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We have utilized the method of whole embryo culture for metabolic labeling of mouse embryos with [3H]glucosamine during closure of neural folds at the posterior neuropore (27- to 29-somite stage). Accumulations of newly synthesized glycopeptides, lactosaminoglycans, hyaluronate, and sulfated glycosaminoglycans (GAG) were assessed by ion-exchange chromatography of glycoconjugates isolated from labeled embryos. Accumulation of hyaluronate and sulfated GAG was greatest in the posterior neuropore and decreased progressively toward the hindbrain where neurulation was already complete. Hyaluronate comprised a progressively smaller proportion of total newly synthesized glycoconjugate from the posterior neuropore toward the cranial region and glycopeptides showed the opposite trend. Sulfated GAG and lactosaminoglycans showed no consistent differences in relative abundance along the neuraxis. Autoradiographic analysis of newly synthesized glycoconjugates revealed especially heavy incorporation into developing basement membranes, beneath the neuroepithelium and around the notochord, in the posterior neuropore and recently closed neural tube regions, but not at more cranial levels of the neuraxis. Predigestion of sections with a specific hyaluronidase showed a significant quantity of this glycoconjugate to be hyaluronate. These results are consistent with a role for neuroepithelial and notochordal basement membrane hyaluronate in spinal neurulation.  相似文献   
Heparan sulfate-rich proteoglycan is present on the surface of NMuMG mouse mammary epithelial cells. All of this cell surface fraction is lipophilic, assessed by intercalation into lipid vesicles, and requires proteolytic cleavage to be released from the cell surface. No proteoglycan is competitively displaced by heparin. The cell surface lipophilic proteoglycan constitutes 52-55% of the total cellular proteoglycan while the remaining proteoglycan is apparently intracellular, comprising a nonlipophilic fraction (35%) and a small (10-13%) lipophilic fraction. Trypsin or chymotrypsin cleaves a labile site between the region of the cell surface proteoglycan bearing the glycosaminoglycan chains and the cell-associated portion of the core protein, producing a proteoglycan that is nonlipophilic, has an increased bouyant density, and is smaller than the parent molecule. We refer to this proteoglycan as the ectodomain of the cell surface proteoglycan. The correlation between its cell surface location and lipophilic properties suggests that a hydrophobic domain of its core protein may anchor this proteoglycan in the plasma membrane. In vivo, the proteoglycan may be cleaved from this putative anchor, generating nonlipophilic proteoglycan present as a matrix component, or it may remain a membrane component, anchoring the cell directly to the extracellular matrix.  相似文献   
Studies have been conducted on eight sets of monozygous and nine sets of dizygous female Negro twins, both members of whom were heterozygous for G-6-PD deficiency. Twins were studied both by assay of erythrocytic G-6-PD activity and by the methemoglobin elution test (MET). The MET is a procedure which identifies histochemically cells with appreciable G-6-PD activity and permits accurate determination of the percentage of such cells in heterozygotes. Monozygous twins showed significantly less within-pair variation than dizygous twins with both the MET and G-6-PD assay.Concerning the significantly greater agreement in MET results in monozygous twins than dizygous twins, our present working hypothesis is that X-chromosomal inactivation in the Negro female is genetically controlled, rather than random. However, certain alternate hypotheses allowing for random X-inactivation have not been excluded; these include somatic cell selection after random X-inactivation, and cell exchange between identical twins in utero/it. Studies in nontwin related heterozygotes now underway should help differentiate among these various possibilities.In addition to the studies on 17 pairs of female twins heterozygous for G-6-PD deficiency, 26 pairs of nondeficient female Negro twins have been studied by G-6-PD assay. Within-pair variation in monozygous twins was significantly less than within-pair variation in dizygous twins in all cases. The genetic influences detected with the G-6-PD assay in the female twins could theoretically be due to nonrandom X-inactivation, to genetically determined quantitative differences in enzyme activity (e.g., isoalleles), or to both. By appropriate calculations, based on the MET results, we have factored out the effects of X-inactivation on overall enzyme activity in the heterozygous deficient twins. After removal of the effect of X-inactivation, monozygous twins heterozygous for enzyme deficiency continue to show significantly less within-pair variation than dizygous twins. This finding indicates significant genetic influences on quantitative G-6-PD activity other than X-inactivation and other than the deficiency allele. This conclusion has been strengthened by studies on male twins where X-inactivation is not present.Supported by USPHS research grants AM-09381, HE-17544, AM-09919, and HE-03341, by USPHS Career Development Award 1-K3-AM-7959 (Dr. Brewer) and by U.S.A.E.C. Contract (11-1)-1552.  相似文献   
Lymphopoietic cells require interactions with bone marrow stroma for normal maturation and show changes in adhesion to matrix during their differentiation. Syndecan, a heparan sulfate-rich integral membrane proteoglycan, functions as a matrix receptor by binding cells to interstitial collagens, fibronectin, and thrombospondin. Therefore, we asked whether syndecan was present on the surface of lymphopoietic cells. In bone marrow, we find syndecan only on precursor B cells. Expression changes with pre-B cell maturation in the marrow and with B-lymphocyte differentiation to plasma cells in interstitial matrices. Syndecan on B cell precursors is more heterogeneous and slightly larger than on plasma cells. Syndecan 1) is lost immediately before maturation and release of B lymphocytes into the circulation, 2) is absent on circulating and peripheral B lymphocytes, and 3) is reexpressed upon their differentiation into immobilized plasma cells. Thus, syndecan is expressed only when and where B lymphocytes associate with extracellular matrix. These results indicate that B cells differentiating in vivo alter their matrix receptor expression and suggest a role for syndecan in B cell stage-specific adhesion.  相似文献   
Molecular cloning of syndecan, an integral membrane proteoglycan   总被引:49,自引:18,他引:31  
We describe cDNA clones for a cell surface proteoglycan that bears both heparan sulfate and chondroitin sulfate and that links the cytoskeleton to the interstitial matrix. The cDNA encodes a unique core protein of 32,868 D that contains several structural features consistent with its role as a glycosamino-glycan-containing matrix anchor. The sequence shows discrete cytoplasmic, transmembrane, and NH2-terminal extracellular domains, indicating that the molecule is a type I integral membrane protein. The cytoplasmic domain is small and similar in size but not in sequence to that of the beta-chain of various integrins. The extracellular domain contains a single dibasic sequence adjacent to the extracellular face of the transmembrane domain, potentially serving as the protease-susceptible site involved in release of this domain from the cell surface. The extracellular domain contains two distinct types of putative glycosaminoglycan attachment sites; one type shows sequence characteristics of the sites previously described for chondroitin sulfate attachment (Bourdon, M. A., T. Krusius, S. Campbell, N. B. Schwartz, and E. Ruoslahti. 1987. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 84:3194-3198), but the other type has newly identified sequence characteristics that potentially correspond to heparan sulfate attachment sites. The single N-linked sugar recognition sequence is within the putative chondroitin sulfate attachment sequence, suggesting asparagine glycosylation as a mechanism for regulating chondroitin sulfate chain addition. Both 5' and 3' regions of this cDNA have sequences substantially identical to analogous regions of the human insulin receptor cDNA: a 99-bp region spanning the 5' untranslated and initial coding sequences is 67% identical and a 35-bp region in the 3' untranslated region is 81% identical in sequence. mRNA expression is tissue specific; various epithelial tissues show the same two sizes of mRNA (2.6 and 3.4 kb); in the same relative abundance (3:1), the cerebrum shows a single 4.5-kb mRNA. This core protein cDNA describes a new class of molecule, an integral membrane proteoglycan, that we propose to name syndecan (from the Greek syndein, to bind together).  相似文献   
We investigated whether turnover of basal lamina glycosaminoglycan (GAG), an active process during epithelial morphogenesis, involves the mesenchyme. Fixed, prelabeled, isolated mouse embryo submandibular epithelia were prepared retaining radioactive surface components, as determined by autoradiographic and enzymatic studies, and a basal lamina, as assessed by electron microscopy. Recombination of mouse embryo submandibular mesenchyme with these epithelia stimulates the release of epithelial radioactivity when the labeled precursor is glucosamine or glucose but not when it is amino acid. The release is linear with time during 150 min incubation. Augmented release of epithelial label requires living mesenchyme which must be close proximity with the epithelia. Although heterologous mesenchymes, including lung, trachea, and jaw, stimulate the release of submandibular epithelial label, epithelial tissues do not. The label released by intact submandibular mesenchyme from prelabeled epithelia is in GAG and in two unique fractions: heterogeneous materials of tetrasaccharide or smaller size and N-acetylglucosamine. Enzymatic treatment of the heterogeneous materials revealed the presence of glycosaminoglycan-derived oligosaccharides. These unique products were not obtained by incubating prelabeled epithelia with a mesenchymal cell extract, suggesting that intact mesenchymal cells are required. N-Acetylglucosamine was also released when mesenchyme was recombined with living prelabeled epithelia which contained labeled basal laminar GAG. Our results establish that submandibular epithelial basal lamina GAGs are degraded by submandibular mesenchyme. We propose that one mechanism of epithelial-mesenchymal interaction is the degradation of epithelial basal laminar GAG by mesenchyme.  相似文献   
Synchronous beating between chick embryonic heart cell aggregates and heart cell layers was used to study the relationship between intercellular adhesion and ionic coupling. Adhesion was measured by counting the proportion of aggregates which were not to be removed from cell layers by gentle washing after a 30 min incubation. Synchrony between bound aggregates and contiguous layers was assessed by phase microscopy. The first evidence of synchrony was seen 1.5 h after addition of aggregates to layers, following which there was an increase in the percentage of aggregates beating synchronously, reaching over 50% at 7 h and slowly increasing to a maximum of 65% by 24 h. Scanning electron microscopy and autoradiography of thymidine-labeled cells suggest that synchrony does not depend on cell movement at the interface between aggregate and layer. Acquisition of synchrony can be prevented completely by inhibiting protein synthesis, although pulsation of aggregates and layers continues in proportions unchanged from controls. After reversal of protein synthesis inhibition, synchrony is acquired at a rate and to an extent closely resembling that of newly adherent controls. These data indicate that ionic coupling is neither an inevitable nor an immediate consequence of adhesion. Since ionic coupling has been shown to correlate with the presence of gap junctions, the findings suggest that gap junctions are not involved in the initial events responsible for intercellular adhesion in vitro and that their formation following adhesion in this system may depend upon protein synthesis.  相似文献   
We have examined correlations between morphological and functional evidence of cell coupling between aggregates of beating embryonic heart cells and underlying layers. Synchronously beating aggregate-layer pairs were compared with asynchronous pairs. Intracellular microelectrode studies demonstrated that asynchronously beating aggregate-layers could not be induced to beat synchronously by electrical stimulation of the aggregate, whereas 86% of synchronous instances showed propagation of stimulating current pulses from aggregate to layer. By freeze fracture we have found significant differences both in the number and in the total area of gap junctions between the aggregate-layer interfaces of synchronous and asynchronous preparations. The data suggest that synchronous beating is a reliable functional indication of effective ionic coupling, and requires a certain area and number of gap junction/cell.  相似文献   
Many environmental conditions for in vitro embryo production (IVP) systems for cattle have been relatively standardised, e.g. media composition, temperature, pH, water quality, and atmospheric composition. However, little attention has been paid to the quality of ambient laboratory air and the gas environment in incubators. Although a few studies have examined the effects of chemical air contamination on IVP of human embryos, there are no published accounts for domestic animal embryos. Therefore, this study investigated the effects of an intra-incubator carbon-activated air filtration system (CODA) during in vitro culture (IVC) on embryonic development and subsequent pregnancy rate of bovine embryos. Immature cumulus-oocyte-complexes (COCs) were obtained twice-weekly by ultrasonic-guided transvaginal oocyte aspiration. The COCs were matured in TCM199/FCS/LH/FSH, fertilized with frozen-thawed Percoll-separated semen, and subsequently cultured for 7 day in SOFaaBSA. Day 7 embryos were transferred either fresh or frozen/thawed. The experimental design was a 2 x 2 factorial; presumptive zygotes were placed either in a conventional CO(2)-O(2)-N(2) incubator (Control group) or in an identical CO(2)-O(2)-N(2) incubator with a CODA intra-incubator air purification unit (CODA group) for IVC. The embryo production rate at Day 7 was not affected by the CODA air purification unit (23.4 and 24.7% morulae and blastocysts per oocyte for control and CODA, respectively) nor was there any significant effect on embryo stage or quality. However, the pregnancy rate was improved (P=0.043) for both fresh (46.3% versus 41.0%) and frozen/thawed embryos (40.8% versus 35.6%). In conclusion, atmospheric purification by the CODA intra-incubator air purification unit significantly increased pregnancy rate following transfer of in vitro-produced bovine embryos.  相似文献   
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