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PGRP-S (Tag7) is an innate immunity protein involved in the antimicrobial defense systems, both in insects and in mammals. We have previously shown that Tag7 specifically interacts with several proteins, including Hsp70 and the calcium binding protein S100A4 (Mts1), providing a number of novel cellular functions. Here we show that Tag7–Mts1 complex causes chemotactic migration of lymphocytes, with NK cells being a preferred target. Cells of either innate immunity (neutrophils and monocytes) or acquired immunity (CD4+ and CD8+ lymphocytes) can produce this complex, which confirms the close connection between components of the 2 branches of immune response.  相似文献   
湖南省双季稻生产系统碳效率   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提高农作物生产系统的碳效率是实现低碳农业的重要途径之一.本文采用2004—2012年农作物产量、农田作物生产系统农资投入等统计数据,利用生命周期法和投入产出法,对湖南省双季稻生产系统碳排放、碳吸收和碳效率特征及其动态进行估算.结果表明:湖南省2004—2012年双季稻生产系统年均碳排放总量为656.4×107kg CE,其中化肥和农药生产运输碳排放占农资投入碳排放总量的大部分,分别约占70.0%和15.9%,碳排放总量年际间持续降低,年均降低率为2.4%,碳排放强度则表现为增长趋势;湖南双季稻生产系统2004—2012年年均碳吸收总量为1547.0×107kg C,也呈现逐年降低的趋势,年降低率为1.2%,单位面积稻田碳吸收强度则表现为增长趋势;碳生产效率呈现缓慢增加的趋势,碳经济效率随着年份递进增加幅度较大,年均增长率为9.9%,碳生态效率则表现为稳定且较低,保持在2.4kg C·kg-1CE左右.表明湖南近几年双季稻生产系统碳综合效率提高缓慢,降低肥料和农药的投入量,提高利用效率是提高双季稻生产系统碳效率的关键.  相似文献   
【目的】高加索三叶草是优良的蜜源植物,了解其花蜜腺形态特征、组织结构及其发育规律对认识其小花糖分变化规律和合理利用该植物资源具有重要意义。【方法】选择生长良好的高加索三叶草标准株,分别在小花的不同发育时期,即现蕾期、露冠期、初花期、盛花期和谢花期采样。利用石蜡切片技术,观察小花细胞组织结构。采用毛细管法吸取小花花蜜,用生理试剂盒-分光光度法测定初花期、盛花期和谢花期小花的可溶性糖(包含蔗糖、果糖、葡萄糖)和淀粉等糖分营养指标。【结果】结果表明,(1)单个小花的花蜜量为0.394±0.095μL,每平方米花蜜量为4536.93±1319.34μL。(2)蜜腺位于9枚合生雄蕊的花丝内侧基部,属于雄蕊蜜腺。经PAS 染色,蜜腺组织在整个泌蜜过程中淀粉粒有明显的动态变化,属于淀粉型蜜腺。(3)小花的可溶性糖含量在盛花期最高,为7.978mg/g;可溶性糖各组分中果糖占比最大,初花期占比最高,为66%,后逐渐下降;淀粉含量占全糖含量的81%~82%,其中盛花期最高,为35.173mg/g,初花期最低,为24.168 mg/g。【结论】高加索三叶草花蜜腺属于雄蕊蜜腺,蜜腺由分泌表皮细胞和泌蜜细胞构成。原蜜由蜜腺相邻的花托维管束提供,经蜜腺细胞加工成蜜汁,最后由表皮的气孔泌出。高加索三叶草小花的可溶性糖含量在盛花期时最高,其中果糖的占比最大。  相似文献   
Several strains of terrestrial algae isolated from biological soil crusts in Germany and Ukraine were identified by morphological methods as the widely distributed species Dictyosphaerium minutum (=Dictyosphaerium chlorelloides). Investigation of the phylogeny showed their position unexpectedly outside of Chlorellaceae (Trebouxiophyceae) and distantly from Chlorella chlorelloides, to which this taxon was attributed after revision of the genus Chlorella based on an integrative approach. SSU rRNA phylogeny determined the position of our strains inside a clade recently described as a new genus of the cryptic alga Xerochlorella olmiae isolated from desert biological soil crusts in the United States. Investigation of the morphology of the authentic strain of X. olmiae showed Dictyosphaerium-like morphology, as well as some other characters, common for our strains and morphospecies D. minutum. The latter alga was described as terrestrial and subsequently united with the earlier described aquatic representative D. chlorelloides because of their similar morphology. The revision of Chlorella mentioned above provided only one aquatic strain (D. chlorelloides), which determined its position in the genus. But terrestrial strains of the morphospecies were not investigated phylogenetically. Our study showed that the terrestrial D. minutum is not related to the morphologically similar D. chlorelloides (=Chlorella chlorelloides, Chlorellaceae), and instead represented a separate lineage in the Trebouxiophyceae, recently described as genus Xerochlorella. Therefore, revision of Xerochlorella is proposed, including nomenclatural combinations, epitypifications, and emendations of two species: X. minuta and X. dichotoma. New characters of the genus based on investigation of morphology and ultrastructure were determined.  相似文献   
目的:探讨280例胃食管反流病(GERD)的分布特点及危险因素。方法:对临床诊断和胃镜确诊的280例GERD患者进行临床和风险因子相关性分析。结果:不论汉族还是维族,男性患者比例均明显高于女性;汉族患者高发年龄段早于维族患者(z=-2.939,P=0.003,);汉族和维族患者占反流性食管炎和Barrett食管比例分别为42.4%、81_3%及56.5%、18.8%,其中汉族患者Barrett食管比例较高(X2=14.358,P=0.000);肥胖、习惯性便秘、重体力活动者、饮食习惯不良在维族患者中的比例较高(P〈0.001)。结论:GERD与性别、年龄密切相关,男性多于女性,汉族患者发病年龄高峰旱于维族患者;汉族患者Barrett食管发生比例高于维族患者;肥胖、习惯性便秘、重体力活动、饮食习惯不良可能是GERD尤其是维族人群GERD的危险因素。  相似文献   
棉酚(G)及其相关物甲氧基半棉酚(DHG)、半棉酚酮(HGQ)、半棉酚(HG)、杀实夜蛾素(H1-4)等是棉花中重要的抗虫性萜烯类次生物质.利用高效液相色谱法(HPLC)对棉酚及其相关物进行了分离,测定了棉叶中的棉酚含量,讨论了不同的提取方法和测定条件对结果的影响,给出了一套简便、快速的分析测试方法,同时与紫外-可见分光光度法(苯胺法)的结果进行了对比,认为对于棉花的抗虫性的研究来说,HPLC是比较适宜的方法.  相似文献   
目的:探讨烟龄≥15年,日吸烟量≥15支的无症状男性吸烟者的肺功能改变情况。方法:选择男性无症状吸烟者190人及非吸烟者180人,进行肺功能测定,并比较两组人群的肺功能改变情况。结果:吸烟组与非吸烟组比较,肺活量(VC)、用力肺活量(FVC)、第1秒用力呼气容积(FEV1)、Tiffeneau 1秒率(FEV1/VC)结果改变不明显,而Gaensler 1秒率(FEV1/FVC)、最大分钟通气量(MVV)、用力呼气50%肺活量的呼气流量(FEF50%)、用力呼气75%肺活量的呼气流量(FEF75%)、呼出25%~75%肺活量时的平均流量(FEF25%~75%)、肺一氧化碳弥散量(DLCO)结果均有显著降低,有统计学意义。结论:通过对无症状吸烟人群肺功能测定结果进行分析。发现有些吸烟者虽无临床症状,但已经出现了小气道及肺弥散功能的损伤,提醒吸烟者应早期戒烟,关爱自身健康,净化生存环境,提高生活质量。  相似文献   
Members of the genus Klebsormidium have cosmopolitan distribution and occur in a very wide range of freshwater and terrestrial habitats. Due to its simple filamentous morphology, this genus represents a taxonomically and systematically complex taxon in which phylogenetic relationships are still poorly understood. The phylogeny of Klebsormidium and closely related taxa was investigated using new ITS rRNA and rbcL sequences generated from 75 strains (isolated from field samples or obtained from culture collections). These sequences were analyzed both as single-marker datasets and in a concatenated dataset. Seven main superclades were observed in the analyses, which included sixteen well-supported clades. Some species of Klebsormidium, including the type species Klebsormidium flaccidum, were polyphyletic. Interfilum was recovered with high statistical support as sister taxon to a clade of Klebsormidium formed mainly by strains identified as K. flaccidum. Whereas some clades could be easily associated with described species, this was not possible for other clades. A new lineage of Klebsormidium, isolated from arid soils in southern Africa and comprising undescribed species, was discovered. Several morphological characters traditionally used for taxonomic purposes were found to have no phylogenetic significance and in some cases showed intra-clade variation. The capacity to form packet-like aggregates (typical of Interfilum), features of the morphology of the chloroplast and the type of habitat were the main phylogenetically relevant characters. Overall, Klebsormidium and Interfilum formed a more diverse algal group than was previously appreciated, with some lineages apparently undergoing active evolutionary radiation; in these lineages the genetic variation observed did not match the morphological and ecological diversity.  相似文献   
Reaction centers (RCs) of purple bacteria are uniquely suited objects to study the mechanisms of the photosynthetic conversion of light energy into chemical energy. A recently introduced method of higher order derivative spectroscopy [I.K. Mikhailyuk, H. Lokstein, A.P. Razjivin, A method of spectral subband decomposition by simultaneous fitting the initial spectrum and a set of its derivatives, J. Biochem. Biophys. Methods 63 (2005) 10-23] was used to analyze the NIR absorption spectra of RC preparations from Rhodobacter (R.) sphaeroides strain 2R and Blastochloris (B.) viridis strain KH, containing bacteriochlorophyll (BChl) a and b, respectively. Q(y) bands of individual RC porphyrin components (BChls and bacteriopheophytins, BPheo) were identified. The results indicate that the upper exciton level P(y+) of the photo-active BChl dimer in RCs of R. sphaeroides has an absorption maximum of 810nm. The blue shift of a complex integral band at approximately 800nm upon oxidation of the RC is caused primarily by bleaching of P(y+), rather than by an electrochromic shift of the absorption band(s) of the monomeric BChls. Likewise, the disappearance of a band peaking at 842nm upon oxidation of RCs from B. viridis indicates that this band has to be assigned to P(y+). A blue shift of an absorption band at approximately 830nm upon oxidation of RCs of B. viridis is also essentially caused by the disappearance of P(y+), rather than by an electrochromic shift of the absorption bands of monomeric BChls. Absorption maxima of the monomeric BChls, B(B) and B(A) are at 802 and 797nm, respectively, in RCs of R. sphaeroides at room temperature. BPheo co-factors H(B) and H(A) peak at 748 and 758nm, respectively, at room temperature. For B. viridis RCs the spectral positions of H(B) and H(A) were found to be 796 and 816nm, respectively, at room temperature.  相似文献   
Radial distribution functions were deduced by Fourier transform analysis of the angular dependences of diffuse X-ray scattering intensities for the following proteins with different hydration degrees: water-soluble α-protein myoglobin, water-soluble (α + β) protein lysozyme, and transmembrane proteins from the photosynthetic reaction centers of purple bacteria Rhodobacter sphaeroides and Blastochlorii (Rhodopseudomonas) viridis. The results of Fourier transform analysis of X-ray scattering intensities give quantitative characteristics of the mechanism underlying the influence of water on the formation of biological macromolecules. On the one hand, water loosens the network of hydrogen bonds, which results in a considerable conformational mobility in the molecules of lysozyme and myoglobin and the reaction centers. On the other hand, water stabilizes and orders the protein globule. A strict correlation was found between the shift of the “first” maximum of the radial distribution function, loosening of the intraglobular hydrogen bonds, increase in the intramolecular mobility, and appearance of pronounced functional activity in macromolecules. The pattern of behavior of the first maximum in the transmembrane proteins of the reaction center was similar to that observed for the water-soluble proteins. However, the first maximum reached the limiting value of 2.9 Å at a considerably lower hydration degree compared with the water-soluble proteins. A quick transition of the protein complex of the reaction center to its native state is due to the fact that the dehydrated conformation of this complex is very close to the native conformation. Comparison of the radial distribution function for water, water-soluble proteins, and transmembrane proteins suggests a quantitative conclusion that water is the least densely packed and ordered system, the water-soluble proteins are more densely packed than water, and the transmembrane proteins are the most densely packed and ordered system.  相似文献   
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