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Cells of Chlorella pyrenoidosa, derived from vanadium free agar slants, respond with great sensitivity to microamounts of vanadium, added as NH4VO3 to autotrophic liquid cultures. Between 0.01 and 1 g V per litre nutrient medium (2·10-10-2·10-8g-at/l), the algae respond with a continuous increase in dry weight. At higher V-concentrations, further enhancement in biomass is accompanied by a additional increase in chlorophyll content. Maximum V-effect on both parameters was found to be at 500g V/l (10-5 g-at/l). Dry weight as well as chlorophyll content of Chlorella are decreased by concentrations above 25 mg V/l; 100 mg V/l (2·10-3 g-at/l) stop growth and cause death of the cells. The toxic threshold for the V-content in the algae was determined to be at 150–200 g V/g (3–4·10-6 g-at/g) dry weight.Two different pH-optima for a positive vanadium action on dry weight and chlorophyll biosynthesis were established, the first at pH 7, the other in the range pH 7.5–8. Two sites of vanadium action in green algae are discussed.Part I: Arch. Microbiol. 105, 77–82 (1975)  相似文献   
Claude Meisch 《Hydrobiologia》2007,585(1):181-200
The posterior end of body of the extant ostracods exhibits a pair of variously shaped appendages, commonly designated as furca(e), uropods or caudal rami, used for feeding and/or locomotion. It is here shown that the so-called furca of all extant ostracods has evolved from the (probably epipodal) vibratory plates of a pair of uropods. The transformation comprised the following steps: (a) complete reduction of the uropodal protopodite and endopodite; (b) sclerotisation of the lateral walls of the vibratory plates; (c) transformation of the branchial filaments into spines and/or claws; (d) re-orientation of the plates from posterodorsal to posteroventral. These modifications are suggested to have evolved in parallel with a change in function, from respiratory to locomotory and/or feeding. The most primitive condition, reminiscent of the ancestral state of character, is seen in the Platycopida: the ‘furca’ still appears similar in shape to the vibratory plates of the pair of sixth limbs. In the Podocopida the uropodal plates have been modified into plate-like, more often into rod-shaped rami mainly used for locomotion. In both the Platycopida and Podocopida the anus has remained in its original place, posterior to the ‘furcal’ plates or rami. In the Myodocopida and Halocyprida the uropodal vibratory plates are transformed into heavily developed lamellae bearing sturdy spines. They are activated by a complex apparatus of muscles and sclerites, the development of which necessitated the displacement of the anus from the end of the body towards its present place, anterior to the ‘furca’. The furca of the Ostracoda being not a ‘true’ furca, a change in terminology is proposed: uropodal plates or lamellae in the Platycopida, Palaeocopida and Myodocopida/Halocyprida; uropodal rami in the Podocopida. The so-called furcae of the Ostracoda being homologous structures, it is concluded that all extant ostracods belong to a monophyletic lineage.  相似文献   
There are close to 2,000 subjective species and about 200 genera of Recent non-marine Ostracoda. Together, Cyprididae (1,000 spp.) and Candonidae (c. 550 spp.) represent more than 75% of the extant specific diversity; the remaining 11 families comprise the other 25% of the species. The Palaearctic region has the highest absolute non-marine ostracod diversity, followed by the Afrotropical. The Australian region has the highest relative endemicity. About 90% of the species and 60% of the genera occur in one zoogeographical region only. This means that all the biological mechanisms which lead up to efficient dispersal and which are present in at least part of the non-marine Ostracoda (e.g. brooding, drought-resistant eggs, parthenogenesis) have not induced common cosmopolitan distributions in ostracods. Several habitats are hotspots for ostracod diversity and endemicity. For example, it appears that the ancient lakes hold up to 25% of the total ostracod diversity. Other speciation-prone habitats are groundwater, temporary pools and Australian salt lakes; in the latter two instances, cladogenesis has often been paralleled by gigantism. The present ostracod diversity results from 9 to 12 separate invasions of the non-marine habitat, starting about 400 Myr ago. Genetic diversity can be very different in different species, mostly, but not always, related to reproductive mode. Guest editors: E. V. Balian, C. Lévêque, H. Segers & K. Martens Freshwater Animal Diversity Assessment  相似文献   
Thermopsis thermophila n. gen. n. sp., a new freshwater ostracod species is described from hot springs in Nevada, U.S.A. The animals were collected within a temperature range of 40–55°C. The new genus belongs to the Ostracoda Podocopida Cypridoidea Cyprididae Cypridopsinae.  相似文献   
The mechanisms regulating the coordinate activation of tens of thousands of replication origins in multicellular organisms remain poorly explored. Recent advances in genomics have provided valuable information about the sites at which DNA replication is initiated and the selection mechanisms of specific sites in both yeast and vertebrates. Studies in yeast have advanced to the point that it is now possible to develop convincing models for origin selection. A general model has emerged, but yeast data have also revealed an unsuspected diversity of strategies for origin positioning. We focus here on the ways in which chromatin structure may affect the formation of pre-replication complexes, a prerequisite for origin activation. We also discuss the need to exercise caution when trying to extrapolate yeast models directly to more complex vertebrate genomes.  相似文献   
The influence of vanadium compounds (vanadate, vanadyl citrate) on photosynthesis in Chlorella fusca and in algal and spinach chloroplasts has been investigated. It was found that: 1. At moderately high concentrations (at least 0.1 mM) both vanadate and vanadyl citrate enhance photosynthetic O2 production in intact C. fusca cells. At lower V concentration (about 2 μM) only vanadate stimulates photosynthesis. The increase is dependent on culture conditions and on light intensity. 2. Up to 1 mM V, neither vanadium compound influences PS II activity, either in intact cells or in algal or spinach chloroplasts. 3. The PS I reaction in algal and spinach chloroplasts is maximally enhanced (3-fold) in presence of vanadium (20 μM). The increase is independent of light intensity. 4. Cr(VI), Mo(VI), and W(VI) (1 mM) stimulate photosynthesis in intact C. fusca cells, but do not influence the photosystems of isolated chloroplasts. Vanadium is suggested to act as a redox catalyst in the electron transport from PS II to PS I.  相似文献   
Vanadium, although essential for growth and chlorophyll formation in unicellular green algae, reveals toxic influences on cell division of Chlorella pyrenoidosa, these disturbances arising in the same range of V-concentrations as the known positive effects of the trace metal. In permanent light, as documented by cell volume statistics, vanadium (4-10(-7) g-at/1 as NH4VO3) causes a significant shift of the distribution maxima to higher values of the algal cell volume, the shift having its optimum at 10(-5) g-at V/1. It is documented in pH-constant liquid culture that this effect is not due to a change of pH in the nutrient medium. Under synchronous conditions of algal cultivation (16:8h), vanadium causes a total arrest of cell division after 3 periods; this stop lasts for the next 3 cycles. Afterwards, asynchronous divisions newly occur and lead to generally larger autospores. Staining of algal cell nuclei revealed an inhibitory V-effect on nuclear division, yielding giant nuclei with multiple sets of chromosomes, and thereby limiting cell division. Under these conditions, Chlorella pyrenoidosa is not synchronizable in presence of vanadium.  相似文献   
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