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The 5'-end region of cspA mRNA contains a Cold Box sequence conserved among several cold-shock mRNAs. This region forms a stable stem-loop structure followed by an AU-rich sequence. Here we show that the Cold Box region is essential for the normal scale of cspA mRNA induction after cold shock because a deletion of the stem-loop significantly destabilizes the mRNA and reduces the cold shock-induced cspA mRNA amount by approximately 50%. The AU-rich track, however, slightly destabilizes the mRNA. The integrity of the stem is essential for the stabilizing function, whereas that of the loop sequence is less important. Overexpression of a mutant cspA mRNA devoid of both the AUG initiation codon and the coding sequence results in a severe growth inhibition at low temperature along with a derepression of the chromosomal cspA expression. Furthermore, the overexpressed RNA is stably associated with the 30 S and 70 S ribosomes. Our results demonstrate that the AUG initiation codon and the coding region containing the downstream box are not required for cspA mRNA to bind ribosomes and that the 5'-untranslated region by itself has a remarkable affinity to ribosomes at low temperature.  相似文献   
The heritability of eating behavior and body weight–related traits in Asian populations has not been reported. The purpose of this study was to estimate the heritability of eating behavior and the body weight–related traits of current weight and self‐reported past weight among twins and their families. Study subjects were 2,144 Korean, adult, same‐sex twins and their families at the ages between 20 and 65 years (443 monozygotic (MZ) and 124 dizygotic (DZ) twin pairs, and 1,010 individuals of their family). The Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire (DEBQ) was used to assess three eating behavior subscales measuring restraint, emotional eating, and external eating. A variance component approach was used to estimate heritability. After consideration of shared environmental effects and adjustment for age and sex effects, the heritability estimates ± s.e. among twins and their family members were 0.31 ± 0.036 for restraint, 0.25 ± 0.098 for emotional eating, 0.25 ± 0.060 for external eating, 0.77 ± 0.032 for measured current body weight, and 0.70 ± 0.051 for self‐reported weight at 20 years old. The three DEBQ subscales were associated with all weight related traits after adjustment for age and sex. These results suggest eating behaviors and weight‐related traits have a genetic influence, and eating behaviors are associated with obesity indexes. Our findings from Korean twin family were similar to those reported in Western populations.  相似文献   
A circular dichroism spectrophotometer using an elasto-optic modulator   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Measurement of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-I) has utility for the diagnosis and management of growth disorders, but inter-assay comparison of results has been complicated by a multitude of reference standards, antibodies, detection methods, and pre-analytical preparation strategies. We developed a quantitative LC-MS method for intact IGF-I, which has advantages in throughput and complexity when compared to mass spectrometric approaches that rely on stable isotope dilution analysis of tryptic peptides. Since the method makes use of full-scan data, the assay was easily extended to provide quantitative measurement of IGF-II using the same assay protocol. The validated LC-MS assay for IGF-I and IGF-II provides accurate results across the pediatric and adult reference range and is suitable for clinical use.  相似文献   
Aims of this study were to analyze the long-term effects of postovulatory aging of mouse oocytes on 1) reproductive traits of parental (F(0)) and first (F(1))-generation females (pregnancy rate, gestation length, litter size, perinatal death, and sex ratio of offspring) and 2) developmental and behavioral variables of F(1) and second-generation (F(2)) offspring (birth weight and weight gain during preweaning development, postnatal day of attainment of immediate righting, spontaneous motor activity, and passive and active conditioned learning ability). Hybrid (C57BL/6JIco x CBA/JIco) females were artificially inseminated at 13 h (control group) or 22 h (oocyte-aged group) after GnRH injection. Experimental (oocyte-aged group) F(0) females exhibited lower pregnancy rate, shortened gestation length, decreased litter size, higher perinatal death of their pups, and increased percentage of male offspring compared to control F(0) females. Postovulatory aging of oocytes was also associated with increased number of growth-retarded pups, delayed development of the righting reflex, and higher spontaneous motor activity and emotionality of F(1) offspring. Postovulatory aging of F(0) oocytes did not affect birth weight, weight gain during preweaning development, passive and active conditioned learning ability of F(1) offspring, or reproductive traits of F(1) females or developmental and behavior variables of F(2) offspring.  相似文献   
Lexical gap in cQA search, resulted by the variability of languages, has been recognized as an important and widespread phenomenon. To address the problem, this paper presents a question reformulation scheme to enhance the question retrieval model by fully exploring the intelligence of paraphrase in phrase-level. It compensates for the existing paraphrasing research in a suitable granularity, which either falls into fine-grained lexical-level or coarse-grained sentence-level. Given a question in natural language, our scheme first detects the involved key-phrases by jointly integrating the corpus-dependent knowledge and question-aware cues. Next, it automatically extracts the paraphrases for each identified key-phrase utilizing multiple online translation engines, and then selects the most relevant reformulations from a large group of question rewrites, which is formed by full permutation and combination of the generated paraphrases. Extensive evaluations on a real world data set demonstrate that our model is able to characterize the complex questions and achieves promising performance as compared to the state-of-the-art methods.  相似文献   
The immunohistochemical localization of CRF- and neurophysin-containing neurons in the hypothalamus of the Mongolian gerbil was studied by means of the PAP technique. The CRF-immunoreactive fibers were detected mainly in the outer layer of the median eminence of intact adult male gerbils. The CRF-positive neurons respond to aminoglutethimide (Elipten, Ciba) administration by showing increased immunoreactivity and an increase in the number of stained cell bodies in the parvocellular division of the paraventricular nucleus. Aminoglutethimide treatment results also in an increase in the number of neurophysin-immunoreactive nervous fibers localized in the internal layer of the median eminence. However, CRF-immunoreactive fibers are observed mainly in the outer layer of the median eminence while neurophysin-immunopositive axons are seen predominantly in the internal layer of this region. Since the axons of paraventricular neurons run to the median eminence and their staining ability is changed due to aminoglutethimide, their involvement in the endocrine control of hypophysial ACTH release is postulated.  相似文献   
The allosteric enzyme aspartate carbamoyltransferase of Escherichia coli consists of six regulatory chains (R) and six catalytic chains (C) in D3 symmetry. The less active T conformation, complexed to the allosteric inhibitor CTP has been refined to 2.6 A (R-factor of 0.155). We now report refinement of the more active R conformation, complexed to the bisubstrate analog N-phosphonacetyl-L-aspartate (PALA) to 2.4 A (R-factor of 0.165, root-mean-square deviations from ideal bond distances and angles of 0.013 A and 2.2 degrees, respectively). The antiparallel beta-sheet in the revised segment 8-65 of the regulatory chain of the T conformation is confirmed in the R conformation, as is also the interchange of alanine 1 with the side-chain of asparagine 2 in the catalytic chain. The crystallographic asymmetric unit containing one-third of the molecule (C2R2) includes 925 sites for water molecules, and seven side-chains in alternative conformations. The gross conformational changes of the T to R transition are confirmed, including the elongation of the molecule along its threefold axis by 12 A, the relative reorientation of the catalytic trimers C3 by 10 degrees, and the rotation of the regulatory dimers R2 about the molecular twofold axis by 15 degrees. No changes occur in secondary structure. Essentially rigid-body transformations account for the movement of the four domains of each catalytic-regulatory unit; these include the allosteric effector domain, the equatorial (aspartate) domain, and the combination of the polar (carbamyl phosphate) and zinc domain, which moves as a rigid unit. However, interfaces change, for example the interface between the zinc domain of the R chain and the equatorial domain of the C chain, is nearly absent in the T state, but becomes extensive in the R state of the enzyme; also one catalytic-regulatory interface (C1-R4) of the T state disappears in the more active R state of the enzyme. Segments 50-55, 77-86 and 231-246 of the catalytic chain and segments 51-55, 67-72 and 150-153 of the regulatory chain show conformational changes that go beyond the rigid-body movement of their corresponding domains. The localized conformational changes in the catalytic chain all derive from the interactions of the enzyme with the inhibitor PALA; these changes may be important for the catalytic mechanism. The conformation changes in segments 67-72 and 150-153 of the regulatory chain may be important for the allosteric control of substrate binding. On the basis of the conformational differences of the T and R states of the enzyme, we present a plausible scheme for catalysis that assumes the ordered binding of substrates and the ordered release o  相似文献   
The HpaII methylase (M.HpaII) recognizes the sequence CCGG and methylates the inner cytosine residue. The MspI methylase (MspI) recognizes the same sequence but methylates the outer cytosine residue. Both methylases have the usual architecture of 10 well-conserved motifs surrounding a variable region, responsible for sequence specific recognition, that is quite different in the two methylases. We have constructed hybrids between these two methylases and studied their methylation properties. A hybrid containing the variable region and C-terminal sequences from M.MspI methylates the outer cytosine residue. A second hybrid identical to the first except that the variable region derives from the M.HpaII methylates the inner cytosine residue. Thus the choice of base to be methylated within the recognition sequence is determined by the variable region.  相似文献   
Mitochondrial DNA from the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith), was cloned and characterized using restriction enzyme mapping. Genome size is approximately 16.3 kilobase (Kb), consistent with that of most animals. Three fragments, 8.1 Kb, 6.2 Kb, and 2.0 Kb, were produced by digestion with restriction enzyme Xbal and cloned into a pUC19 vector. Twenty-nine restriction enzymes were used to generate a detailed physical restriction enzyme map of the three cloned fragments. These data represent the first detailed characterization of a lepidopteran mitochondrial genome. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
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