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Neuroprosthetic devices such as a computer cursor can be controlled by the activity of cortical neurons when an appropriate algorithm is used to decode motor intention. Algorithms which have been proposed for this purpose range from the simple population vector algorithm (PVA) and optimal linear estimator (OLE) to various versions of Bayesian decoders. Although Bayesian decoders typically provide the most accurate off-line reconstructions, it is not known which model assumptions in these algorithms are critical for improving decoding performance. Furthermore, it is not necessarily true that improvements (or deficits) in off-line reconstruction will translate into improvements (or deficits) in on-line control, as the subject might compensate for the specifics of the decoder in use at the time. Here we show that by comparing the performance of nine decoders, assumptions about uniformly distributed preferred directions and the way the cursor trajectories are smoothed have the most impact on decoder performance in off-line reconstruction, while assumptions about tuning curve linearity and spike count variance play relatively minor roles. In on-line control, subjects compensate for directional biases caused by non-uniformly distributed preferred directions, leaving cursor smoothing differences as the largest single algorithmic difference driving decoder performance.  相似文献   
Proteomics, the large scale identification and characterization of many or all proteins expressed in a given cell type, has become a major area of biological research. In addition to information on protein sequence, structure and expression levels, knowledge of a protein's subcellular location is essential to a complete understanding of its functions. Currently, subcellular location patterns are routinely determined by visual inspection of fluorescence microscope images. We review here research aimed at creating systems for automated, systematic determination of location. These employ numerical feature extraction from images, feature reduction to identify the most useful features, and various supervised learning (classification) and unsupervised learning (clustering) methods. These methods have been shown to perform significantly better than human interpretation of the same images. When coupled with technologies for tagging large numbers of proteins and high-throughput microscope systems, the computational methods reviewed here enable the new subfield of location proteomics. This subfield will make critical contributions in two related areas. First, it will provide structured, high-resolution information on location to enable Systems Biology efforts to simulate cell behavior from the gene level on up. Second, it will provide tools for Cytomics projects aimed at characterizing the behaviors of all cell types before, during, and after the onset of various diseases.  相似文献   
Osteoclasts are specialized cells that secrete lysosomal acid hydrolases at the site of bone resorption, a process critical for skeletal formation and remodeling. However, the cellular mechanism underlying this secretion and the organization of the endo-lysosomal system of osteoclasts have remained unclear. We report that osteoclasts differentiated in vitro from murine bone marrow macrophages contain two types of lysosomes. The major species is a secretory lysosome containing cathepsin K and tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP), two hydrolases critical for bone resorption. These secretory lysosomes are shown to fuse with the plasma membrane, allowing the regulated release of acid hydrolases at the site of bone resorption. The other type of lysosome contains cathepsin D, but little cathepsin K or TRAP. Osteoclasts from Gnptab(-/-) (gene encoding GlcNAc-1-phosphotransferase α, β-subunits) mice, which lack a functional mannose 6-phosphate (Man-6-P) targeting pathway, show increased secretion of cathepsin K and TRAP and impaired secretory lysosome formation. However, cathepsin D targeting was intact, showing that osteoclasts have a Man-6-P-independent pathway for selected acid hydrolases.  相似文献   
UDP-GlcNAc:lysosomal enzyme GlcNAc-1-phosphotransferase tags newly synthesized lysosomal enzymes with mannose 6-phosphate recognition markers, which are required for their targeting to the endolysosomal system. GNPTAB encodes the α and β subunits of GlcNAc-1-phosphotransferase, and mutations in this gene cause the lysosomal storage disorders mucolipidosis II and III αβ. Prior investigation of missense mutations in GNPTAB uncovered amino acids in the N-terminal region and within the DMAP domain involved in Golgi retention of GlcNAc-1-phosphotransferase and its ability to specifically recognize lysosomal hydrolases, respectively. Here, we undertook a comprehensive analysis of the remaining missense mutations in GNPTAB reported in mucolipidosis II and III αβ patients using cell- and zebrafish-based approaches. We show that the Stealth domain harbors the catalytic site, as some mutations in these regions greatly impaired the activity of the enzyme without affecting its Golgi localization and proteolytic processing. We also demonstrate a role for the Notch repeat 1 in lysosomal hydrolase recognition, as missense mutations in conserved cysteine residues in this domain do not affect the catalytic activity but impair mannose phosphorylation of certain lysosomal hydrolases. Rescue experiments using mRNA bearing Notch repeat 1 mutations in GNPTAB-deficient zebrafish revealed selective effects on hydrolase recognition that differ from the DMAP mutation. Finally, the mutant R587P, located in the spacer between Notch 2 and DMAP, was partially rescued by overexpression of the γ subunit, suggesting a role for this region in γ subunit binding. These studies provide new insight into the functions of the different domains of the α and β subunits.  相似文献   
Golgi inheritance during cell division involves Golgi disassembly but it remains unclear whether the breakdown product is dispersed vesicles, clusters of vesicles or a fused ER/Golgi network. Evidence against the fused ER/Golgi hypothesis was previously obtained from subcellular fractionation studies, but left concerns about the means used to obtain and disrupt mitotic cells. Here, we performed velocity gradient analysis on otherwise untreated cells shaken from plates 9 h after release from an S-phase block. In addition, we used digitonin and freeze/thaw permeabilization as alternatives to mechanical homogenization. Under each of these conditions, approximately 75% of the Golgi was recovered in a population of small vesicles that lacked detectable ER. We also used multilabel fluorescent microscopy with optical sectioning by deconvolution to compare the 3D metaphase staining pattern of endogenous Golgi and ER markers. Although both ER and Golgi staining were primarily diffuse, only the ER was excluded from the mitotic spindle region. Surprisingly, only 2% of the Golgi fluorescence was present as resolvable structures previously characterized as vesicle clusters. These were not present in the ER pattern. Significantly, a portion of the diffuse Golgi fluorescence, presumably representing dispersed 60-nm vesicles, underwent an apparent rapid aggregation with the larger Golgi structures upon treatments that impaired microtubule integrity. Therefore, mitotic Golgi appears to be in a dynamic equilibrium between clustered and free vesicles, and accurate partitioning may be facilitated by microtubule-based motors acting on the clusters to insure random and uniform distribution of the vesicles.  相似文献   
T(1;13)70H/+ male mice were treated with hydroxyurea (HU) and Trenimon (T). This karyotype offers excellent possibilities for estimating number and position of chiasmata and segregation in meiotic anaphase I. By their cell-killing action during spermatogenesis, HU and T produce large gaps in the spermatogenic line. The surviving population between the gaps was analysed at diakinesis--metaphase I and metaphase II. We found by autoradiography a considerable retardation of the development from resting primary spermatocytes (RPS) to metaphase I and II as compared to untreated T70H/+ males. Furthermore we found increased chiasma frequencies in diakinesis--metaphase I (MI) and reduced nondisjunction frequencies at anaphse I as a result of the treatments applied. The latter effect could not be explained by the increased chiasma frequency.  相似文献   
Summary Rabbit antisera, specific for the histones F1, F2a2, F2b, F3 and for protamine were used to monitor a possible transition from protamine towards somatic-type histones during sperm nucleus reactivation, following human sperm fusion with mouse fibroblasts.Mature human sperm nuclei were shown to contain the histones F2a2, F2b, F3 and protamine, but were missing F1 histone by immuno cytochemistry using the indirect fluorescence method. However, a gradual disappearance of protamine from fused sperm nuclei, could be observed during the first 24 h of reactivation. Subsequently, F1 histone could be detected in increasing concentrations in 60% of reactivated sperm nuclei, during the next four days.The shift from protamine towards F1 histone could also be visualized cytochemically via staining with brilliant sulphaflavine, which appears to discriminate between sperm nuclei on the basis of their F1 histone content.  相似文献   
The life history of Arthrocladia villosa f. australis (Kütz.) Hauck isolated from the Mediterranean has been studied in culture. Monoecious microscopic gametophytes form antheridia and oogonia morphologically similar to those of Desmarestia viridis. Fertilization has not been observed and chromosome counts reveal that sporophyte and gametophyte have the same chromosome number (23 to 27). Thus, sexuality seems to be suppressed and replaced by apomeiosis and parthenogenesis. These findings re-interpret the incomplete observations of Sauvageau and confirm placement of Arthrocladia within the order Desmarestiales.  相似文献   
Persistence of leukemic stem cells (LSC) after chemotherapy is thought to be responsible for relapse and prevents the curative treatment of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients. LSC and normal hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) share many characteristics and co-exist in the bone marrow of AML patients. For the development of successful LSC-targeted therapy, enabling eradication of LSC while sparing HSC, the identification of differences between LSC and HSC residing within the AML bone marrow is crucial. For identification of these LSC targets, as well as for AML LSC characterization, discrimination between LSC and HSC within the AML bone marrow is imperative. Here we show that normal CD34+CD38– HSC present in AML bone marrow, identified by their lack of aberrant immunophenotypic and molecular marker expression and low scatter properties, are a distinct sub-population of cells with high ALDH activity (ALDHbright). The ALDHbright compartment contains, besides normal HSC, more differentiated, normal CD34+CD38+ progenitors. Furthermore, we show that in CD34-negative AML, containing solely normal CD34+ cells, LSC are CD34– and ALDHlow. In CD34-positive AML, LSC are also ALDHlow but can be either CD34+ or CD34–. In conclusion, although malignant AML blasts have varying ALDH activity, a common feature of all AML cases is that LSC have lower ALDH activity than the CD34+CD38– HSC that co-exist with these LSC in the AML bone marrow. Our findings form the basis for combined functionally and immunophenotypically based identification and purification of LSC and HSC within the AML bone marrow, aiming at development of highly specific anti-LSC therapy.  相似文献   
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