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The effectiveness and acceptability of Alfaprostol (an analog of PGF2 alpha) in inducing labor were assessed in 20 pregnant women at term. All subjects had no spontaneous uterine activity before treatment and the mean (M +/- SE) Bishop score was 2.45 +/- 0.21. The drug was administered by vaginal route at the dose of 10 mg every 3 hours. Regular uterine contractions appeared in all patients and delivery occurred in 85% of the patients after a mean time of 9h50min +/- 0h55min following the start of treatment. The mean dose of Alfaprostol utilized to achieve delivery was 29.4 +/- 2.0 mg. No major side effects were noted in the mothers and their fetuses at any time during treatment. Two patients exhibited vomiting. The Apgar score of all newborns at birth was 8 or more. These results suggest the usefulness of Alfaprostol to induce labor in pregnant women at term, as it has oxytocic activity without adverse effects on either the mother or the fetus.  相似文献   
Cells of the cyanobacterium Synechococcus 6301 were grown in yellow light absorbed primarily by the phycobilisome (PBS) light-harvesting antenna of photosystem II (PS II), and in red light absorbed primarily by chlorophyll and, therefore, by photosystem I (PS I). Chromatic acclimation of the cells produced a higher phycocyanin/chlorophyll ratio and higher PBS-PS II/PS I ratio in cells grown under PS I-light. State 1-state 2 transitions were demonstrated as changes in the yield of chlorophyll fluorescence in both cell types. The amplitude of state transitions was substantially lower in the PS II-light grown cells, suggesting a specific attenuation of fluorescence yield by a superimposed non-photochemical quenching of excitation. 77 K fluorescence emission spectra of each cell type in state 1 and in state 2 suggested that state transitions regulate excitation energy transfer from the phycobilisome antenna to the reaction centre of PS II and are distinct from photosystem stoichiometry adjustments. The kinetics of photosystem stoichiometry adjustment and the kinetics of the appearance of the non-photochemical quenching process were measured upon switching PS I-light grown cells to PS II-light, and vice versa. Photosystem stoichiometry adjustment was complete within about 48 h, while the non-photochemical quenching occurred within about 25 h. It is proposed that there are at least three distinct phenomena exerting specific effects on the rate of light absorption and light utilization by the two photoreactions: state transitions; photosystem stoichiometry adjustment; and non-photochemical excitation quenching. The relationship between these three distinct processes is discussed.Abbreviations Chl chlorophyll - DCMU 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea - F relative fluorescence intensity at emission wavelength nm - F o fluorescence intensity when all PS II traps are open - light 1 light absorbed preferentially by PS I - light 2 light absorbed preferentially by PS II - PBS phycobilisome - PS photosystem  相似文献   
The photochemical apparatus organization in the thylakoid membraneof the diatom Cylindrotheca fusiformis was investigated in cellsgrown under high and low irradiance. High light (HL, 200µE.m–2.s–1)grown cells displayed a relatively low fucoxanthin to chlorophyll(Chl) ratio, a low photosystem (PS) stoichiometry (PSII/PS I=1.3/1.0)and a smaller photosynthetic unit size in both PS I and PS II.Low light (LL, 30µE.m–2.s–1) grown cells displayeda 30% elevated fucoxanthin content, elevated PS II/PS I=3.9/1.0and larger photosynthetic unit size for PS II (a change of about100%) and for PS I (by about 30%). In agreement, SDS polyacrylamidegel electrophoresis of thylakoid membrane polypeptides showedgreater abundance of PS I, RuBP carboxylase and ATP synthasepolypeptides in HL cells. In contrast, LL grown cells exhibitedgreater abundance of light-harvesting complex polypeptides.Assuming an efficiency of red (670 nm) light utilization of1.0, the measured efficiency of blue (481 nm) light utilizationwas 0.64 (HL cells) and 0.72 (LL cells). The lower efficiencyof blue versus red light utilization is attributed to the quenchingof absorbed energy by non-fucoxanthin carotenoids. Differencesin the efficiency of blue light utilization between HL and LLgrown cells are attributed to the variable content of fucoxanthin.The results support the hypothesis of a variable Chl a-Chl c-fucoxanthinlight-harvesting antenna associated with PS II and PS I in Cylindrotheca. (Received February 10, 1988; Accepted April 6, 1988)  相似文献   
We propose a nomenclature for the genes encoding the chlorophylla/b-binding proteins of the light-harvesting complexes of photosystem I and II. The genes encoding LHC I and LHC II polypeptides are namedLhca1 throughLhca4 andLhcb1 throughLhcb6, respectively. The proposal follows the general format recommended by the Commision on Plant Gene Nomenclature. We also present a table for the conversion of old gene names to the new nomenclature.  相似文献   
Cyanobacterial Acclimation to Photosystem I or Photosystem II Light   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
The organization and function of the photochemical apparatus of Synechococcus 6301 was investigated in cells grown under yellow and red light regimes. Broadband yellow illumination is absorbed preferentially by the phycobilisome (PBS) whereas red light is absorbed primarily by the chlorophyll (Chl) pigment beds. Since PBSs are associated exclusively with photosystem II (PSII) and most of the Chl with photosystem I (PSI), it follows that yellow and red light regimes will create an imbalance of light absorption by the two photosystems. The cause and effect relationship between light quality and photosystem stoichiometry in Synechococcus was investigated. Cells grown under red light compensated for the excitation imbalance by synthesis/assembly of more PBS-PSII complexes resulting in high PSII/PSI = 0.71 and high bilin/Chl = 1.30. The adjustment of the photosystem stoichiometry in red light-grown cells was necessary and sufficient to establish an overall balanced absorption of red light by PSII and PSI. Cells grown under yellow light compensated for this excitation imbalance by assembly of more PSI complexes, resulting in low PSII/PSI = 0.27 and low bilin/Chl = 0.42. This adjustment of the photosystem stoichiometry in yellow light-grown cells was necessary but not quite sufficient to balance the absorption of yellow light by the PBS and the Chl pigment beds. A novel excitation quenching process was identified in yellow light-grown cells which dissipated approximately 40% of the PBS excitation, thus preventing over-excitation of PSII under yellow light conditions. It is hypothesized that State transitions in O2 evolving photosynthetic organisms may serve as the signal for change in the stoichiometry of photochemical complexes in response to light quality conditions.  相似文献   
The reactivity of a monoclonal antibody, ER-TR9, that demonstrates heterogeneity among mononuclear phagocytes is described. In the spleen, ER-TR9 exclusively reacts with a population of macrophages located in the marginal zone. ER-TR9 does not react with macrophage antigen 1-positive red pulp macrophages or any other types of splenic stromal cells. ER-TR9+ ve cells localize in anatomical proximity of a subpopulation of B cells, i.e., B cells that are immunoglobulin M positive and weakly positive to negative for immunoglobulin D. The possible significance of this particular interaction between both cell types during the immune response is discussed.  相似文献   
Summary Osmotic nephrosis was induced in mice by intraperitoneal injections of a solution of sucrose or glucose. In most of the animals, the pale cells of the initial segment of the collecting tubules contain extremely peculiar dense granules. These inclusions contain lamellar systems of which the appearance closely resembles that of lecithine-cholesterol dispersions, as observed with an electron microscope after negative staining. These inclusions, which are probably related with the resorbtive function of the pale cells, are considered as residual bodies, and classified as belonging to the lysosome family.
Zusammenfassung Osmotische Nephrosen wurden durch intraperitoneale Injektionen von Saccharose bzw. Glukose erzeugt. Bei den meisten der untersuchten weißen Mäuse findet man in den hellen Zellen der Pars proximalis der Sammelrose dunkle Einschlüsse von besonderem Aussehen. Diese Einschlüsse enthalten eine lamellenartige Innenstruktur, welche an Dispersionen von Lecithin oder Lecithin-Cholesterin in elektronenoptischen Aufnahmen nach negative staining erinnern. Diese Einschlüsse der Sammelrohrzellen stehen wahrscheinlich zu der Funktion der Reabsorption in Beziehung; sie gehören nach unserer Auffassung mit den Residualkörpern (residual body) zur Gruppe der Lysosomen.

Ce travail a partiellement bènèficiè de l'aide du Fonds National Suisse de la Recherche Scientifique et de la contribution du «Consiglio Nazionale délie Ricerche», Italie.  相似文献   
Photoinhibition in the green alga Dunaliella salina is accompanied by the formation of inactive Photosystem II reaction centers. In SDS-PAGE analysis, the latter appear as 160 kD complexes. These complexes are structurally stable, enough to withstand re-electrophoresis of excised gel slices from the 160 kD region. Western blot analyses with specific polyclonal antibodies raised against the D1 or D2 reaction center proteins provided evidence for the presence of both of these polypeptides in the re-electrophoresed 160 kD complex. Incubation of excised gel slices from the 160 kD region, under aerobic conditions at 4°C for a prolonged period of time, caused a break-up of the 160 kD complex into a 52 kD D1-containing and 80 and 26 kD D2-containing pieces. Western blot analysis with polyclonal antibodies raised against the apoproteins of CPI (reaction center proteins of PS I) did not show cross-reaction either with the 160 kD complex or with the 52, 80 and 26 kD pieces. The results show the presence of both D1 and D2 in the 160 kD complex and strengthen the notion of a higher molecular weight D1- and D2-containing complex that forms upon disassembly of photodamaged PS II units.Abbreviations Chl chlorophyll - PS II Photosystem II - D1 the 32 kD reaction center protein of PS II, encoded by the chloroplast psbA gene - D2 the 34 kD reaction center protein of PS II, encoded by the chloroplast psbD gene - CPI the 82 and 83 kD reaction center proteins of PS I, encoded by the chloroplast psaA and psaB genes - HL high light - LL low light This publication is dedicated to the memory of the late Professor Daniel Arnon, whom the first author will fondly remember for his many accounts of past scientific discovery and debate.  相似文献   
A differential pulse polarographic assay for plasma vitamin K3 (menadione) has been developed. Details of the assay are (i) lipid-soluble material is extracted from plasma into ether by the method of Bjornsson et al. [(1978) Thromb. Haemostas.2, 466–473]; (ii) ether is evaporated under nitrogen and the residue is dissolved in the supporting electrolyte, methanol: 0.2 m borate buffer (9:1), pH 6.8; (iii) current height is measured at ?0.32 V vs SCE on the differential pulse polarogram. The lower sensitivity limit of this technique after addition of standard vitamin K3 to plasma is 0.3 μm; the calibration curve is linear from 0.6 through 10 μm. Two patients treated with a single dose of menadiol sodium diphosphate, 20 mg/M2 i.m., achieved measurable plasma vitamin K3 levels at 0.5 to 1.0 h ranging between 0.5 (0.08 μg/ml) and 2 μm (0.3 μg/ml).  相似文献   
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