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The course of denitrification of nitrate in static cultures of Paracoccus denitrificans was studied. Reduction of nitrate to gaseous nitrogen without accumulation of nitrite because of parallel and balanced activities of nitrate and nitrite reductases was observed in nutrient broth. In minimal liquid cultures supplemented with either methanol, acetate, or ethanol as a sole carbon source, substantial amounts of nitrite (up to 70%) accumulated. The reduction in nitrite concentration began just after the transformation of nitrate to nitrite was completed. The addition of some growth factors to minimal media shortened the bacterial biomass doubling time. A correlation coefficient of 0.71 between the doubling time and the amount of accumulated nitrite in cultures was found. My results indicated that the type of denitrification carried out by P. denitrificans is not stable and depends on the nutritional composition of the culture medium.  相似文献   
Hereditary nephrotic syndrome is caused by mutations in a number of different genes, the most common being NPHS2. The aim of the study was to identify the spectrum of NPHS2 mutations in Polish patients with the disease. A total of 141 children with steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome (SRNS) were enrolled in the study. Mutational analysis included the entire coding sequence and intron boundaries of the NPHS2 gene. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and TaqMan genotyping assay were applied to detect selected NPHS2 sequence variants in 575 population-matched controls. Twenty patients (14 %) had homozygous or compound heterozygous NPHS2 mutations, the most frequent being c.1032delT found in 11 children and p.R138Q found in four patients. Carriers of the c.1032delT allele were exclusively found in the Pomeranian (Kashubian) region, suggesting a founder effect origin. The 14 % NPHS2 gene mutation detection rate is similar to that observed in other populations. The heterogeneity of mutations detected in the studied group confirms the requirement of genetic testing the entire NPHS2 coding sequence in Polish patients, with the exception of Kashubs, who should be initially screened for the c.1032delT deletion.  相似文献   
The formation of specific protein-protein interactions is often a key to a protein's function. During complex formation, each protein component will undergo a change in the conformational state, for some these changes are relatively small and reside primarily at the sidechain level; however, others may display notable backbone adjustments. One of the classic problems in the protein-docking field is to be able to a priori predict the extent of such conformational changes. In this work, we investigated three protocols to find the most suitable input structure conformations for cross-docking, including a robust sampling approach in normal mode space. Counterintuitively, knowledge of the theoretically best combination of normal modes for unbound-bound transitions does not always lead to the best results. We used a novel spatial partitioning library, Aether Engine (see Supplementary Materials ), to efficiently search the conformational states of 56 receptor/ligand pairs, including a recent CAPRI target, in a systematic manner and selected diverse conformations as input to our automated docking server, SwarmDock, a server that allows moderate conformational adjustments during the docking process. In essence, here we present a dynamic cross-docking protocol, which when benchmarked against the simpler approach of just docking the unbound components shows a 10% uplift in the quality of the top docking pose.  相似文献   
The assessment of morphology and digital image opacity may provide valuable information on the present embryo quality. Time-lapse imaging has been employed in research to establish a means of monitoring the dynamic nature of preimplantation embryo development. The aim of present study was to use time-lapse imaging for assessing various prospective morphometric and phototextural markers of the developmental potential of in vitro-derived ovine embryos. Oocytes were obtained by scarification of ovaries from nine Polish Longwool ewes. After in vitro maturation (IVM) and fertilization (IVF) of oocytes with fresh ram semen, the development of embryos to the blastocyst stage was monitored and evaluated using Primo Vision time-lapse imaging technology. Commercially available Image-Pro® Plus software was used to measure zona pellucida thickness, embryo diameter, total area of the perivitelline space, cellular grey-scale pixel intensity and cellular pixel heterogeneity. Statistical assessment of all attributes was done at various time points during embryo development (i.e., presumptive zygote stage: t(0); first cleavage detected at t(2) or t(3); and second cleavage detected at t(4) or t(6)). Out of thirty-seven zygotes analyzed in this study, five did not divide, 26 arrested before and six developed to the blastocyst stage. Our present results indicate that most parameters analyzed did not differ among embryos varying in their developmental fate except for the perivitelline space area that was greater (P<0.05) for non-dividing zygotes than future blastocysts at the presumptive zygote stage (4040±1850 vs. 857±262 µm2, respectively; means±SEM). Consequently, the measurement of perivitelline space at t(0) can potentially be used to prognosticate developmental potential of in vitro-produced ovine embryos albeit further confirmational studies are needed.  相似文献   
A series of oligonucleotide conjugates were designed and synthesized as novel inhibitors of human telomerase. These compounds contain a relatively short (6-7-mer) oligonucleotide domain, with an N3'-->P5' phosphoramidate (np) or thio-phosphoramidate (nps) backbone, targeted to the template region of the RNA component of the enzyme and various pendant groups attached to either their 5'- or preferably to the 3'-termini. The most potent compounds in the series inhibited telomerase with low nM IC50 values in biochemical assays whereas the cognate oligonucleotides without the pendant groups were significantly less active having IC50 values 100-1000-fold higher.  相似文献   


Interleukin-6 (IL-6) is a key player in systemic arthritis, involved in inflammation and joint destruction. IL-6 signalling has also been revealed in nerve cells. Recently, IL-6 and in particular IL-6 together with its soluble IL-6 receptor (sIL-6R) were shown to induce a long-lasting robust sensitization of joint nociceptors for mechanical stimuli which was difficult to reverse, suggesting that IL-6 signalling plays a significant role in the generation and maintenance of arthritic pain. Here we tested in a preclinical model of arthritis, antigen-induced arthritis (AIA) in the rat, whether systemic or local neutralization of IL-6/sIL-6R complexes with soluble glycoprotein 130 (sgp130) alters arthritic pain and how sgp130 influences the inflammatory process in AIA.  相似文献   


The pathogenesis of appendicitis is unclear. We evaluated whether exposure to air pollution was associated with an increased incidence of appendicitis.


We identified 5191 adults who had been admitted to hospital with appendicitis between Apr. 1, 1999, and Dec. 31, 2006. The air pollutants studied were ozone, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, and suspended particulate matter of less than 10 μ and less than 2.5 μ in diameter. We estimated the odds of appendicitis relative to short-term increases in concentrations of selected pollutants, alone and in combination, after controlling for temperature and relative humidity as well as the effects of age, sex and season.


An increase in the interquartile range of the 5-day average of ozone was associated with appendicitis (odds ratio [OR] 1.14, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.03–1.25). In summer (July–August), the effects were most pronounced for ozone (OR 1.32, 95% CI 1.10–1.57), sulfur dioxide (OR 1.30, 95% CI 1.03–1.63), nitrogen dioxide (OR 1.76, 95% CI 1.20–2.58), carbon monoxide (OR 1.35, 95% CI 1.01–1.80) and particulate matter less than 10 μ in diameter (OR 1.20, 95% CI 1.05–1.38). We observed a significant effect of the air pollutants in the summer months among men but not among women (e.g., OR for increase in the 5-day average of nitrogen dioxide 2.05, 95% CI 1.21–3.47, among men and 1.48, 95% CI 0.85–2.59, among women). The double-pollutant model of exposure to ozone and nitrogen dioxide in the summer months was associated with attenuation of the effects of ozone (OR 1.22, 95% CI 1.01–1.48) and nitrogen dioxide (OR 1.48, 95% CI 0.97–2.24).


Our findings suggest that some cases of appendicitis may be triggered by short-term exposure to air pollution. If these findings are confirmed, measures to improve air quality may help to decrease rates of appendicitis.Appendicitis was introduced into the medical vernacular in 1886.1 Since then, the prevailing theory of its pathogenesis implicated an obstruction of the appendiceal orifice by a fecalith or lymphoid hyperplasia.2 However, this notion does not completely account for variations in incidence observed by age,3,4 sex,3,4 ethnic background,3,4 family history,5 temporal–spatial clustering6 and seasonality,3,4 nor does it completely explain the trends in incidence of appendicitis in developed and developing nations.3,7,8The incidence of appendicitis increased dramatically in industrialized nations in the 19th century and in the early part of the 20th century.1 Without explanation, it decreased in the middle and latter part of the 20th century.3 The decrease coincided with legislation to improve air quality. For example, after the United States Clean Air Act was passed in 1970,9 the incidence of appendicitis decreased by 14.6% from 1970 to 1984.3 Likewise, a 36% drop in incidence was reported in the United Kingdom between 1975 and 199410 after legislation was passed in 1956 and 1968 to improve air quality and in the 1970s to control industrial sources of air pollution. Furthermore, appendicitis is less common in developing nations; however, as these countries become more industrialized, the incidence of appendicitis has been increasing.7Air pollution is known to be a risk factor for multiple conditions, to exacerbate disease states and to increase all-cause mortality.11 It has a direct effect on pulmonary diseases such as asthma11 and on nonpulmonary diseases including myocardial infarction, stroke and cancer.1113 Inflammation induced by exposure to air pollution contributes to some adverse health effects.1417 Similar to the effects of air pollution, a proinflammatory response has been associated with appendicitis.1820We conducted a case–crossover study involving a population-based cohort of patients admitted to hospital with appendicitis to determine whether short-term increases in concentrations of selected air pollutants were associated with hospital admission because of appendicitis.  相似文献   
In the development of ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury, the role of the myosin light chain (MLC) phosphorylation has been given increased consideration. ML-7, a MLC kinase inhibitor, has been shown to protect cardiac function from I/R, however the exact mechanism remains unclear. Isolated rat hearts were perfused under aerobic conditions (controls) or subjected to I/R in the presence or absence of ML-7. Continuous administration of ML-7 (5 μM) from 10 min before onset of ischemia to the first 10 min of reperfusion resulted in significant recovery of heart contractility. Analysis of gels from two-dimensional electrophoresis revealed eight proteins with decreased levels in I/R hearts. Six proteins are involved in energy metabolism:ATP synthase beta subunit, cytochrome b-c1 complex subunit 1, 24-kDa mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase, NADH dehydrogenase [ubiquinone] iron-sulfur protein 8, cytochrome c oxidase subunit, and succinyl-CoA ligase subunit. The other two proteins with decreased levels in I/R hearts are: peroxiredoxin-2 and tubulin. Administration of ML-7 increased level of succinyl-CoA ligase, key enzyme involved in the citric acid cycle. The increased level of succinyl-CoA ligase in I/R hearts perfused with ML-7 suggests that the cardioprotective effect of ML-7, at least partially, also may involve increase of energy production.  相似文献   
We examined the effects of carotid body denervation on ventilatory responses to normoxia (21% O2 in N2 for 240 s), hypoxic hypoxia (10 and 15% O2 in N2 for 90 and 120 s, respectively), and hyperoxic hypercapnia (5% CO2 in O2 for 240 s) in the spontaneously breathing urethane-anesthetized mouse. Respiratory measurements were made with a whole body, single-chamber plethysmograph before and after cutting both carotid sinus nerves. Baseline measurements in air showed that carotid body denervation was accompanied by lower minute ventilation with a reduction in respiratory frequency. On the basis of measurements with an open-circuit system, no significant differences in O2 consumption or CO2 production before and after chemodenervation were found. During both levels of hypoxia, animals with intact sinus nerves had increased respiratory frequency, tidal volume, and minute ventilation; however, after chemodenervation, animals experienced a drop in respiratory frequency and ventilatory depression. Tidal volume responses during 15% hypoxia were similar before and after carotid body denervation; during 10% hypoxia in chemodenervated animals, there was a sudden increase in tidal volume with an increase in the rate of inspiration, suggesting that gasping occurred. During hyperoxic hypercapnia, ventilatory responses were lower with a smaller tidal volume after chemodenervation than before. We conclude that the carotid bodies are essential for maintaining ventilation during eupnea, hypoxia, and hypercapnia in the anesthetized mouse.  相似文献   
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