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Summary This study was undertaken, employing the immunoenzyme method, to confirm the presence of retinol-binding protein in human pancreatic islets, and to compare its distribution with that of prealbumin, insulin, glucagon, somatostatin and pancreatic polypeptide. It was found that most islet cells contained retinol-binding protein, although centrally located cells showed stronger reactivity than those in the peripheral region. The distribution of each of the five polypeptides differed from that of retinolbinding protein, indicating that these peptides did not cross-react with anti-retinol-binding protein antibody. Islet cells which contained prealbumin, on the other hand, were mostly classified as A cells. Further studies are necessary to confirm whether the islet cells produce retinol-binding protein or only store it.  相似文献   
Demographic processes and the structure of a population of agile gibbons (Hylobates agilis) were investigated over 6 years in the Gunung Palung Reserve, Indonesia. Estimates of population size, density, and biomass revealed a population whose groups were stable in size and composition. Demographic processes place gibbons at risk, however, to short-term changes in their environment. Patterns of survival, fecundity, mortality, and dispersal combined to produce negative rates of growth. In addition, a top-heavy age-class distribution, with adults forming a large fraction of animals, makes it unlikely that this population could recover rapidly from a decline in numbers. Two behavioral factors, territoriality and monogamy, account for the size and stability of gibbon groups. Monogamy imposes limits on group size, while mating patterns and territoriality decrease the impact of sources of high mortality common in other primate species. These relationships underscore the fundamental importance of behavioral influence on demographic processes and social structure.  相似文献   
Vibrio hollisae strains isolated recently from patients in various locations were examined for the presence of the thermostable direct hemolysin gene (tdh) using nucleic acid hybridization and polymerase chain reaction assays. The results were consistent with the previous finding that all strains of V. hollisae carry the tdh gene. In contrast, the tdh gene has been detected in a minority of strains for other Vibrio species (V. parahaemolyticus, V. cholerae non-O1, and V. mimicus). Detailed phylogenetic analysis showed that the tdh genes of the non-V. hollisae species were very closely related to each other and that the tdh gene of V. hollisae was distantly related to the tdh genes of the non-V. hollisae species. These results and the proposed insertion sequence-mediated tdh transfer mechanism suggest that the tdh gene may have been maintained stably in V. hollisae and that the tdh genes of the non-V. hollisae species may have been involved in recent horizontal transfer.  相似文献   
An effective and economical method was developed for procuring and rearing calves in gnotobiotic conditions. To evaluate apparatuses and surgical techniques, three calves, 1 to 3, welf 1 was weak and pale at delivery and died within 5 hours after delivery. Calf 2 was delivered alive, but died from a human error at 3 days of age. It was free from demonstrable bacteria and fungi at that time. Calf 3 was also successfully delivered and raised. It was killed at 10 days of age, since fungi were isolated from the feces and waste materials from it.  相似文献   
A total of 1500 environmental strains of Vibrio parahaemolyticus, isolated from the aquatic environment of Bangladesh, were screened for the presence of a major V. parahaemolyticus virulence factor, the thermostable direct haemolysin (tdh) gene, by the colony blot hybridization method using a digoxigenin-labeled tdh gene probe. Of 1500 strains, 5 carried the tdh sequence, which was further confirmed by PCR using primers specific for the tdh gene. Examination by PCR confirmed that the 5 strains were V. parahaemolyticus and lacked the thermostable direct haemolysin-related haemolysin (trh) gene, the alternative major virulence gene known to be absent in pandemic strains. All 5 strains gave positive Kanagawa phenomenon reaction with characteristic beta-haemolysis on Wagatsuma agar medium. Southern blot analysis of the HindIII-digested chromosomal DNA demonstrated, in all 5 strains, the presence of 2 tdh genes common to strains positive for Kanagawa phenomenon. However, the 5 strains were found to belong to 3 different serotypes (O3:K29, O4:K37, and O3:K6). The 2 with pandemic serotype O3:K6 gave positive results in group-specific PCR and ORF8 PCR assays, characteristics unique to the pandemic clone. Clonal variations among the 5 isolates were analyzed by comparing RAPD and ribotyping patterns. Results showed different patterns for the 3 serotypes, but the pattern was identical among the O3:K6 strains. This is the first report on the isolation of pandemic O3:K6 strains of V. parahaemolyticus from the aquatic environment of Bangladesh.  相似文献   
Thermostable direct haemolysin of Vibrio parahaemolyticus has been shown to be a major virulence factor. The Kanagawa phenomenon (KP), haemolysis induced by this haemolysin on a special blood agar medium, is strongly associated with clinical strains. We have been studying the expressions of various tdh genes encoding this haemolysin to elucidate the significance of the tdh genes possessed by KP-negative strains isolated from patients. We examined the importance of the promoter sequence variation for expression level of the tdh gene in this study. Only the tdh 2 gene, one of the two tdh genes ( tdh 1 and tdh 2) present in a KP-positive strain, was previously shown to be responsible for the haemolytic activity of the KP-positive strain. The tdh 1– and tdh 2– lacZ fusions were used to determine and analyse the promoter sequence by primer extension and site-directed mutagenesis methods. Two bases (positions −24 and −34) within the determined tdh 2 promoter sequence were shown to be mostly responsible for the difference in the promoter strength between the tdh 2 and tdh 1 genes both in Escherichia coli and in V. parahaemolyticus backgrounds. Representative tdh promoters of KP-negative strains are close to the tdh 2 promoter; they differ at position −34 but have the same base at position −24 as the tdh 2 promoter. We demonstrated that base substitution of the tdh promoters of KP-negative strains only at position −34 is sufficient to increase the expression of these genes to the KP-positive level. Therefore, the tdh genes of KP-negative strains are considered to be potentially important because they can generate a KP-positive subclone by a point mutation in their promoters.  相似文献   
The gene (designated as Vh-tdh) of Vibrio hollisae 9041 encoding a hemolysin similar to the thermostable direct hemolysin (TDH) of V. parahaemolyticus contained a 567-base-pair open reading frame (ORF), which was 93.3-93.5% homologous to those of the tdh genes of V. parahaemolyticus, V. cholerae non-01, and V. mimicus encoding TDH or similar hemolysins. Comparative analysis of the nucleotide sequence containing the Vh-tdh ORF with published nucleotide and amino acid sequences suggested that the Vh-tdh gene and other tdh genes diverged from a common ancestral gene, that the divergence was closely associated with the evolutionary divergence of V. hollisae from other species of genus Vibrio, and that strain-to-strain variation of the Vh-tdh gene exists in V. hollisae.  相似文献   
After fertilization, the sperm and oocyte genomes undergo extensive epigenetic reprogramming to form a totipotent zygote. The dynamic epigenetic changes during early embryo development primarily involve DNA methylation and demethylation. We have previously identified Gse (gonad-specific expression gene) to be expressed specifically in germ cells and early embryos. Its encoded protein GSE is predominantly localized in the nuclei of cells from the zygote to blastocyst stages, suggesting possible roles in the epigenetic changes occurring during early embryo development. Here, we report the involvement of GSE in epigenetic reprogramming of the paternal genome during mouse zygote development. Preferential binding of GSE to the paternal chromatin was observed from pronuclear stage 2 (PN2) onward. A knockdown of GSE by antisense RNA in oocytes produced no apparent effect on the first and second cell cycles in preimplantation embryos, but caused a significant reduction in the loss of 5-methylcytosine (5mC) and the accumulation of 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5hmC) in the paternal pronucleus. Furthermore, DNA methylation levels in CpG sites of LINE1 transposable elements, Lemd1, Nanog and the upstream regulatory region of the Oct4 (also known as Pou5f1) gene were clearly increased in GSE-knockdown zygotes at mid-pronuclear stages (PN3-4), but the imprinted H19-differential methylated region was not affected. Importantly, DNA immunoprecipitation of 5mC and 5hmC also indicates that knockdown of GSE in zygotes resulted in a significant reduction of the conversion of 5mC to 5hmC on LINE1. Therefore, our results suggest an important role of maternal GSE for mediating active DNA demethylation in the zygote.  相似文献   
Surface plasmon field-enhanced fluorescence spectroscopy (SPFS) is a promising methodology for point-of-care (POC) testing. The SPFS devices that have been reported are equipped with an angle rotating stage to adjust the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) angle. In a clinical setting, however, the SPR angle determination is a tedious and time-consuming process. In this study, we employed an SPFS instrument with a convergent optical system that allows the omission of this procedure. We demonstrated that this instrumentation allowed the sensitive determination of low concentrations of α-fetoprotein in serum and reduced the variation effect caused by the protein concentrations in samples. The SPFS with a convergent optical system is suitable for POC testing.  相似文献   
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