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Aplanospores ofHaematococcus pluvialis MUR 145 contained 0.7% carotenoids (dry wt. basis) consisting of β,β-carotene (5% of total carotenoid), echinenone (4%), canthaxanthin (4%), (3S,3′S)-astaxanthin diester (34%), (3S,3′S)-astaxanthin monoester (46%), (3S,3′S)-astaxanthin (1%) and (3R,3′R,6′R)-lutein (6%). The astaxanthin esters were examined by TLC and HPLC and VIS,1H NMR and mass spectra recorded. Their chirality was determined by the camphanate method (Vecchi & Müller, 1979) after anaerobic hydrolysis. The tough cell wall of the aplanospores required enzymatic treatment prior to pigment extraction. The potential use of this microalga as a feed ingredient in aquaculture is discussed briefly.  相似文献   
Quantitative carotenoid analysis of a natural bloom of Euglena sanguinea Ehrenberg revealed the presence of β,β-carotene (1% of total carotenoids), monoesters of adonirubin (3%), diesters of (3S, 3′R)-adonixanthin (13%), diesters of (3S, 3′S)-astaxanthin (75%), 19-monoester of (3R, 3′R, 6R)-loroxanthin (1%), (3R, 3′R)-diatoxanthin (6%), diadinoxanthin (1%) and neoxanthin (traces). The carotenoid content amounted to 0.7% of the dry wt. Methods employed included TLC, HPLC, VIS, MS, CD and H NMR (400 and 500 MHz). The high content of ketocarotenoids is characteristic of secondary carotenoids produced under stressed growth conditions. Previously secondary carotenoids were associated with green algae (Chlorophyceae), but have now been encountered in Euglenophyceae.  相似文献   


The cell-cycle inhibitor and tumor suppressor cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor, p16ink4a, is one of the two gene products of the ink4a/ARF (cdkn2a) locus on chromosome 9q21. Up-regulation of p16ink4a has been linked to cellular senescence, and findings from studies on different mammalian tissues suggest that p16ink4a may be a biomarker of organismal versus chronological age.


The aim of this study was to examine the immunolocalization pattern of p16ink4a in human labial salivary gland (LSG) tissue, and to analyze whether its expression level in LSGs is a peripheral correlate of cognitive decline in late midlife.


The present study was a part of a study of causes and predictors of cognitive decline in middle-aged men in a Danish birth cohort. It is based on data from 181 male participants from the Danish Metropolit birth cohort, born in 1953, who were examined for age-associated alterations in cognition, dental health, and morphological and autonomic innervation characteristics of the LSGs. The participants were allocated to two groups based on the relative change in cognitive performance from young adulthood to late midlife. LSG biopsies were analyzed by qRT-PCR for the expression level of p16ink4a. Immunohistochemistry was performed on formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded sections of LSGs.


p16ink4a immunoreactivity was observed in LSG ductal, myoepithelial, and stromal cells, but not in acinar cells. The mean relative expression of p16ink4a in LSGs was higher in the group of participants with decline in cognitive performance. A logistic regression analysis revealed that the relative p16 expression was predictive of the participant’s group assignment. A negative correlation was found between relative p16ink4a expression and the participant’s standardized regression residuals from early adulthood to late midlife cognitive performance scores.


p16ink4a expression in human LSGs may constitute a potential peripheral correlate of cognitive decline. Human labial salivary glands seem suitable for studies on organismal as opposed to chronological age.  相似文献   
Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is an established imaging technology for in vivo skin investigation. Topical application of gold nanoshells (GNS) provides contrast enhancement in OCT by generating a strong hyperreflective signal from hair follicles and sweat glands, which are the natural skin openings. This study explores the utility of 150 nm diameter GNS as contrast agent for OCT imaging. GNS was massaged into skin and examined in four skin areas of 11 healthy volunteers. A commercial OCT system and a prototype with 3 μm resolution (UHR‐OCT) were employed to detect potential benefits of increased resolution and variability in intensity generated by the GNS. In both OCT‐systems GNS enhanced contrast from hair follicles and sweat ducts. Highest average penetration depth of GNS was in armpit 0.64 mm ± SD 0.17, maximum penetration depth was 1.20 mm in hair follicles and 15 to 40 μm in sweat ducts. Pixel intensity generated from GNS in hair follicles was significantly higher in UHR‐OCT images (P = .002) and epidermal thickness significantly lower 0.14 vs 0.16 mm (P = .027). This study suggests that GNSs are interesting candidates for increasing sensitivity in OCT diagnosis of hair and sweat gland disorders and demonstrates that choice of OCT systems influences results.   相似文献   
To study the role of coactivation in strength and force modulation in the elbow joint of children and adolescents with cerebral palsy (CP), we investigated the affected and contralateral arm of 21 persons (age 8-18) with spastic unilateral CP in three tasks: maximal voluntary isokinetic concentric contraction and passive isokinetic movement during elbow flexion and extension, and sub-maximal isometric force tracing during elbow flexion. Elbow flexion-extension torque and surface electromyography (EMG) of the biceps brachii (BB) and triceps brachii (TB) muscles were recorded. During the maximal contractions, the affected arm was weaker, had decreased agonist and similar antagonist EMG amplitudes, and thus increased antagonist co-activation (% of maximal activity as agonist) during both elbow flexion and extension, with higher coactivation levels of the TB than the BB. During passive elbow extension, the BB of the affected arm showed increased resistance torque and indication of reflex, and thus spastic, activity. No difference between the two arms was found in the ability to modulate force, despite increased TB coactivation in the affected arm. The results indicate that coactivation plays a minor role in muscle weakness in CP, and does not limit force modulation. Moreover, spasticity seems particularly to increase coactivation in the muscle antagonistic to the spastic one, possibly in order to increase stability.  相似文献   
We report on three unrelated mentally disabled patients, each carrying a de novo balanced translocation that truncates the autism susceptibility candidate 2 (AUTS2) gene at 7q11.2. One of our patients shows relatively mild mental retardation; the other two display more profound disorders. One patient is also physically disabled, exhibiting urogenital and limb malformations in addition to severe mental retardation. The function of AUTS2 is presently unknown, but it has been shown to be disrupted in monozygotic twins with autism and mental retardation, both carrying a translocation t(7;20)(q11.2;p11.2) (de la Barra et al. in Rev Chil Pediatr 57:549–554, 1986; Sultana et al. in Genomics 80:129–134, 2002). Given the overlap of this autism/mental retardation (MR) phenotype and the MR-associated disorders in our patients, together with the fact that mapping of the additional autosomal breakpoints involved did not disclose obvious candidate disease genes, we ascertain with this study that AUTS2 mutations are clearly linked to autosomal dominant mental retardation.  相似文献   
We present a novel approach for comparing 16S rRNA gene clone libraries that is independent of both DNA sequence alignment and definition of bacterial phylogroups. These steps are the major bottlenecks in current microbial comparative analyses. We used direct comparisons of taxon density distributions in an absolute evolutionary coordinate space. The coordinate space was generated by using alignment-independent bilinear multivariate modeling. Statistical analyses for clone library comparisons were based on multivariate analysis of variance, partial least-squares regression, and permutations. Clone libraries from both adult and infant gastrointestinal tract microbial communities were used as biological models. We reanalyzed a library consisting of 11,831 clones covering complete colons from three healthy adults in addition to a smaller 390-clone library from infant feces. We show that it is possible to extract detailed information about microbial community structures using our alignment-independent method. Our density distribution analysis is also very efficient with respect to computer operation time, meeting the future requirements of large-scale screenings to understand the diversity and dynamics of microbial communities.  相似文献   
Large Pseudomonas phages isolated from barley rhizosphere   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract: Five bacteriophages infecting common fluorescent pseudomonads ( Pseudomonas fluorescens and Pseudomonas putida ) were isolated from barley rhizosphere soil. Morphological and molecular characteristics of the phages are described together with selected phage-host interactions. All phages belonged to the Myoviridae family with isometrical heads on contractile tails; 4 of them were unusually large and had complex protein and DNA profiles. The large phages had estimated genome sizes of 200 kb or more. Restriction enzyme analyses and DNA-DNA hybridizations showed that all isolates represented different phage species. None of the isolates were observed to establish lysogeny with the main host strain, P. putida MM1. The large phages multiplied slowly on their hosts, producing very small plaques; one-step growth experiments with one of the large phages (Psp 4) hence demonstrated a long latent period (2.5 h) and a very small burst size (10 particles). One of the large phages (Psp 3) was abundant in the rhizosphere (approx. 104 pfu g−1 soil) and had a particularly broad host range which extended to both fluorescent ( Pseudomonas aeruginosa, P. fluorescens, P. putida and Pseudomonas chlororaphis ) and non-fluorescent (Pseudomonas stutzeri) Pseudomonas spp. occurring in soil. The ecological importance of the large Pseudomonas phages must be further studied, but their slow multiplication rates suggested a possible mechanism of balanced phage-host co-existence in the rhizosphere.  相似文献   
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