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In order to control visually-guided voluntary movements, the central nervous system (CNS) must solve the following three computational problems at different levels: (1) determination of a desired trajectory in the visual coordinates, (2) transformation of the coordinates of the desired trajectory to the body coordinates and (3) generation of motor command. In this paper, the second and the third problems are treated at computational, representational and hardware levels of Marr. We first study the problems at the computational level, and then propose an iterative learning scheme as a possible algorithm. This is a trial and error type learning such as repetitive training of golf swing. The amount of motor command needed to coordinate activities of many muscles is not determined at once, but in a step-wise, trial and error fashion in the course of a set of repetitions. Actually, the motor command in the (n+1)-th iteration is a sum of the motor command in then-th iteration plus two modification terms which are, respectively, proportional to acceleration and speed errors between the desired trajectory and the realized trajectory in then-th iteration. We mathematically formulate this iterative learning control as a Newton-like method in functional spaces and prove its convergence under appropriate mathematical conditions with use of dynamical system theory and functional analysis. Computer simulations of this iterative learning control of a robotic manipulator in the body or visual coordinates are shown. Finally, we propose that areas 2, 5, and 7 of the sensory association cortex are possible sites of this learning control. Further we propose neural network model which acquires transformation matrices from acceleration or velocity to motor command, which are used in these schemes.  相似文献   
When a murine leukemia L1210-specific Lyt-2+ T cell clone, K7L, was injected i.p. into CD2F1 mice together with L1210, the normal growth of L1210 in the peritoneal cavity of the mice at the early stage (days 0 to 5) was strongly inhibited, but L1210 grew progressively at the middle-stage (days 5 to 10), and then was rejected at the late stage (days 10 to 20). The mice thus survived for long times (more than 60 days), whereas the normal control injected with L1210 alone died within 14 days. The L1210 that grew at the middle stage in mice initially inoculated with L1210 together with K7L was a K7L-insensitive (K7L-) variant. All of eight tumor clones established from L1210-K7L- by limiting dilution was insensitive to the antitumor activity of K7L, and this property of tumor clones was stable after repeated in vitro passage. The initial depression of the L1210 growth by K7L followed by growth and rejection of the variant L1210-K7L- by the host T cell activity was then found to prepare a strong, long-lasting (more than 3 mo) immunity to protect mice against the high-dose (10(7) cells per mouse) challenge of original L1210. Corresponding to this result, definite tumor (L1210)-specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) activity against both variant and original L1210 targets was developed by antigen (L1210) restimulation in the culture of spleen cells from these mice, but was not increased to a detectable level before L1210-K7L- variant started to grow. It was suggested that the 1210-K7L- variant and the original L1210 should have the common tumor-specific antigen that was independent of the K7L-reactive antigen, and that original L1210, whose growth was retarded by K7L, primed the host with the common antigen to be enormously boosted by the subsequently growing L1210-K7L- variant.  相似文献   
Two tubificid species Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri and L. claparedeianus formed more than 93% of the total number of oligochaetes in the profundal. Limnodrilus spp. worms were found down to 33 cm in the sediment but in great numbers in the upper zone in June and October. Worms confined to the top 15 cm of sediment accounted for 53-92% of the total number. There were two annual maxima in population density and biomass, one in late spring (66000 inds m−2, 17 g wet wt m−2) and the other in mid autumn (97000 inds m−2, 176 g wet wt m−2). Two regression lines describing the effect of temperature on faecal production rate were obtained; Log F = 0.0604 T (°C) −0.7660 (below 15°C), Log F = 0.0266 T – 0.2170 (above 15°C). In total 26.8 kg dry wt m−2 of sediment was defecated annually by Limnodrilus spp. The sediment in the 0–10 cm stratum may pass through the guts of the worms 2.3 times a year. Sedimentation rates in profundal region were very low with respect to the faecal production rates of the tubificids.  相似文献   
Alignment of the amino acid sequences of the Pseudomonas ovalis and Photobacterium leiognathi iron-superoxide dismutases (Fe-SODs) with the known sequences of the manganese-superoxide dismutases (Mn-SODs) shows that both types of SOD are highly homologous (33-53% identity) and share residues for the metal coordination. The amino acid residues that form the environment of the metal ions appear to be also conserved between the Fe- and Mn-SODs, except that the Phe-84 and Gln-154 in the Mn-SODs are replaced by Tyr and Ala, respectively, in the Fe-enzymes. Since this latter residue contributes to formation of the hydrophobic metal-ligand environment through hydrogen bonding with Trp-133 and Tyr-34 in the Mn-SODs, its substitution by Ala should cause different micro environments between the metal centers of the Fe- and Mn-SODs. This difference may account for the metal specificity of both types of SODs demonstrated by previous reconstitution experiments.  相似文献   
A definite cytotoxic activity was developed in a BALB/c (H-2d) anti-DBA/2 primary mixed leukocyte culture (MLC), which received interleukin 2 (IL-2) on day 3 of culture. This cytotoxic activity was minor histocompatibility antigens (MIHA)-specific at the stimulator level, and was not developed in a syngeneic (BALB/c anti-BALB/c) MLC. The addition of IL-2 on day 3 of culture was crucial; no or very weak cytotoxic activity was developed in MLC receiving IL-2 on day 0 or on both day 0 and day 3. Only appropriate MIHA-allogeneic tumor cells were lysed as the target of the cytotoxic activity. The cytotoxic activity seemed MIHA-specific also at the target level; it lysed tumor cells of DBA/2 mouse origin but not those of BALB/c (syngeneic) origin. Phenotypes of the cytotoxic effector cell were Thy-1+ Lyt-2+. We concluded from these results that MIHA-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) were generated in the MIHA-allogeneic primary MLC. In this newly developed system, we studied genetic and antigenic requirements for primary anti-MIHA CTL responses in vitro. We demonstrated; among spleen cells (SC) of seven B10 H-2-congenic strains only SC of B10.D2 strain whose major histocompatibility complex (MHC) (H-2d) was compatible with the responder MHC effectively stimulated responder BALB/c (H-2d) SC for an anti-MIHA (DBA-C57BL-common) CTL response. Similarly, only SC of two out of seven C x B recombinant inbred strains (C x B.H and C x B.D), which were compatible at the MHC with responder SC, activated responder BALB/c SC for the response. The possibility that cells responding to H-2 alloantigens suppressed the anti-MIHA response was ruled out. Additional experiments showed that compatibility at the H-2K-end or the H-2D-end of the MHC was sufficient for a definite anti-MIHA response. These provided formal evidence that primary anti-MIHA CTL responses in vitro were MHC-restricted at the stimulator level. We then showed that sonication-disrupted SC or Sephadex G-10 column-passed nonadherent SC failed to stimulate responder SC for a primary anti-MIHA CTL response, whereas G-10-passed nonadherent SC responded well to adherent stimulator cells. Further study demonstrated that Ia+ adherent cells were the most active cell type as stimulator. Finally, we confirmed that the primary anti-MIHA CTL responses to adherent stimulator cells was MHC-restricted.  相似文献   
The effects of antifebriles and anticancer drug on human vascular endothelial cells (HVE) and several cultured human cells were investigated. The HVE were isolated from umbilical cord veins by enzyme treatment and cultured successively in aerated synthetic medium, RPMI-1640, with 20% preclostrum new born calf serum. The presence of factor VIII antigen in the HVE was determined by enzyme-labeled antibody method. Cell count and protein amount were examined at regular intervals. At 3 hour-expose, sulpyrine was more toxic to the cultured cells than aspirin at 37 degrees C. The cytotoxicity of sulpyrine was markedly enhanced at 40 degrees C than at 37 degrees C. However, there was no enhancement in the cytotoxicity of aspirin at 40 degrees C. Cultured HVE and normal human fetal lung (HAIN-55) cells at 37 degrees C were sensitive to sulpyrine, and their sensitivity of the cells to the drug were markedly enhanced when they were incubated at 41 degrees C. In contrast, sensitivity of malignant human cells (HeLa cells) to sulpyrine was not found at 37 degrees C, however sensitivity of the cells to the drug was manifested at 41 degrees C of incubation. There was no effect of 5-fluorouracil (FU) on the growth of HVE and HAIN-55 cells at 41 degrees C, while HeLa cells showed high susceptibility to FU at the same temperature. The results showed the possibility that normal human cells may be sensitive to antifebrile drugs but not to anticancer drug at ordinary and high temperature, whereas malignant human cell may be susceptible to both antifebrile drugs and anticancer drug at high temperature.  相似文献   
Summary This study was undertaken, employing the immunoenzyme method, to confirm the presence of retinol-binding protein in human pancreatic islets, and to compare its distribution with that of prealbumin, insulin, glucagon, somatostatin and pancreatic polypeptide. It was found that most islet cells contained retinol-binding protein, although centrally located cells showed stronger reactivity than those in the peripheral region. The distribution of each of the five polypeptides differed from that of retinolbinding protein, indicating that these peptides did not cross-react with anti-retinol-binding protein antibody. Islet cells which contained prealbumin, on the other hand, were mostly classified as A cells. Further studies are necessary to confirm whether the islet cells produce retinol-binding protein or only store it.  相似文献   
We have introduced a mouse Thy-1.1 gene into the germline of Thy-1.2 mice. The introduced gene was shown to be expressed at very high levels in thymocytes when compared with the endogenous gene. Transgenic thymocytes were shown to evoke a higher than normal primary anti-Thy-1.1 antibody response in plaque-forming cell (PFC) assays. This result suggests that a direct quantitative interaction of the Thy-1 antigen activates the B cell response.  相似文献   
The cellular distribution of S100 subunits in human brain and peripheral nerves was studied by means of an immunohistochemical technique using antibodies specific to the alpha subunit or the beta subunit of S100 protein. The results indicate that the distribution of the alpha subunit and the beta subunit is different among cell types in the nervous tissue, and that neurons in the brain and peripheral nerves contain only the alpha subunit, or S100a0 protein. The subunit distribution also appears to be different at an intracellular level, where the immunoreaction products for the alpha subunit show granular arrangement whereas those for the beta subunit are found diffusely in the cytoplasm.  相似文献   
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