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In an effort to identify widely active positive regulatory elements, we have examined the action of the cytomegalovirus enhancer-promoter in transgenic mice. These elements activated expression in 24 of 28 tissues tested. The greatest expression was observed in the heart, kidney, brain, and testis. Maximum expression further localized to specific cells within the heart and kidney.  相似文献   
Summary The present study describes a cytological stable alien chromosome translocation in tetraploid durum wheat. By crossing the hexaploid 1BL/1RS wheat-rye translocation line Veery to the tetraploid durum wheat cultivar Cando it was possible to select a 28 chromosomic strain homozygous for the 1BL/1RS translocation. The disease resistance potential of the short arm of rye chromosome 1R, which has been widely introduced in many hexaploid bread wheat cultivars could be now also used for the improvement of durum wheat.  相似文献   
In the adult male Saguinus fuscicollis , the scrotal skin and the area above the root of the penis are raised in a sharply defined cushion, which extends cranially into a rectangular suprapubic pad. The circumgenital area of the adult female resembles that of the male, except that the suprapubic pad is relatively and absolutely larger. A complex glandular organ, composed of holocrine and apocrine glands, is located beneath the epidermis of the circumgenital skin. In males, specialized holocrine glands associated with hair follicles predominate. They form a layer, 2-3 mm deep beneath the epidermis. These holocrine glands have a complex alveolar structure and possess numerously branched excretory ducts. Each group of glands empties into a common duct which enters the hair follicle. In males, the apocrine glands are located predominantly at the periphery of the glandular pad and between the scrotal and perineal areas. The excretory ducts of most apocrine glands empty on to the skin surface in close spatial association with hair follicles. However, independent openings were also observed. In females, the specialized holocrine glands resemble those of males but are more frequently interspersed with apocrine glands. The apocrine glands are larger and much more numerous than in males, especially in the region of the labia majora. Gonadectomy of an adult male and female resulted in a reduction in the size of the holocrine glands but had much less effect on the apocrine glands of the scent organ. In addition, the sexual dimorphism in gland histology was retained years after castration.  相似文献   
A high-performance liquid chromatographic method using ion-pairing chromatography on reversed-phase C18 material with a mobile phase of acetonitrile—water (19:81, v/v) containing 5 mM 1-pentanesulfonic acid was developed for the detection and separation of the anthrapyrazole CI-941 (I) and its metabolites. After sample clean-up with solid-phase extraction, I and its metabolites were measurable at a wavelength of 491 nm. A detection limit of 5 ng/ml was achievable for I. The dicarboxylic acid derivative and the isomers of the monocarboxylic acid derivative could be separated. Application of the method to a human pharmacokinetic study showed two and four metabolites of I in serum and urine respectively.  相似文献   
The relation of coronary artery disease to plasma lipoproteins was examined in 104 men aged 35-65 years undergoing coronary angiography for suspected myocardial ischaemia. A score reflecting the number, degree, and length of stenoses in seven major coronary arteries was assigned to each angiogram. Lipid concentrations in lipoprotein subfractions were measured after preparative ultracentrifugation; plasma apolipoprotein concentrations were measured by electroimmunoassay. Men with high coronary scores tended to have lower plasma high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol concentrations and higher low-density lipoprotein (density 1.019-1.063 g/ml) cholesterol concentrations than subjects of similar age with low coronary scores (p approximately equal to 0.1). The strongest relation, however, was with the cholesterol concentration in the HDL2 subfraction (density 1.063-1.125 g/ml) of HDL, which averaged 44% lower in the severely affected patients (p less than 0.005). No associations were found between the coronary score and HDL3 cholesterol, the cholesterol content of lipoproteins of density less than 1.019 g/ml, plasma triglyceride, or the concentrations of apolipoproteins AI, AII, and E. The high coronary scores associated with low HDL2 concentrations reflected an increase in the number of both partial and complete stenoses distributed throughout the coronary tree. In contrast the sizes of the lesions and the proportion producing complete occlusion were unrelated to HDL2.  相似文献   
NTRE 7 is an avian retrovirus recombinant of the endogenous nononcogenic Rous-associated virus-0 (RAV-0) and the oncogenic, exogenous, transformation-defective (td) Prague strain of Rous sarcoma virus B (td-PrRSV-B). Oligonucleotide mapping had shown that the recombinant virus is indistinguishable from its RAV-0 parent except for the 3'-end sequences, which were derived from td-PrRSV-B. However, the virus exhibits properties which are typical of an exogenous virus: it grows to high titers in tissue culture, and it is oncogenic in vivo. To accurately define the genetic region responsible for these properties, we determined the nucleotide sequences of the recombinant and its RAV-0 parent by using molecular clones of their DNA. These were compared with sequences already available for PrRSV-C, a virus closely related to the exogenous parent td-PrRSV-B. The results suggested that the crossover event which generated NTRE 7 took place in a region -501 to -401 nucleotides from the 3' end of the td-PrRSV parental genome and that sequences to the right of the recombination region were responsible for its growth properties and oncogenic potential. These sequences included a 148-base-pair exogenous-virus-specific region that was absent from the RAV-0 genome and the U3 region of the long terminal repeat. Since the exogenous-virus-specific sequences are expected to be missing from transformation-defective mutants of the Schmidt-Ruppin strain of RSV, which, like other exogenous viruses, grow to high titers in tissue culture and are oncogenic in vivo, we concluded that the growth properties and oncogenic potential of the exogenous viruses are determined by sequences in the U3 region of the long terminal repeat. However, we propose that the exogenous-virus-specific region may play a role in determining the oncogenic spectrum of a given oncogenic virus.  相似文献   
Summary The 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (6-PGD) zymogram phenotypes of wheat, rye and their aneuploid derivatives were determined. Two genes involved in the production of 6-PGD isozymes were located on chromosome arms CRL (4 RL) and FRL (6 RL) of Imperial rye. On the basis of differential interactions between wheat and rye chromosomes, evidence was obtained that genes located on chromosomes 6 A, 6 BL and 7 BL control 6-PGD isozyme activities in Chinese Spring wheat. The wheat and rye 6-PGD zymogram phenotypes were indicative of homoeologous relationships between rye chromosome 6 RL to wheat chromosomes of group 6, and rye chromosome 4 RL to wheat chromosomes of group 7.  相似文献   
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