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Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) are critical growth factors in the osteogenic differentiation of progenitor cells during development in embryos and fracture repair in adults. Although recombinant BMPs are in use clinically, their clinical efficiency needs to be improved. The biological activities of BMPs are naturally regulated by extracellular binding proteins. The specific hypotheses tested in this study were as follows: the BMP inhibitor chordin is produced endogenously during the osteogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs); and blockade of the activity of the BMP inhibitor increases the rate of osteogenic differentiation of human MSCs in vitro.


Human MSCs were derived from bone marrow from an iliac crest aspirate and from patients undergoing hip hemiarthroplasty. The MSCs were induced down the osteogenic pathway using standard osteogenic differentiation media, and expressions of BMP-2 and chordin were determined by gene expression analysis. During osteogenic differentiation, chordin knockdown was induced using RNA interference. Osteogenic differentiation was assessed by measuring the expression of alkaline phosphatase and calcium deposition. The differences in expression of osteogenic makers between groups were compared by analysis of variance, followed by Gabriel post hoc test.


We demonstrate the expression of BMP-2 and chordin in human MSCs during osteogenic differentiation. Knockdown of chordin by RNA interference in vitro resulted in a significant increase in the expression of the osteogenic marker alkaline phosphatase and the deposition of extracellular mineral, in response to osteogenic stimulation.


We conclude that endogenously produced chordin constrains the osteogenic differentiation of human MSCs. The targeting of BMP inhibitors, such as chordin, may provide a novel strategy for enhancing bone regeneration.  相似文献   
Cortical granules, which are specialized secretory organelles found in ova of many organisms, have been isolated from the eggs of the sea urchins Arbacia punctulata and Strongylocentrtus pupuratus by a simple, rapid procedure. Electron micropscope examination of cortical granules prepared by this procedure reveals that they are tightly attached to large segments of the plasma membrane and its associated vitelline layer. Further evidence that he cortical granules were associated with these cell surface layers was obtained by (125)I-labeling techniques. The cortical granule preparations were found to be rich in proteoesterase, which was purified 32-fold over that detected in a crude homogenate. Similarly, the specific radioactivity of a (125)I-labeled, surface glycoprotein was increased 40-fold. These facts, coupled with electron microscope observations, indicate the isolation procedure yields a preparation in which both the cortical granules and the plasma membrane-vitelline layer are purified to the same extent. Gel electrophoresis of the membrane-associated cortical granule preparation reveals the presence of at least eight polypeptides. The major polypeptide, which is a glycotprotein of apparent mol wt of 100,000, contains most of the radioactivity introduced by (125)I-labeling of the intact eggs. Lysis of the cortical granules is observed under hypotonic conditions, or under isotonic conditions if Ca(2+) ion is present. When lysis is under isotonic conditions is induced by addition of Ca(2+) ion, the electron-dense contents of the granules remain insoluble. In contrast, hypotonic lysis results in release of the contents of the granule in a soluble form. However, in both cases the (125)I-labeled glycoprotein remains insoluble, presumably because it is a component of either the plasma membrane or the vitelline layer. All these findings indicate that, using this purified preparation, it should be possible to carry out in vitro studies to better define some of the initial, surface-related events observed in vivo upon fertilization.  相似文献   
2-Methoxyestradiol (2ME), a promising anti-tumor agent, is currently tested in phase I/II clinical trial to assess drug tolerance and clinical effects. 2ME is known to affect microtubule (MT) polymerization rather than act through estrogen receptors. We hypothesized that 2ME, similar to other MT inhibitors, disrupts endothelial barrier properties. We show that 2ME decreases transendothelial electrical resistance and increases FITC-dextran leakage across human pulmonary artery endothelial monolayer, which correlates with 2ME-induced MT depolymerization. Pretreatment of endothelium with MT stabilizer taxol significantly attenuates the decrease in transendothelial resistance. 2ME treatment results in the induction of F-actin stress fibers, accompanied by the increase in myosin light chain (MLC) phosphorylation. The experiments with Rho kinase (ROCK) and MLC kinase inhibitors and ROCK small interfering RNA (siRNA) revealed that increase in MLC phosphorylation is attributed to the ROCK activation rather than MLC kinase activation. 2ME induces significant ERK1/2, p38, and JNK phosphorylation and activation; however, only p38 activation is relevant to the 2ME-induced endothelial hyperpermeability. p38 activation is accompanied by a marked increase in MAPKAP2 and 27-kDa heat shock protein (HSP27) phosphorylation level. Taxol significantly decreases p38 phosphorylation and activation in response to 2ME stimulation. Vice versa, p38 inhibitor SB203580 attenuates MT rearrangement in 2ME-challenged cells. Together, these results indicate that 2ME-induced barrier disruption is governed by MT depolymerization and p38- and ROCK-dependent mechanisms. The fact that certain concentrations of 2ME induce endothelial hyperpermeability suggests that the issue of the maximum-tolerated dose of 2ME for cancer treatment should be addressed with caution.  相似文献   
The data requirements and resources needed to develop multispecies indicators of fishing impacts are often lacking and this is particularly true for coral reef fisheries. Size-spectra, relationships between abundance and body-size class, regardless of taxonomy, can be calculated from simple sizeabundance data. Both the slope and the mid-point height of the relationship can be compared at different fishing intensities. Here, we develop size-spectra for reef fish assemblages using body size- abundance data collected by underwater visual census in each of ten fishing grounds across a known gradient of fishing intensity in the Kadavu Island group, Fiji. Slopes of the size-spectra became steeper (F9,69=3.20, p<0.01) and the height declined (F9,69=15.78, p<0.001) with increasing fishing intensity. Regressions of numbers of individuals per size class across grounds were negative for all size classes, although the slope was almost zero for the smallest size class. Response to exploitation of each size class category was greatest for larger fish. Steepening of the slope with increasing fishing intensity largely resulted from reductions in the relative abundance of large fish and not from the ecological release of small fish following depletion of their predators. The slope and height of the size-spectrum appear to be good indicators of fishing effects on reef fish assemblages.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Aberrant DNA methylation has been recognized in human breast carcinogenesis as a common molecular alteration associated with the loss of expression of a number of key regulatory genes. The present study was undertaken to determine whether methylation and expression of p16 and FHIT genes would correlate with the estrogen receptor (ER) and progesterone receptor (PR) status. METHODS: Methylation-specific polymerase chain reaction, messenger RNA (mRNA) expression analysis, immunohistochemistry, and Western blot analysis were performed to study the methylation of p16 and FHIT genes in 351 pairs of malignant/normal breast tissues. We examined the expression of ER and PR in those specimens by immunohistochemistry. Mutations of p16 and FHIT genes in tumors were detected by direct sequencing. RESULTS: The frequency of hypermethylation was 31.9% and 36.8% in p16 and FHIT genes, respectively, and showed significant harmony in concordant hypermethylation (P < .0001). In postmenopausal patients, methylation frequency in both genes is significantly higher in poorly and moderately differentiated tumors. Loss of protein expression of p16 and FHIT in 77 and 74 tumors, respectively, is associated with their methylation status in premenopausal women. CONCLUSION: We did not find any significant differences in tumor-related gene methylation patterns relevant to both ER and PR status of breast tumors.  相似文献   
In vivo models of airway inflammation suggest that most protein transudation occurs from bronchial microcirculation. However, due to technical limitations in the isolation and culture of bronchial endothelial cells, most studies of lung vascular permeability have focused on pulmonary endothelium. Thus conditions for culture of sheep bronchial artery endothelial cells (BAEC) and bronchial microvascular endothelial cells (BMVEC) were established. The bronchial artery and the mainstem bronchi, stripped of epithelium, were dissected, and endothelial cells were isolated by enzymatic treatment. BAEC and BMVEC demonstrated positive staining for factor VIII-related antigen, 1,1'-dioctadecyl-3,3,3',3'-tetramethylindocarbocyanine perchlorate-labeled low-density lipoprotein, and PECAM-1. Radioligand binding studies confirmed equivalent numbers of bradykinin B(2) receptors on BAEC and BMVEC. Permeability of BAEC and BMVEC was determined after treatment with bradykinin and thrombin by comparing the translocation of FITC-dextran (mol wt 9,500) across confluent monolayers (n = 10-12). Bradykinin caused a maximal increase in permeability in BAEC (165% increase) and BMVEC (144% increase) by 15 min compared with vehicle controls. Thrombin treatment altered BMVEC permeability only, reaching a maximal response at 60 min (109% increase). These results demonstrate bronchial endothelial cell heterogeneity and establish methods to determine intracellular mechanisms contributing to airway disease in relevant cell systems.  相似文献   
Microstructure of dibenzo-18-crown-6 (DB18C6) and DB18C6/Li+ complex in different solvents (water, methanol, chloroform, and nitrobenzene) have been analyzed using radial distribution function (RDF), coordination number (CN), and orientation profiles, in order to identify the role of solvents on complexation of DB18C6 with Li+, using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. In contrast to aqueous solution of LiCl, no clear solvation pattern is found around Li+ in the presence of DB18C6. The effect of DB18C6 has been visualized in terms of reduction in peak height and shift in peak positions of gLi-Ow. The appearance of damped oscillations in velocity autocorrelation function (VACF) of complexed Li+ described the high frequency motion to a “rattling” of the ion in the cage of DB18C6. The solvent-complex interaction is found to be higher for water and methanol due to hydrogen bond (HB) interactions with DB18C6. However, the stability of DB18C6/Li+ complex is found to be almost similar for each solvent due to weak complex-solvent interactions. Further, Li+ complex of DB18C6 at the liquid/liquid interface of two immiscible solvents confirm the high interfacial activity of DB18C6 and DB18C6/Li+ complex. The complexed Li+ shows higher affinity for water than organic solvents; still they remain at the interface rather than migrating toward water due to higher surface tension of water as compared to organic solvents. These simulation results shed light on the role of counter-ions and spatial orientation of species in pure and hybrid solvents in the complexation of DB18C6 with Li+. Graphical Abstract
DB18C6/Li+ complex in pure solvents (water, methanol, chloroform, and nitrobenzene) and water/nitrobenzene interface  相似文献   
Hyaluronan (HA), a glycosaminoglycan critical to the lung extracellular matrix, has been shown to dissociate into low-molecular-weight (LMW) HA fragments following exposure to injurious stimuli. In the present study we questioned whether lung HA changed during ischemia and whether changes had an effect on subsequent angiogenesis. After left pulmonary artery ligation (LPAL) in mice, we analyzed left lung homogenates immediately after the onset of ischemia (0 h) and intermittently for 14 days. The relative expression of HA synthase (HAS)1, HAS2, and HAS3 was determined by real-time RT-PCR, total HA in the lung was measured by an ELISA-like assay, gel electrophoresis was performed to determine changes in HA size distribution, and the activity of hyaluronidases was determined by zymography. A 50% increase in total HA was measured 16 h after the onset of ischemia and remained elevated for up to 7 days. Furthermore, a fourfold increase in LMW HA fragments (495-30 kDa) was observed by 4 h after LPAL. Both HAS1 and HAS2 showed increased expression 4-16 h after LPAL, yet no changes were seen in hyaluronidase activity. These results suggest that both HA fragmentation and activation of HA synthesis contribute to increased HA levels during lung ischemia. Delivery of LMW HA fragments in an in vitro tube formation assay or directly to the ischemic mouse lung in vivo both resulted in increased angiogenesis. We conclude that ischemic injury results in matrix fragmentation, which leads to stimulation of neovascularization.  相似文献   
Lung inflammation and alterations in endothelial cell (EC) permeability are key events to development of acute lung injury (ALI). Protective effects of atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) have been shown against inflammatory signaling and endothelial barrier dysfunction induced by gram-negative bacterial wall liposaccharide. We hypothesized that ANP may possess more general protective effects and attenuate lung inflammation and EC barrier dysfunction by suppressing inflammatory cascades and barrier-disruptive mechanisms shared by gram-negative and gram-positive pathogens. C57BL/6J wild-type or ANP knockout mice (Nppa-/-) were treated with gram-positive bacterial cell wall compounds, Staphylococcus aureus-derived peptidoglycan (PepG) and/or lipoteichoic acid (LTA) (intratracheal, 2.5 mg/kg each), with or without ANP (intravenous, 2 μg/kg). In vitro, human pulmonary EC barrier properties were assessed by morphological analysis of gap formation and measurements of transendothelial electrical resistance. LTA and PepG markedly increased pulmonary EC permeability and activated p38 and ERK1/2 MAP kinases, NF-κB, and Rho/Rho kinase signaling. EC barrier dysfunction was further elevated upon combined LTA and PepG treatment, but abolished by ANP pretreatment. In vivo, LTA and PepG-induced accumulation of protein and cells in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, tissue neutrophil infiltration, and increased Evans blue extravasation in the lungs was significantly attenuated by intravenous injection of ANP. Accumulation of bronchoalveolar lavage markers of LTA/PepG-induced lung inflammation and barrier dysfunction was further augmented in ANP-/- mice and attenuated by exogenous ANP injection. These results strongly suggest a protective role of ANP in the in vitro and in vivo models of ALI associated with gram-positive infection. Thus ANP may have important implications in therapeutic strategies aimed at the treatment of sepsis and ALI-induced gram-positive bacterial pathogens.  相似文献   
Despite being popular among amateur and professional lepidopterologists and posing great opportunities for evolutionary research, the phylogenetic relationships of tiger moths (Erebidae: Arctiinae) are not well resolved. Here we provide the first phylogenetic hypothesis for the subtribe Arctiina with the basic aim of clarifying the phylogenetic position of the Wood Tiger Moth Parasemia plantaginis Hübner, a model species in evolutionary ecology. We sampled 89 species in 52 genera within Arctiina s.l., 11 species of Callimorphina and two outgroup species. We sequenced up to seven nuclear genes (CAD, GAPDH, IDH, MDH, Ef1α, RpS5, Wingless) and one mitochondrial gene (COI) including the barcode region (a total of 5915 bp). Both maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference resulted in a well‐resolved phylogenetic hypothesis, consisting of four clades within Arctiina s.s. and a clade comprising spilosomine species in addition to Callimorphina and outgroups. Based on our results, we present a new classification, where we consider the Diacrisia clade, Chelis clade, Apantesis clade, Micrarctia Seitz and Arctia clade as valid genera within Arctiina s.s., whereas Rhyparia Hübner syn.n. and Rhyparioides Butler syn.n. are synonymized with Diacrisia Hübner; Neoarctia Neumoegen & Dyar syn.n. , Tancrea Püngeler syn.n. , Hyperborea Grum‐Grshimailo syn.n. , Palearctia Ferguson syn.n. , Holoarctia Ferguson syn.n. , Sibirarctia Dubatolov syn.n. and Centrarctia Dubatolov syn.n. are synonymized with Chelis Rambur; Grammia Rambur syn.n. , Orodemnias Wallengren syn.n. , Mimarctia Neumoegen & Dyar syn.n. , Notarctia Smith syn.n. and Holarctia Smith syn.n. are synonymized with Apantesis Walker; and Epicallia Hübner syn.n. , Eucharia Hübner syn.n. , Hyphoraia Hübner syn.n. , Parasemia Hübner syn.n. , Pericallia Hübner syn.n. , Nemeophila Stephens syn.n. , Ammobiota Wallengren syn.n. , Platarctia Packard syn.n. , Chionophila Guenée syn.n. , Eupsychoma Grote syn.n. , Gonerda Moore syn.n. , Platyprepia Dyar syn.n. , Preparctia Hampson syn.n. , Oroncus Seitz syn.n. , Acerbia Sotavalta syn.n. , Pararctia Sotavalta syn.n. , Borearctia Dubatolov syn.n. , Sinoarctia Dubatolov syn.n. and Atlantarctia Dubatolov syn.n. are synonymized with Arctia Schrank, leading to 33 new genus‐level synonymies. Our focal species Arctia plantaginis comb.n. is placed as sister to Arctia festiva comb.n. , another widespread aposematic species showing wing pattern variation. Our molecular hypothesis can be used as a basis when adding more species to the tree and tackling interesting evolutionary questions, such as the evolution of warning signalling and mimicry in tiger moths.  相似文献   
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