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The work was focused on the investigation of possible dependencies between the development of viral infection in plants and the presence of high heavy metal concentrations in soil. Field experiments have been conducted in order to study the development of systemic tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) infection in Lycopersicon esculentum L. cv. Miliana plants under effect of separate salts of heavy metals Cu, Zn and Pb deposited in soil. As it is shown, simultaneous effect of viral infection and heavy metals in tenfold maximum permissible concentration leads to decrease of total chlorophyll content in experiment plants mainly due to the degradation of chlorophyll a. The reduction of chlorophyll concentration under the combined influence of both stress factors was more serious comparing to the separate effect of every single factor. Plants' treatment with toxic concentrations of lead and zinc leaded to slight delay in the development of systemic TMV infection together with more than twofold increase of virus content in plants that may be an evidence of synergism between these heavy metal's and virus' effects. Contrary, copper although decreased total chlorophyll content but showed protective properties and significantly reduced amount of virus in plants.  相似文献   
DNA polymerase iota (Poliota) is a member of the Y family of DNA polymerases, which promote replication through DNA lesions. The role of Poliota in lesion bypass, however, has remained unclear. Poliota is highly unusual in that it incorporates nucleotides opposite different template bases with very different efficiencies and fidelities. Since interactions of DNA polymerases with the DNA minor groove provide for the nearly equivalent efficiencies and fidelities of nucleotide incorporation opposite each of the four template bases, we considered the possibility that Poliota differs from other DNA polymerases in not being as sensitive to distortions of the minor groove at the site of the incipient base pair and that this enables it to incorporate nucleotides opposite highly distorting minor-groove DNA adducts. To check the validity of this idea, we examined whether Poliota could incorporate nucleotides opposite the gamma-HOPdG adduct, which is formed from an initial reaction of acrolein with the N(2) of guanine. We show here that Poliota incorporates a C opposite this adduct with nearly the same efficiency as it does opposite a nonadducted template G residue. The subsequent extension step, however, is performed by Polkappa, which efficiently extends from the C incorporated opposite the adduct. Based upon these observations, we suggest that an important biological role of Poliota and Polkappa is to act sequentially to carry out the efficient and accurate bypass of highly distorting minor-groove DNA adducts of the purine bases.  相似文献   
Although the biochemical pathways that repair DNA-protein cross-links have not been clearly elucidated, it has been proposed that the partial proteolysis of cross-linked proteins into smaller oligopeptides constitutes an initial step in removal of these lesions by nucleotide excision repair (NER). To test the validity of this repair model, several site-specific DNA-peptide and DNA-protein cross-links were engineered via linkage at (1) an acrolein-derived gamma-hydroxypropanodeoxyguanosine adduct and (2) an apurinic/apyrimidinic site, and the initiation of repair was examined in vitro using recombinant proteins UvrA and UvrB from Bacillus caldotenax and UvrC from Thermotoga maritima. The polypeptides cross-linked to DNA were Lys-Trp-Lys-Lys, Lys-Phe-His-Glu-Lys-His-His-Ser-His-Arg-Gly-Tyr, and the 16 kDa protein, T4 pyrimidine dimer glycosylase/apurinic/apyrimidinic site lyase. For the substrates examined, DNA incision required the coordinated action of all three proteins and occurred at the eighth phosphodiester bond 5' to the lesion. The incision rates for DNA-peptide cross-links were comparable to or greater than that measured on fluorescein-adducted DNA, an excellent substrate for UvrABC. Incision rates were dependent on both the site of covalent attachment on the DNA and the size of the bound peptide. Importantly, incision of a DNA-protein cross-link occurred at a rate approximately 3.5-8-fold slower than the rates observed for DNA-peptide cross-links. Thus, direct evidence has been obtained indicating that (1) DNA-peptide cross-links can be efficiently incised by the NER proteins and (2) DNA-peptide cross-links are preferable substrates for this system relative to DNA-protein cross-links. These data suggest that proteolytic degradation of DNA-protein cross-links may be an important processing step in facilitating NER.  相似文献   
The relative difference in polymeric architectures of dendrimer and linear bis(poly(ethylene glycol)) (PEG) polymer in conjugation with paclitaxel has been described. Paclitaxel, a poorly soluble anticancer drug, was covalently conjugated with PAMAM G4 hydroxyl-terminated dendrimer and bis(PEG) polymer for the potential enhancement of drug solubility and cytotoxicity. Both conjugates were characterized by 1NMR, HPLC, and MALDI/TOF. In addition, molecular conformations of dendrimer, bis(PEG), paclitaxel, and its polymeric conjugates were studied by molecular modeling. Hydrolysis of the ester bond in the conjugate was analyzed by HPLC using esterase hydrolyzing enzyme. In vitro cytotoxicity of dendrimer, bis(PEG), paclitaxel, and polymeric conjugates containing paclitaxel was evaluated using A2780 human ovarian carcinoma cells. Cytotoxicity increased by 10-fold with PAMAM dendrimer-succinic acid-paclitaxel conjugate when compared with free nonconjugated drug. Data obtained indicate that the nanosized dendritic polymer conjugates can be used with good success as anticancer drug carriers.  相似文献   
Although there exists compelling genetic evidence for a homologous recombination-independent pathway for repair of interstrand cross-links (ICLs) involving translesion synthesis (TLS), biochemical support for this model is lacking. To identify DNA polymerases that may function in TLS past ICLs, oligodeoxynucleotides were synthesized containing site-specific ICLs in which the linkage was between N(2)-guanines, similar to cross-links formed by mitomycin C and enals. Here, data are presented that mammalian cell replication of DNAs containing these lesions was approximately 97% accurate. Using a series of oligodeoxynucleotides that mimic potential intermediates in ICL repair, we demonstrate that human polymerase (pol) kappa not only catalyzed accurate incorporation opposite the cross-linked guanine but also replicated beyond the lesion, thus providing the first biochemical evidence for TLS past an ICL. The efficiency of TLS was greatly enhanced by truncation of both the 5 ' and 3 ' ends of the nontemplating strand. Further analyses showed that although yeast Rev1 could incorporate a dCTP opposite the cross-linked guanine, no evidence was found for TLS by pol zeta or a pol zeta/Rev1 combination. Because pol kappa was able to bypass these ICLs, biological evidence for a role for pol kappa in tolerating the N(2)-N(2)-guanine ICLs was sought; both cell survival and chromosomal stability were adversely affected in pol kappa-depleted cells following mitomycin C exposure. Thus, biochemical data and cellular studies both suggest a role for pol kappa in the processing of N(2)-N(2)-guanine ICLs.  相似文献   
Reaction of bifunctional electrophiles with DNA in the presence of peptides can result in DNA-peptide cross-links. In particular, the linkage can be formed in the major groove of DNA via the exocyclic amino group of adenine (N6-dA). We previously demonstrated that an A family human polymerase, Pol ν, can efficiently and accurately synthesize DNA past N6-dA-linked peptides. Based on these results, we hypothesized that another member of that family, Escherichia coli polymerase I (Pol I), may also be able to bypass these large major groove DNA lesions. To test this, oligodeoxynucleotides containing a site-specific N6-dA dodecylpeptide cross-link were created and utilized for in vitro DNA replication assays using E. coli DNA polymerases. The results showed that Pol I and Pol II could efficiently and accurately bypass this adduct, while Pol III replicase, Pol IV, and Pol V were strongly inhibited. In addition, cellular studies were conducted using E. coli strains that were either wild type or deficient in all three DNA damage-inducible polymerases, i.e., Pol II, Pol IV, and Pol V. When single-stranded DNA vectors containing a site-specific N6-dA dodecylpeptide cross-link were replicated in these strains, the efficiencies of replication were comparable, and in both strains, intracellular bypass of the lesion occurred in an error-free manner. Collectively, these findings demonstrate that despite its constrained active site, Pol I can catalyze DNA synthesis past N6-dA-linked peptide cross-links and is likely to play an essential role in cellular bypass of large major groove DNA lesions.  相似文献   
Repair of interstrand DNA cross-links (ICLs) in Escherichia coli can occur through a combination of nucleotide excision repair (NER) and homologous recombination. However, an alternative mechanism has been proposed in which repair is initiated by NER followed by translesion DNA synthesis (TLS) and completed through another round of NER. Using site-specifically modified oligodeoxynucleotides that serve as a model for potential repair intermediates following incision by E. coli NER proteins, the ability of E. coli DNA polymerases (pol) II and IV to catalyze TLS past N(2)-N(2)-guanine ICLs was determined. No biochemical evidence was found suggesting that pol II could bypass these lesions. In contrast, pol IV could catalyze TLS when the nucleotides that are 5' to the cross-link were removed. The efficiency of TLS was further increased when the nucleotides 3' to the cross-linked site were also removed. The correct nucleotide, C, was preferentially incorporated opposite the lesion. When E. coli cells were transformed with a vector carrying a site-specific N(2)-N(2)-guanine ICL, the transformation efficiency of a pol II-deficient strain was indistinguishable from that of the wild type. However, the ability to replicate the modified vector DNA was nearly abolished in a pol IV-deficient strain. These data strongly suggest that pol IV is responsible for TLS past N(2)-N(2)-guanine ICLs.  相似文献   
Current data suggest that DNA-peptide crosslinks are formed in cellular DNA as likely intermediates in the repair of DNA-protein crosslinks. In addition, a number of naturally occurring peptides are known to efficiently conjugate with DNA, particularly through the formation of Schiff-base complexes at aldehydic DNA adducts and abasic DNA sites. Since the potential role of DNA-peptide crosslinks in promoting mutagenesis is not well elucidated, here we report on the mutagenic properties of Schiff-base-mediated DNA-peptide crosslinks in mammalian cells. Site-specific DNA-peptide crosslinks were generated by covalently trapping a lysine-tryptophan-lysine-lysine peptide to the N(6) position of deoxyadenosine (dA) or the N(2) position of deoxyguanosine (dG) via the aldehydic forms of acrolein-derived DNA adducts (gamma-hydroxypropano-dA or gamma-hydroxypropano-dG, respectively). In order to evaluate the potential of DNA-peptide crosslinks to promote mutagenesis, we inserted the modified oligodeoxynucleotides into a single-stranded pMS2 shuttle vector, replicated these vectors in simian kidney (COS-7) cells and tested the progeny DNAs for mutations. Mutagenic analyses revealed that at the site of modification, the gamma-hydroxypropano-dA-mediated crosslink induced mutations at only approximately 0.4%. In contrast, replication bypass of the gamma-hydroxypropano-dG-mediated crosslink resulted in mutations at the site of modification at an overall frequency of approximately 8.4%. Among the types of mutations observed, single base substitutions were most common, with a prevalence of G to T transversions. Interestingly, while covalent attachment of lysine-tryptophan-lysine-lysine at gamma-hydroxypropano-dG caused an increase in mutation frequencies relative to gamma-hydroxypropano-dG, similar modification of gamma-hydroxypropano-dA resulted in decreased levels of mutations. Thus, certain DNA-peptide crosslinks can be mutagenic, and their potential to cause mutations depends on the site of peptide attachment. We propose that in order to avoid error-prone replication, proteolytic degradation of proteins covalently attached to DNA and subsequent steps of DNA repair should be tightly coordinated.  相似文献   
Acrolein, an alpha,beta-unsaturated aldehyde, is generated in vivo as the end product of lipid peroxidation and from oxidation of polyamines. The reaction of acrolein with the N2 group of guanine in DNA leads to the formation of a cyclic adduct, gamma-hydroxy-1,N2-propano-2'-deoxyguanosine (gamma-HOPdG). Previously, we have shown that proficient replication through the gamma-HOPdG adduct can be mediated by the sequential action of human DNA polymerases (Pols) iota and kappa, in which Poliota incorporates either pyrimidine opposite gamma-HOPdG, but Polkappa extends only from the cytosine. Since gamma-HOPdG can adopt either a ring-closed cyclic form or a ring-opened form in DNA, to better understand the mechanisms that Pols iota and kappa employ to promote replication through this lesion, we have examined the ability of these polymerases to replicate through the structural analogs of gamma-HOPdG that are permanently either ring closed or ring opened. Our studies with these model adducts show that whereas the ring-opened form of gamma-HOPdG is not inhibitory to synthesis by human Pols eta, iota, or kappa, only Poliota is able to incorporate nucleotides opposite the ring-closed form, which is known to adopt a syn conformation in DNA. From these studies, we infer that (i) Pols eta, iota, and kappa have the ability to proficiently replicate through minor-groove DNA lesions that do not perturb the Watson-Crick hydrogen bonding of the template base with the incoming nucleotide, and (ii) Poliota can accommodate a minor-groove-adducted template purine which adopts a syn conformation in DNA and forms a Hoogsteen base pair with the incoming nucleotide.  相似文献   
Rev1, a member of the Y family of DNA polymerases, functions in lesion bypass together with DNA polymerase zeta (Pol zeta). Rev1 is a highly specialized enzyme in that it incorporates only a C opposite template G. While Rev1 plays an indispensable structural role in Pol zeta-dependent lesion bypass, the role of its DNA synthetic activity in lesion bypass has remained unclear. Since interactions of DNA polymerases with the DNA minor groove contribute to the nearly equivalent efficiencies and fidelities of nucleotide incorporation opposite each of the four template bases, here we examine the possibility that unlike other DNA polymerases, Rev1 does not come into close contact with the minor groove of the incipient base pair, and that enables it to incorporate a C opposite the N(2)-adducted guanines in DNA. To test this idea, we examined whether Rev1 could incorporate a C opposite the gamma-hydroxy-1,N(2)-propano-2'deoxyguanosine DNA minor-groove adduct, which is formed from the reaction of acrolein with the N(2) of guanine. Acrolein, an alpha,beta-unsaturated aldehyde, is generated in vivo as the end product of lipid peroxidation and from other oxidation reactions. We show here that Rev1 efficiently incorporates a C opposite this adduct from which Pol zeta subsequently extends, thereby completing the lesion bypass reaction. Based upon these observations, we suggest that an important role of the Rev1 DNA synthetic activity in lesion bypass is to incorporate a C opposite the various N(2)-guanine DNA minor-groove adducts that form in DNA.  相似文献   
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