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Abstract:  The characteristics and regeneration-restore of protoplasts and its karyotype of an insect pathological fungus, Metarhizium anisopliae var. majus were studied. Among the protoplasts, 25.3% were without a nucleus, and 74.7% contained a nucleus. Among the nucleus protoplasts, 53.6% contained a single nucleus. The regeneration-restore of protoplasts was of three distinct shapes. Considering the frequency of regeneration and the growing speed of the colony, 0.7 mol/l glucose was the optimum as osmotic stabilizer of culture medium in the regeneration-restore of the protoplasts. The chromosomal DNA molecules of M. anisopliae var. majus have been separated into seven bands by pulsed-field gel electrophoreses. Using the Schizosaccharomyces pombe chromosomes as size standard, the size of chromosomal DNA was estimated to be 1.1–6.5 Mb and its karyotype exhibited polytypism among strains.  相似文献   
Summary A collection of 2,000 lambda phage-carrying human single-copy inserts (> 700 bp) were isolated from two chromosome-3 flow-sorted libraries. The single-copy DNA fragments were first sorted into 3p and 3q locations and about 700 3p fragments were regionally mapped using a deletion mapping panel comprised of two humanhamster and two-human-mouse cell hybrids, each containing a chromosome 3 with different deletions in the short arm. The hybrids were extensively mapped with a set of standard 3p markers physically localized or ordered by linkage. The deletion mapping panel divided the short arm into five distinct subregions (A-E). The 3p fragments were distributed on 3p regions as follows: region A, 26%; B, 31%; C, 4%; D, 4% and E, 35%. We screened 300 single-copy DNA fragments from the distal part of 3p (regions A and B) with ten restriction endonucleases for their ability to detect restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs). Of these fragments 110 (36%) were found to detect useful RFLPs: 35% detected polymorphisms with frequency of heterozygosity of 40% or higher, and 25% with frequency of 30% or higher. All polymorphisms originated from single loci and most of them were of the base pair substitution type. These RFLP markers make it possible to construct a fine linkage map that will span the distal part of chromosome 3p and encompasses the von Hippel-Lindau disease locus. The large number of single-copy fragments (2,000) spaced every 100–150 kb on chromosome 3 will make a significant contribution to mapping and sequencing the entire chromosome 3. The 300 conserved chromosome 3 probes will increase the existing knowledge of man-mouse homologies.  相似文献   
糙叶败酱挥发油镇静作用的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
本文观察了败酱科植物糙叶败酱(Patrinia scabra Bunge)根和根茎中制得的挥发油的镇静作用,井与黄花败酱挥发油做了比较。结果表明,此油灌胃给予数组小鼠,剂量0.45ml/kg,显示如下的作用:[1]能显著延长由于腹腔注射戊巴比妥钠(50mg/kg)引起的小鼠睡眠时间,但其作用强度弱于黄花败酱挥发油。(2)一次灌胃给予小鼠大剂量10.46g/kg的糙叶败酱挥发油,连续观察10天,动物外观正常,无一死亡,体重增加与对照组相似。  相似文献   
Multiple origins for phenylketonuria in Europe   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Phenylketonuria (PKU), a disorder of amino acid metabolism prevalent among Caucasians and other ethnic groups, is caused primarily by a deficiency of the hepatic enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH). PKU is a highly heterogeneous disorder, with more than 60 molecular lesions identified in the PAH gene. The haplotype associations, relative frequencies, and distributions of five prevalent PAH mutations (R158Q, R261Q, IVS10nt546, R408W, and IVS12n1) were established in a comprehensive European sample population and subsequently were examined to determine the potential roles of several genetic mechanisms in explaining the present distribution of the major PKU alleles. Each of these five mutations was strongly associated with only one of the more than 70 chromosomal haplotypes defined by eight RFLPs in or near the PAH gene. These findings suggest that each of these mutations arose through a single founding event that occurred within time periods ranging from several hundred to several thousand years ago. From the significant differences observed in the relative frequencies and distributions of these five alleles throughout Europe, four of these putative founding events could be localized to specific ethnic subgroups. Together, these data suggest that there were multiple, geographically and ethnically distinct origins for PKU within the European population.  相似文献   
九种罕见的人类染色体异常核型报告   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
ReportonNineRareSpeciesofHumanChromosomalAbnormalKaryotypesHanWeitian;QuOu;YuPing;JiangMiao(LiaoningResearchInstituteofFamilyPlanning,Shenyang110031)自1983年以来,我们对数千例不育及胚胎丢失等生殖异常患者进行细胞遗传学研究,发现大量异常染色体核型,而且异常种类繁多,已报道世界首报人类异常核型25种[1]。最近,在不良妊娠患者中又发现9种异常核型,经湖南医科大学医学细胞遗传学国家培训中心鉴定,为世界首次报道.现报告如下。1病例摘要及核型例1男,30岁,表型及智力正常,其妻子妊娠两次,均在无任何诱因情…  相似文献   
汉防己甲素(汉甲)及克矽平(Polyvinylpyridine-N-Oxide,PVNO)是目前较为有效的抑制矽肺纤维化的药物。本文研究了其对胶原mRNA水平的影响.斑点杂交实验表明大鼠接尘60天和120天后α1(Ⅰ)及α1(Ⅲ)mRNA水平明显上升,经汉甲或克矽平治疗1个月或3个月后,胶原mRNA水平明显下降。原位杂交结果表明胶原mR-NA银颗粒与细胞性结节和增厚的肺泡壁的成纤维细胞分布重合。汉甲或克矽平治疗后银颗粒数下降。提示汉甲及克矽平对矽肺进程中的胶原基因表达增强有抑制作用。  相似文献   
The effect of increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations on tissue water relations was examined in Betula populifolia, a common pioneer tree species of the northeastern U.S. deciduous forests. Components of tissue water relations were estimated from pressure volume curves of tree seedlings grown in either ambient (350 l l–1) or elevated CO2 (700 l l–1), and both mesic and xeric water regimes. Both CO2 and water treatment had significant effects on osmotic potential at full hydration, apoplasmic fractions, and tissue elastic moduli. Under xeric conditions and ambient CO2 concentrations, plants showed a decrease in osmotic potentials of 0.15 MPa and an increase in tissue elastic moduli at full hydration of 1.5 MPa. The decrease in elasticity may enable plants to improve the soil-plant water potential gradient given a small change in water content, while lower osmotic potentials shift the zero turgor loss point to lower water potentials. Under elevated CO2, plants in xeric conditions had osmotic potentials 0.2 MPa lower than mesic plants and decreased elastic moduli at full hydration. The increase in tissue elasticity at elevated CO2 enabled the xeric plants to maintain positive turgor pressures at lower water potentials and tissue water contents. Surprisingly, the elevated CO2 plants under mesic conditions had the most inelastic tissues. We propose that this inelasticity may enable plants to generate a favorable water potential gradient from the soil to the plant despite the low stomatal conductances observed under elevated CO2 conditions.  相似文献   
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