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Macromolecules purified from Lentinus edodes mycelia cultureenhanced adventitious root formation in Azukia epicotyl cuttings.Partial purification by sequential column chromatographies gavematerial composed of 71% polysaccharides and 29% proteins. Thesugar moiety consisted of mainly xylose, glucose and arabinose,the sum of their contents being more than 76% of the total carbohydrates.The protein moiety consisted of mainly glycine and serine, whichaccounted for more than 40% of the total amino acid residues. (Received June 9, 1984; Accepted November 12, 1984)  相似文献   
In Azukia stem cuttings, root primordia always appeared in theinterfascicular regions between the endodermis and the interfascicularcambium. Transverse cell divisions were observed as the first eventsin the process of root formation. They began to occur 10 hrafter cuttings had been made and were restricted to the interfascicularregions about 1 mm above the basal cut end of the cutting. Ineach of interfascicular region, 10 to 20 cells divided. Transversedivisions were followed by longitudinal divisions, which beganto occur 18 hr after cuttings had been made. The early process of root primordium formation is distinguishedby the following three phases: the first phase during whichno cell division occurs (0–8 hr), the second phase duringwhich transverse cell divisions occur (8–16 hr) and thethird phase during which longitudinal divisions occur (16–24hr). Cuttings in each phase responded differently to test substances. 1Supported in part by Grant No. 139011 from the Ministry ofEducation, Japan. 2 Present address: Junior College of Toyo University, Hakusan,Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112, Japan. (Received October 24, 1977; )  相似文献   
In disbudded Azukia stem cuttings, auxin exerted a dual effecton root formation. The first phase of auxin action is identifiedwith the acceleration of cell division, especially longitudinaldivision. In cuttings treated with auxin during the first 24hr, longitudinally divided cells were observed in all 12 rootprimordia, while in water-treated cuttings, such cells wereobserved only in 8 root primordia. The second phase is the promotionof the reaction in which root primordia unable to develop furtherwithout auxin supply develop into roots. Irrespective of thetreatment during the first 24 hr, the auxin-treatment duringthe second 24 hr increased the number of roots protruding fromthe cuttings. Portulal applied during the first 24 hr increased the numberof root primordia which contained longitudinally divided cells.Gibberellin applied during the first 24 hr inhibited both transverseand longitudinal divisions in root primordia. 1 Supported in part by Grant No. 139011 from the Ministry ofEducation, Japan. 2 Present address: Junior College of Toyo University, Hakusan,Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 112, Japan. (Received June 13, 1978; )  相似文献   
In the rooting of disbudded azuki bean stem cuttings, actinomycinD and 2,4- dinitrophenol (DNP) acted as auxin synergists. Althoughcuttings treated with actinomycin D or DNP alone formed almostthe same number of roots as water-treated cuttings, cuttingstreated with actinomycin D or DNP for 24 hr then with auxinfor another 24 hr formed more roots than cuttings treated onlywith auxin during the second 24 hr. Both actinomycin D and DNPincreased the number of root primordia with longitudinally dividedcells, but they acted differently on the first transverse celldivision which led to root primordium formation. ActinomycinD delayed the start of the first transverse cell division, butDNP hastened it. (Received July 7, 1981; Accepted September 21, 1981)  相似文献   
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