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The asparagine-linked sugar chains of human follicle-stimulating hormone (hFSH) were liberated as radioactive oligosaccharides from the polypeptide moiety by hydrazinolysis followed by N-acetylation and NaB3H4 reduction. Ninety-five percent of the oligosaccharides were acidic and all were converted to a mixture of neutral oligosaccharides on sialidase treatment. The mixture of neutral oligosaccharides was subjected to sequential immobilized lectin column chromatography on E-PHA-agarose, AAL-Sepharose, and Con A-Sepharose, and six fractions were obtained. The results of sequential exoglycosidase digestion of each oligosaccharide and methylation analysis led us to propose that the asparagine-linked sugar chains of hFSH are a mixture of complex-type bi-, tri-, and tetraantennary sialylated sugar chains with and without a fucose residue linked at the C-6 position of the proximal N-acetylglucosamine. Some of these sugar chains contain bisecting N-acetylglucosamine residue.  相似文献   
Carbohydrates of lysosomal enzymes secreted by Tetrahymena pyriformis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The carbohydrate structures of acid phosphatase and alpha-glucosidase secreted into culture medium by Tetrahymena pyriformis strain W were studied. Their asparagine-linked sugar chains were quantitatively liberated as radioactive oligosaccharides from their polypeptide moieties by controlled hydrazinolysis followed by N-acetylation and NaB3H4 reduction. The approximate amounts of total sugar chains liberated from 1 mol each of acid phosphatase and alpha-glucosidase were 6 and 4 mol, respectively. Paper electrophoresis revealed that only neutral oligosaccharides were obtained from both enzymes. The oligosaccharide fraction from acid phosphatase was separated into seven components by Bio-Gel P-4 column chromatography while that from alpha-glucosidase was resolved into three components. The structures of these oligosaccharides were determined by sequential glycosidase digestion in combination with methylation analysis. The sugar chains of the two enzymes can be primarily classified as high mannose-type oligosaccharides. However, they have the following characteristic features: 1) their common core is not the usual Man5 . GlcNAc2 structure, it is Man3 . GlcNAc2; 2) some of the sugar chains of acid phosphatase have 1 approximately 3 glucose residues linked to the nonreducing terminal Man alpha 1----2 residue. The structural characteristics of the sugar moieties of the two enzymes indicate that they might be produced by the so-called "alternate pathway," in which lipid-linked Glc3 . Man5 . GlcNAc2 functions as an oligosaccharide donor.  相似文献   
Unique tissue distribution of a mouse macrophage C-type lectin   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
We examined mouse tissue for the expression of macrophage galactose/N-acetylgalactosamine-specificC-type lectin using a rat monoclonal antibody (mAb) specificfor this lectin (mAb LOM-14). The binding of mAb LOM-14 wasdetected in detergent extracts from tissue by means of immunoblottinganalysis. It was shown that this mAb did not cross-react withmouse hepatic lectins, a structural homologue. The macrophagelectin was widely distributed among various mouse tissues asjudged by the affinity isolation followed by the immunochemicaldetection. The exceptions were brain, liver, kidney, small intestine,and peripheral blood. Extracts from these organs exhibited,at best, very weak signals upon mAb LOM-14 binding, despitethe presence of cells expressing macrophage markers. The mostintense signal was observed in the extract from skin, suggestingthat cells expressing this lectin are abundant in skin. Thetissues shown to contain this lectin were further investigatedby immunohistochemical staining of the sections. Cells weredistributed in the connective tissue and in the interstice,particularly the dermis and subcutaneous layer of skin. Cellslocalized in the epithelium of skin (epidermis) or other epitheliathat we examined were not stained. Perivascular localizationof cells stained with mAb LOM-14 was also demonstrated in cardiacand skeletal muscle tissues. Immunoelectron microscopy revealedthe presence of this lectin along the rough endoplasmic reticulum.In conclusion, the distribution of C-type lectin specific forgalactose/N-acetylgalactosamine in mice was unique. The connectivetissue-specific distribution should provide important informationon the biological role of this lectin. lectin macrophage calcium-type lectin connective tissue  相似文献   
Macrophage-derived secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor (SLPI) can be induced locally as well as systemically in response to microbial products such as LPS and lipotechoic acid. It is not known whether phagocytosis of apoptotic cells, an essential function of macrophages, can regulate expression and secretion of SLPI. In this study, we report that exposure of peritoneal macrophages of BALB/c mice or murine macrophage cell lines RAW264.7 and J774.1 to apoptotic target cells induced an elevation in SLPI secretion. Secreted SLPI retained its antichymotrypsin activity. SLPI expression in thymuses from BALB/c mice that had been injected with anti-CD3 Ab to induce apoptosis of thymocytes was also elevated both at the mRNA and protein levels. Colchicine, a microtubular inhibitor, blocked the internalization of apoptotic cells by macrophages but not SLPI secretion, suggesting that surface recognition of apoptotic cells is sufficient for the induction of SLPI. Exposure of RAW264.7 cells to apoptotic CTLL-2 cells induced both SLPI and TNF-alpha, and addition of IFN-gamma inhibited SLPI but augmented TNF-alpha production. Transfection of either the secreted or a nonsecreted form of SLPI into RAW264.7 cells led to suppression of TNF-alpha production in response to apoptotic cells. Thus, macrophages secrete an increased amount of SLPI when encountering apoptotic cells, which may help to attenuate potential inflammation during clearance of these cells.  相似文献   
Structures of the sugar chains of mouse immunoglobulin G   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The asparagine-linked sugar chains of mouse immunoglobulin G (IgG) were quantitatively liberated as radioactive oligosaccharides from the polypeptide portions by hydrazinolysis followed by N-acetylation, and NaB3H4 reduction. After fractionation by paper electrophoresis, lectin (RCA120) affinity high-performance liquid chromatography, and gel filtration, their structures were studied by sequential exoglycosidase digestion in combination with methylation analysis. Mouse IgG was shown to contain the biantennary complex type sugar chains. Eight neutral oligosaccharide structures, viz, +/- Gal beta 1----4GlcNAc beta 1----2Man alpha 1----6(+/- Gal beta 1---- 4GlcNAc beta 1----2Man alpha 1----3)Man beta 1----4GlcNAc beta 1----4(+/- Fuc alpha 1----6)GlcNAc, were found after the sialidase treatment. The molar ratio of the sugar chains with 2,1, and 0 galactose residues was 2:5:3. The galactose residue in the monogalactosylated sugar chains was distributed on Man alpha 1----3 and Man alpha 1----6 sides in the ratio of 1:3. The oligosaccharides were almost wholly fucosylated and contained no bisecting N-acetylglucosamine which is present in human, rabbit, and bovine IgGs.  相似文献   
In the present study, we undertook kinetic analyses of DNA degradation and acid DNase activity in murine thymus after administration of hydrocortisone. Hydrocortisone induced apoptosis in thymocytes, and a large number of cortical thymocytes became TUNEL (terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP biotin nick end labelling)-positive (TUNEL+). F4/80+ macrophages infiltrated through the cortico-medullay junction into the cortical region, and thereafter engulfed apoptotic cells in the cortex of thymus. The distribution of acid DNase-active cells appeared to be similar to that of F4/80+ macrophages. Eighteen hours after the injection, although the foci of apoptotic cells were situated within massively distended F4/80+ macrophages, oligonucleosomal DNA fragments on an agarose gel were undetectable. Our results showed that macrophages were involved in the disappearance of oligonucleosomal DNA fragments in apoptotic thymocytes. Taken together, macrophages play a role in the hydrolysis of DNA in apoptotic cells upon their phagocytosis of the dead cells.  相似文献   
The goal of the present study was to evaluate the relationship among function, Lyt phenotype, and MHC recognition specificity in primary allospecific T cell populations. By using Lyt-2+ and L3T4+ T cells obtained from the same responder populations, we assessed the ability of T cells of each phenotype to generate cytotoxic effector cells (CTL) and IL 2-secreting helper T cells in response to either class I or class II MHC allodeterminants. It was found that a discordance between Lyt phenotype and MHC recognition specificity does exist in primary allospecific T cells, but only in one T cell subpopulation with limited functional potential: namely, Lyt-2+ T cells with cytotoxic, but not helper, function that recognize class II MHC alloantigens. Target cell lysis by these Lyt-2+ class II-allospecific CTL was inhibited by anti-Ia monoclonal antibodies (mAb), but not anti-Lyt-2 mAb, indicating that they recognized class II MHC determinants as their "restriction" specificity and not as their "nominal" specificity even though they were Lyt-2+. A second allospecific T cell subset with limited functional potential was also identified but whose Lyt phenotype and MHC restriction specificity were not discordant: namely, an L3T4+ T cell subset with helper, but not cytotoxic, function specific for class I MHC allodeterminants presented in the context of self-Ia. Thus, the present study demonstrates that primary allospecific T cell populations contain phenotypically identical subpopulations of helper and effector cells that express fundamentally different MHC recognition specificities. Because the recognition specificities expressed by mature T cells reflect the selection pressures they encountered during their differentiation into functional competence, these findings suggest that functionally distinct but phenotypically identical T cell subsets may be selected independently of one another during ontogeny. Thus, the existence of Lyt-2+ CTL specific for class II allodeterminants can be explained by the hypothesis that the association of Lyt phenotype with MHC recognition specificity results from the process of thymic selection that these Lyt-2+ effector cells avoid.  相似文献   
The endogenous metabolites of the coelomic fluid of the earthworm Eisenia veneta were characterised using high-resolution one-dimensional and two-dimensional 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Signals from common organic acids, such as acetate, fumarate, malonate, malate, formate, and succinate, were identified together with adenosine and nicotinamide mononucleotide. The potential use of this information as a baseline dataset for future toxicological or physiological studies was demonstrated by a metabonomic analysis: a series of earthworms were dosed with the model compound 3-fluoro-4-nitrophenol, and toxic effects followed by multivariate analysis of the spectral data of the coelomic fluid. Relative concentrations of acetate and malonate were decreased in the dosed worms compared to the controls.  相似文献   
Kojima N  Seino K  Sato Y  Mizuochi T 《FEBS letters》2002,517(1-3):32-36
The present study involved comparison of adhesion of Helicobacter pylori KH202 to immobilized Le(b)-oligosaccharide carried on different carriers, i.e. Leb-oligosaccharide conjugated with polyacrylamide, bovine serum albumin, and dipalmitoylphosphatidylethanolamine (Le(b)-PAA, Le(b)-BSA, and Le(b)-DPPE). All of the Le(b)-oligosaccharide-carrying neoglycoconjugates served as ligands for H. pylori. However, H. pylori required 10-fold and 100-fold quantities of Le(b)-antigen to adhere to Le(b)-PAA and to Le(b)-DPPE in comparison to the quantity of Le(b)-antigen needed to adhere to Le(b)-BSA, respectively. H. pylori adhesion to Le(b)-PAA and Le(b)-DPPE was clearly inhibited by Le(b)-oligosaccharide, but adhesion to Le(b)-BSA was hardly inhibited by the oligosaccharide. Therefore, the carbohydrate carrier affects the affinity of H. pylori KH202 toward Le(b)-antigen, although the bacteria recognize Le(b)-antigen regardless of the carbohydrate carrier.  相似文献   
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