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Didier Merle 《Geobios》2005,38(4):505
Jsowerbya, nov. gen. (Gastropoda: Muricidae) includes three species from the Eocene of the Paris and Hampshire basins. It increases the number of extinct muricid genera, which curiously represent a very small fraction of the described genera. The species of Jsowerbya, often mistaken for the muricopsine genus Muricopsis, possess a unique combination of characters shared with the subfamilies Ocenebrinae and Ergalataxinae. A cladistic analysis, based on structural homologies of the spiral sculpture, however, suggests that Jsowerbya is closely related to the Ocenebrinae. Thus, Jsowerbya is here regarded as one the most basal Ocenebrinae.  相似文献   
Overexpression of the MDR protein, or p-glycoprotein (p-GP), in cells leads to decreased initial rates of accumulation and altered intracellular retention of chemotherapeutic drugs and a variety of other compounds. Thus, increased expression of the protein is related to increased drug resistance. Since several homologues of the MDR protein (CRP, ltpGPA, PDR5, sapABCDF) are also involved in conferring drug resistance phenomena in microorganisms, elucidating the function of the MDR protein at a molecular level will have important general applications. Although MDR protein function has been studied for nearly 20 years, interpretation of most data is complicated by the drug-selection conditions used to create model MDR cell lines. Precisely what level of resistance to particular drugs is conferred by a given amount of MDR protein, as well as a variety of other critical issues, are not yet resolved. Data from a number of laboratories has been gathered in support of at least four different models for the MDR protein. One model is that the protein uses the energy released from ATP hydrolysis to directly translocate drugs out of cells in some fashion. Another is that MDR protein overexpression perturbs electrical membrane potential () and/or intracellular pH (pHi) and therebyindirectly alters translocation and intracellular retention of hydrophobic drugs that are cationic, weakly basic, and/or that react with intracellular targets in a pHi, or -dependent manner. A third model proposes that the protein alternates between drug pump and Cl channel (or channel regulator) conformations, implying that both direct and indirect mechanisms of altered drug translocation may be catalyzed by MDR protein. A fourth is that the protein acts as an ATP channel. Our recent work has tested predictions of these models via kinetic analysis of drug transport and single-cell photometry analysis of pHi, , and volume regulation in novel MDR and CFTR transfectants that have not been exposed to chemotherapeutic drugs prior to analysis. This paper reviews these data and previous work from other laboratories, as well as relevant transport physiology concepts, and summarizes how they either support or contradict the different models for MDR protein function.  相似文献   
The ultrastructure of astrocytes in an organotypic slice culture of the rat visual cortex was investigated using ultrathin sections and freeze-fracture replicas. After a culture period of 9–15 days, a glial scaffold formed that separated the bulk of the slice neuropil from the medium and the underlying plasma clot. However, the glial cells and processes did not build a dense barrier but allowed the outgrowth of neurites. A basal lamina covering the medium-oriented surface of the astrocytes was not found. In freeze-fracture replicas, orthogonal arrays of particles (OAP) were characteristic components of astrocytic membranes. The OAP density in membranes bordering the medium was 35±13 OAP/m2, corresponding to 2.5% of this membrane area; the OAP density in membranes within the slice neuropil was 22±12 OAP/2, corresponding to 1.4% of this membrane area. Although the difference was significant, it was greatly reduced when comparing OAP densities in endfoot and non-endfoot membranes in vivo. Another mode of polarity was recognized in astrocytes of the organotypic slice culture. In membranes of astrocytes bordering upon the medium, the density of non-OAP intramembranous particles (IMP) was clearly higher (1130±136 IMP/ m2) than in membranes of astrocytes in the center of the slice (700±172 IMP/m2). This pronounced IMP-related polarity was observed neither in vivo nor in cultured astrocytes. The present study suggests, together with data from the literature, that the distribution of astrocytic OAP across the cell surface is influenced by the existence of a basal lamina and neuronal activity, and that astrocytes possess a more remarkable plasticity of membrane structure than previously suspected.  相似文献   
As acyclic oligonucleotides have been suggested as a primitive model of DNA or RNA in prebiotic times, we compared some biochemical properties of these analogues to that of natural ones. Firstly, an acyclic analogue of deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates was tested as a potential substrate of enzymes intervening in nucleic acids synthesis. GlyTTP, a dTTP analogue with a missing 2-methylene group is notaccepted as a substrate by either DNA polymerase or deoxynucleotidyl terminal transferase (TdT). Secondly, themodified dodecathymidylate (GlyT)12, the racemic acyclic sugar analogue of (dT)12, proved to be anefficient primer for DNA polymerase and TdT, though the associative properties of (GlyT)12 are very weak as shown by UV spectroscopy in phosphate buffer without magnesium chloride. But (GlyT)12 has the advantage to be 500-times more stable against hydrolysis by snake venom phosphodiesterase than the corresponding oligothymidylate.  相似文献   
Experiments probed the dynamic properties of stimulus-evoked (10 Hz) oscillations in somatosensory cortex of anesthetized rats. Experimental paradigms and statistical time series analysis were based on theoretical ideas from a dynamic approach to temporal patterns of neuronal activity. From the results of a double-stimulus paradigm we conclude that the neuronal response contains two components with different dynamics and different coupling to the stimulus. Based on this result a quantitative dynamic model is derived, making use of normal form theory for bifurcating vector fields. The variables used are abstract, but measurable, dynamic components. The model parameters capture the dynamic properties of neuronal response and are related to experimental results. A structural interpretation of the model can be given in terms of the collective dynamics of neuronal groups, their mutual interaction, and their coupling to peripheral stimuli. The model predicts the stimulusdependent lifetime of the oscillations as observed in experiment. We show that this prediction relies on the basic concept of dynamic bistability and does not depend on the modeling details.  相似文献   
Energy dispersive X-ray analysis of elements with Z>11 in a SEM (scanning electron microscope) was used to investigate the elytra ofLagisca extenuata, Lepidonotus clava, andHarmothoe areolata from Naples (Italy) and Banyuls (France). High concentrations of halogens and a few other elements were found in certain papillae in samples from both locations. Additional TEM-examinations and X-ray analysis of thin sections revealed that the halogen concentration is inversely related to the collagen content of the matrix. The halogens are presumably bound to tyrosines, which occur in these structures. In addition, accumulation of Mn2+ and possibly Fe3+ in the papillae might depend on environmental conditions. The results show that valuable information about the chemical composition of biological structures can be obtained by energy dispersive X-ray analysis. Moreover, the results indicate that this method may be useful for environmental investigations.This work is part of a doctoral thesis, written at the Zoological Institute of the University at Hamburg.  相似文献   
The visual pigment and visual cycle of the lobster,Homarus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The visual pigment of the American lobster,Homarus americanus, has been studied in individual isolated rhabdoms by microspectrophotometry. Lobster rhodopsin has max at 515 nm and is converted by light to a stable metarhodopsin with max at 490 nm. These figures are in good agreement with corresponding values obtained by Wald and Hubbard (1957) in digitonin extracts. Photoregeneration of rhodopsin to metarhodopsin is also observed. The absorbance spectrum of lobster metarhodopsin is invariant with pH in the range 5.4–9, indicating that even after isomerization of the chromophore fromcis totrans, the binding site of the chromophore remains sequestered from the solvent environment. Total axial density of the lobster rhabdom to unpolarized light is about 0.7.As described for several other Crustacea, aldehyde fixation renders the metarhodopsin susceptible to photobleaching, a process that is faster at alkaline than at neutral or acid pH. Small amounts of a photoproduct with max at 370 nm are occasionally seen. A slower dark bleaching of lobster rhabdoms (1/2–2 h) also occurs, frequently through intermediates with absorption similar to metarhodopsin.The molar extinction coefficient of metarhodopsin is about 1.2 times greater than that of rhodopsin, each measured at their respective max. Isomerization of the chromophore fromcis totrans is accompanied by a change in the orientation of the absorption vector of about 3°. The absorption vector of metarhodopsin is either tilted more steeply into the membrane or is less tightly oriented with respect to the microvillar axes.When living lobsters are kept at room temperature, light adaptation does not result in an accumulation of metarhodopsin. At 4 °C, however, the same adapting lights cause a reduction of rhodopsin and an increase in metarhodopsin. There is thus a temperature-sensitive regeneration mechanism that supplements photoregeneration. Following 1 ms, 0.1 joule xenon flashes that convert about 70% of the rhodopsin to metarhodopsin in vivo, dark regeneration occurs in the living eye with half-times of about 25 and 55 min at 22 °C and 15 °C respectively.This work was supported by USPHS research grant EY 00222 to Yale University. S.N.B. was aided by NIH Postdoctoral Fellowship EY 52378.  相似文献   
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