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Replication of Ibaraki virus was not inhibited by 5-iodo-2′-deoxyuridine, indicating that the virus is an RNA virus. The virus was resistant to ether, chloroform and deoxycholate, sensitive to trypsin, very labile at acidic pH but stable at pH 6.4 or higher, and was resistant to repeated freezing and thawing. The virus was readily inactivated at 56 C or higher, was fairly stable at 37 C, and very stable at 4 C, while it rapidly lost infectivity when stored frozen at —20 C. The virus was readily sedimented by centrifugation at 40 000Xg for 60 min. It readily passed through membrane filters of 200 mμ pore size, passed through 100 μfilters but only with some titer loss and did not through 50 mμ filters. In these tests, the bluetongue virus used as a control behaved in the same manner as Ibaraki virus. These findings provide additional evidence for the similarity of Ibaraki virus to bluetongue virus which had been previously demonstrated on the basis of seasonal incidence, symptomatology and pathology of the diseases caused by these viruses and the behavior of the viruses in cell cultures, embryonated eggs and laboratory animals. The present study, however, provided no evidence for any serological relation between these two viruses. More Information is needed to reach a final decision on the classification of Ibaraki virus, particularly regarding the morphology of the virion, the doublestrandedness of the viral RNA and other basic features.  相似文献   
Two species of fiddler crab, Uca tetragonon(Herbst, 1790) and Uca vocans(Linnaeus, 1758), which belong to the subgenus Gelasimus, dwell on rocky shores and muddy–sandy tidal flats, respectively, in Phuket Is., Thailand. We investigated their feeding ecology in relation to the morphology of their feeding organs: minor food-handling chelipeds and maxillipeds. U. tetragononfed chiefly on rocks covered by filamentous green algae. U. vocansfed on the emerged sand and in shallow water along the shoreline and in pools. While feeding, both crabs made sand pellets beneath their mouthparts and discarded them, indicating that they divided the matter scooped up with their minor chelipeds into edible and inedible fractions by using the maxillipeds in the water passing through their buccal cavity. The morphology of maxillipeds hardly differed between the two species, which means that both species are flotation-feeders. The morphology of their minor chelipeds, however, differed: the tips of the dactyl and pollex were flat in U. tetragononand pointed in U. vocans.When the minor cheliped was closed, U. tetragononhad a hemispherical space in the distal one-fourth of the gape, which was closed by the framing keratin layers and a few setae of the dactyl and pollex. On the other hand, U. vocanshad an ellipsoidal space in the distal half of the gape. We consider these morphological characters to be adaptations to the different feeding substrates for retaining more food-laden sediment. We discuss the role of the setae on the minor chelipeds on the basis of the morphological differences between populations of U. tetragononin Phuket Is. and East Africa where the crab inhabits muddy–sandy tidal flats.  相似文献   
Five strains of bovine diarrhea virus were isolated from Japanese cattle using bovine tissue cultures. These are the first isolations of this virus from Japanese cattle to be reported. Of importance is the finding that the new isolates, which are non-cytopathogenic, induce an exaltation of Newcastle disease virus in bovine testicular cell culture. This finding has provided a laboratory tool whereby the assay of the virus and its neutralizing antibody can readily be performed.  相似文献   
A 2073-base pair DNA fragment containing a part of gene for a member of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) gene family, has been isolated from human DNA library after screening with 32P-labeled 53-mer oligodeoxyribonucleotide corresponding to N-terminal 18 amino acids of CEA gene family and cDNA encoding CEA (1,2). The fragment contains two exons; the one encodes the first 60% of signal peptide and the other the rest of it in addition to 107 amino acids which correspond to the N-terminal domain of CEA (1,2). Apparently, the second intron is inserted between the first and the second nucleotides of the codon for 108th amino acid. The presence of Ala instead of Val as the 21st amino acid of the N-terminal domain indicates that the exon encodes nonspecific crossreacting antigen (NCA).  相似文献   
Twelve male Sprague-Dawley rats (21 days old) were randomly assigned into two experimental groups: sea level control (CONT) and hypobaric hypoxia (HYPO). The HYPO rats were kept in an hypobaric chamber maintaining a simulated altitude of 4000 m (61.1 kPa). After 10 weeks of treatment, the rat hindlimb muscles [soleus (SOL) and extensor digitorum longus (EDL)] were subjected to histochemical and electro-mechanical analyses. Results indicated that compared to CONT the HYPO SOL muscle had a significantly greater relative distribution of fast-twitch-oxidative-glycolytic (FOG) fibres (28.9% SEM 2.0 vs 18.3% SEM 1.8, P less than 0.01) with a significant decrease in slow twitch oxidative fibre distribution (69.5% SEM 2.4 vs 82.9% SEM 3.1, P less than 0.01). Compared to CONT the HYPO EDL muscle also manifested a significant increase in FOG fibre distribution (51.6% SEM 0.8 vs 46.6% SEM 1.1, P less than 0.01), but this was accompanied by a significant decrease in fast twitch glucolytic fibres (44.3% SEM 0.9 vs 49.2% SEM 1.7, P less than 0.05). These histochemical fibre type transformations accompanied significant and expected changes in the electro-mechanical parameters tested in situ, e.g. maximal twitch force, maximal rate of force development, contraction time, half relaxation time, force: frequency curve, and fatigability. It was concluded that chronic hypobaric hypoxia could have a potent influence upon the phenotype expression of muscle fibres.  相似文献   
Screening for leptomycin B (LMB)-resistant transformants in a gene library constructed in Schizosaccharomyces pombe with the chromosomal DNA of an LMB-resistant mutant of S. pombe and with multicopy plasmid pDB248' as the vector led to the isolation of a gene, named pmd1+, encoding a 1362-amino-acid protein. This protein showed great similarity in amino acid sequence to the mammalian P-glycoprotein encoded by the multidrug resistance gene, mdr, and the Saccharomyces cerevisiae a-factor transporter encoded by STE6. In addition, computer analyses predicted that the protein encoded by pmd1+ formed an intramolecular duplicated structure and each of the halves contained six transmembrane regions as well as two ATP-binding domains, as observed with the P-glycoproteins and the STE6 product. Consistent with this was that S. pombe cells containing the pmd1+ gene on a multicopy plasmid showed resistance not only to LMB but also to several cytotoxic agents. The pmd1 null mutants derived by gene disruption were viable and hypersensitive to these agents. All these data suggest that the pmd1+ gene encodes a protein that is a structural and functional counterpart of mammalian mdr proteins.  相似文献   
The microenvironments of the histidines in three isoforms of Ca(II)-bound parvalbumin (carp, pI = 4.25; pike, pI = 5.00; rat, pI = 5.50) have been examined with 1H NMR techniques to probe their protonation characteristics and photochemically induced dynamic nuclear polarizability (photo-CIDNP). The histidine at position 26 (or 25), present in all three of these proteins, shows absolutely no photo-CIDNP enhancement of its C2H or C5H resonances. Nor does this nonpolarizable histidine possess a normal pKa: values range only from 4.20 for carp to 4.32 for pike to 4.44 for rat. The C2H and C5H resonances of the histidine in this carp isoform split into doublets as the pH is lowered. The magnitude of this splitting depends on the magnetic field strength, temperature, and pH; however, the line intensities within each doublet are temperature-independent. Although the crystal structure of carp parvalbumin indicates that His-26 is exposed to solvent [Kretsinger, R. H., & Nockolds, C. E. (1973) J. Biol. Chem. 248, 3313-3326], we conclude that in solution this residue, in its unprotonated state, is part of the hydrophobic core of the protein. In contrast, His-48 in rat parvalbumin and His-106 in pike III parvalbumin show dramatic photo-CIDNP enhancements of their C2H, C5H, and beta-CH2 1H NMR resonances. Combined with its nearly normal pKa, 6.14, and exchange-broadened C2H resonance, the photo-CIDNP enhancement results for His-48 indicate that its microenvironment differs little from random-coil exposure, consistent with its presumed position on the solvent surface of helix C.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Lacking the extraordinary thermal stability of its metal-bound forms, apo-alpha-parvalbumin from rat muscle assumes two distinct conformations in aqueous solution. At 25 degrees C, its highly structured form predominates (Keq = 5.7; delta G degree = -4.3 kJ X mol-1); as deduced from both 1H NMR and circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy, this conformation is exceedingly similar to those of its Mg(II)-, Ca(II)-, and Lu(III)-bound forms. The temperature dependences of several well-resolved aromatic and upfield-shifted methyl 1H NMR resonances and several CD bands indicate that the native, highly helical structure of rat apo-alpha-parvalbumin is unfolded by a concerted mechanism, showing no indication of partially structured intermediates. The melting temperature, TM, of rat apo-alpha-parvalbumin is 35 +/- 0.5 degrees C as calculated by both spectroscopic techniques. By 45 degrees C, rat apo-alpha-parvalbumin unfolds entirely, losing the tertiary structure that characterizes its folded form: not only are the ring-current-shifted aromatic and methyl 1H NMR resonances leveled, but the 262- and 269-nm CD bands are also severely reduced. As judged by the decrease in the negative ellipticity of the 222-nm CD band, this less-structured form of rat apo-alpha-parvalbumin shows an approximate 50% loss in apparent alpha-helical content compared to its folded state. Several changes in the 1H NMR spectrum of rat apo-alpha-parvalbumin were exceptionally informative probes of the specific conformational changes that accompany metal ion binding and metal ion exchange. In particular, the line intensities of the ortho proton resonance of Phe-47, the unassigned downfield-shifted alpha-CH resonances from the beta-sheet contacts between the metal-binding loops, the C2H resonance of His-48, and the epsilon-CH3 resonance of an unassigned Met residue were monitored as a function of added metal to determine the stability constants of several metal ion-parvalbumin complexes. We conclude that Mg(II) binds to the CD and EF sites independently, its affinity for the EF site being almost twice that for the CD site. Mg(II)----Ca(II) exchange showed that the CD-site Mg(II) is displaced first, in contrast to Lu(III)'s preferential displacement of the EF-site Ca(II) as determined from the Ca(II)----Lu(III) exchange experiments.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   
H Tohda  A Oikawa 《Mutation research》1986,163(2):167-174
A high frequency of sister-chromatid exchange (SCE) induced in cells of a human lymphoblastoid cell line, NL3, by 2-h treatment with 1 microM mitomycin C (MMC) was maintained after holding the treated cells in a nonproliferating state for 48 h before cells were transferred into the BrdUrd-containing medium for SCE assay. The same was observed in cells treated with 4-nitroquinoline 1-oxide (4NQO) or ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS). In contrast, when MMC-treated cells were transferred into a growth medium and allowed to proliferate for various periods of time before SCE assay, MMC-induced SCE frequency decreased with time and reached near control level after 48 h. The reduction in SCE was also observed in 4NQO-treated cells, though to a lesser extent, but not in EMS-treated cells. When hydroxyurea or 1-beta-D-arabinofuranosylcytosine was given as a post-MMC treatment during this recovery process, such a reduction of SCE frequency was suppressed and the extent of the suppression appears to be roughly parallel to their ability to inhibit DNA replication. Cycloheximide and 5-azacytidine also exerted a similar inhibitory effect on the reduction of SCE. Benzamide and caffeine had no appreciable effect. Our results indicate that the SCE-forming lesions induced by MMC can be eliminated only in proliferating cells, probably during DNA replication.  相似文献   
The effects of oncogene activation on glycosphingolipid (GSL) synthesis by a mouse fibroblast clonal cell line were studied. A transfectant that expressed the activated ras gene showed a definite change in the composition of acidic GSLs, probably an increase in polysialoganglioside, while one that expressed the myc gene showed only a slight change. Neither transfectant grew in soft agar. However, another transfectant, which expressed both the myc and ras genes, and grew in soft agar, showed a more dramatic increase in the acidic GSL component. Thus, activations of the myc and ras oncogenes have a synergistic effect on GSL synthesis during transformation.  相似文献   
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