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The structure of the viral RNA in alfalfa mosaic virus (AlMV) was investigated by means of 31P-nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). It was found that the 31P-NMR line width of AlMV Top a particles is significantly smaller than that of the larger Bottom particles. At low temperatures, the totational correlation time of the 31P nuclei essentially equals the tumbling rate of the virus particle, indicating that the RNA is contained rigidly inside the virion. At more elevated temperatures, the NMR line width sharpens more than expected on the basis of viscosity changes and the RNA exhibits internal mobility. The occurrence of internal mobility is paralleled by an increased internal mobility of the N-terminal part of the coat protein, as could be observed by 1H-NMR spectroscopy. The influence of EDTA on the 31P-NMR line width appeared to be negligible, which is in agreement with the idea that AlMV does not 'swell' like several other RNA-containing plant viruses.  相似文献   
It has been demonstrated that the carboxyl terminus of microbodyenzymes functions as a targeting signal to microbodies in higherplants. We have examined an ability of 24 carboxy-terminal aminoacid sequences to facilitate the transport of a cytosolic passengerprotein, ß-glucuroni-dase, into microbodies in greencotyledonary cells of trans-genic Arabidopsis. Immunoelectronmicroscopic analysis revealed that carboxy-terminal tripeptidesequences of the form [C/A/S/P]-[K/R]-[I/L/M] function as amicrobody-targeting signal, although tripeptides with prolineat the first amino acid position and isoleucine at the carboxylterminus show weak targeting efficiencies. All known micro-bodyenzymes that are synthesized in a form similar in size to themature molecule, except catalase, contain one of these tripeptidesequences at their carboxyl terminus. (Received April 14, 1997; Accepted April 8, 1997)  相似文献   
The relationship between chronic inflammation and cancer is well known. The inflammation increases the permeability of blood vessels and consequently elevates pressure in the interstitial tissues. However, there have been only a few reports on the effects of hydrostatic pressure on cultured cells, and the relationship between elevated hydrostatic pressure and cell properties related to malignant tumors is less well understood. Therefore, we investigated the effects of hydrostatic pressure on the cultured epithelial cells seeded on permeable filters. Surprisingly, hydrostatic pressure from basal to apical side induced epithelial stratification in Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) I and Caco-2 cells, and cavities with microvilli and tight junctions around their surfaces were formed within the multi-layered epithelia. The hydrostatic pressure gradient also promoted cell proliferation, suppressed cell apoptosis, and increased transepithelial ion permeability. The inhibition of protein kinase A (PKA) promoted epithelial stratification by the hydrostatic pressure whereas the activation of PKA led to suppressed epithelial stratification. These results indicate the role of the hydrostatic pressure gradient in the regulation of various epithelial cell functions. The findings in this study may provide clues for the development of a novel strategy for the treatment of the carcinoma.  相似文献   
Toxin–antitoxin (TA) systems are small genetic elements that typically encode a stable toxin and its labile antitoxin. These cognate pairs are abundant in prokaryotes and have been shown to regulate various cellular functions. Vibrio cholerae, a human pathogen that is the causative agent of cholera, harbors at least thirteen TA loci. While functional HigBA, ParDE have been shown to stabilize plasmids and Phd/Doc to mediate cell death in V. cholerae, the function of seven RelBE-family TA systems is not understood. In this study we investigated the function of the RelBE TA systems in V. cholerae physiology and found that six of the seven relBE loci encoded functional toxins in E. coli. Deletion analyses of each relBE locus indicate that RelBE systems are involved in biofilm formation and reactive oxygen species (ROS) resistance. Interestingly, all seven relBE loci are induced under the standard virulence induction conditions and two of the relBE mutants displayed a colonization defect, which was not due to an effect on virulence gene expression. Although further studies are needed to characterize the mechanism of action, our study reveals that RelBE systems are important for V. cholerae physiology.  相似文献   
The catalase molecule in germinating pumpkin cotyledons is synthesizedas a precursor (59-kDa) form, whose relative molecular massis larger than the mature enzyme (55-kDa). Although both typesof molecules are localized in the microbodies, the 59-kDa specieshas been shown to be present predominantly in the leaf peroxisomesisolated from green cotyledons, while the 55-kDa species ispredominantly in the glyoxysomes from etiolated cotyledons [Yamaguchiet al. (1984) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 81: 4809]. We examinedthe distribution of the 59- and 55-kDa catalase molecules indark- and light-grown tissues of pumpkin seedlings as well asin other plant species, using the immunoblotting technique.The ratios of the 59- and 55-kDa catalase species differed inthe pumpkin tissues examined. Light interferes with the conversionof the 59-kDa precursor to the 55-kDa form, especially in thecotyledons. The effect of light was less pronounced in the rootsand hypocotyls, indicating that the light regulation of theconversion is tissue-specific. Dark- and light-grown cotyledonsfrom cucumber and watermelon seedlings showed a similar lightregulation, suggesting that cucurbitaceous plants possess similarlight-regulatory mechanism. From the analysis of catalase proteinfrom various plant tissues, a limited correlation between molecularforms of catalase and different microbody populations was observed. (Received September 6, 1986; Accepted December 4, 1986)  相似文献   
In cells of cyanobacterium Anabaena variabilis grown under ordinaryair (low-CO2 cells), the transport of both CO2 and HCO3was significantly enhanced by Na+. This effect was pronouncedas the external pH increased. When low-CO2 cells were treatedwith an inhibitor of carbonic anhydrase (CA), only CO2 transportbut not HCO3 transport, was inhibited. The initial rateof photosynthetic carbon fixation as a function of the concentrationof internal inorganic carbon (IC) was practically the same irrespectiveof whether CO2 or HCO3 was externally supplied. Theseresults suggest that IC is actively transported through theplasma membrane in a form of HCO3 probably by some transporterand that the transmembrane Na+ gradient is involved in thisIC transport system. Free CO2 may be hydrated by CA to HCO3and then transported to the cells by this transporter. On the other hand, CO2 is actively taken up by cells grown withair containing 5% CO2 (high-CO2 cells) though the enhancingeffect of Na+ was much smaller in high- CO2 cells than in low-CO2cells. The initial rate of fixation as a function of internal IC concentrationindicated that the rate of the carboxylation reaction of accumulatedIC is higher in I0W-CO2 cells than in high-CO2 cells. The studieswith ethoxyzolamide indicated that even in low-CO2 cells, CAdoes not function inside Anabaena cells. These results suggestthat inside the low-CO2 cells of Anabaena, some mediator(s)facilitates the transport of IC to RuBPCase. (Received January 23, 1987; Accepted April 24, 1987)  相似文献   
The genusCrepidiastrum is distributed in East Asia and includes 7 species. In the Bonin Islands, three species ofCrepidiastrum occur, and all of them are endemic to the islands. For detecting the origin and speciation of these endemic species, electrophoretic studies have been done in three endemic species of the Bonin Islands as well as in the remaining four species ofCrepidiastrum, andYoungia denticulata which is considered to be closely related toCrepidiastrum. A total of 386 individuals were sampled from 14 populations. As a result, 17 loci of 10 enzyme systems were resolved and gene frequencies for each population were calculated. The genetic variability was low in island species, as reported in some oceanic island plants. Four groups were recognized in the dendrogram generated by the UPGMA method. The Bonin endemics were clustered together, suggesting a monophyletic origin.C. ameristophyllum andC. linguaefolium were found to be genetically very similar, and this may suggest recent and rapid speciation within the islands.  相似文献   
Complete or partial monosomy 7 is a recurring cytogenetic abnormality in acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) and myeloproliferative syndromes (MPS) and is particularly common in patients with Fanconi's anemia and in secondary AML. A familial form of monosomy 7 has been recognized in which two or more siblings develop MPS or AML before age 20. We tested the hypothesis that a recessive cancer susceptibility locus on chromosome 7 was important in the pathogenesis of leukemia in familial monosomy 7 by determining the parental origins of the chromosome 7 retained in the bone marrows of three pairs of affected siblings. We found no overlapping region where all three pairs retained DNA derived from the same paternal or maternal chromosome. These data suggest that inactivation of a single allele of a putative tumor-suppressor gene may be sufficient to contribute to leukemic transformation in familial monosomy 7.  相似文献   
The activities of the two unique enzymes of the glyoxylate cycle,isocitrate lyase (EC [EC] ) and malate synthase (EC [EC] ),were undetectable in petals of pumpkin (Cucurbita sp. AmakuriNankin) until the end of blooming, but they appeared duringsenescence. The activity of catalase (EC [EC] ) increased,glycolate oxidase (EC [EC] ) activity did not change, whilehydroxypyruvate reductase (EC [EC] ) activity peaked at fullblooming stage and declined thereafter. After fractionationof cellular organelles on a sucrose density gradient, we detectedisocitrate lyase and malate synthase activities in peroxisomalfractions only from petals at the senescing stage. Northernblot analysis revealed that malate synthase mRNA increased duringpetal senescence. Citrate synthase (EC [EC] ) and malate dehydrogenase(EC [EC] ) activities were also present, while aconitase(EC [EC] ) was not detectable in peroxisomal fractions. Moreoverthe presence of 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (EC [EC] )and urate oxidase (EC [EC] ) in the peroxisomal fractionsfrom senescing petals indicates that peroxisomes could be involvedboth in the ß-oxidation pathway and in the purinecatabolism during petal senescence. (Received May 25, 1991; Accepted September 25, 1991)  相似文献   
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