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In the thymus of normally fed pregnant rats the plasma membrane enzymes dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP IV) and alkaline phosphatase (alP) were found in cortical and medullary lymphocytes (thymocytes). Plasma membrane aminopeptidase A (APA) and adenosine monophosphate hydrolysing phosphatase (AMPP) were present in cortical reticular cells. In medullary reticular cells, aminopeptidase M (APM), gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT), adenosine triphosphate (ATPP) and thiamine pyrophosphate (TPPP) cleaving phosphatases were detected. Medullary reticular cells did not contain APA. Lysosomal DPP I and II, acid phosphatase, acid beta-D-galactosidase, beta-D-N-acetyl-glucosaminidase, beta-D-glucuronidase and non-specific esterases occurred especially in macrophages at the corticomedullary junction. The 21-day-old fetal thymus showed a similar reaction pattern as the maternal organ except for APA which was absent before birth. After treatment of the pregnant rats with valproic acid (VPA), salicylic acid (SA), streptozotocin (ST) and retinoic acid (RA) APA showed an increase in activity in the thymic cortex. In addition, ST and RA induced AMPP, ATPP and TPPP activity in cortical reticular cells up to the same pattern as in medullary reticular cells. After ethanol (ET) administration severe damages occurred. The thymic cortex was free of DPP IV-positive lymphocytes; the medullary reticular cells showed reduced or no GGT and occasionally an increased APM activity. Dexamethasone (DEXA) given to normal or zinc-deficient rats produced the most severe lesions; thymocytes with DPP IV activity were completely absent in the cortex and medulla. In Zn-deficient pregnant rats similar alterations were observed as after ET.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
The formation of elastic fibres was observed in the cultured cells derived from the tunica media and the tunica adventitia of mouse aorta. Bundles of myofilaments with dense bodies were abundantly observed in the cytoplasm of the cultured medial cells, and numerous bundles of microfibrillar components were present in the intercellular spaces. Fine granules of approximately 50 nm in diameter were observed in the bundles of microfibrillar components. It was supposed that these fine granules of elastin fused with each other and formed elastic aggregates and then formed large elastic clumps. Numerous bundles of microfibrillar components were also present in the intercellular spaces of the cultured adventitial cells. Elastic aggregates were scarcely observed in the bundles of microfibrillar components. However, large elastic clumps as observed in the medial cell culture could not be found in the adventitial cell culture. It is suggested that the formation of large elastic clumps might be related to the sheet structures or lamellae of elastic fibres in the tunica media.  相似文献   
In a survey of malignant cell lines including a variety of leukemias and lymphomas, BW5147, a T lymphoma from the spontaneous virus-associated thymoma in AKR mice, was found to be the most sensitive to growth inhibition by cyclosporin A (Cs A). Inhibition of growth was cell cycle phase-independent and inhibition of macromolecular precursor uptake was relatively nonspecific. Uptake of radiolabeled Cs A by these cells was characterized by two components: one that appeared saturable at low drug concentrations (0.03 to 1.0 microgram/ml), and another that was nonsaturable at higher drug concentrations (1.0 microgram/ml or higher). Most of the drug concentrated by cells (70 to 80%) was located in the cytosol (100,000 X G supernatant of lysed cells). The apparent m.w. of the drug-macromolecule complex was 15,000 to 20,000 as determined by m.w. exclusion columns. This complex could also be formed by adding drug to cytosol prepared from unexposed cells. The low m.w. complex migrated on a preparative isoelectric focusing column to form two peaks with isoelectric points of 6.8 and 8.5. A method was developed to assay for the binding component, and a sequence of m.w. exclusion columns and isoelectric focusing was used to effect partial purification of the Cs A binding component.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung 1. Die Behandlung der nativen und formolfixierten Sehnenfibrillen mit einer ammoniakalischen Silberlösung führt immer zu einer Einlagerung von Silberpartikeln in den D-Teilen der Fibrillen.2. Bei den nativen Fibrillen liegen die Silberkörner in einem, zwei oder drei Streifen im D-Teil.3. In den formolfixierten Fibrillen ist das Silber nur in einem Streifen vorhanden.4. Die Behandlung der nativen und formolfixierten Sehnenfibrillen mit anderen Silbersalzen führt zu keiner Versilberung der Fibrillen.5. Die Behandlung der nativen Sehnenfibrillen mit neutraler Kochsalzlösung oder Trypsin und anschließender Versilberung führt zu keiner wesentlichen Änderung des Silberbildes.6. Hyaluronidase-, Citratpuffer- und Perjodateinwirkung auf native Sehnenfibrillen mit anschließender Versilberung führt zu keiner Innenversilberung der D-Teile.7. Acetylierung und Behandlung mit Bisulfit der nativen Fibrillen und anschließender Versilberung mit ammoniakalischer Silberlösung verhindert eine Innenversilberung der D-Teile.8. Die formolfixierten Fibrillen zeigen eine Innenversilberung der D-Teile nach einer Vorbehandlung mit einer neutralen Kochsalzlösung, Citratpuffer, Hyaluronidase, Trypsin und Perjodat. Nur die Acetylierung und die Behandlung mit Bisulfit verhindert eine Innenversilberung.9. Die Innenversilberung der Sehnenfibrillen durch eine ammoniakalische Silberlösung wird weder durch Licht noch durch Chloride oder lichtempfindliche Silbereiweißverbindungen hervorgerufen.10. Die Versilberung in den D-Teilen wird durch Stoffe in den Fibrillen bewirkt, die Silber aus einer ammoniakalischen Silberlösung ausfällen können.11. Die reduzierenden Stoffe haben enge Beziehungen zur citratlöslichen Fraktion und sind perjodat- und hyaluronidaseempfindlich. Formalinfixierung beeinflußt diesen Versilberungsmodus durch ein vermehrtes Auftreten von Querbindungen.12. Die Sonderstellung der ammoniakalischen Silberlösung für die Innenversilberung wird diskutiert. Sie kann stereochemische Gründe haben oder durch die große Beständigkeitskonstante erklärt werden.13. Das Ausfallen von metallischem Silber in den D-Teilen der Sehnenfibrillen kann nicht mit dem photographischen Prozeß in Verbindung gebracht werden. Das gilt auch für die Bindegewebsversilberung nachGömöri.14. Die Silberorte in den D-Teilen lassen sich nur teilweise mit den bekannten Querstreifungsbildern nach Osmium- oder Phosphorwolframsäurefixierung in Beziehung setzen.
Summary 1. After treatment of native or formalin-fixed tendon fibrils with an ammoniacal silver solution, silver particles are deposited in the D-bands of the fibrils. In the native fibrils these are arranged in one, two or three striae per band, but after formalin fixation they lie in one stria only.2. No external reducing agent is necessary for the production of the particles.3. Pretreatment of native fibrils with neutral salt solution or with trypsin has no effect on subsequent silvering. On the other hand, silvering is abolished by treatment with hyaluronidase, citrate buffer or periodate and also by acetylation and bisulphite.4. Formalin-fixed fibrils show the silvering effect after all these procedures except acetylation or bisulphite treatment.5. It is postulated that silvering of the D-bands is due to reducing substances which can precipitate silver from ammonical solutions and that formalin influences the process by the production of cross linkages.

Mit 6 Textabbildungen

Durchgeführt mit Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   
K Ehlers  H Stürje  H J Merker  H Nau 《Teratology》1992,46(2):117-130
The antiepileptic drug valproic acid (VPA) has been implicated as a human teratogen causing spina bifida aperta. Recently, we developed a mouse model inducing spina bifida aperta with VPA. To elucidate the pathogenesis of VPA-induced spina bifida aperta we now investigated the anatomy and histology of this defect in the mouse. The morphology of spina bifida aperta induced by all-trans-retinoic acid (RA) was used for comparison. Various doses of VPA and RA were administered at different times to determine the periods of sensitivity for inducing spina bifida aperta with these drugs. Each administration regimen consisted of three doses applied at intervals of 6 hr. RA induced spina bifida aperta during an earlier developmental period (day 8 of gestation) than VPA (day 9 of gestation). The most effective regimens for induction of spina bifida aperta in mice were injections of 3 x 500 mg VPA-Na/kg body weight (b.w.) intraperitoneally on day 9 of gestation at 0, 6, and 12 hr; RA (12.5 mg/kg b.w.) was given orally on day 8 of gestation at 12 and 18 hr, day 9 at 0 hr. VPA did not induce spina bifida aperta on day 8 of gestation and RA did not induce this effect on day 9 of gestation. Histological studies of day 18 fetuses carrying spina bifida aperta were performed. The spina bifida aperta induced by VPA shows a disorganized and necrotic spinal cord. In the vertebral canal were observed cell debris, blood cells, capillaries, macrophages, and rests of meninges. These results indicate that the spinal cord is almost destroyed at the affected section. In contrast, the spina bifida aperta induced by RA demonstrates a spinal cord organized in the gray and white matter, the dorsal and ventral horn. But the neural canal does not exist, only a layer of ependymal cells lies on the surface of the spinal cord. Our results indicate that the morphology of spina bifida aperta induced by VPA differed distinctly from that induced by RA in the mouse fetus. Moreover VPA produced a spina bifida aperta with a specific morphology. Also the period of sensitivity for induction of this lesion differed and occurred earlier for RA than for VPA. VPA and RA may possibly induce spina bifida aperta via different mechanisms in the mouse.  相似文献   
H J Merker  M Pospisil  P Mewes 《Teratology》1975,11(2):199-217
On day 12 of pregnancy Wistar rats were each given a single ip injection of 5, 8, 16, 25, or 50 mg/kg 6-mercaptopurine. The embryos were removed 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 24, 48, or 72 h after injection or on day 20 and studied by light and electron microscopy. After 25 or 50 mg/kg all embryos showed no mineralization in the lower extremities. By electron microscopy condensation, shrinking, and fragmentation of cells in the limb bud blastema could be seen after 5 h. The fragments were phagocytosed and broken down by neighboring cells or remained in the extracellular space. After 25 or 50 mg/kg the damage was so extensive that the number of undamaged cells and of cells transforming into phagocytes was not sufficient to remove the debris or to compensate for the defect by mitotic activity. Epithelial cells, nerves, and blood vessels, show no morphological signs of damage. The "critical period" was the time cartilage just starts developing, i.e., when the blastema begins to differentiate.  相似文献   
In this study, we present the first genetic evidence of the phylogenetic position of Tarsius pumilus, the mountain tarsier of Sulawesi, Indonesia. This mysterious primate is the only Eastern tarsier species that occurs exclusively in cloud forests above 1800 m.a.s.l. It exhibits striking morphological peculiarities—most prominently its extremely reduced body size, which led to the common name of ‘pygmy tarsier’. However, our results indicate that T. pumilus is not an aberrant form of a lowland tarsier, but in fact, the most basal of all Sulawesi tarsiers. Applying a Bayesian multi-locus coalescent approach, we dated the divergence between the T. pumilus lineage and the ancestor of all other extant Sulawesi tarsiers to 9.88 Mya. This is as deep as the split between the two other tarsier genera Carlito (Philippine tarsiers) and Cephalopachus (Western tarsiers), and predates further tarsier diversification on Sulawesi by around 7 Myr. The date coincides with the deepening of the marine environment between eastern and western Sulawesi, which likely led to allopatric speciation between T. pumilus or its predecessor in the west and the ancestor of all other Sulawesi tarsiers in the east. As the split preceded the emergence of permanent mountains in western Sulawesi, it is unlikely that the shift to montane habitat has driven the formation of the T. pumilus lineage.  相似文献   
MDCK cells are grown on various substrates (Thermanox pure, extracellular matrix (ECM), dried or wet collagen type I or type III), on floating collagen and enclosed in collagen gels, and their differentiation behaviour is investigated electron microscopically. The cells grown on ECM or dried collagen (type I and type III) do not show any changes as compared with the controls (Thermanox). Differentiation processes can only be observed when the cells are grown on wet collagen (type I and type III), especially on floating collagen and enclosed in collagen gels. These differentiation processes comprise changes in the cell shape, an increase in the number of microvilli, an increase in the length of the lateral contact zone with the formation of gap junctions and desmosomes, and an increase in the number and size of the cell organelles. A basement membrane only develops in the form of short segments. Moreover, on floating collagen and in collagen gels three-dimensional, organoid structures develop: cell aggregates with central lumina and tubuli. They are formed by cuboid cells that also exhibit indications of differentiation. Basement membrane fragments occur more often and are longer. It can be concluded from these findings that the chemical structure of the substrate does not play the primary role in the described process. It is rather the physical properties, probably the plasticity, that are of significance. Due to this property the cells change their shape and the contact areas increase in size. The establishment of contacts might be the triggering factor for differentiation. Organoid structures with lumina develop when the apical surface comes into contact with other cells or collagen gels. The pronounced tendency towards polarization necessitates a re-arrangement of three-dimensionally growing cells to structures with lumina. The formation of the basement membrane is the result and not the cause of differentiation.  相似文献   
F Bertels  H Merker  C Kost 《PloS one》2012,7(7):e41349
Efficient and inexpensive methods are required for the high-throughput quantification of amino acids in physiological fluids or microbial cell cultures. Here we develop an array of Escherichia coli biosensors to sensitively quantify eleven different amino acids. By using online databases, genes involved in amino acid biosynthesis were identified that - upon deletion - should render the corresponding mutant auxotrophic for one particular amino acid. This rational design strategy suggested genes involved in the biosynthesis of arginine, histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, proline, threonine, tryptophan, and tyrosine as potential genetic targets. A detailed phenotypic characterization of the corresponding single-gene deletion mutants indeed confirmed that these strains could neither grow on a minimal medium lacking amino acids nor transform any other proteinogenic amino acid into the focal one. Site-specific integration of the egfp gene into the chromosome of each biosensor decreased the detection limit of the GFP-labeled cells by 30% relative to turbidometric measurements. Finally, using the biosensors to determine the amino acid concentration in the supernatants of two amino acid overproducing E. coli strains (i.e. ΔhisL and ΔtdcC) both turbidometrically and via GFP fluorescence emission and comparing the results to conventional HPLC measurements confirmed the utility of the developed biosensor system. Taken together, our study provides not only a genotypically and phenotypically well-characterized set of publicly available amino acid biosensors, but also demonstrates the feasibility of the rational design strategy used.  相似文献   
NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase 1 (NQO1) plays a dominant role in the reduction of the quinone compound 2,3,5,6-tetramethyl-1,4-benzoquinone (duroquinone, DQ) to durohydroquinone (DQH2) on passage through the rat lung. Exposure of adult rats to 85% O2 for > or =7 days stimulates adaptation to the otherwise lethal effects of >95% O2. The objective of this study was to examine whether exposure of adult rats to hyperoxia affected lung NQO1 activity as measured by the rate of DQ reduction on passage through the lung. We measured DQH2 appearance in the venous effluent during DQ infusion at different concentrations into the pulmonary artery of isolated perfused lungs from rats exposed to room air or to 85% O2. We also evaluated the effect of hyperoxia on vascular transit time distribution and measured NQO1 activity and protein in lung homogenate. The results demonstrate that exposure to 85% O2 for 21 days increases lung capacity to reduce DQ to DQH2 and that NQO1 is the dominant DQ reductase in normoxic and hyperoxic lungs. Kinetic analysis revealed that 21-day hyperoxia exposure increased the maximum rate of pulmonary DQ reduction, Vmax, and the apparent Michaelis-Menten constant for DQ reduction, Kma. The increase in Vmax suggests a hyperoxia-induced increase in NQO1 activity of lung cells accessible to DQ from the vascular region, consistent qualitatively but not quantitatively with an increase in lung homogenate NQO1 activity in 21-day hyperoxic lungs. The increase in Kma could be accounted for by approximately 40% increase in vascular transit time heterogeneity in 21-day hyperoxic lungs.  相似文献   
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