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The hatching distributions of rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) with different genotypes at eight loci are compared in two experiments with the same strain. Embryos were incubated at temperatures colder (5 and 8°C) and warmer (12°C) than normally experienced by these fish (9.5°C). At hatching, embryos were separated into five hatching groups representing the chronological order of hatching. There is no significant correlation between multilocus heterozygosity and hatching time at any temperature in either experiment. Fish in the middle of the hatching distribution had the highest average heterozygosity. In both experiments, heterozygotes at the majority of loci examined tended to hatch relatively later within the hatching distribution at 12°C than at both 5 and 8°C. Fish with different genotypes atPgm2 andCk1 showed significant differences in hatching time that were consistent between experiments.Ck1 heterozygotes hatched sooner than homozygotes at 8°C but later at 12°C.Pgm2 heterozygotes hatched later than homozygotes at all temperatures and significantly later in four of five cases. At the other loci examined, however, the relative hatching distributions of fish with particular genotypes were not significantly different or repeatable between experiments.This research was supported by National Science Foundation Grant BSR-8300039 awarded to Dr. Fred W. Allendorf. Moira M. Ferguson was supported by a postgraduate scholarship from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.  相似文献   
Summary Presymptomatic testing for Huntington's disease (HD) is possible through the use of restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) at the closely linked D4S10 locus. Recombination between the HD and D4S10 loci will occur in 4%–5% of meioses, and is a well-recognised complication of predictive testing. Recombination between RFLPs within the D4S10 locus is a rare event and can usually be ignored. We report a case where such an intra-locus recombination frustrated attempts to predict the chance of a high-risk individual inheriting the HD gene.  相似文献   
CO2 exchange rate in relation to thallus water content (WC, % of dry weight) was determined for 22 species of lichens, mainly members of the genera Pseudocyphellaria and Sticta, from a temperate rainforest, Urewere National Park, New Zealand. All data were obtained in the field, either using a standard technique in which the lichens were initially wetted (soaked or sprayed, then shaken) and allowed to slowly dry, or from periodic measurements on samples that were continuously exposed in their natural habitat. A wide range of WC was found, with species varying from 357 to 3360% for maximal WC in the field, and from 86 to 1300% for optimal WC for photosynthesis. Maximal WC for lichens, wetted by the standard technique, were almost always much less than the field maxima, due to the presence of water on the thalli. The relationships between CO2 exchange rate and WC could be divided into four response types based on the presence, and degree, of depression of photosynthesis at high WC. Type A lichens showed no depression, and Type B only a little at maximal WC. Type C had a very large depression and, at the highest WC, CO2 release could occur even in the light. Photosynthetic depression commenced soon after optimal WC was reached. Type D lichens showed a similar depression but the response curve had an inflection so that net photosynthesis was low but almost constant, and never negative, at higher WC. There was little apparent relationship between lichen genus or photobiont type and the response type. It was shown that high WC does limit photosynthetic CO2 uptake under natural conditions. Lichens, taken directly from the field and allowed to dry under controlled conditions, had net photosynthesis rates that were initially strongly inhibited but rose to an optimum, before declining at low WC. The limiting effects of high WC were clearly shown when, under similar light conditions, severe photosynthetic depression followed a brief, midday, rain storm. Over the whole measuring period the lichens were rarely at their optimal WC for photosynthesis, being mostly too wet or, occasionally, too dry. Photosynthetic performance by the lichens exposed in the field was similar to that expected from the relationship between the photosynthetic rate and WC established by the standard procedure.  相似文献   
Summary This paper describes experiments involving simultaneous transformation of Escherichia coli by DNA of two species of multicopy plasmid in order to study competence and DNA uptake in this organism. In transformation mixtures where separate species of plasmid DNA were present in equal amounts, selection for a single plasmid gave doseresponse curves with slopes of 1. These results indicate that uptake of a single molecule of plasmid DNA is sufficient to produce one transformant. Simultaneous selection for markers on both plamsids gave a dose-response curve with a slope of 2. The total numbers of transformants obtained in single or double transformation experiments at saturating DNA concentrations were the same, and represented the maximum number of transformable cells. However, the absolute frequency of double transformants was reduced 4–6 fold relative to frequencies obtained with single markers. Similar results were obtained using pairs of compatible or incompatible plasmids in rec + or recA strains. These findings may be explained either on the basis of interference between competing plasmid molecules for uptake or establishment or by assuming that competent cells of Escherichia coli vary in their ability to incorporate more than one plasmid DNA molecule. Our results are consistent with an interpretation where more than 80% of the transformable cells are only capable of establishing one plasmid moiecule.  相似文献   
Juvenile brook charr (Salvelinus fontinalis) are territorial and have high levels of agonistic behaviour. Juvenile lake charr (S. namaycush) rarely show any indication of territoriality and have very low levels of agonistic behaviour. The inheritance of behaviour in their reciprocal hybrids was investigated by multivariate stepwise discriminant analysis. Lateral display, charge, chase, and forage composed the first canonical axis (87.2% of total dispersion). Pooled hybrid means were closer to that of brook charr, suggesting either directional dominance or modification of the behaviour of hybrids in response to water flow. The mean values of reciprocal hybrids were skewed towards the maternal parent, suggesting a maternal effect in the phenotypic expression of behaviour in these fish.  相似文献   
G Zellner  H Kneifel    J Winter 《Applied microbiology》1990,56(7):2228-2233
Desulfovibrio vulgaris Marburg, "Desulfovibrio simplex" XVI, and Desulfovibrio sp. strain MP47 used benzaldehydes such as vanillin, 3,4,5-trimethoxybenzaldehyde, protocatechualdehyde, syringaldehyde, p-anisaldehyde, p-hydroxybenzaldehyde, and 2-methoxybenzaldehyde as electron donors for sulfate reduction and carbon dioxide and/or components of yeast extract as carbon sources for cell synthesis. The aldehydes were oxidized to their corresponding benzoic acids. The three sulfate reducers oxidized up to 7 mM vanillin and up to 4 mM p-anisaldehyde. Higher concentrations of vanillin or p-anisaldehyde were toxic. In addition, pyridoxal hydrochloride and o-vanillin served as electron donors for sulfate reduction. Salicylaldehyde, pyridine-2-aldehyde, pyridine-4-aldehyde, and 4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzylalcohol were not oxidized. No molecular hydrogen was detected in the gas phase. The oxidized aldehydes were not further degraded.  相似文献   
Endolysins are produced by (bacterio)phages to rapidly degrade the bacterial cell wall and release new viral particles. Despite sharing a common function, endolysins present in phages that infect a specific bacterial species can be highly diverse and vary in types, number, and organization of their catalytic and cell wall binding domains. While much is now known about the biochemistry of phage endolysins, far less is known about the implication of their diversity on phage–host adaptation and evolution. Using CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing, we could genetically exchange a subset of different endolysin genes into distinct lactococcal phage genomes. Regardless of the type and biochemical properties of these endolysins, fitness costs associated to their genetic exchange were marginal if both recipient and donor phages were infecting the same bacterial strain, but gradually increased when taking place between phage that infect different strains or bacterial species. From an evolutionary perspective, we observed that endolysins could be naturally exchanged by homologous recombination between phages coinfecting a same bacterial strain. Furthermore, phage endolysins could adapt to their new phage/host environment by acquiring adaptative mutations. These observations highlight the remarkable ability of phage lytic systems to recombine and adapt and, therefore, explain their large diversity and mosaicism. It also indicates that evolution should be considered to act on functional modules rather than on bacteriophages themselves. Furthermore, the extensive degree of evolvability observed for phage endolysins offers new perspectives for their engineering as antimicrobial agents.

Endolysins are produced by bacteriophages to degrade the host cell wall and release new particles, but the implications of their diversity on phage-host adaptation and evolution is unknown. This study uses CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing to reveal novel insights into bacteriophage endolysin diversity and phage-bacteria interactions as well as into endolysin adaptation towards a new bacterial host.  相似文献   
Larvae of Manduca sexta, (Sphingidae) increase their weight approx. 50% just before pupation and then secrete this fluid during the formation of their burrows. Time-lapse cinematography indicates that the fluid is ejected into the walls of the final burrow. It may offer some mechanical support; it is not particularly repellent to ants or mice, and it contains only small amounts of the alkaloids ingested from its preferred food plants. Comparison to other species indicates that the gain and loss of water is associated with burrowing behaviour; the fluid appears to be used in providing hydraulic pressure for burrowing, in forming and cementing the pupal chamber, and in acting as a CO2 trap underground. The secretion is a hypertonic, highly alkaline solution containing KHCO3 and small amounts of Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+, PO4?3 and some proteins. Haemolymph levels of K+ decrease, and those of Ca2+ increase, during the secretory phase. When radioactive calcium is injected into mature larvae, it appears promptly in the secretion. If however, the injection is given more than 24 hr before the animal begins secreting, then the calcium is bound to haemolymph protein and does not appear in the secretion.  相似文献   
Incubation of fetal lung tissue with 0.2 μM 14C-cortisone revealed a 12-fold increase in the rate of reduction of cortisone to cortisol between day 22 and day 30 of gestation in the rabbit. This increase correlated closely with the increase in the rate of incorporation of 14C-choline into total lung lipids during the same period. In light of these findings it would seem inadequate to attempt to relate the plasma cortisol concentration alone with the rate of lung maturation. In addition, one would need consider both the plasma concentration of cortisone and the activity of 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (11β-HSD) in the lung.  相似文献   
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