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Zusammenfassung Die Fortpflanzungsperiode der Palmtaube (Streptopelia s. senegalensis L.) fängt in Diyarbakir/Türkei (37°55N/40°12E) schon Anfang Februar an und kann bis Mitte November dauern. In diesem Zeitraum kann ein Paar bis zu sieben Bruten beginnen (Tab. 1). Nach der Paarbildung fangen die Kopulationen an, die vor allem in der Woche vor der Eiablage stark zunehmen. Während des Brütens und der ersten Woche der Jungenaufzucht sind sie dagegen nicht zu beobachten. Sie werden vom im allgemeinen mit sog. Flügeltippen bzw. Scheinputzen eingeleitet. Nach der Begattung paradiert das um das , das auf der Stelle verharrt. Vor dem Tretakt fällt das dagegen in infantiles Verhalten und bettelt unter Flügelzittern den Partner um Futter an. Es bekommt auch tatsächlich Futter. Die Palmtauben sind zumindest für eine Fortpflanzungssaison monogam. U. a. spielen wechselseitige Gefiederpflege und Anschlußbruten sowie die Fütterung des durch das eine wichtige Rolle für das Zusammenleben und -bleiben der Partner. Der Nistplatz wird vom gezeigt, aber vom gewählt. Das Nistmaterial wird vom eingetragen und im allgemeinen vom alleine in das Nest eingefügt. Nur während des Brutwechsels bringt auch das hin und wieder Nistmaterial, das aber wahrscheinlich nur für den Partner, nicht für das Nest dient. In den späteren Phasen des Brütens gilt dies wahrscheinlich auch für das . 1–4 Tage nach dem Nestbaubeginn wird gegen Abend das erste Ei gelegt, womit auch das Brüten anfängt. Das zweite Ei folgt dann rund 38 Stunden später.
On the reproductive behaviour of the Laughing Dove (Streptopelia senegalensis): pair-formation to egg-laying
Summary In Diyarbakr/Turkey, the reproductive season of the Laughing Dove begins in early February and lasts til mid November. One pair may start with breeding up to seven times a year. The frequency of copulations which could be observed only after pair formation increased considerably in the week before incubation starts. During incubation and during the first week of the nestling period no copulations could be observed. Usually copulations are initiated by the male pecking behind its folded wings (displacement-preening). Before mating, the female turns into infantile behaviour begging food from its partner by wing-twitching. Food is then delivered by the male. After mating the female parades around the male which stays motionless. Paired birds stay together at least during one reproductive season. Reinforcement of the pair bond will be achieved by mutual preening, courtship feeding of the female by the male, and successive broods. The male indicates the nest site which is successively chosen by the female. The nest material is brought by the male and usually placed by the female at the nest site. Only during change-overs the female sometimes brings nesting material, too. However, this material probably is for the partner, not actually for the nest. The same may be true for similar behaviour of the male in late stages of incubation. One to four days after nest building has started the first egg is laid, mostly in late afternoon. Incubation starts with the first egg; the second egg is laid about 38 hours later.
Zusammenfassung Drei Jahre lang wurde das Balzverhalten von 20 in Volieren gehaltenen Mikado-Fasanen (Syrmaticus mikado) beobachtet. Die Hauptbalzzeit war bei den ganzjährig im Freien gehaltenen Fasanen in Mainz (50° N.) März-April. Die Balz der bestand nicht wie bisher angegeben im wesentlichen aus einer Lateralpräsentation. Zwar wurde eine solche auch im Rahmen des Balzverhaltens gezeigt, doch stellte sie keine eigentliche Balzleistung dar. Sie trat vielmehr während des ganzen Jahres hindurch mehr oder weniger auf, und zwar bei beiden Geschlechtern. Ein wesentliches Element der Balz war dagegen die Frontalpräsentation, die hier erstmals beschrieben wird. Sie trat nur während der Balz auf und wurde nur von gezeigt. Die beantworteten sie nie mit Flucht. Die ins Balzverhalten eingeschaltete Futtervermittlung durch das wurde bisher nur in echter, nie in symbolischer Form beobachtet. Dabei hielten die das Futter nie im Schnabel, um es den gezielt anzubieten.
The courtship behaviour of the Mikado Pheasant (Syrmaticus mikado) in captivity
Summary The courtship behaviour of 20 Mikado pheasants (Syrmaticus mikado) was observed over a period of three years. The birds were kept in aviaries in the open the whole year round. In Mainz (50° N), the main mating period occurred in March and April. The courtship of the cocks did not consist essentially in lateral display, as has been previously reported for species of the genusSyrmaticus. Although lateral display did take place during courtship, it was not really part of the cock's courtship behaviour. It was rather the case that lateral display occurs more or less during the whole year and in both sexes. Frontal display was, however, an essential element in the Mikado pheasant's courtship and is described here for the first time. It occurred only during the mating period and was performed exclusively by the cocks. The hens never responded to frontal display by fleeing. The provision of food, which the cocks interpolate into courtship, has been observed so far only in the genuine and never in the symbolic form. It could never be observed that the cocks held the food in their beaks in order to offer it to the hens directly.
We investigated programmed cell death 1 (PD-1) / programmed cell death ligand 1 (PD-L1) expression in high grade serous ovarian cancer (HGSOC) and its relationship to tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) and prognosis. Formalin fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) samples of 94 HGSOC cases were included in the study. Immunohistochemical analysis (CD3, CD4, CD8, PD-1 and PD-L1) was performed. Samples were analyzed for expression of immune proteins in the peritumoral stromal and intratumoral areas, scored, and expression was correlated with overall survival, stage, and age. PD-L1 staining ratio with a score greater than 0 was found to have lower survival. There were two positive staining patterns, patchy/diffuse and patchy/focal patterns, in 24 (25.5%) cases. Considering the threshold value ≥5%, we demonstrated that the PD-L1 positive cancer cell membrane immunoreactivity rate and patchy/diffuse PD-L1 expression were 9.6% (n = 9). There was statistically significant relationship between high PD-1 scores and PD-L1 cases of ≥ 5%. A statistically significant difference was found between PD-L1 staining and survival in patients with a threshold ≥ 5%. However an appropriate rate for treatment was determined in 9.6% cases. There was a statistically significant correlation between PD-1 positive TIL score and intratumoral CD3, peritumoral stromal CD3, intratumoral CD4 and intratumoral CD8 positive cells. Survival was lower in cases with higher PD-L1 positive stromal TIL score.  相似文献   
Due to the high heritability of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), parents of children with ADHD appear to represent a good sample group for investigating the genetics of the disorder. The aim of this study was to investigate the association between ADHD and six polymorphisms in five candidate genes [5-HT2A (rs6311), NET1 (rs2242447), COMT (rs4818), NTF3 (rs6332), SNAP-25 (rs3746544) and (rs1051312)]. We included 228 parents of children diagnosed with ADHD and 109 healthy parents as the control group. The polymorphisms were genotyped using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) assays and analyzed using the chi-square test and the multinomial logit model. SNAP-25 (rs3746544) polymorphism was associated with loading for ADHD, while 5-HT2A (rs6311) and NET1 (rs2242447) polymorphisms were associated with ADHD. On the other hand, there was no significant association between the SNAP-25 (rs1051312), NTF3 (rs6332), or COMT (rs4818) gene polymorphisms and ADHD.  相似文献   
This article addresses the ways in which Turkish nationalism has perceived the Kurdish question. It is shown that both Turkish nationalism and the Kurdish question have passed through some paradigmatic moments in the twentieth century. This, I argue, has shaped the way that the Kurdish question has been perceived by Turkish nationalism. While the Kurdish question had been seen by Turkish nationalism mostly in terms of a fatal rivalry between the backward, pre-modern and tribal past and the prosperous present in the first half of the century, it was perceived in terms of a tension between the peripheral economy and national market in the fifties and sixties. In the 1970s, the Kurdish unrest was believed to be a product of communist incitement. Despite this impurity in perception, one thing has remained nearly unchanged for Turkish nationalism: Kurds could become Turkish. In other words, Turkish nationalism of the republican era has principally perceived Kurds as future-Turks. However, the signs in circulation at present indicate that the confidence of Turkish nationalism as to Kurds’ potential of becoming Turkish is not as firm as it used to be. At present, Turkish nationalism seems to be getting prepared to abandon its contention that Kurds are future-Turks.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to elucidate whether exogenous nitric oxide (NO) has a potential beneficial effect on lipase production capacity of some microorganisms. Sodium nitroprusside (SNP) was used as an exogenous NO donor in production medium. In comparison with the control (0 nM SNP), SNP concentrations from 10 to 100 nM induced lipase production in mesophilic bacterium Bacillus subtilis and cold-adapted yeast Yarrowia lipolytica. Especially, the maximum lipase activities for Y. lipolytica (81.2 U/L) and B. subtilis (74.5 U/L) were attained at 30 and 50 nM SNP concentrations, respectively. When compared to the control, the optimal SNP concentrations resulted in about 5.14 and 2.27-fold increases in lipase activities of B. subtilis and Y. lipolytica, respectively. Besides, it was found that the optimal SNP concentrations provided shorter incubation periods for lipase production. Conversely, no significant positive effect of exogenous NO on lipase production was determined for thermophilic bacterium Geobacillus stearothermophilus. This study showed for the first time that exogenous NO could be used as an inducer in the production of microbial lipases.  相似文献   
This study aimed to elicit patient- and treatment-related factors that can potentially predict treatment adherence in adult ADHD. Subjects who were over 18 and received a diagnosis of ADHD were included in the study. Chart review data of 102 subjects regarding demographics, medications, comorbidities, concomitant medications and domains of functional impairment were collected, and predictors were assessed using a binominal logistical regression model. One hundred and two patients (78.4 % male) with a mean age of 28.8 (SD = 9.8, range = 18–55) years were enrolled in the study. Childhood diagnosis of ADHD, agents used for treatment (MPH or atomoxetine), individual domains of dysfunction and use of additional psychotropic drugs were not found to be related to treatment adherence. Patients with a university education and those referred for family history of ADHD were more likely to adhere to treatment (p = 0.05 and 0.03, respectively). On the other hand, reasons for referral other than ADHD were significantly more frequently related to non-adherence (p = 0.02). Treatment noncompliance remains a significant problem despite therapeutic effects of medications. Identification of predictors of non-adherence can lead to heightened awareness of special populations at risk. We have found that prior awareness on ADHD (via past history/media/friends) leading to self/clinician referral to rule out ADHD and pervasiveness of symptoms across functional domains led to better compliance in our sample. Future research with prospective design utilizing objective tools for adherence is required.  相似文献   
Purpose of the present study was to evaluate antioxidant, antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral activities of the petroleum ether, chloroform, ethyl acetate and methanol extracts as well as the alkaloid fraction of Lycopodium clavatum L. (LC) from Lycopodiaceae growing in Turkey. Antioxidant activity of the LC extracts was evaluated by 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical-scavenging method at 0.2 mg/ml using microplate-reader assay. Antiviral assessment of LC extracts was evaluated towards the DNA virus Herpes simplex (HSV) and the RNA virus Parainfluenza (PI-3) using Madin-Darby Bovine Kidney (MDBK) and Vero cell lines. Antibacterial and antifungal activities of the extracts were tested against standard and isolated strains of the following bacteria; Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus mirabilis, Acinobacter baumannii, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis as well as the fungi; Candida albicans and C. parapsilosis. All of the extracts possessed noteworthy activity against ATCC strain of S. aureus (4 μg/ml), while the LC extracts showed reasonable antifungal effect. On the other hand, we found that only the chloroform extract was active against HSV (16–8 μg/ml), while petroleum ether and alkaloid extracts inhibited potently PI-3 (16–4 μg/ml and 32–4 μg/ml, respectively). However, all of the extracts had insignificant antiradical effect on DPPH. In addition, we also analyzed the content of the alkaloid fraction of the plant by capillary gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and identified lycopodine as the major alkaloid.  相似文献   
Engin ahin 《Chirality》2019,31(10):892-897
Optically active aromatic alcohols are valuable chiral building blocks of many natural products and chiral drugs. Lactobacillus paracasei BD87E6, which was isolated from a cereal‐based fermented beverage, was shown as a biocatalyst for the bioreduction of 1‐(benzofuran‐2‐yl) ethanone to (S)‐1‐(benzofuran‐2‐yl) ethanol with highly stereoselectivity. The bioreduction conditions were optimized using L. paracasei BD87E6 to obtain high enantiomeric excess (ee) and conversion. After optimization of the bioreduction conditions, it was shown that the bioreduction of 1‐(benzofuran‐2‐yl)ethanone was performed in mild reaction conditions. The asymmetric bioreduction of the 1‐(benzofuran‐2‐yl)ethanone had reached 92% yield with ee of higher than 99.9% at 6.73 g of substrate. Our study gave the first example for enantiopure production of (S)‐1‐(benzofuran‐2‐yl)ethanol by a biological green method. This process is also scalable and has potential in application. In this study, a basic and novel whole‐cell mediated biocatalytic method was performed for the enantiopure production of (S)‐1‐(benzofuran‐2‐yl)ethanol in the aqueous medium, which empowered the synthesis of a precious chiral intermediary process to be converted into a sophisticated molecule for drug production.  相似文献   
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