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The nitrosyl derivatives of Annelidae Glossoscolex paulistus hemoglobin (an earth worm erythrocruorin (Ec AGp)) and Aplysia brasiliana myoglobin (Mb Apb) are studied using ESR spectroscopy. These two proteins have a quite similar ESR spectra at 100 K, but a different temperature behaviour. The temperature dependence of the nitrosyl Mb Apb spectrum is in good agreement with the Boltzmann distribution. In the case of nitrosyl-Ec AGp, the results are explained by the existence of two types of spectrum in thermodynamic equilibrium, with delta H = 9.08 kJ/mol, delta S = 47.15 J/mol and T1/2 = 193 K. There is a great similarity of the nitrosyl-Ec AGp spectra with those reported for elephant myoglobin, suggesting the presence of the same heme environment with a glutamine residue in the distal site. The pH dependence of the spectrum of nitrosyl-Mb Apb shows that the affinity of nitrosyl binding is higher at high pH (7.3) than at low pH (4.6). The ESR parameters are the same for these two pH values.  相似文献   
Cytoskeletal components were visualized in epimastigote forms of Trypanosoma cruzi by double immunofluorescence microscopy using monospecific antibodies against tubulin and against actin. Intense staining of the flagellum and the edges of the cell body was observed when the cells were stained with anti-tubulin, reflecting the presence of the basal bodies, the flagellar axoneme and the subpellicular microtubules. A less intense staining was seen in the cell body of epimastigotes stained with anti-actin. However, an intense staining was observed with this antibody in the flagellum, in a pattern similar to that observed with anti-tubulin. It is suggested that the paraxial structure, which is formed by a complex array of 6-nm-thick microfilaments is composed, at least in part, of actin.  相似文献   
Summary The analysis of hemoglobins from two anurans, one semi-aquatic (Leptodactylus labyrinthicus) and the other aquatic (Pipa carvalhoi), showed several components isolated by CM-cellulose chromatography. The two major components (Hb II and Hb III) ofL. labyrinthicus and the major components (Hb III and Hb IV) ofP. carvalhoi possess functional properties as follows: i.P. carvalnoi Hb III and Hb IV andL. labyrinthicus Hb II had very small Bohr effects (–0.05) and a substantial heterotropic effect with polyphosphates. ii.L. labyrinthicus Hb III produced a normal Bohr effect of –0.17, with no influence of polyphosphates.The authors wish to dedicate this paperin memoriam of Prof. Eraldo Antonini who contributed much to the knowledge of hemoglobins  相似文献   
Prior to generating transgenic animals for bioreactors, it is important to evaluate the vector constructed to avoid poor protein expression. Mammary epithelial cells cultured in vitro have been proposed as a model to reproduce the biology of the mammary gland. In the present work, three lentiviral vectors were constructed for the human growth hormone (GH), interleukin 2 (IL2), and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor 3 (CSF3) genes driven by the bovine β-casein promoter. The lentiviruses were used to transduce mammary epithelial cells (MAC-T), and the transformed cells were cultured on polystyrene in culture medium with and without prolactin. The gene expression of transgenes was evaluated by PCR using cDNA, and recombinant protein expression was evaluated by Western-blotting using concentrated medium and cellular extracts. The gene expression, of the three introduced genes, was detected in both induced and non induced MAC-T cells. The human GH protein was detected in the concentrated medium, whereas CSF3 was detected in the cellular extract. Apparently, the cellular extract is more appropriate than the concentrated medium to detect recombinant protein, principally because concentrated medium has a high concentration of bovine serum albumin. The results suggest that MAC-T cells may be a good system to evaluate vector construction targeting recombinant protein expression in milk.  相似文献   
Mouriri morleyii R. Goldenb. & Meirelles sp. nov. can be distinguished from the other species in the genus by its large stomatal crypts (the largest ones in the genus), columnar sclereids, tetramerous flowers and calyx closed in bud. This new species was collected on an inselberg in the state of Espírito Santo, Brazil.  相似文献   
The genus Kogia, which comprises only two extant species, Kogia sima and Kogia breviceps, represents one of the least known groups of cetaceans in the global ocean. In some coastal regions, however, stranding events of these species have been relatively common over the last decades. Stranding provides the opportunity to investigate the biology of these cetaceans and to explore the epidemiological aspects associated with the mortality of the organisms found on the beach. A number of disturbances (including pelagic fisheries, chemical pollution, boat strikes, and noise pollution) have been confirmed to pose a particular threat to the Kogia species. However, no study has yet investigated potential relationships between environmental conditions and stranding events. Here we analyse how a collection of environmental, physical, and biological variables, such as wind, sea surface temperature (SST), water depth, and chlorophyll-a, correlate to Kogia stranding events along the Brazilian coast. The results of our statistical analyses suggest that K. sima is more likely found in warm tropical waters, which provide an explanation for the high frequency of stranding in northeastern Brazilian coast. In contrast, K. breviceps appears to have a preference for temperate and productive waters. Wind speed results to be also an important factor for predicting Kogia strandings in Brazilian coast. Additionally, literature information in combination with our own data and analyses of stomach contents confirms that oceanic cephalopods constitute the primary nutritional source of both Kogia species. By using the available information as a qualitative proxy for habitat preference and feeding ecology, our study provides a novel and comprehensive assessment of Kogia stranding data in relation to environmental conditions along the Brazilian coast.  相似文献   
Movement of livestock production within a country or region has implications for genetics, adaptation, well-being, nutrition, and production logistics, particularly in continental-sized countries, such as Brazil. Cattle production in Brazil from 1977 to 2011 was spatialized, and the annual midpoint of production was calculated. Changes in the relative production and acceleration of production were calculated and spatialized using ARCGIS®. Cluster and canonical discriminant analyses were performed to further highlight differences between regions in terms of cattle production. The mean production point has moved from the Center of Minas Gerais State (in the southeast region) to the North of Goiás State (in the Midwest region). This reflects changes in environmental factors, such as pasture type, temperature and humidity. Acceleration in production in the northern region of Brazil has remained strong over the years. More recently, “traditional” cattle-rearing regions, such as the south and southeast, showed a reduction in growth rates as well as a reduction in herd size or internal migration over the period studied. These maps showed that this movement tends to be gradual, with few regions showing high acceleration or deceleration rates.  相似文献   
Rhodoliths are free-living coralline algae (Rhodophyta, Corallinales) that are ecologically important for the functioning of marine environments. They form extensive beds distributed worldwide, providing a habitat and nursery for benthic organisms and space for fisheries, and are an important source of calcium carbonate. The Abrolhos Bank, off eastern Brazil, harbors the world''s largest continuous rhodolith bed (of ∼21 000 km2) and has one of the largest marine CaCO3 deposits (producing 25 megatons of CaCO3 per year). Nevertheless, there is a lack of information about the microbial diversity, photosynthetic potential and ecological interactions within the rhodolith holobiont. Herein, we performed an ecophysiologic and metagenomic analysis of the Abrolhos rhodoliths to understand their microbial composition and functional components. Rhodoliths contained a specific microbiome that displayed a significant enrichment in aerobic ammonia-oxidizing betaproteobacteria and dissimilative sulfate-reducing deltaproteobacteria. We also observed a significant contribution of bacterial guilds (that is, photolithoautotrophs, anaerobic heterotrophs, sulfide oxidizers, anoxygenic phototrophs and methanogens) in the rhodolith metagenome, suggested to have important roles in biomineralization. The increased hits in aromatic compounds, fatty acid and secondary metabolism subsystems hint at an important chemically mediated interaction in which a functional job partition among eukaryal, archaeal and bacterial groups allows the rhodolith holobiont to thrive in the global ocean. High rates of photosynthesis were measured for Abrolhos rhodoliths (52.16 μmol carbon m−2 s−1), allowing the entire Abrolhos rhodolith bed to produce 5.65 × 105 tons C per day. This estimate illustrates the great importance of the Abrolhos rhodolith beds for dissolved carbon production in the South Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   
The biotechnology for in vitro embryo production is becoming increasingly popular, being applied to humans and domestic animals. Embryo development can be achieved with either 20% or 5% oxygen tension. The extracellular vesicles (EVs) are secreted by different cell types and carry bioactive materials. Our objective was to determine the secretion pattern and micro RNA (miRNA) contents of EVs released in the bovine embryo culture environment—embryo and cumulus cell monolayer—on Days 3 and 7 of in vitro culture under two different oxygen tensions: High (20%) and low (5%). The EVs were isolated from the medium and analyzed to determine size, concentration, and miRNA levels. EVs concentration in low oxygen tension increased on Day 3 and decreased on Day 7. Additionally, altered EV miRNAs derived from the embryo‐cumulus culture medium were predicted to regulate survival and proliferation‐related pathways on Days 3 and 7. Moreover, miR‐210 levels decreased in EVs isolated from the culture medium under high oxygen tension suggesting that this miRNA can be used as a marker for normoxia since it is associated with low oxygen tension. In summary, this study provides knowledge of the oxygen tension effects on EVs release and content, and potentially, on cell‐to‐cell communication during in vitro bovine embryo production.  相似文献   
The present paper summarizes new approaches regarding the progress done to the understanding of the interaction of Trypanosoma cruzi-cardiomyocytes. Mannose receptors localized at the surface of heart muscle cell are involved in binding and uptake of the parasite. One of the most striking events in the parasite-heart muscle cells interaction is the disruption of the actin cytoskeleton. We have investigated the regulation of the actin mRNA during the cytopathology induced in myocardial cells by the parasite. T. cruzi invasion increases calcium resting levels in cardiomyocytes. We have previously shown that Ca2+ ATPase of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SERCA) is involved in the invasion of T. cruzi in cardiomyocytes. Treating the cells with thapsigargin, a drug that binds to all SERCA ATPases and causes depletion of intracellular calcium stores, we found a 75% inhibition in the T. cruzi-cardiomyocytes invasion.  相似文献   
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