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Badenian (Middle Miocene) transgressive deepening-upward successions located in the NE part of Mt. Medvednica (North Croatian Basin, Pannonian Basin System) unconformably overlie Mesozoic basement. Triassic and Upper Cretaceous limestone pebbles, cobbles, and boulders of the Badenian basal conglomerates display abundant in situ bivalve borings of Gastrochaenolites and sponge borings of Entobia. This Gastrochaenolites-Entobia ichnoassemblage is related to the Entobia subichnofacies of the Trypanites ichnofacies, characterizing littoral rocky-shore environments (wave-cut platforms and marine transgressive surfaces with a low or null rate of sedimentation). Gastrochaenolites torpedo, Gastrochaenolites lapidicus, and Entobia recorded in Badenian basal conglomerates (compared with modern Northern Adriatic rocky-shore environments), enabled more precise palaeoenvironmental interpretations. The occurrence of G. torpedo (produced by lithophaginid bivalves) on all sides of individual limestone lithoclasts in the Gornje Ore?je basal conglomerate, coupled with truncation of the formation (possibly indicating multiphase colonization), reflect gravel transport, roll-over, overturning and erosion by wave action in high-energy rocky-shore settings. Gornje Psarjevo-2 basal conglomerate boulders were probably not subjected to significant movement and abrasion, as suggested by good preservation of both G. lapidicus (potentially produced by gastrochaenid bivalves), associated G. torpedo, as well as abundant shallow Entobia borings. The Badenian Gastrochaenolites-Entobia ichnoassemblage also could be the result of a composite development. However, direct cross-cutting relationships between G. torpedo and G. lapidicus and/or Entobia were rarely observed. In addition, Badenian boring tracemakers might have coexisted at the same water depth. Northeast Mt. Medvednica Badenian successions probably formed during different Central Paratethys transgressive pulses (NN5 and NN6 Zones). However, exact timing of Badenian transgressions, stratigraphic correlations and tectono-eustatic implications are unresolved, due to sparsely integrated biostratigraphic and high-precision geochronological studies of Early–Middle Miocene North Croatian Basin deposits and due to the absence of a uniform biostratigraphic zonation and regional chronostratigraphic division of Central Paratethys.  相似文献   
A retrospective review was performed of the records of 148 Croatian children with urolithiasis treated between 1989 and 2003. The study evaluated age, gender, family history, clinical symptoms, location of stone, laboratory findings, stone composition, mode of treatment and compared our results with data from higher and lower socio-economic countries. The mean age of our patients was 9.38 years (10 months to 18 years). Thirty-seven children (25%) were less than 5 years (group 1), 44 (29.7%) were between 5 and 10 years (group 2) and 67 (45.3%) were older than 10 years of age (group 3). There were 60 girls and 88 boys with overall male to female ratio of 1.47. Abdominal pain (83%) and haematuria (59.5%) were the main symptoms in the groups 2 and 3. Urinary tract infection was predominant symptom in the group 1 (62.1%). Calculi were located in the kidney in 90 children (60.8%), in the ureter in 39 (26.4%), in the bladder in 8 (5.4%). Urinary tract anomalies with or without infection were associate with a greater frequency of urolithiasis in the youngest age group and hypercalciuria was predominant cause in children over 5. Stone analysis was performed in 80 children. Predominant constituent of stones was calcium oxalate (48.7%), followed by struvite (25%), calcium phosphate (13.7%), cystine (10%) and uric acid (1.2%). Calcium oxalate stones were most common in all age groups. Struvite stones were most prevalent in the children younger than 5 years of age. Most patients (33.1%) underwent surgery for removal of their calculi. In 31.8% of children stones were passed spontaneously and the highest spontaneous passage rate was in the group 3 (37.3%). Stone composition, location and etiology in Croatian children are similar to those in developed Western countries.  相似文献   
The sedimentology, microfacies, and stratigraphic age (from planktonic and benthic foraminifera and strontium-isotope stratigraphy) of a 300-m-thick Upper Cretaceous carbonate succession from the Island of ?iovo (central Dalmatia, Croatia) were analyzed in order to determine the lithostratigraphic, depositional, and chronostratigraphic framework. The Cretaceous strata were deposited in the southern part of the long-lasting (Late Triassic to Paleogene) Adriatic-Dinaridic Carbonate Platform (ADCP), one of a few late Mesozoic, intra-Tethyan, peri-Adriatic (sub)tropical archipelagos. The succession is separated by a firmground formational boundary into two lithostratigraphic units: the underlying Middle to Upper Campanian Dol Formation consisting of slope pelagic limestone with intercalated turbidites and debrites, and the overlying Upper Campanian ?iovo Formation composed of outer-ramp bioclastic-lithoclastic and echinoderm-dominated packstone. Age, lithology, and depositional settings of the ?iovo Formation are different from other penecontemporaneous, regionally important inner-platform carbonate successions within the ADCP domain. Therefore, the ?iovo Formation is proposed here as a new lithostratigraphic unit. Regionally important condensed intervals in the form of at least two firmground surfaces, characterized by Thalassinoides burrows (with phosphatic mineralization) that belong to the Glossifungites ichnofacies, occur in the lowermost part of the ?iovo Formation. Abrupt shallowing of depositional environments at the boundary between the Dol and the ?iovo Formation, and the generation of the formational boundary firmground, likely correlate with the regionally recorded Upper Campanian Event that represents a global eustatic sea-level fall. A regionally important subaerial exposure surface with nodular calcrete, rhizoliths, and Microcodium aggregates in the upper part of the ?iovo Formation represents a regional subaerial unconformity that was recorded across the ADCP domain and was interpreted as a consequence of diachronous and differential uplift of various parts of the platform in response to the formation of a forebulge in front of the approaching Dinaridic orogen.  相似文献   
Alzheimer's disease (AD) and vascular dementia (VaD) are the two most common causes of dementia in old people. They remain difficult to differentiate in practice because of lack of sensitivity and specificity of current clinical diagnostic criteria. Recent molecular and cellular advancements indicate that the use of cerebrospinal fluid markers may improve early detection and differential diagnosis of AD. Our objective in this study was to determine diagnostic accuracy of three cerebrospinal (CSF) markers: total tau protein (t-tau), tau protein phosphorylated on threonine 181 (p-tau181) and tau protein phosphorylated on serine 199 (p-tau199). Using commercially available ELISA kits concentrations of t-tau, p-tau181 and p-tau199 were analyzed in 12 patients with probable AD, 9 patients with VaD and 12 NC subjects. The median levels of all three markers were significantly higher in AD group versus VaD and NC groups. However, when the sensitivity levels were set to 85% or higher, only t-tau and p-tau199 satisfied consensus recommendations (specificity more than 75%) when differentiating AD from VaD. In conclusion, our preliminary data on a small group of selected subjects suggest that the CSF t-tau and p-tau199 levels are useful markers for differentiating AD from VaD.  相似文献   
Biogenic calcretes associated with a regional Cretaceous to Paleogene subaerial unconformity and an intraformational composite (polygenic) surface in Upper Cretaceous intra-platform peritidal successions in central Dalmatia and eastern Istria, Croatia (Adriatic-Dinaridic Carbonate Platform), were analyzed for their δ13C and δ18O signatures in order to provide insight into the conditions of subaerial exposure and calcrete development. The distinctly negative δ13C signatures of biogenic calcretes marking the regional subaerial unconformity differ considerably from the δ13C values of the host marine limestones. This indicates carbon isotope exchange of primary marine CaCO3 with CO2 released by root and rhizomicrobial respiration and subsequent precipitation of pedogenic calcrete. The range of δ13C (from ?13.1 to ?8.2 ‰ Vienna PeeDee Belemnite standard, VPDB) and δ18O (from ?10.1 to ?6.1 ‰ VPDB) values of calcretes are similar to those reported from calcretes elsewhere, and the δ13C values of biogenic calcretes with typical Microcodium aggregates (?13.1 to ?12.3 ‰ VPDB) at the ?ibenik locality are very close to, or at the lower limit of, values for soil carbonates formed in isotopic equilibrium with soil CO2. These values are expected for authigenic pedogenic carbonates formed under the influence of C3 plant communities, without influence from heavier carbon from pre-existing carbonate and lack of input of atmospheric CO2. Such low δ13C values support the interpretation of Microcodium aggregates as being precipitated under a direct biological control within the soil, although the relationship between formation mechanisms and stable isotope signatures of Microcodium needs further investigation. The δ13C values (?4.4 to ?3.6 ‰ VPDB) of rhizogenic calcretes formed inside firmground Thalassinoides burrows of the composite surface at the ?ibenik locality are more negative than the δ13C values of the host marine limestones, which confirms that the composite surface went through a phase of meteoric pedo(dia)genesis. However, the overall δ13C values of calcretes are less negative than expected, which might reflect contamination from associated primary marine carbonate. This study represents the first detailed stable isotope investigation of calcretes from carbonate successions of the External Dinarides, and the results may be applied to discontinuities present in other shallow-water carbonate rock successions.  相似文献   
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