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Recent literature indicates that specific glycosaminoglycanstructures are involved in various biological processes, suchas anticoagulation, growth factor activation and viral infection.The initial step in the structural analysis of glycosaminoglycansis a definitive compositional analysis of its characteristicdisaccharide repeat structures. Current chromatographic or electrophoreticprocedures may have limitations in analysing glycosaminoglycansamples that are in low abundance, contain novel structuresthat need to be further characterized, or are metabolicallylabelled from radioactive precursors as a result of biosyntheticexperiments. This study presents a new methodology for analysingdisaccharides and oligosaccharides derived from chondroitinsulphate, dermatan sulphate and hyaluronan that fulfils theabove criteria. The procedure involves the separation of reducedforms of these glycoconjugates on a CarboPac PA1 column usingalkaline eluants. This study adopted a strategy which uses specificenzymes to release these disaccharides from their glycosaminoglycanforms. A borohydride reduction reaction was modified to be compatiblewith the buffer conditions commonly used with these enzymesin order to quantitatively reduce the disaccharides to theiralditol forms (thereby stabilizing them to alkaline pH). Chromatographyconditions were established which separated all known disaccharidealditol structures from chondroitin sulphate, dermatan sulphateand hyaluronan with extremely high resolution in a single run.Integrated pulsed amperometry was compared to UV absorbancemeasurement at 232 nm as two sensitive methods for detectingthese reduced disaccharides; most of them could be routinelydetected in the range of 50–500 ng. Data are presentedapplying this method to quantify hyaluronan in a biologicalsample which contains {small tilde}5000 cells and only {smalltilde}10 ng of hyaluronan. Additional data are presented todemonstrate that this procedure will also separate oligosaccharidealditols derived from hyaluronan. borohydride reduction glycosaminoglycans integrated pulsed amperometry  相似文献   
大鼠胼胝体内神经肽Y免疫反应阳性纤维的发育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本实验用免疫组织化学ABC法研究了大鼠胼胝体内神经肽Y免疫反应阳性(NPY-IR)纤维的生后发育。结果发现,许多NPY-IR纤维在大鼠出生时便存在于胼胝体内。NPY-IR胼胝体纤维的密度在生后1周内继续逐渐增高,在第2周内达到最高峰。之后,NPY-IR胼胝体纤维的密度逐渐下降,至第3周末时接近成年时的水平,即仅有少量NPY-IR纤维存在于胼胝体内。这些结果提示在大鼠早期生后发育过程中许多NPY-IR胼胝体纤维是暂时性的,其作用可能与大脑皮质的机能发育有关。  相似文献   
Parathyroid hormone (PTH-(1-34)) potently suppresses apatite deposition in osteoblastic cultures. These inhibitory effects are mediated through signaling events following PTH receptor binding. Using both selective inhibitors and activators of protein kinase A (PKA), this study shows that a transient activation of PKA is sufficient to account for PTH's inhibition of apatite deposition. This inhibition is not a result of reduced cell proliferation, reduced alkaline phosphatase activity, increased collagenase production, or lowering medium pH. Rather, data suggest a functional relationship between matrix assembly and apatite deposition in vitro. Bone sialoprotein (BSP) and apatite co-localize in the extracellular matrix of mineralizing cultures, with matrix deposition of BSP temporally preceding that of apatite. Transient activation of PKA by either PTH-(1-34) or short term cAMP analog treatment blocks the deposition of BSP in the extracellular matrix without a significant reduction in the total amount of BSP synthesized and secreted. This effect is reversible after allowing the cultures to recover in the absence of PKA activators for several days. Thus, a transient activation of PKA may suppress mineral deposition in vitro as a consequence of altering the assembly of an extracellular matrix permissive for apatite formation.  相似文献   
Protocols for analyzing the fine structure of hyaluronan and chondroitin sulfate using fluorophore-assisted carbohydrate electrophoresis of 2-aminoacridone-derivatized hyaluronidase/chondroitinase digestion products were adapted for direct analysis of previously characterized cartilage-derived samples. The chondroitin sulfate disaccharide compositions for fetal and 68 year human aggrecan from FACE analyses were DeltaDi4S (50%), DeltaDi6S (43%), and DeltaDi0S (7%); and DeltaDi4S (3%), DeltaDi6S (96%), and DeltaDi0S (1%), respectively. The nonreducing terminal structures included predominantly 4S-galNAc with minor amounts of 6S-galNAc and Di6S for the fetal aggrecan sample and, in addition, included 4,6S-galNAc in the 68 year aggrecan sample. FACE analysis of a proteinase K digest of rat chondrosarcoma tissue gave an internal disaccharide composition for its chondroitin sulfate chains of DeltaDi0S (7%) and DeltaDi4S (93%) with no DeltaDi6S and DeltaDi4, 6S detected, while DeltaDiHA from hyaluronan was 5% of the total. Analysis of nonreducing terminal structures indicated the presence of 4S-galNAc (51%), galNAc (27%), and Di4S (22%) with no 4,6S-galNAc or Di6S detected. Unexpectedly, FACE analysis detected putative linkage oligosaccharide structures from the chondroitin sulfate chains including both unsulfated (85%) and 4-sulfated (15%) linkage oligosaccharides. Finally, the number averaged chain length estimated from the ratio of the molar fluorescence of the Deltadisaccharides to that of the nonreducing termini or the linkage oligosaccharide structures was calculated as approximately 16 kDa. A tissue glucose concentration of 0.72 g/l was also measured. These results for both samples as determined by FACE analysis were similar to results previously reported, using more labor and time intensive procedures, validating the FACE protocols.  相似文献   
Rates and patterns of evolution in partial sequences of five mitochondrial genes (cytochrome b, ATPase 6, NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5, tRNA(Glu), and the control region) were compared among taxa in the passerine bird genera Fringilla and Carduelis. Rates of divergence do not vary significantly among genes, even in comparisons with the control region. Rate variation among lineages is significant only for the control region and NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5, and patterns of variation are consistent with the expectations of neutral theory. Base composition is biased in all genes but is stationary among lineages, and there is evidence for directional mutation pressure only in the control region. Despite these similarities, patterns of substitution differ among genes, consistent with alternative regimes of selective constraint. Rates of nonsynonymous substitution are higher in NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 than in other protein-coding genes, and transitions exist in elevated proportions relative to transversions. Transitions appear to accumulate linearly with time in tRNA(Glu), and despite exhibiting the highest overall rate of divergence among species, there are no transversional changes in this gene. Finally, for resolving phylogenetic relationships among Fringilla taxa, the combined protein-coding data are broadly similar to those of the control region in terms of phylogenetic informativeness and statistical support.   相似文献   
BiP is found in association with calreticulin, both in the presence and absence of endoplasmic reticulum stress. Although the BiP-calreticulin complex can be disrupted by ATP, several properties suggest that the calreticulin associated with BiP is neither unfolded nor partially or improperly folded. (1) The complex is stable in vivo and does not dissociate during 8 hr of chase. (2) When present in the complex, calreticulin masks epitopes at the C terminus of BiP that are not masked when BiP is bound to an assembly-defective protein. And (3) overproduction of calreticulin does not lead to the recruitment of more BiP into complexes with calreticulin. The BiP-calreticulin complex can be disrupted by low pH but not by divalent cation chelators. When the endoplasmic reticulum retention signal of BiP is removed, complex formation with calreticulin still occurs, and this explains the poor secretion of the truncated molecule. Gel filtration experiments showed that BiP and calreticulin are present in distinct high molecular weight complexes in which both molecules interact with each other. The possible functions of this complex are discussed.  相似文献   


Recombinant protein production is universally employed as a solution to obtain the milligram to gram quantities of a given protein required for applications as diverse as structural genomics and biopharmaceutical manufacture. Yeast is a well-established recombinant host cell for these purposes. In this study we wanted to investigate whether our respiratory Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain, TM6*, could be used to enhance the productivity of recombinant proteins over that obtained from corresponding wild type, respiro-fermentative strains when cultured under the same laboratory conditions.  相似文献   
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