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To determine whether D-penicillamine, known to reduce fibrosis in irradiated rat lung (W. F. Ward, A. Shih - Hoellwarth , and R. D. Tuttle , Radiology 146, 533-537, 1983), also ameliorates radiation injury in the pulmonary endothelium, we measured angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) activity, plasminogen activator (PLA) activity, and prostacyclin (PGI2) production in the lungs of penicillamine-treated (10 mg/day, po, continuous after irradiation) and untreated rats from 2 weeks to 6 months after a single dose of 25 Gy of 60Co gamma rays to the right hemithorax. Both ACE and PLA activity in the irradiated right lung of untreated rats decreased dramatically between the 1st and 2nd months after exposure, then reached a plateau through 6 months at approximately 25 and 50% of the normal level, respectively. For the first 2 months after irradiation, penicillamine-treated animals exhibited significantly (P less than 0.05) higher activities of both ACE and PLA than did untreated rats. From 3 to 6 months after irradiation, however, the only significant drug effect on these enzymes was a 25% increase in PLA activity at 6 months. PGI2 production by the irradiated lung of untreated rats increased continuously, and at 6 months was approximately 10 times higher than normal. Penicillamine significantly (P less than 0.05) reduced this hypersecretion, and at 6 months after irradiation, PGI2 production by the lungs of drug-treated rats was only half that of untreated animals. In contrast, the drug had no significant effect on enzyme activities in the lungs of sham-irradiated rats. Thus the antifibrotic agent D-penicillamine delays the onset of radiation-induced enzyme dysfunction in the pulmonary endothelium. In addition at 6 months after irradiation, the lungs of penicillamine-treated rats exhibit 25% more PLA activity and only half as severe a hypersecretion of PGI2 as do the lungs of untreated animals. The drug is most effective in ameliorating endothelial damage during the first 2 months after irradiation, preceding the development of interstitial fibrosis. However, the effect of this penicillamine regimen on pulmonary endothelial function is not as large as its effect on collagen accumulation in irradiated rat lung.  相似文献   
A substantial genetic contribution in the etiology of developmental dyslexia (DD) has been well documented with independent groups reporting a susceptibility locus on chromosome 15q. After the identification of the DYX1C1 gene as a potential candidate for DD, several independent association studies reported controversial results. We performed a family-based association study to determine whether the DYX1C1 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that have been associated with DD before, that is SNPs '-3GA' and '1249GT', influence a broader phenotypic definition of DD. A significant linkage disequilibrium was observed with 'Single Letter Backward Span' (SLBS) in both single-marker and haplotype analyses. These results provide further support to the association between DD and DYX1C1 and it suggests that the linkage disequilibrium with DYX1C1 is more saliently explained in Italian dyslexics by short-term memory, as measured by 'SLBS', than by the categorical diagnosis of DD or other related phenotypes.  相似文献   
The ability to process and identify human faces matures early in life, is universal and is mediated by a distributed neural system. The temporal dynamics of this cognitive-emotional task can be studied by cerebral visual event-related potentials (ERPs) that are stable from midchildhood onwards. We hypothesized that part of individual variability in the parameters of the N170, a waveform that specifically marks the early, precategorical phases of human face processing, could be associated with genetic variation at the functional polymorphism of the catechol-O-methyltransferase (val(158)met) gene, which influences information processing, cognitive control tasks and patterns of brain activation during passive processing of human facial stimuli. Forty-nine third and fourth graders underwent a task of implicit processing of other children's facial expressions of emotions while ERPs were recorded. The N170 parameters (latency and amplitude) were insensitive to the type of expression, stimulus repetition, gender or school grade. Although limited by the absence of met- homozygotes among boys, data showed shorter N170 latency associated with the presence of 1-2 met158 alleles, and family-based association tests (as implemented in the PBAT version 2.6 software package) confirmed the association. These data were independent of the serotonin transporter promoter polymorphism and the N400 waveform investigated in the same group of children in a previous study. Some electrophysiological features of face processing may be stable from midchildhood onwards. Different waveforms generated by face processing may have at least partially independent genetic architectures and yield different implications toward the understanding of individual differences in cognition and emotions.  相似文献   
Cell migration entails the dynamic redistribution of adhesion receptors from the cell rear toward the cell front, where they form new protrusions and adhesions. This process may involve regulated endo-exocytosis of integrins. Here we show that in primary neutrophils unengaged alphaL/beta2 integrin (LFA-1) is internalized and rapidly recycled upon chemoattractant stimulation via a clathrin-independent, cholesterol-sensitive pathway involving dynamic partitioning into detergent-resistant membranes (DRM). Persistent DRM association is required for recycling of the internalized receptor because 1) >90% of endocytosed LFA-1 is associated with DRM, and a large fraction of the internalized receptor colocalizes intracellularly with markers of DRM and the recycling endocytic compartment; 2) a recycling-defective mutant (alphaL/beta2Y735A) dissociates rapidly from DRM upon being endocytosed and is subsequently diverted into a late endosomal pathway; and 3) a dominant negative Rab11 mutant (Rab11S25N) induces intracellular accumulation of endocytosed alphaL/beta2 and prevents its enrichment in chemoattractant-induced lamellipodia. Notably, chemokine-induced migration of neutrophils over immobilized ICAM-1 is abrogated by cholesterol-sequestering agents. We propose that DRM-associated endocytosis allows efficient retrieval of integrins, as they detach from their ligands, followed by polarized recycling to areas of the plasma membrane, such as lamellipodia, where they establish new adhesive interactions and promote outside-in signaling events.  相似文献   
Twelve fungi namelyAlternaria alternata, Aspergillus flavus, A niger, A ochraceus, Actinomucor repens, Capnodoium spp., Curvularia lunata, Fusarium pallidoroseum, F solani, F verticillioides, Penicillium citrinum and Rhizopus stolonifer were recorded from samples ofAegle marmelos, Aesculus indica, Buchanania lanzan andPinus gerardiana. In case ofPrunus amygdalus only Rstolonifer was recorded. A significant variation in pattern of mycoflora incidence was observed in terms of source and season. Fungal infestation in most of the substrates was found to be highest during monsoon. Aflatoxins were the most common mycotoxins elaborated by different isolates ofA flavus obtained fromA marmelos, B lanzan andP gerardiana. The amount of aflatoxins produced by the toxigenic isolates ofA flavus was in the range of traces to 0.9–26.0 μg/ml inA marmelos, 0.8–17.5 μg/ml inP gerardiana and 0.65–13.2 μg/ml inB lanzan. The percentage toxigenicity was comparatively lower in the isolates of other mycotoxigenic fungi. Aflatoxins were detected almost in all the samples analyzed for mycotoxin contamination. However, traces of zearalenone were detected inA marmelos. The concentration of aflatoxin B1 was in the range of 0.13–0.75 μg/g inA marmelos, 0.09–0.60 μg/g inP gerardiana and 0.01–0.20 ug/g inB lanzan. Mycotoxins were not detected inAesculus indica andPrunus amygdalus.  相似文献   
Bacteria are rapidly killed on copper surfaces. However, the mechanism of this process remains unclear. Using Enterococcus hirae, the effect of inactivation of copper homeostatic genes and of medium compositions on survival and copper dissolution was tested. The results support a role for dissolved copper ions in killing.The rapid killing of bacteria by solid copper surfaces is receiving rapidly growing attention. In laboratory experiments, it has been shown that many bacterial species, such as Escherichia coli O157, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella enterica, Campylobacter jejuni, Clostridium difficile, and Mycobacterium tuberculosis, are efficiently killed on copper or copper alloy surfaces (1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 12-14). In contrast, on stainless steel, living cells could be recovered even after 28 days. The antimicrobial activity of copper and copper alloys is now well established, and copper has recently been registered at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as the first solid antimicrobial material. A key focus is the use of copper in health care facilities, food processing plants, and other areas where clean or aseptic working procedures are required (2). In this connection, it has become important to understand the mechanism of bacterial killing, as it may bear on the possibility of the emergence of resistant organisms, cleaning procedures, and material and object engineering. We here used wild-type and mutant strains of Enterococcus hirae to investigate the influence of copper resistance genes on killing rates. We also evaluated copper dissolution by various media and its relation to killing efficiency. Our findings provide support for a prominent role for dissolved copper in the killing process.  相似文献   
Rotenone decreases the incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma and lowers rates of hepatocellular proliferation. In an effort to delineate mechanisms involved, the in vivo effect of rotenone on liver mitochondrial metabolism, apoptotic machinery as well as elements of the hepatic signal transduction pathways were investigated. Mitochondria from livers of male B6C3F1 mice fed a standard diet containing 600 ppm rotenone for 7 days were uncoupled or inhibited when succinate or glutamate plus malate were used as the substrate, respectively. These livers also showed a significant increase in apoptosis compared with control livers. Furthermore, rotenone increased the expression of c-myc mRNA to 5-fold of control values within 3 days, an effect which was still observed (3-fold) after 7 days. Levels of p53 mRNA were also increased 3-fold after 1 day, but declined to control levels by 7 days. Rotenone also caused a transient, yet marked increase in liver particulate glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) protein expression, while it did not alter the expression of the cytosolic form of the enzyme. Conversely, mRNA of the proto-oncogene H-ras showed a decline of 35% after 3 days of rotenone treatment, and remained diminished for the duration of the experiment. These data suggest that rotenone may act as an anticancer agent by diminishing mitochondrial bioenergetics which prevents basal hepatocyte proliferation and lowers the threshold for liver cells with DNA damage to undergo apoptosis.  相似文献   
Sulfolobus solfataricus carboxypeptidase (CPSso) is a thermostable zinc-metalloenzyme with a M(r) of 43,000. Taking into account the experimentally determined zinc content of one ion per subunit, we developed two alternative 3D models, starting from the available structures of Thermoactinomyces vulgaris carboxypeptidase (Model A) and Pseudomonas carboxypeptidase G2 (Model B). The former enzyme is monomeric and has one metal ion in the active site, while the latter is dimeric and has two bound zinc ions. The two models were computed by exploiting the structural alignment of the one zinc- with the two zinc-containing active sites of the two templates, and with a threading procedure. Both computed structures resembled the respective template, with only one bound zinc with tetrahedric coordination in the active site. With these models, two different quaternary structures can be modeled: one using Model A with a hexameric symmetry, the other from Model B with a tetrameric symmetry. Mutagenesis experiments directed toward the residues putatively involved in metal chelation in either of the models disproved Model A and supported Model B, in which the metal-binding site comprises His(108), Asp(109), and His(168). We also identified Glu(142) as the acidic residue interacting with the water molecule occupying the fourth chelation site. Furthermore, the overall fold and the oligomeric structure of the molecule was validated by small angle x-ray scattering (SAXS). An ab initio original approach was used to reconstruct the shape of the CPSso in solution from the experimental curves. The results clearly support a tetrameric structure. The Monte Carlo method was then used to compare the crystallographic coordinates of the possible quaternary structures for CPSso with the SAXS profiles. The fitting procedure showed that only the model built using the Pseudomonas carboxypeptidase G2 structure as a template fitted the experimental data.  相似文献   
Previous studies have shown that docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) has an antihypertensive effect in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). To investigate possible mechanisms for this effect, vascular pathology and reactivity were determined in SHR treated with dietary DHA. SHR (7 weeks) were fed a purified diet with either a combination of corn/soybean oils or a DHA-enriched oil for 6 weeks. Histological evaluation of heart tissue, aorta, coronary, and renal arteries was performed. Vascular responses were determined in isolated aortic rings. Contractile responses to agonists, including norepinephrine (10(-9) to 10(-4) M), potassium chloride (5-55 mM), and angiotensin II (5 x 10(-7) M) were assessed. Vasorelaxant responses to acetylcholine (10(-9) to 10 (-4) M), sodium nitroprusside (10(-9) to 10(-6) M), papaverine (10(-5) to 10(-4) M), and methoxyverapamil (D600, 1-100 microM) were determined. DHA-fed SHR had significantly reduced blood pressure (P < 0.001) and vascular wall thicknesses in the coronary, thoracic, and abdominal aorta compared with controls (P < 0.05) Contractile responses to agonists mediated by receptor stimulation and potassium depolarization were not altered in DHA-fed SHR. Endothelial-dependent relaxations to acetylcholine were not altered which suggests endothelial-derived nitric oxide production/release is not affected by dietary DHA. Other mechanisms of vascular relaxation, including intracellular cyclic nucleotides, cGMP, and cAMP were not altered by dietary DHA because aortic relaxant responses to sodium nitroprusside and papaverine were similar in control and DHA-fed SHR. No significant differences were seen in relaxant responses to the calcium channel blocker, D600, or contractile responses to norepinephrine in the absence of extracellular calcium. These results suggest that dietary DHA does not affect mechanisms related to extracellular calcium channels or intracellular calcium mobilization. Moreover, the contractile and vasorelaxant responses are not differentially altered with dietary DHA in this in vivo SHR model. The findings demonstrate that dietary DHA reduces systolic blood pressure and vascular wall thickness in SHR. This may contribute to decrease arterial stiffness and pulse pressure, in addition to the antihypertensive properties of DHA. The antihypertensive properties of DHA are not related to alterations in vascular responses.  相似文献   
Three hundred and twenty-two (264 males and 58 females), randomly sampled Grey Alpine cattle individuals from Northeastern Italy, were investigated cytogenetically by both conventional chromosome staining and R-banding. Two hundred and eighty-one (87%) individuals had a normal karyotype and 41 (13%) carried chromosomal aberrations such as (a) rob(1;29) in two individuals, (b) rob(26;29) in 36 individuals, (c) XX/XY-chimerism in two individuals, and (d) an abnormally long chromosome in one individual. All these aberrations except (d) have been described before. GBG-, RBG-, CBA-banding and sequential GBG/CBA- and RBG/CBA-banding techniques revealed that the abnormally long chromosome was the result of a reciprocal translocation between chromosomes 1 (q21-->qter) and 5 (q11-->q33), as confirmed also by chromosome painting with human chromosome 3 and 12 probes. The dam of the carrier bull carried the same translocation, while the grandam showed a normal karyotype. Since the sire of the dam was not available for study, no conclusion about the origin of the chromosome translocation could be drawn. The carrier bull was eliminated because of poor fertility. The dam had three other calves, which all were chromosomally normal. On average the dam had to be served 2.5 times (breed average was 1.2) to be in calf.  相似文献   
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