W67E, W67H, and W67K mutants neither bound VIP nor mediated adenylyl cyclase activation by VIP. The W67F mutant mediated stimulation of adenylyl cyclase only at high VIP concentrations. Microscopic analysis and antibody binding experiments showed that all mutants were similarly expressed at the cell surface of CHO cells. Therefore tryptophan 67 in the human VPAC(1) receptor plays a crucial role in VIP binding due, in part, to its aromatic moiety.  相似文献   
Price NP  Momany FA 《Glycobiology》2005,15(9):29R-42R
Protein N-glycosylation in eukaryotes and peptidoglycan biosynthesis in bacteria are both initiated by the transfer of a D-N-acetylhexosamine 1-phosphate to a membrane-bound polyprenol phosphate. These reactions are catalyzed by a family of transmembrane proteins known as the UDP-D-N-acetylhexosamine: polyprenol phosphate D-N-acetylhexosamine 1-phosphate transferases. The sole eukaryotic member of this family, the d-N-acetylglucosamine 1-phosphate transferase (GPT), is specific for UDP-GlcNAc as the donor substrate and uses dolichol phosphate as the membrane-bound acceptor. The bacterial translocases, MraY, WecA, and WbpL, utilize undecaprenol phosphate as the acceptor substrate, but differ in their specificity for the UDP-sugar donor substrate. The structural basis of this sugar nucleotide specificity is uncertain. However, potential carbohydrate recognition (CR) domains have been identified within the C-terminal cytoplasmic loops of MraY, WecA, and WbpL that are highly conserved in family members with the same UDP-N-acetylhexosamine specificity. This review focuses on the catalytic mechanism and substrate specificity of these bacterial UDP-D-N-acetylhexosamine: polyprenol phosphate D-N-acetylhexosamine 1-P transferases and may provide insights for the development of selective inhibitors of cell wall biosynthesis.  相似文献   
Thirty-five conformations of alpha- and beta-d-mannopyranose, the C-2 substituted epimer of glucopyranose, were geometry optimized using the density functional (B3LYP), and basis set (6-311++G**). Full geometry optimization was performed on the hydroxymethyl rotamers (gg/gt/tg) and an analytical hessian program was used to calculate the harmonic vibrational frequencies, zero point energy, enthalpy, and entropy. The lowest energy conformation investigated is the beta-tg in the (4)C(1) chair conformation. The in vacuo calculations showed little energetic preference for either the alpha or beta anomer for mannopyranose in the (4)C(1) chair conformation. Results are compared to similar glucopyranose calculations in vacuo where the alpha anomer is approximately 1kcal/mol lower in electronic energy than the beta anomer. In the case of the generally higher energy (1)C(4) chair conformations, one low-energy, low-entropy beta-gg-(1)C(4) chair conformation was identified that is within approximately 1.4kcal/mol of the lowest energy (4)C(1) conformation of mannopyranose. Other (1)C(4) chair conformations in our investigation are approximately 2.9-7.9kcal/mol higher in overall energy. Many of the (3,O)B, B(3,O), (1,4)B, and B(1,4) boat forms passed through transitions without barriers to (1)S(3), (5)S(1), (1)S(5) skew forms with energies between approximately 3.6 and 8.9kcal/mol higher in energy than the lowest energy conformation of mannopyranose. Boat forms were found that remained stable upon gradient optimization. As with glucopyranose, the orientation and interaction of the hydroxy groups make a significant contribution to the conformation/energy relationship in vacuo.  相似文献   
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