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Virology, genetics and immunology of murine lymphomagenesis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Two class I MHC mutant mouse strains, bm14 and bm13, differ from the strain of origin B6 in one and three amino acids in the alpha 1 and alpha 2 domains of the H-2Db molecule, respectively. These alterations result in specific failure to generate a CTL (Tc) response to the male-specific Ag H-Y. Immunization and/or restimulation in vitro with syngeneic male dendritic cells (DC), expressing very high levels of class I MHC molecules, restored the H-Y-specific Tc response of bm14 but not of bm13 mice. Serologically Db determinants were lost in normal spleen cells of both mutants, because FACS analysis showed a decreased binding of Db domain-specific mAb. Although bm13 DC show a higher fluorescence than bm13 normal spleen cells it is still strongly reduced (30 to 50%) in comparison with B6 DC. Surprisingly, bm14 DC show an equally very strong binding compared with B6 DC with these mAb. The quantitative expression of class I molecules on APC thus appears to be a major determinant in the regulation of Tc responses. In addition, immunization with DC markedly influenced the target cell specificity of the ensuing Tc response. The combined data clearly demonstrate that besides the highly efficient class II-restricted presentation of Ag to Th, shown previously, DC are also superior in the presentation of Ag in the context of class I molecules to Tc. bm14 DC are capable of directly activating H-Y-specific Lyt-2+ Tc memory cells without the need for L3T4+ Th. These biologic effects of DC can at least in part be explained by their very high class I MHC expression. Moreover, these results reiterate that class I MHC Db mutants and different APC can be used to study the contribution of specific class I domains to Tc recognition and restriction specificity.  相似文献   
MHC class I molecules devoid of peptide are expressed on the cell surface of the mouse mutant lymphoma cell line RMA-S upon culture at reduced temperature. Empty class I molecules are thermolabile at the cell surface and in detergent lysates, but can be stabilized by the addition of presentable peptide; peptide binding appears to be a rapid process. Furthermore, class I molecules on the surface of RMA-S (H-2b haplotype) cells cultured at 26 degrees C can efficiently and specifically bind iodinated peptide presented by H-2Kb. Binding of iodinated peptide is also observed at a lower level for nonmutant cells (RMA) cultured at 26 degrees C. These experiments underscore the role for peptide in maintenance of the structure of class I molecules and, more importantly, provide two assay systems to study the interactions of peptides with MHC class I molecules independent of the availability of T cells that recognize a particular peptide-MHC class I complex.  相似文献   
The efficiency of dendritic cells (DC) as immunotherapeutic vaccines critically depends on optimal delivery of target Ags. Although DC modified by subgroup C type 5 recombinant adenoviruses (rAd5) provide encouraging results, their clinical application is hampered by the need for high viral titers to achieve sufficient gene transfer, due to the lack of the Ad5 fiber receptor. We now demonstrate that rAd5 carrying subgroup B Ad fibers are up to 100-fold more potent than classical rAd5 for gene transfer and expression in human DC, rAd5 with a type 35 fiber (rAd5F35) being the most efficient vector. This improvement relates to a greater and faster virus entry and to an increased transgene expression especially following DC maturation. Furthermore, these new vectors possess enhanced synergistic effects with other activation signals to trigger DC maturation. Consequently, rAd5F35-infected DC engineered to express the gp100 melanoma-associated Ag largely exceed rAd5-infected DC in activating gp100-specific CTL. Finally, the DC infection pattern of rAd5F35 is fully conserved when DC are in the vicinity of primary skin-derived fibroblasts, suggesting this vector as a candidate for in vivo targeting of DC. Thus, subgroup B fiber-modified rAd5 constitute a major breakthrough in the exploitation of ex vivo rAd-targeted DC as clinically relevant vaccines and may also be suitable for in vivo genetic modification of DC.  相似文献   
Schistosomiasis vector snails are subjected to extreme seasonal changes, particularly in ephemeral rivers and lentic waterbodies. In the tropics, aestivation is one of the adaptive strategies for survival and is used by snails in times of extremely high temperatures and desiccation. Aestivation therefore plays an important role in maintaining the transmission of schistosomiasis. This review assesses the possible impacts of climate change on the temporal and spatial distribution of schistosomiasis-transmitting snails with special emphasis on aestivation, and discusses the effect of schistosome infection on aestivation ability. The impacts of parasite development on snails, as well as physiological changes, are discussed with reference to schistosomiasis transmission. This review shows that schistosome-infected snails have lower survival rates during aestivation, and that those that survive manage to get rid of the infection. In general, snail aestivation ability is poor and survival chances diminish with time. Longer dry periods result in fewer, as well as uninfected, snails. However, the ability of the surviving snails to repopulate the habitats is high.  相似文献   
Despite the accepted role for CD4+ T cells in immune control, little is known about the development of Ag-specific CD4+ T cell immunity upon primary infection. Here we use MHC class II tetramer technology to directly visualize the Ag-specific CD4+ T cell response upon infection of mice with Moloney murine sarcoma and leukemia virus complex (MoMSV). Significant numbers of Ag-specific CD4+ T cells are detected both in lymphoid organs and in retrovirus-induced lesions early during infection, and they express the 1B11-reactive activation-induced isoform of CD43 that was recently shown to define effector CD8+ T cell populations. Comparison of the kinetics of the MoMSV-specific CD4+ and CD8+ T cell responses reveals a pronounced shift toward CD8+ T cell immunity at the site of MoMSV infection during progression of the immune response. Consistent with an important early role of Ag-specific CD4+ T cell immunity during MoMSV infection, CD4+ T cells contribute to the generation of virus-specific CD8+ T cell immunity within the lymphoid organs and are required to promote an inflammatory environment within the virus-infected tissue.  相似文献   
Peptide-based vaccines aimed at the induction of effective T cell responses against established cancers have so far only met with limited clinical success and clearly need to be improved. In a preclinical model of human papillomavirus (HPV)16-induced cervical cancer we show that prime-boost vaccinations with the HPV16-derived 35 amino-acid long peptide E7(43-77), containing both a CTL epitope and a Th epitope, resulted in the induction of far more robust E7-specific CD8(+) T cell responses than vaccinations with the minimal CTL epitope only. We demonstrate that two distinct mechanisms are responsible for this effect. First, vaccinations with the long peptide lead to the generation of E7-specific CD4(+) Th cells. The level of the induced E7-specific CD8(+) T cell response proved to be dependent on the interactions of these Th cells with professional APC. Second, we demonstrate that vaccination with the long peptide and dendritic cell-activating agents resulted in a superior induction of E7-specific CD8(+) T cells, even when T cell help was excluded. This suggests that, due to its size, the long peptide was preferably endocytosed, processed, and presented by professional APCs. Moreover, the efficacy of this superior HPV-specific T cell induction was demonstrated in therapeutic prime-boost vaccinations in which the long peptide admixed with the dendritic cell-activating adjuvant oligodeoxynucleotide-CpG resulted in the eradication of large, established HPV16-expressing tumors. Because the vaccine types used in this study are easy to prepare under good manufacturing practice conditions and are safe to administer to humans, these data provide important information for future clinical trials.  相似文献   
We studied the relative importance of class I and class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC) immunoregulation in the control of T- and B-cell lymphomas induced by murine leukemia virus. Previously, we have described a mink cell focus-inducing (MCF) murine leukemia virus, MCF 1233, which induces not only lymphoblastic T-cell lymphomas but also follicle center cell or lymphoblastic B-cell lymphomas. We now report that the outcome of neonatal infection with MCF 1233 in H-2-congenic C57BL/10 and C57BL/6 mice is decisively influenced by the H-2 I-A locus. A total of 64% of H-2 I-Ak, d mice [B10.BR, B10.D2, B10.A(2R), B10.A(4R), and B10.MBR] developed T-cell lymphomas after MCF 1233 infection (mean latency, 37 weeks). In contrast, H-2 I-Ab [B10, B10.A(5R), B6], H-2 I-Ab/k [(B10.A x B10)F1 and (B10 x B10.A)F1], and H-2 I-Abm12 (bm12) mice were resistant against T-cell lymphomagenesis, but 65% of these H-2 I-Ab, b/k, bm12 animals developed B-cell lymphomas (mean latency, 71 weeks). Animals of T-cell lymphoma-susceptible strains that escaped from T-cell lymphomagenesis developed B-cell lymphomas with similar frequency as animals of T-cell lymphoma-resistant strains, but with a shorter latency. H-2 class II-determined regulation of antiviral immunity was reflected in the presence of high titers of antiviral envelope antibodies in T-cell lymphoma-resistant B-cell lymphoma-susceptible H-2 I-Ab, b/k, bm12 mice, whereas in T-cell lymphoma-susceptible H-2 I-Ak,d mice no antiviral antibodies were found. At week 4 after neonatal MCF 1233 infection, a high percentage of thymocytes were virally infected in both T-cell lymphoma-susceptible and -resistant mice. However, T-cell lymphoma-resistant animals cleared the thymic infection between weeks 4 and 10 of age, coinciding with a sharp rise in serum levels of antiviral antibodies. We conclude that the pleiotropic effects of MCF 1233 infection in H-2-congenic mice result from MHC class II I-A-determined T-cell response differences.  相似文献   


The Beijing lineage of Mycobacterium tuberculosis is causing concern due to its global distribution and its involvement in severe outbreaks. Studies focused on this lineage are mainly restricted to geographical settings where its prevalence is high, whereas those in other areas are scarce. In this study, we analyze Beijing isolates in the Mediterranean area, where this lineage is not prevalent and is mainly associated with immigrant cases.  相似文献   
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