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Classically, HLA-DR expressed on antigen presenting cells (APC) initiates lymphocyte activation via presentation of peptides to TCR bearing CD4+ T-Cells. Here we demonstrate that HLA-DR alpha 2 domain (sHLA-DRalpha2) also induces negative signals by engaging TIRC7 on lymphocytes. This interaction inhibits proliferation and induces apoptosis in CD4+ and CD8+ T-cells via activation of the intrinsic pathway. Proliferation inhibition is associated with SHP-1 recruitment by TIRC7, decreased phosphorylation of STAT4, TCR-zeta chain & ZAP70, and inhibition of IFN-gamma and FasL expression. HLA-DRalpha2 and TIRC7 co-localize at the APC-T cell interaction site. Triggering HLA-DR - TIRC7 pathway demonstrates that sHLA-DRalpha2 treatment inhibits proinflammatory-inflammatory cytokine expression in APC & T cells after lipopolysaccaride (LPS) stimulation in vitro and induces apoptosis in vivo. These results suggest a novel antiproliferative role for HLA-DR mediated via TIRC7, revise the notion of an exclusive stimulatory interaction of HLA-DR with CD4+ T cells and highlights a novel physiologically relevant regulatory pathway.  相似文献   
Nitrosylation is a reversible post-translational modification of protein cysteines playing a major role in cellular regulation and signaling in many organisms, including plants where it has been implicated in the regulation of immunity and cell death. The extent of nitrosylation of a given cysteine residue is governed by the equilibrium between nitrosylation and denitrosylation reactions. The mechanisms of these reactions remain poorly studied in plants. In this study, we have employed glycolytic GAPDH from Arabidopsis thaliana as a tool to investigate the molecular mechanisms of nitrosylation and denitrosylation using a combination of approaches, including activity assays, the biotin switch technique, site-directed mutagenesis, and mass spectrometry. Arabidopsis GAPDH activity was reversibly inhibited by nitrosylation of catalytic Cys-149 mediated either chemically with a strong NO donor or by trans-nitrosylation with GSNO. GSNO was found to trigger both GAPDH nitrosylation and glutathionylation, although nitrosylation was widely prominent. Arabidopsis GAPDH was found to be denitrosylated by GSH but not by plant cytoplasmic thioredoxins. GSH fully converted nitrosylated GAPDH to the reduced, active enzyme, without forming any glutathionylated GAPDH. Thus, we found that nitrosylation of GAPDH is not a step toward formation of the more stable glutathionylated enzyme. GSH-dependent denitrosylation of GAPC1 was found to be linked to the [GSH]/[GSNO] ratio and to be independent of the [GSH]/[GSSG] ratio. The possible importance of these biochemical properties for the regulation of Arabidopsis GAPDH functions in vivo is discussed.  相似文献   
Ulcerative colitis (UC) is characterized by chronic relapsing intestinal inflammation finally leading to extensive tissue fibrosis and resulting in a stiff colon unable to carry out peristalsis or to resorb fluids. Telocytes, a peculiar type of stromal cells, have been recently identified in the human gastrointestinal tract. Several roles have been proposed for telocytes, including mechanical support, intercellular signalling and modulation of intestinal motility. The aim of the present work was to investigate the presence and distribution of telocytes in colonic specimens from UC patients compared with controls. Archival paraffin‐embedded samples of the left colon from UC patients who underwent elective bowel resection and controls were collected. Tissue sections were stained with Masson's trichrome to detect fibrosis. Telocytes were identified by CD34 immunohistochemistry. In early fibrotic UC cases, fibrosis affected the muscularis mucosae and submucosa, while the muscularis propria was spared. In advanced fibrotic UC cases, fibrosis extended to affect the muscle layers and the myenteric plexus. Few telocytes were found in the muscularis mucosae and submucosa of both early and advanced fibrotic UC colonic wall. In the muscle layers and myenteric plexus of early fibrotic UC, telocytes were preserved in their distribution. In the muscularis propria of advanced fibrotic UC, the network of telocytes was reduced or even completely absent around smooth muscle bundles and myenteric plexus ganglia, paralleling the loss of the network of interstitial cells of Cajal. In UC, a loss of telocytes accompanies the fibrotic remodelling of the colonic wall and might contribute to colonic dysmotility.  相似文献   
Genetic variants of IL-18 and IL-12B may be important in immunoregulatory abnormalities, observed in the patients with Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM), that contribute to individual differences in response to a treatment. Therefore, we examined the significance of IL-18-137G/C, IL-18-607C/A, and IL-12B A/C polymorphisms in Croatians (187 patients, 236 controls), not only as factors that contribute to susceptibility to T1DM, but also as determinants of the clinical presentation of disease.  相似文献   
Data from the New Horizons mission to Pluto show no craters on Sputnik Planum down to the detection limit (2 km for low resolution data, 625 m for high resolution data). The number of small Kuiper Belt Objects that should be impacting Pluto is known to some degree from various astronomical surveys. We combine these geological and telescopic observations to make an order of magnitude estimate that the surface age of Sputnik Planum must be less than 10 million years. This maximum surface age is surprisingly young and implies that this area of Pluto must be undergoing active resurfacing, presumably through some cryo-geophysical process. We discuss three possible resurfacing mechanisms and the implications of each one for Pluto’s physical properties.  相似文献   
The gypsy moth is a generalist insect pest with an extremely wide host range. Adaptive responses of digestive enzymes are important for the successful utilization of plant hosts that differ in the contents and ratios of constituent nutrients and allelochemicals. In the present study, we examined the responses of α‐amylase, trypsin, and leucine aminopeptidase to two tree hosts (suitable oak, Quercus cerris, and unsuitable locust tree, Robinia pseudoacacia) in the fourth, fifth, and sixth instars of gypsy moth larvae originating from oak and locust tree forest populations (hereafter assigned as Quercus and Robinia populations, respectively). Gypsy moths from the Robinia forest had been adapting to this unsuitable host for more than 40 generations. To test for population‐level host plant specialization, we applied a two‐population × two‐host experimental design. We compared the levels, developmental patterns, and plasticities of the activities of enzymes. The locust tree diet increased enzyme activity in the fourth instar and reduced activity in advanced instars of the Quercus larvae in comparison to the oak diet. These larvae also exhibited opposite developmental trajectories on the two hosts, i.e. activity increased on the oak diet and decreased on the locust tree diet with the progress of instar. Larvae of the Robinia population were characterized by reduced plasticity of enzyme activity and its developmental trajectories. In addition, elevated trypsin activity in response to an unsuitable host was observed in all instar larvae of the Robinia population, which demonstrated that Robinia larvae had an improved digestive performance than did Quercus larvae.  相似文献   
The bicarbonate buffer is considered as the most biorelevant buffer system for the simulation of intestinal conditions. However, its use in dissolution testing of solid oral dosage forms is very limited. The reason for this is the thermodynamic instability of the solution containing hydrogen carbonate ions and carbonic acid. The spontaneous loss of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the solution results in an uncontrolled increase of the pH. In order to maintain the pH on the desired level, either a CO2 loss must be completely avoided or the escaped CO2 has to be replaced by quantitative substitution, i.e. feeding the solution with the respective amount of gas, which re-acidifies the buffer after dissociation. The present work aimed at the development of a device enabling an automatic pH monitoring and regulation of hydrogen carbonate buffers during dissolution tests.  相似文献   
Mesophyll conductance (gm) has received over time much less attention than stomatal conductance (gs), although it affects leaf photosynthesis to about the same extent as stomatal conductance does. The objective of this study was to analyze the gm trend in five understory herbaceous species growing in a close-canopy forest in the north-west of Italy. In particular, three of analyzed species were monocots: Carex brizoides Lam., Carex pilosa Scop., and Oplismenus undulatifolius P. Beauv and the others dicots species: Circaea lutetiana L., and Pulmonaria officinalis Ced. The results showed, on one hand, the absence of correlation between gm and the considered environmental variables in the forest understory (i.e. air temperature, photosynthetic photon flux density and carbon dioxide concentration). Moreover, we carried out a principal component analysis considering all the analyzed morphological and physiological variables for the five species. The following correlation between the first component, related to the leaf mass per unit of leaf area and the leaf tissue density, and gm seem to suggest a key role of the leaf structural features in determining gm variations across the five species.  相似文献   
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