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核酶Ripc对HBV基因体外转录物的作用   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
王平  徐炜 《病毒学报》1993,9(3):278-280
虎耳草科落新妇族的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文探讨了落新妇族Trib.Astilbeae的系统发育和地理分布。依据进化论、被子植物性状演化总趋势和外类群比较,确认了该族及其外类群Penthorum的重要性状(染色体基数,花粉纹饰,胎座式,心皮、雄蕊、花瓣和萼片数目,萼片脉型,叶型)的极性。采用徐克学(1989)最大同步法做了分支分析,推导出了该族的系统树图。系统树图表明:Rodgersia和Astilboides是一单系类群,而Astilbe为其姊妹群; Rodgersia较Astilbe进化,Astilboides则居二者之间;Penthorum是落新妇族的姊妹群,且与之有共同祖先。迄今为止,已知落新妇族共有24种和13变种(原变种除外)。分布于Takhtajan(1986)的东亚区、大西洋-北美区、伊朗-土兰区和马来西亚区。在东亚区,日本、朝鲜和中国(吉林-辽宁东部)有3属、17种和变种,占该族种与变种总数的45.9%,其中,含有不同演化水平的类群和该族原始种有Astilbe platyphylla,A.simplicifolia和Rodgersia podophylla,此地区是该族的起源中心、现代分布中心和分化中心。 横断山地区有2属、11种和变种,占29.7%,是另一现代分布中心。本族较进化的种Astilbe biternata、A. indica、A.khasiana和Rodgersia nepalensis等,均出现于远离起源中心地区。据此推断,本族植物的散布路线可能是从日本、朝鲜和中国(吉林-辽宁东部)向北通过东西伯利亚和白令陆桥,继而向东南进入北美东南部;向南经中国南部至菲律宾和爪哇,向西南越秦岭-大巴山山地、横断山,入喜马拉雅。落新妇属 Astilbe和鬼灯檠属Rodgersia均分布于亚洲大陆和日本岛屿,而日本于晚第三纪以来,即与亚洲大陆分离,故落新妇属和鬼灯檠属的形成,当在日本与亚洲大陆分离之前。据此推知,落新妇族的起源时间可能在早第三纪,或可追溯至晚白垩纪。  相似文献   
[目的]糖尿病是由于多种因素和遗传因素导致体内胰岛素相对或绝对分泌不足,而引起的代谢性内分泌疾病,它以血糖、尿糖升高为特点,起病隐蔽,通过并发症使人致残致死,是继心血管、癌症之后的第三大致死性疾病,很可能成为21世纪人类的“第一杀手”(1,2)。本文采用人工诱导的方法,建立恒河猴糖尿病动物模型,研究糖尿病疾病的发展和及其并发症的发生、发展规律和防治措施,同时对于治疗糖尿病新药的安全性评价和药物疗效的观察具有广阔的运用前景。[方法]选用成熟的、健康的、雄性恒河猴9只,随机分成三个组,其中高剂量组(60mg/kg)1只,中剂量组(45m…  相似文献   
植物转基因位置依赖性沉默与位置效应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
植物基因组能够识别外源基因的出现及所整合的特异位置并产生相应反应,通过分析嘧啶甲基化的信号及模式,比较不同表达水平转基因的整合位点及基因组环境差异,植物转基因位置依赖性沉默和位置效应的机理得到进一步揭示;讨论了位置效应的研究方法和克服策略。  相似文献   
Phosphatidylinositol 5-phosphatases (5PTases) components of membrane trafficking system. Recently, we that hydrolyze the 5' position of the inositol ring are key reported that mutation in AtSPTase7 gene reduced produc- tion of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and decreased expression of stress-responsive genes, resulting in increased salt sensitivity. Here, we describe an even more salt-sensitive 5ptase mutant, At5ptase9, which also hydrolyzes the 5' phos- phate groups specifically from membrane-bound phosphatidylinositides. Interestingly, the mutants were more tolerant to osmotic stress. We analyzed the main cellular processes that may be affected by the mutation, such as production of ROS, influx of calcium, and induction of salt-response genes. The At5ptase9 mutants showed reduced ROS produc- tion and Ca2~ influx, as well as decreased fluid-phase endocytosis. Inhibition of endocytosis by phenylarsine oxide or Tyrphostin A23 in wild-type plants blocked these responses. Induction of salt-responsive genes in wild-type plants was also suppressed by the endocytosis inhibitors. Thus, inhibition of endocytosis in wild-type plants mimicked the salt stress responses, observed in the AtSptase9 mutants. In summary, our results show a key non-redundant role of At5PTase7 and 9 isozymes, and underscore the localization of membrane-bound Ptdlns in regulating plant salt tolerance by coordinating the endocytosis, ROS production, Ca2+ influx, and induction of stress-responsive genes.  相似文献   
Acyl-coenzyme A:cholesterol acyltransferase (ACAT)is an integral membrane protein, which is mainly locatedin rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER), and is responsiblefor catalyzing the intracellular formation of cholesterylester from cholesterol and long-chain fatty acyl-coenzymeA [1,2]. Human ACAT1 cDNA K1 was firstly cloned andfunctionally expressed in 1993 [3]. Further studies withspecific anti-ACAT1 antibody (DM10) illustrated that onemajor 50 kD ACAT1 protein was expressed in various…  相似文献   
曾力宇  金奇 《病毒学报》1997,13(4):351-356
从中国发病鸡群中分离的鸡减蛋综合征病毒弱毒株AA-2,经常规方法提取其病毒核酸后,组建了完整的限制性内切酶PstI及HingⅢ水解片段的基因文库,并对其中HindⅢ,-SacⅠ进行了序列测定。同源比较分析证明:其L链含编码病毒末端前体蛋白,容量为580个氨基酸残基的开放读码框架。  相似文献   
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