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Mutations of the hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 alpha (HNF-4alpha) gene have been demonstrated in maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY) 1 families. To investigate the possibility that the HNF-4alpha gene contributes to the onset of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) in Japanese patients, we screened all exons and flanking introns of this gene for mutations in 100 patients with NIDDM diagnosed after 25 years of age. We identified two missense mutations: M49V in exon 1c and T1301 in exon 4; and two nucleotide substitutions in introns: cytosine to thymidine at -5 nt in intron 1b and adenine to thymidine at -21 nt in intron 5. We screened an additional 220 diabetic subjects for the polymorphism in intron 1b. The c/t substitution in intron 1b was associated with NIDDM. This substitution in the polypyrimidine tract, an important cis-acting element directing intron removal, is likely to influence pre-mRNA splicing of this gene. T1301 in exon 4 was observed in only two diabetic subjects. This mutation could influence the conformation of this peptide, resulting in changes in ligand binding domain function. M49V in exon 1c was found in both diabetic and non-diabetic subjects; isoforms HNF-4alpha 4, 5, and 6 with this mutation may impair glucose metabolism in tissue. In contrast to the primary cause of nonsense and missense mutations of the HNF-4alpha gene in MODY1, the nucleotide substitution in intron 1b may partially contribute to development of NIDDM in combination with other genetic and environmental factors.  相似文献   
C6-Aldehydes emitted from intact tea leaves were analyzed quantitatively.Emission of the aldehydes increased temporarily in mid-May whenenzymatic activities involved in aldehyde formation from lipidsbegan to increase. Levels of C6-aldehydes in tea leaves alsoincreased temporarily. However, the accumulated C6-aldehydesdid not always correspond to emitted ones. (Received December 1, 1991; Accepted March 18, 1992)  相似文献   
The effects of Na+ and ATP on the K+ binding to Na+, K+-ATPase were investigated by the centrifugation method with radioactive K+ in the absence of Mg2+. In the presence of 10 microM 43KCl, 0.6 and 10 mM Na+ decreased the amount of bound K+ to one-half and zero, respectively. On the other hand, 10 microM and 10 mM ATP decreased the amount of K+ to 60 and 25-40%, respectively. When the combined effect of ATP and Na+ was tested, 10 microM ATP decreased the Na+ concentration giving half-maximal inhibition of the K+ binding to one-third, showing synergistic inhibition by both ligands, though increase in ATP concentration seemed to depress the inhibitory effect of Na+. The synergistic inhibition by ATP and Na+ suggests that the release of K+ from E2K is not completed by the binding of ATP alone but is completed by the binding of Na+ in addition to ATP during the cycle of Na+, K+-dependent ATP-hydrolysis as well as ion-transport.  相似文献   
The addition of beta-D-glucose (final concentration, 50 mM) to a cell suspension of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in stationary phase caused a rapid 4-fold increase in the concentration of cAMP, while a 2-fold increase of cAMP was observed by the addition of alpha-D-glucose. beta -D-Glucose was also more effective than alpha-D-glucose in the inactivation of fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase and the activation of trehalase. These results, taken together with the previous report that alpha-D-glucose is transported more rapidly than beta-D-glucose in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, do not support the view currently proposed by some investigators that cotransport of D-glucose with protons causes the depolarization of the cell membrane, resulting in the activation of adenylate cyclase. The present data, however, provides supporting evidence for the view that cAMP-dependent protein kinase is implicated in the inactivation of fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase and the activation of trehalase.  相似文献   
Hydrocephalic rats were found in a breeding colony of Csk: Wistar-Imamichi strain rats. In males, the hydrocephalus were serious and could be detected from 7 days after birth. Survival was 3-4 weeks. In females, the hydrocephalus was moderate, there was no abnormal external appearance, and the rats were able to mature. Ventricular dilatation was excessive in males but moderate in females. The total frequency of hydrocephalus was 34.3% in both males and females. Breeding data indicated that this disease is heritable and is single dominant and X-linked (symbol, Hyd). The female moderate hydrocephalics could be detected by progeny tests without examining brain sections. No evidence of developmental anomaly was observed in the ventricles. This hydrocephalus was classified as being of the communicating type, and this strain was named the Hyd strain as an animal model for human hydrocephalus.  相似文献   
A method for detecting the optimum day for mating in the rat was investigated. Cyclic changes of electrical impedance of vagina (EIV) were studied in the rats. EIV indicated high value (over 3,000 omega) only at proestrus, and it was lower (under 3,000 omega) at other stage of estrous cycle. These results apparently indicate that measuring the EIV made to distinguish proestrus from other phases of estrous cycle. The female caged with male showed high copulation rate (88 approximately 96%) when her EIV had been over 3,000 omega.  相似文献   
The physiological role of the peroxisomal fatty acyl-CoA beta-oxidizing system (FAOS) is not yet established. We speculated that there might be a relationship between peroxisomal degradation of long-chain fatty acids in the liver and the biosynthesis of bile acids. This was investigated using [1-14C]butyric acid and [1-14C]lignoceric acid as substrates of FAOS in mitochondria and peroxisomes, respectively. The incorporation of [14C]lignoceric acid into primary bile acids was approximately four times higher than that of [14C]butyric acid (in terms of C-2 units). The pools of these two fatty acids in the liver were exceedingly small. The incorporations of radioactivity into the primary bile acids were strongly inhibited by administration of aminotriazole, which is a specific inhibitor of peroxisomal FAOS in vivo [F. Hashimoto and H. Hayashi (1987) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 921, 142-150]. Aminotriazole inhibited preferentially the formation of cholate, the major primary bile acid, from both [14C]lignoceric acid and [14C]butyric acid, rather than the formation of chenodeoxycholate. The former inhibition was about 70% and the latter was approximately 40-50%. In view of reports that cholate is biosynthesized from endogenous cholesterol, the above results indicate that peroxisomal FAOS may have an anabolic function, supplying acetyl CoA for bile acid biosynthesis.  相似文献   
Thioproline (Thiazolidine-4-carboxylic acid) and proline were nitrosated by stimulated mouse macrophages in vitro. A macrophage cell line (J774.1, 1.0 x 10(6)/well, 1 ml) was incubated with Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide, interferon-gamma and thioproline (5 mM) or proline (5 mM). After 72 hr incubation at 37 degrees C, 4 microM N-nitrosothioproline was produced. The amount of N-nitrosoproline was much lower than that of N-nitrosothioproline. Thioproline and proline inhibited the formation of carcinogenic N-nitrosomorpholine. N-nitrosothioproline and N-nitrosoproline are found as major N-nitroso compounds in human urine. Macrophage mediated N-nitrosation may contribute to the formation of these N-nitrosamino acids in the human body.  相似文献   
Summary There have been few reports stating that monoclonal antibody alone inhibits human solid tumor growth in vivo. The present study demonstrated that monoclonal antibody S1 (IgG2a), which recognized the antigenic determinant of the carbohydrate moiety, showed antibody-dependent cell (or macrophage)-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC or ADMC) in conjunction with murine splenocytes of both BALB/c and athymic mice. In vivo experiments demonstrated that the antibody S1 clearly prolonged the survival of athymic mice which had been inoculated with a human liver carcinoma cell line. In addition, the antibody S1 significantly suppressed the human hepatoma line transplanted s.c. into nude mice. 125I-Labeled monoclonal antibody S1 revealed that the antibody accumulated significantly in the tumor mass. Many mononuclear cells were observed surrounding tumor cells when the antibody was given. This model system might be useful for analyzing the ADCC (or ADMC) mechanism in vivo.  相似文献   
The anomeric preference in the influx and efflux of D-glucose across the human erythrocyte membrane was studied. beta-D-Glucose was transported 1.5 times faster than alpha-D-glucose into the cells, when washed cells were incubated at 20 degrees C in medium containing either alpha- or beta-D-glucose (100 mM). On the other hand, no difference between half-times of efflux of the two anomers was distinguishable. The result demonstrates the presence of influx-efflux asymmetry in anomeric preference in D-glucose transport across the human erythrocyte membrane, and is consistent with the view (Barnett et al., Biochem. J. 145, 417-429, 1975) that the C-1 hydroxyl group of D-glucose interacts with the D-glucose transport protein only in the influx, but not in the efflux.  相似文献   
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