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Understanding patterns of genetic diversity and population structure for rare, narrowly endemic plant species, such as Pinguicula ionantha (Godfrey’s butterwort; Lentibulariaceae), informs conservation goals and can directly affect management decisions. Pinguicula ionantha is a federally listed species endemic to the Florida Panhandle in the southeastern USA. The main goal of our study was to assess patterns of genetic diversity and structure in 17 P. ionantha populations, and to determine if diversity is associated with geographic location or population characteristics. We scored 240 individuals at a total of 899 AFLP markers (893 polymorphic markers). We found no relationship between the estimated population size with either of two measures of diversity (proportion of loci polymorphic, P = 0.37; Nei’s gene diversity, P = 0.50). We also found low levels of population genetic structure; there was no clear relationship of genetic isolation by distance (P = 0.23) and only a small (but significant) proportion of genetic variation was partitioned amongst regions (2.4 %, P = 0.02) or populations (20.8 %, P < 0.001). STRUCTURE analysis found that the model with two inferred clusters (K = 2) best described the AFLP data; the dominant cluster at each site corresponded to the results from PCoA and Nei’s genetic distance analyses. The observed patterns of genetic diversity suggest that although P. ionantha populations are isolated spatially by distance and both natural and anthropogenic barriers, some gene flow occurs among them or isolation has been too recent to leave a genetic signature. The relatively low level of genetic diversity associated with this species is a concern as it may impair fitness and evolutionary capability in a changing environment. The results of this study provide the foundation for the development of management practices that will assist in the protection of this rare carnivorous plant.  相似文献   
Insect herbivory of ovules and seeds is known to have a negative impact on individual plant reproductive success by reducing overall seed set. Although this seed set reduction has been well documented in plant populations found in native habitats, little work has been done on populations found in restored habitats. In a 4-year study (2001–2004), I investigated the herbivory of the Gelechiid moth ( Coleotechnites eryngiella ) of Eryngium yuccifolium populations in native and restored prairies. Data were collected from 20 E. yuccifolium populations (10 native prairies/10 restored prairies) in Illinois. Percent herbivory and percent seed set were determined for each population. From 2001 to 2004, percent herbivory in prairie restorations ranged from 0 to 93 and percent seed set ranged from 2 to 82. In native prairies, percent herbivory ranged from 0 to 98 and percent seed set ranged from 0 to 71. No differences were found between native and restored prairies for percent herbivory or percent seed set. However, significant differences were found among years for percent seed set. This study shows that the antagonistic effects of insect herbivory can reach similar levels in restored and native prairies.  相似文献   
Habitat degradation is one of the greatest threats to biodiversity worldwide and the main contributor to the decline of many carnivorous plant species. For carnivorous plants in the southeastern United States, including many Pinguicula species (butterwort, Lentibulariaceae), degradation via altered fire regime has been implicated in their decline. Despite this decline, limited empirical research has been conducted examining the influence of habitat structural changes (through natural succession or human management) on reproduction and prey capture by carnivorous plants. The objectives of our study were to compare reproduction and prey capture for Pinguicula lutea (yellow butterwort) in habitats with different vegetation structures in the Florida Panhandle, where differences were largely due to management history. Pinguicula lutea is a self-compatible carnivorous plant that inhabits fire-dependent longleaf pine savannas of the southeastern United States and is threatened in the state of Florida. In 2014 and 2015, 13 sites were identified occupying three different habitat structures: maintained (intermittently mowed), grassy (dominated by Aristida stricta var. beyrichiana), and woody (encroachment by Hypericum and Ilex). Reproductive output was determined by assessing fruit set and ovule fertilization rate at each site. Additionally, prey availability and prey capture were assessed at each habitat site. In general, there were no differences in either measure of reproduction across habitat structure types. There were differences in prey abundance of Collembola, Diptera, and total arthropods both in terms of availability and capture. Total arthropod availability and prey capture were lowest in grassy sites compared to maintained habitat sites and woody habitat sites. Microclimatic conditions associated with each habitat structure and leaf morphology or physiology could explain the observed arthropod abundance and prey capture patterns. This study is the first ecological assessment of plant–insect interactions for Pinguicula species of the southeastern US and highlights the importance of habitat quality and management for this understudied group of carnivorous plants.  相似文献   
Calcium oxalate crystals have potential roles in plants as partof a defence mechanism against herbivores and/or in accumulatingexcess calcium. To date, these potential roles have been studiedindependently. In this experimental study the effects of calciumlevels and herbivory on the production of calcium oxalate crystals(i.e. druse, spherical crystal aggregates) were examined inseedlings of Sida rhombifolia. Seedlings were subjected to threecalcium levels (low, normal or high) and an artificial herbivorytreatment. Calcium levels and herbivory both affected densityof crystals in leaves. Leaves from seedlings grown in low calciumhad a greater crystal density than those grown in high calcium.Leaves from seedlings subjected to herbivory had a greater crystaldensity than those from seedlings not subjected to herbivory.This study provides additional evidence that calcium oxalatecrystal production depends not only on calcium levels but canalso be influenced by external pressures such as herbivory.In addition to their physiological role in plants, these resultssuggest that calcium oxalate crystals can also act as a defencemechanism against herbivores. Copyright 2001 Annals of BotanyCompany Calcium concentrations, calcium oxalate crystals, herbivory, Malvaceae, Sida rhombifolia  相似文献   
Prescribed burning has been important in maintaining the structure of plant communities in the tallgrass prairie. However, implementation of these burn regimes often overlooks responses of other taxa, particularly arthropods. In this study, the timing and frequency of burns were examined on one of the most diverse and abundant groups of herbivorous insects, Auchenorrhyncha. These insects are ideal candidates in understanding the effects of fire on prairie arthropods because they are among the most numerous invertebrate herbivores in the prairie and they have ecological characteristics that confer a wide range of responses to prescribed burning. A total of 19 Illinois hill prairies were sampled along the Mississippi and Sangamon Rivers in the summer of 2006 using a modified leaf-blower vacuum. These sites exhibited a wide range of burn management, from unburned to recently burned, and having been burned multiple times. Species richness, Auchenorrhyncha Quality Index (with and without abundance data) and the mean coefficient of conservatism (with and without abundance data) were calculated for each site. Results suggest that unburned sites supported the greatest number of species and had higher Auchenorrhyncha Quality Index and mean coefficient of conservatism values than sites undergoing burn management. In order for land managers to maintain the prairie Auchenorrhyncha community and conserve vascular plants, this study recommends infrequent rotational burning with a minimum of 3?C5?years; although additional studies are needed to determine the appropriate number of years between each burn.  相似文献   
In this study a habitat quality index based on Auchenorrhyncha (Insecta: Hemiptera) species composition was used to investigate the index’s ability in discriminating hill prairie quality along a gradient of disturbance, based on the Illinois Natural Areas Inventory grading criteria; whether this index differs from other vegetation-based measures of quality; and examine the relationships between Auchenorrhyncha and vegetation integrity and diversity. Auchenorrhyncha and vascular plants were sampled from 14 Illinois glacial-drift hill prairies representing a range in quality. Insects and plants were sampled from late July through August, 2007 and analyzed using univariate and multivariate analyses. Results from this study showed that Floristic Quality Index, Auchenorrhyncha Quality Index, as well as other Auchenorrhyncha and plant diversity and integrity index values are greater in high, followed by mid, then low quality hill prairie remnants. Also, these analyses showed that perennial C4 grasses are strongly associated with prairie Auchenorrhyncha. These data suggest that judicious used of prescribed burning or brush removal may be needed to prevent woody-encroachment from eliminating prairie vegetation and Auchenorrhyncha on low quality sites; and restoration of perennial C4 grasses on low quality sites are needed to support more prairie Auchenorrhyncha fauna. Reintroductions of conservative (i.e., prairie-dependent and fire-sensitive) Auchenorrhyncha may also be needed to improve Auchenorrhyncha integrity on mid and low quality sites but these reintroductions need to be used in combination with reduced burn management or the inclusion of unburned refugia to reduce the extirpation of these fire-sensitive insects.  相似文献   
The reserve ovary model is a key hypothesis proposed to explain why plants produce surplus flowers and posits that plants may utilize surplus flowers to compensate for losses from floral herbivory. We tested this hypothesis in the prairie plant Eryngium yuccifolium and its floral herbivore Coleotechnites eryngiella. At five Illinois tallgrass prairie sites, we collected central, primary lateral, and secondary lateral inflorescences from E. yuccifolium to determine whether damage by the larvae of C. eryngiella to the flowers in earlier developing inflorescences would be compensated for in later developing inflorescences. Coleotechnites eryngiella does extensive damage to the central and primary inflorescences and little damage to the secondary inflorescences. Later maturing inflorescences did not compensate for early damage by increasing seed production in later inflorescences. The secondary inflorescences of E. yuccifolium may only compensate for catastrophic damage done to the central and primary inflorescences early on in development, serve as additional advertisements for pollinators, act as pollen donors, or allow the plant to take advantage of “ecological windows” of high pollinator and low herbivore abundance. Our findings were spatially and temporally consistent and did not support the predictions of the reserve ovary model in the E. yuccifoliumC. eryngiella system suggesting that in this system, alternate, proximate, and ultimate causes need to be explored for the production of surplus flowers.  相似文献   
Over the past quarter century, environmental DNA (eDNA) has been ascendant as a tool to detect, measure, and monitor biodiversity (species and communities), as a means of elucidating biological interaction networks, and as a window into understanding past patterns of biodiversity. However, only recently has the potential of eDNA been realized in the botanical world. Here we synthesize the state of eDNA applications in botanical systems with emphases on aquatic, ancient, contemporary sediment, and airborne systems, and focusing on both single-species approaches and multispecies community metabarcoding. Further, we describe how abiotic and biotic factors, taxonomic resolution, primer choice, spatiotemporal scales, and relative abundance influence the utilization and interpretation of airborne eDNA results. Lastly, we explore several areas and opportunities for further development of eDNA tools for plants, advancing our knowledge and understanding of the efficacy, utility, and cost-effectiveness, and ultimately facilitating increased adoption of eDNA analyses in botanical systems.  相似文献   
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