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Didier Merle 《Geobios》2005,38(4):505
Jsowerbya, nov. gen. (Gastropoda: Muricidae) includes three species from the Eocene of the Paris and Hampshire basins. It increases the number of extinct muricid genera, which curiously represent a very small fraction of the described genera. The species of Jsowerbya, often mistaken for the muricopsine genus Muricopsis, possess a unique combination of characters shared with the subfamilies Ocenebrinae and Ergalataxinae. A cladistic analysis, based on structural homologies of the spiral sculpture, however, suggests that Jsowerbya is closely related to the Ocenebrinae. Thus, Jsowerbya is here regarded as one the most basal Ocenebrinae.  相似文献   
As acyclic oligonucleotides have been suggested as a primitive model of DNA or RNA in prebiotic times, we compared some biochemical properties of these analogues to that of natural ones. Firstly, an acyclic analogue of deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates was tested as a potential substrate of enzymes intervening in nucleic acids synthesis. GlyTTP, a dTTP analogue with a missing 2-methylene group is notaccepted as a substrate by either DNA polymerase or deoxynucleotidyl terminal transferase (TdT). Secondly, themodified dodecathymidylate (GlyT)12, the racemic acyclic sugar analogue of (dT)12, proved to be anefficient primer for DNA polymerase and TdT, though the associative properties of (GlyT)12 are very weak as shown by UV spectroscopy in phosphate buffer without magnesium chloride. But (GlyT)12 has the advantage to be 500-times more stable against hydrolysis by snake venom phosphodiesterase than the corresponding oligothymidylate.  相似文献   
The visual pigment and visual cycle of the lobster,Homarus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The visual pigment of the American lobster,Homarus americanus, has been studied in individual isolated rhabdoms by microspectrophotometry. Lobster rhodopsin has max at 515 nm and is converted by light to a stable metarhodopsin with max at 490 nm. These figures are in good agreement with corresponding values obtained by Wald and Hubbard (1957) in digitonin extracts. Photoregeneration of rhodopsin to metarhodopsin is also observed. The absorbance spectrum of lobster metarhodopsin is invariant with pH in the range 5.4–9, indicating that even after isomerization of the chromophore fromcis totrans, the binding site of the chromophore remains sequestered from the solvent environment. Total axial density of the lobster rhabdom to unpolarized light is about 0.7.As described for several other Crustacea, aldehyde fixation renders the metarhodopsin susceptible to photobleaching, a process that is faster at alkaline than at neutral or acid pH. Small amounts of a photoproduct with max at 370 nm are occasionally seen. A slower dark bleaching of lobster rhabdoms (1/2–2 h) also occurs, frequently through intermediates with absorption similar to metarhodopsin.The molar extinction coefficient of metarhodopsin is about 1.2 times greater than that of rhodopsin, each measured at their respective max. Isomerization of the chromophore fromcis totrans is accompanied by a change in the orientation of the absorption vector of about 3°. The absorption vector of metarhodopsin is either tilted more steeply into the membrane or is less tightly oriented with respect to the microvillar axes.When living lobsters are kept at room temperature, light adaptation does not result in an accumulation of metarhodopsin. At 4 °C, however, the same adapting lights cause a reduction of rhodopsin and an increase in metarhodopsin. There is thus a temperature-sensitive regeneration mechanism that supplements photoregeneration. Following 1 ms, 0.1 joule xenon flashes that convert about 70% of the rhodopsin to metarhodopsin in vivo, dark regeneration occurs in the living eye with half-times of about 25 and 55 min at 22 °C and 15 °C respectively.This work was supported by USPHS research grant EY 00222 to Yale University. S.N.B. was aided by NIH Postdoctoral Fellowship EY 52378.  相似文献   
31P-NMR spectroscopy has been used to study the energy metabolism and the NMR visibility of ATP and intracellular Pi of the C6 glioma cell line and rat astrocyte grown on microcarrier beads with the following results. 1. In vivo NMR spectra of C6 glioma cells and rat astrocytes indicate that these cells were able to maintain their level of ATP resonances during a long anoxic period (more than an hour). Both cell types were sensitive to ischemia which induced a loss of ATP resonances within 40 min. Glucose starvation induced by 40% decrease in ATP resonances correlated to a 50% increase in the intensity of the Pi signal. These changes corresponded to a new steady state which could be reversed by reperfusing the cells with a glucose-containing medium. 2. In contrast to in vivo data, 31P-NMR analyses of perchloric acid extracts of cells incubated in a glucose-free medium showed that their ATP and Pi contents were unchanged during starvation. The changes of NMR visibility of the metabolites in living C6 cells were correlated to modifications of their macroscopic longitudinal relaxation times, evolving from 0.30 +/- 0.08 s and 6.6 +/- 1.5 s in the presence of glucose to 0.68 +/- 0.26 s and 3.2 +/- 0.9 s in the absence of glucose for ATP and Pi, respectively. The changes of the NMR detectability of ATP and Pi indicate that changes in their microenvironment occur during glucose starvation, suggesting the existence of different pools of these metabolites within the cells. 3. Under various experimental conditions, i.e. anoxia, ischemia and glucose starvation, rat astrocytes in primary culture showed a very similar behavior to that of C6 cells, suggesting a similar adaptability to the nature of the energy supply for both the normal and the malignant cell.  相似文献   
We used 31P-NMR spectroscopy to investigate the response of living C6 glioma cells to stimulation by a beta-adrenergic agonist, isoproterenol. In the presence of 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine, stimulation induced an accumulation of cAMP, making possible the NMR detection of the second messenger in living cells grown on microcarrier beads and perfused in the NMR tube. The cAMP signal rose to a maximum level within 20-25 min of stimulation; thereafter it decreased to the detection threshold within 60 min. At the same time, 40% increases of phosphomonoester and diphosphodiester signals were observed, whereas no significant change in phosphocreatine and nucleotide signals was detected. The kinetics of changes of the cellular content in phosphorylated metabolites were analyzed after recording 31P-NMR spectra of cell perchloric acid extracts as a function of time of stimulation. cAMP accumulation in stimulated cells was evidenced by a near linear increase of its NMR signal as a function of incubation time (from 0 to 60 min). Concomitantly with the production of cAMP, the data showed 30% decreases of phosphocreatine and ATP levels within 60 min of stimulation, and an unexpected redistribution of pyrimidine and purine nucleoside triphosphates. At the same time, levels of phosphomonoesters (phosphorylcholine and phosphorylethanolamine) and phosphodiesters (glycerophosphorylcholine and glycerophosphorylethanolamine) rose (50% increase). 13C-NMR spectra of cell perchloric acid extracts prepared after isoproterenol stimulation of cells incubated in the presence of [1-13C]glucose indicated a higher glucose content in stimulated cells, whereas the resonance of ribose C1 was diminished. Moreover, the resonances of C1 of ethanolamine and choline (and their derivatives) were increased in spectra of stimulated cells, whereas that of C3 of serine was decreased. In addition, the 13C-NMR data indicated that neither the pattern of glutamate carbon enrichment nor the glutamate/glutamine ratio was modified in stimulated cells. On the other hand, the heteronuclear coupling pattern of the lactate (methyl group) resonance in 1H-NMR spectra of cell incubation media indicated that no change occurred in the carbon flux through the pentose-phosphate shunt under stimulation. The results of this multinuclear NMR approach are discussed in terms of metabolic responses of C6 cells to beta-adrenergic stimulation and cAMP overproduction.  相似文献   
Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) leads to monocyte dysfunction associated with atherogenesis and defective arteriogenesis. Transforming growth factor (TGF)-β1, placenta growth factor (PlGF)-1 and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)A play important roles in atherogenesis and arteriogenesis. VEGF-receptor (VEGFR)-mediated monocyte migration is inhibited in T2DM (VEGFA resistance), while TGF-β1-induced monocyte migration is fully functional. Therefore, we hypothesize that TGF-β antagonises the VEGFA responses in human monocytes. We demonstrate that monocytes from T2DM patients have an increased migratory response towards low concentrations of TGF-β1, while PlGF-1/VEGFA responses are mitigated. Mechanistically, this is due to increased expression of type II TGF-β receptor in monocytes under high-glucose conditions and increased expression of soluble (s)VEGFR1, which is known to interfere with VEGFA signalling. VEGFA resistance in monocytes from T2DM patients can be rescued by either experimental down-regulation of TGF-β receptor expression in vitro or by functional blocking of TGF-β signalling using either a TGF-β receptor kinase inhibitor or a TGF-β neutralizing antibody. Our data demonstrate that both T2DM and high-glucose potentiate the TGF-β pathway. TGF-β signalling impairs VEGFR-mediated responses in T2DM monocytes and in this way contributes to mononuclear cell dysfunction, provide novel insights into T2DM vascular dysfunction.  相似文献   
Historic samples of phytoplankton can provide information on the abundance of the toxigenic genotypes of cyanobacteria in dependence on increased or decreased eutrophication. The analysis of a time-series from preserved phytoplankton samples by quantitative PCR (qPCR) extends observation periods considerably. The analysis of DNA from heat-desiccated samples by qPCR can be aggravated by point substitutions or the fragmentation of DNA introduced by the high temperature. In this study, we analyzed whether the heat desiccation of the cellular material of the cyanobacterium Planktothrix sp. introduced potential errors to the template DNA that is used for qPCR within (i) 16S rDNA and phycocyanin genes and (ii) the mcyA gene indicative of the incorporation of either dehydrobutyrine (Dhb) or N-methyl-dehydroalanine (Mdha) in position 7, and (ii) the mcyB gene, which is indicative of homotyrosine (Hty) in position 2 of the microcystin (MC) molecule. Due to high temperature desiccation, the deterioration of the DNA template quality was rather due to fragmentation than due to nucleotide substitutions. By using the heat-desiccated samples of Lake Zürich, Switzerland the abundance of the Dhb, Mdha and Hty genotypes was determined during three decades (1977-2008). Despite major changes in the trophic state of the lake resulting in a major increase of the total Planktothrix population density, the proportion of these genotypes encoding the synthesis of different MC congeners showed high stability. Nevertheless, a decline of the most abundant mcyA genotype indicative of the synthesis of Dhb in position 7 of the MC molecule was observed. This decline could be related to the gradual incline in the proportion of a mutant genotype carrying a 1.8kbp deletion of this gene region. The increase of this mcyA (Dhb) gene deletion mutant has been minor so far, however, and likely did not affect the overall toxicity of the population.  相似文献   
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