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Chick embryo fibroblasts produce two forms of hyaluronidase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Cultured chick embryo fibroblasts derived from skin and skeletal muscle exhibit hyaluronidase activity both associated with the cell layer and secreted into the medium. Although both forms of the enzyme have a number of similar characteristics (R.W. Orkin and B.P. Toole, 1980, J. Biol. CHem. 255), they differ in thermal stability at neutral pH and in behavior on ion-exchange chromatography. Both forms of the enzyme are equally stable at acidic pH for long intervals, but the cell-associated hyaluronidase is significantly less stable than the secreted froms at neutral pH and at temperatures more than or equal to 30 degrees C. Neither the presence of proteases nor inhibitors of hyaluronidase appear to be involved in the cell-asspcoated enzyme. Chromatography of the two forms of hyaluronidase on carboxymethyl cellulose reveals that most (60-90 percent) of the secreted form of the enzyme elutes at a lower ionic strength than the cell- associated enzyme. Treatment of the secreted form of hyaluronidase with neuraminidase shifts its elution profile on carboxymethyl cellulose toward that of the cell-associated form, and also decreases its thermal stability at neutral pH. In contrast, treatment of the secreted form of hyaluronidase with alkaline phosphatase has no detectable effect. These data suggest that the secreted hyaluronidase differs from the cellular form in possessing additional sialic acid residues which endow the former with increased stability in the extracellular milieu.  相似文献   
The invasive freshwater snail Tarebia granifera (Lamarck, 1822) was first reported in South Africa in 1999 and it has become widespread across the country, with some evidence to suggest that it reduces benthic macroinvertebrate biodiversity. The current study aimed to identify the primary abiotic drivers behind abundance patterns of T. granifera, by comparing the current abundance of the snail in three different regions, and at three depths, of the highly modified Nseleni River in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Tarebia granifera was well established throughout the Nseleni River system, with an overall preference for shallow waters and seasonal temporal patterns of abundance. Although it is uncertain what the ecological impacts of the snail in this system are, its high abundances suggest that it should be controlled where possible and prevented from invading other systems in the region.  相似文献   
Several laboratories have reported on the apoptotic potentials of human prostate cancer (PC) cell lines in response to crosslinking of Fas (CD95/APO-1) with agonistic anti-Fas antibodies. We have re-evaluated the apoptotic potentials of seven human PC cell lines using the natural Fas ligand (FasL) in place of agonistic antibody. First, PC cell lines were tested in a standard cytotoxicity assay with a transfected cell line that stably expresses human FasL. Next, we developed an adenoviral expression system employing 293 cells that stably express crmA, a poxvirus inhibitor of apoptosis, to analyze the effects of FasL when expressed internally by the PC cell lines. Our data suggest that the apoptotic potentials of these cell lines were greatly underestimated in previous studies utilizing agonistic anti-Fas antibodies. Lastly, adenoviral-mediated expression of FasL prevented growth and induced regression of two human PC cell lines in immunodeficient mice. These preliminary in vivo results suggest a potential use for adenovirus encoding FasL as a gene therapy for PC.  相似文献   
Expression of gp91-phox in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO91) cells is correlated with the presence of a voltage-gated H(+) conductance. As one component of NADPH oxidase in neutrophils, gp91-phox is responsible for catalyzing the production of superoxide (O(2).(2)). Suspensions of CHO91 cells exhibit arachidonate-activatable H(+) fluxes (Henderson, L.M., G. Banting, and J.B. Chappell. 1995. J. Biol. Chem. 270:5909-5916) and we now characterize the electrical properties of the pathway. Voltage-gated currents were recorded from CHO91 cells using the whole-cell configuration of the patch-clamp technique under conditions designed to exclude a contribution from ions other than H(+). As in other voltage-gated proton currents (Byerly, L., R. Meech, and W. Moody. 1984. J. Physiol. 351:199-216; DeCoursey, T.E., and V.V. Cherny. 1993. Biophys. J. 65:1590-1598), a lowered external pH (pH(o)) shifted activation to more positive voltages and caused the tail current reversal potential to shift in the manner predicted by the Nernst equation. The outward currents were also reversibly inhibited by 200 microM zinc. Voltage-gated currents were not present immediately upon perforating the cell membrane, but showed a progressive increase over the first 10-20 min of the recording period. This time course was consistent with a gradual shift in activation to more negative potentials as the pipette solution, pH 6.5, equilibrated with the cell contents (reported by Lucifer yellow included in the patch pipette). Use of the pH-sensitive dye 2'7' bis-(2-carboxyethyl)-5(and 6) carboxyfluorescein (BCECF) suggested that the final intracellular pH (pH(i)) was approximately 6.9, as though pH(i) was largely determined by endogenous cellular regulation. Arachidonate (20 microM) increased the amplitude of the currents by shifting activation to more negative voltages and by increasing the maximally available conductance. Changes in external Cl(-) concentration had no effect on either the time scale or the appearance of the currents. Examination of whole cell currents from cells expressing mutated versions of gp91-phox suggest that: (a) voltage as well as arachidonate sensitivity was retained by cells with only the NH(2)-terminal 230 amino acids, (b) histidine residues at positions 111, 115, and 119 on a putative membrane-spanning helical region of the protein contribute to H(+) permeation, (c) histidine residues at positions 111 and 119 may contribute to voltage gating, (d) the histidine residue at position 115 is functionally important for H(+) selectivity. Mechanisms of H(+) permeation through gp91-phox include the possible protonation/deprotonation of His-115 as it is exposed alternatively to the interior and exterior faces of the cell membrane (see Starace, D.M., E. Stefani, and F. Bezanilla. 1997. Neuron. 19:1319-1327) and the transfer of protons across an "H-X-X-X-H-X-X-X-H" motif lining a conducting pore.  相似文献   
New staining techniques continue to be introduced, and older ones continue to be used and improved. Several factors control specificity, selectivity and visibility of the end product in any procedure using dyes, fluorochromes, inorganic reagents or histochemical reactions applied to sections or similar preparations. Local concentration of the tissue target often determines the intensity of the observed color, as does the fine structure within the object being stained, which may facilitate or impede diffusion of dyes and other reagents. Several contributions to affinity control the specificity of staining. These include electrical forces, which result in accumulation of dye ions in regions of oppositely charged tissue polyions. Weaker short-range attractions (hydrogen bonding, van der Waals forces or hydrophobic bonding, depending on the solvent) hold dyes ions and histochemical end products in contact with their macromolecular substrates. Nonionic forces can also increase visibility of stained sites by causing aggregation of dye molecules. Covalent bonds between dye and tissue result in the strongest binding, such as in methods using Schiff's reagent and possibly also some mordant dyes. The rate at which a reagent gains access to or is removed from targets in a section or other specimen affect what is stained, especially when more then one dye is used, together or sequentially. Rate-controlled staining is greatly influenced by the presence and type of embedding medium, such as a resin, that infiltrates the tissue. The rates of chemical reactions are major determinants of outcome in many histochemical techniques. Selective staining of different organelles within living cells is accomplished mainly with fluorochromes and is controlled by mechanisms different from those that apply to fixed tissues. Quantitative structure-activity relations (QSAR) of such reagents can be derived from such molecular properties as hydrophilic-hydrophobic balance, extent of conjugated bond systems, acid-base properties and ionic charge. The QSAR correlates with staining of endoplasmic reticulum, lysosomes, mitochondria, DNA, or the plasma membranes of living cells.  相似文献   
By incorporating annotation information into the analysis of next-generation sequencing DNA methylation data, we provide an improvement in performance over current testing procedures. Methylation analysis using genome information (MAGI) is applicable for both unreplicated and replicated data, and provides an effective analysis for studies with low sequencing depth. When compared with current tests, the annotation-informed tests provide an increase in statistical power and offer a significance-based interpretation of differential methylation.  相似文献   
Molecular systematists need increased access to nuclear genes. Highly conserved, low copy number protein-encoding nuclear genes have attractive features for phylogenetic inference but have heretofore been applied mostly to very ancient divergences. By virtue of their synonymous substitutions, such genes should contain a wealth of information about lower-level taxonomic relationships as well, with the advantage that amino acid conservatism makes both alignment and primer definition straightforward. We tested this postulate for the elongation factor-1 alpha (EF-1 alpha) gene in the noctuid moth subfamily Heliothinae, which has probably diversified since the middle Tertiary. We sequenced 1,240 bp in 18 taxa representing heliothine groupings strongly supported by previous morphological and allozyme studies. The single most parsimonious gene tree and the neighbor-joining tree for all nucleotides show almost complete concordance with the morphological tree. Homoplasy and pairwise divergence levels are low, transition/transversion ratios are high, and phylogenetic information is spread evenly across gene regions. The EF-1 alpha gene and presumably other highly conserved genes hold much promise for phylogenetics of Tertiary age eukaryote groups.   相似文献   
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