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The underlying mechanisms of probiotics and postbiotics are not well understood, but it is known that both affect the adaptive and innate immune responses. In addition, there is a growing concept that some probiotic strains have common core mechanisms that provide certain health benefits. Here, we aimed to elucidate the signalization of the probiotic bacterial strains Lactobacillus paragasseri K7, Limosilactobacillus fermentum L930BB, Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. animalis IM386 and Lactiplantibacillus plantarum WCFS1. We showed in in vitro experiments that the tested probiotics exhibit common TLR2‐ and TLR10‐dependent downstream signalling cascades involving inhibition of NF‐κB signal transduction. Under inflammatory conditions, the probiotics activated phosphatidylinositol 3‐kinase (PI3K)/Akt anti‐apoptotic pathways and protein kinase C (PKC)‐dependent pathways, which led to regulation of the actin cytoskeleton and tight junctions. These pathways contribute to the regeneration of the intestinal epithelium and modulation of the mucosal immune system, which, together with the inhibition of canonical TLR signalling, promote general immune tolerance. With this study we identified shared probiotic mechanisms and were the first to pinpoint the role of anti‐inflammatory probiotic signalling through TLR10.  相似文献   
Immunocytochemistry is a powerful tool for detection and visualization of specific molecules in living or fixed cells, their localization and their relative abundance. One of the most commonly used fluorescent DNA dyes in immunocytochemistry applications is 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole dihydrochloride, known as DAPI. DAPI binds strongly to DNA and is used extensively for visualizing cell nuclei. It is excited by UV light and emits characteristic blue fluorescence. Here, we report a phenomenon based on an apparent photoconversion of DAPI that results in detection of a DAPI signal using a standard filter set for detection of green emission due to blue excitation. When a sample stained with DAPI only was first imaged with the green filter set (FITC/GFP), only a weak cytoplasmic autofluorescence was observed. Next, we imaged the sample with a DAPI filter set, obtaining a strong nuclear DAPI signal as expected. Upon reimaging the same samples with a FITC/GFP filter set, robust nuclear fluorescence was observed. We conclude that excitation with UV results in a photoconversion of DAPI that leads to detection of DAPI due to excitation and emission in the FITC/GFP channel. This phenomenon can affect data interpretation and lead to false-positive results when used together with fluorochrome-labeled nuclear proteins detected with blue excitation and green emission. In order to avoid misinterpretations, extra precaution should be taken to prepare staining solutions with low DAPI concentration and DAPI (UV excitation) images should be acquired after all other higher wavelength images. Of various DNA dyes tested, Hoechst 33342 exhibited the lowest photoconversion while that for DAPI and Hoechst 33258 was much stronger. Different fixation methods did not substantially affect the strength of photoconversion. We also suggest avoiding the use of mounting medium with high glycerol concentrations since glycerol showed the strongest impact on photoconversion. This photoconversion effect cannot be avoided even when using narrow bandpass filter sets.  相似文献   
Arthropod crop pests are responsible for 20% of global annual crop losses, a figure predicted to increase in a changing climate where the ranges of numerous species are projected to expand. At the same time, many insect species are beneficial, acting as pollinators and predators of pest species. For thousands of years, humans have used increasingly sophisticated chemical formulations to control insect pests but, as the scale of agriculture expanded to meet the needs of the global population, concerns about the negative impacts of agricultural practices on biodiversity have grown. While biological solutions, such as biological control agents and pheromones, have previously had relatively minor roles in pest management, biotechnology has opened the door to numerous new approaches for controlling insect pests. In this review, we look at how advances in synthetic biology and biotechnology are providing new options for pest control. We discuss emerging technologies for engineering resistant crops and insect populations and examine advances in biomanufacturing that are enabling the production of new products for pest control.  相似文献   
Inhibition of bovine erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase (free and immobilized on controlled pore glass) by separate and simultaneous exposure to malathion and malathion transformation products which are generally formed during storage or through natural or photochemical degradation was investigated. Increasing concentrations of malathion, its oxidation product malaoxon, and its isomerisation product isomalathion inhibited free and immobilized AChE in a concentration-dependent manner. KI, the dissociation constant for the initial reversible enzyme inhibitor-complex, and k3, the first order rate constant for the conversion of the reversible complex into the irreversibly inhibited enzyme, were determined from the progressive development of inhibition produced by reaction of native AChE with malathion, malaoxon and isomalathion. KI values of 1.3 x 10(-4) M(-1), 5.6 x 10(-6) M(-1) and 7.2 x 10(-6)M(-1) were obtained for malathion, malaoxon and isomalathion, respectively. The IC50 values for free/immobilized AChE, (3.7 +/- 0.2) x 10(-4) M/(1.6 +/-0.1) x 10(-4), (2.4 +/- 0.3) x 10(-6)/(3.4 +/- 0.1) x 10(-6)M and (3.2 +/- 0.3) x 10(-6) M/(2.7 +/- 0.2) x 10(-6) M, were obtained from the inhibition curves induced by malathion, malaoxon and isomalathion, respectively. However, the products formed due to photoinduced degradation, phosphorodithioic O,O,S-trimethyl ester and O,O-dimethyl thiophosphate, did not noticeably affect enzymatic activity, while diethyl maleate inhibited AChE activity at concentrations > 10mM. Inhibition of acetylcholinesterase increased with the time of exposure to malathion and its inhibiting by-products within the interval from 0 to 5 minutes. Through simultaneous exposure of the enzyme to malaoxon and isomalathion, an additive effect was achieved for lower concentrations of the inhibitors (in the presence of malaoxon/isomalathion at concentrations 2 x 10(-7) M/2 x 10(-7) M, 2 x 10(-7) M/3 x 10(-7)M and 2 x 10(-7) M/4.5 x 109-7) M), while an antagonistic effect was obtained for all higher concentrations of inhibitors. The presence of a non-inhibitory degradation product (phosphorodithioic O,O,S-trimethyl ester) did not affect the inhibition efficiencies of the malathion by-products, malaoxon and isomalathion.  相似文献   
The transport of co-encapsulated solutes through the melittin-induced pores in the membrane of giant phospholipid vesicles was studied, and the characteristics of the pore formation process were modeled. Molecules of two different sizes (dextran and the smaller, fluorescent marker Alexa Fluor) were encapsulated inside the vesicles. The chosen individual vesicles were then transferred by micromanipulation from the stock suspension to the environment with the melittin (MLT). The vesicles were observed optically with a phase-contrast microscope and by monitoring the fluorescence signal. Such an experimental setup enabled an analysis of a single vesicle’s response to the MLT on the basis of simultaneous, separate measurements of the outflow of both types of encapsulated molecules through the MLT-induced pores in the membrane. The mechanisms of the MLT’s action were suggested in a model for MLT pore formation, with oligomeric pores continuously assembling and dissociating in the membrane. Based on the model, the results of the experiments were explained as a consequence of the membrane’s permeability dynamics, with a continuously changing distribution of pores in the membrane with regard to their size and number. The relatively stable “average MLT pore” characteristics can be deduced from the proposed model.  相似文献   
Proteins of the aegerolysin family have a high abundance in Fungi. Due to their specific binding to membrane lipids, and their membrane‐permeabilization potential in concert with protein partner(s) belonging to a membrane‐attack‐complex/perforin (MACPF) superfamily, they were proposed as useful tools in different biotechnological and biomedical applications. In this work, we performed functional studies on expression of the genes encoding aegerolysin and MACPF‐like proteins in Aspergillus niger. Our results suggest the sporulation process being crucial for strong induction of the expression of all these genes. However, deletion of either of the aegerolysin genes did not influence the growth, development, sporulation efficiency and phenotype of the mutants, indicating that aegerolysins are not key factors in the sporulation process. In all our expression studies we noticed a strong correlation in the expression of one aegerolysin and MACPF‐like gene. Aegerolysins were confirmed to be secreted from the fungus. We also showed the specific interaction of a recombinant A. niger aegerolysin with an invertebrate‐specific membrane sphingolipid. Moreover, using this protein labelled with mCherry we successfully stained insect cells membranes containing this particular sphingolipid. Our combined results suggest, that aegerolysins in this species, and probably also in other aspergilli, could be involved in defence against predators.  相似文献   
The main goal in biosimilar development is to increase Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) viability and productivity while maintaining product quality. Despite media and feed optimization during process development, depletion of amino acids still occurs. The aim of the work was to optimize an existing industrial fed batch process by preventing shortage of amino acids and to gather knowledge about CHO metabolism. Several process outputs were evaluated such as cell metabolism, cell viability, monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) production, and product quality. First step was to develop and supplement an enriched feed containing depleted amino acids. Abundance of serine and glucose increased lactate production resulting in low viability and low productivity. In the next step, we developed an amino acid feed without serine to avoid the metabolic boost. Supplemented amino acids improved cell viability by 9%; however, mAb production did not increase significantly. In the final step, we limited glucose concentration (<5.55 mmol/L) in the cell culture to avoid the metabolic boost while supplementing an amino acid feed including serine. Data analysis showed that we were able to (a) replace depleted amino acids and avoid metabolic boost, (b) increase viability by 12%, (c) enhance mAb production by 0.5 g/L (total by approximately 10 g), and (d) extend the overall process time of an already developed bioprocess.  相似文献   
Myosin-V is a processive two-headed actin-based motor protein involved in many intracellular transport processes. A key question for understanding myosin-V function and the communication between its two heads is its behavior under load. Since in vivo myosin-V colocalizes with other much stronger motors like kinesins, its behavior under superstall forces is especially relevant. We used optical tweezers with a long-range force feedback to study myosin-V motion under controlled external forward and backward loads over its full run length. We find the mean step size remains constant at approximately 36 nm over a wide range of forces from 5 pN forward to 1.5 pN backward load. We also find two force-dependent transitions in the chemomechanical cycle. The slower ADP-release is rate limiting at low loads and depends only weakly on force. The faster rate depends more strongly on force. The stronger force dependence suggests this rate represents the diffusive search of the leading head for its binding site. In contrast to kinesin motors, myosin-V's run length is essentially independent of force between 5 pN of forward to 1.5 pN of backward load. At superstall forces of 5 pN, we observe continuous backward stepping of myosin-V, indicating that a force-driven reversal of the power stroke is possible.  相似文献   
A series of azaphenylalanine derivatives were investigated as novel thrombin inhibitors based on the prodrug principle. By systematic structural modifications we have identified optimal groups for this series that led us to potent inhibitors of thrombin incorporating the benzamidine fragment at the P1 position, and their potentially orally active benzamidoxime prodrugs. The binding modes in the thrombin active site of two representative compounds were identified by X-ray crystallographic analysis.  相似文献   
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