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D. Mckee  D. Ebert 《Oecologia》1996,107(2):189-196
Invertebrate offspring are usually larger in colder environments. To test for possible effects of covariates (e.g. maternal phenotype and feeding conditions) on this pattern, we performed a laboratory experiment to look at the effect of temperature on newborn weight in the planktonic crustacean Daphnia magna. Three tempèratures (12°C, 16°C and 22°C) and two food levels (10,000 cells ml–1 and 150,000 cells ml–1) were used, and offspring were examined from the first five clutches of mothers that had been maintained under the constant experimental conditions for three generations. Preliminary analysis suggested that newborn weight was significantly affected by temperature although patterns in the data were not clear cut. In addition, the covariates mother weight and clutch size were positively and negatively correlated with newborn weight, respectively; and later clutches tended to contain heavier offspring. Therefore, in an effort to control for the effects of the covariates, repeated-measures analysis of covariance was performed using ratio values of newborn weight/mother weight (relative newborn weight) as the dependent variable, clutch size as the covariate and clutch number as the repeated measures term. Now, temperature as a main effect in an ANCOVA model did not significantly influence relative newborn weight. The repeatedmeasure term clutch number also became nonsignificant, indicating that when differences in mother weight due to age were accounted for there were no overall differences in relative newborn weight between clutches from a particular mother. Temperature effects on relative newborn weight were only significant as part of interaction terms with food concentration and with clutch number. Thus there were different weight responses to temperature within food levels, and between clutch numbers within food levels. Under the low-food conditions newborn were heaviest at 16°C, lightest at 12°C and intermediate at 22°C. Conversely, under the high-food condition newborn were lightest at 16°C, heaviest at 12°C and again intermediate at 22°C. However, newborn tended to be heavier under the low food condition, and food concentration was highly significant as a main effect. Mother growth rate showed no significant relationship with newborn weight. It is concluded that direct temperature effects on relative newborn weight are marginal and nonsignificant. Temperature effects through interactions with food concentration and clutch number are important determinants of newborn weight, but relatively speaking account for only a small proportion of observed variance in newborn weight (25%), compared with the direct effect of food concentration (67%).  相似文献   
Many studies indirectly indicate that the conformation ofin vivo duplex DNA is the double helix. The most direct view, from the X-ray analysis of the nucleosome core particle, has also been interpreted in terms of the double helix structure. However, an alternative possibility exists; that the duplex adopts a metastable side-by-side conformation which readily converts to the double helix on removal of protein. Evidence for the existence of this conformation has been obtained from a reanalysis of the electron density map for the nucleosome particle.  相似文献   
A native fungus, Plectosporium tabacinum (van Beyma) M. E. Palm, W. Gams et Nirenberg, has potential as a bioherbicide for the control of both herbicide-resistant and herbicide-susceptible false cleavers. Limited information is available on the infection process of P. tabacinum. P. tabacinum spore distribution pattern, germination, penetration, and colonization on false cleavers leaves were examined using confocal, light, and scanning electron microscopy. The results demonstrated that conidia were distributed over the entire surface of leaves and cotyledons. More than 90% of the conidia germinated on the leaf surface 6-8 h after inoculation. Penetration of the leaf epidermis by conidia started 8-10 h after inoculation. Histological observation showed that no appressoria were formed by P. tabacinum, but its hyphae produced appressed club-like structures that penetrated the cuticle and epidermal layers. No stomata or other natural openings were observed on the upper leaf surface of false cleavers seedlings. Penetration occurs directly on epidermal cells with more frequent intercellular penetrations. Hyphal penetration was visualized at a depth of 30 and 40 üm after 8 and 16 h of incubation, respectively. Secondary hyphae colonized mesophyll cells 16 h after inoculation. Even spore distribution, short spore germination time, club-like infection structure formation, direct penetration, quick colonization, and mucous secretion on false cleavers leaves may contribute to the kill of false cleavers by P. tabacinum. Slow spore germination and germ tube growth, low spore germination numbers, and no infection structure formation on Brassica napus leaves may be factors affecting the host selectivity of P. tabacinum.  相似文献   
The crystal structure of copper (II) complex of 3-arylazo-4-hydroxy-1,2-naphthoquinone is reported. The in vitro antimalarial activity of analogous compounds against Plasmodium falciparum 3D7 strain reveals correlation with metal redox couple, suggesting component of parasitic electron transport chain as a possible target.  相似文献   


Exhaled aerosol patterns, also called aerosol fingerprints, provide clues to the health of the lung and can be used to detect disease-modified airway structures. The key is how to decode the exhaled aerosol fingerprints and retrieve the lung structural information for a non-invasive identification of respiratory diseases.

Objective and Methods

In this study, a CFD-fractal analysis method was developed to quantify exhaled aerosol fingerprints and applied it to one benign and three malign conditions: a tracheal carina tumor, a bronchial tumor, and asthma. Respirations of tracer aerosols of 1 µm at a flow rate of 30 L/min were simulated, with exhaled distributions recorded at the mouth. Large eddy simulations and a Lagrangian tracking approach were used to simulate respiratory airflows and aerosol dynamics. Aerosol morphometric measures such as concentration disparity, spatial distributions, and fractal analysis were applied to distinguish various exhaled aerosol patterns.


Utilizing physiology-based modeling, we demonstrated substantial differences in exhaled aerosol distributions among normal and pathological airways, which were suggestive of the disease location and extent. With fractal analysis, we also demonstrated that exhaled aerosol patterns exhibited fractal behavior in both the entire image and selected regions of interest. Each exhaled aerosol fingerprint exhibited distinct pattern parameters such as spatial probability, fractal dimension, lacunarity, and multifractal spectrum. Furthermore, a correlation of the diseased location and exhaled aerosol spatial distribution was established for asthma.


Aerosol-fingerprint-based breath tests disclose clues about the site and severity of lung diseases and appear to be sensitive enough to be a practical tool for diagnosis and prognosis of respiratory diseases with structural abnormalities.  相似文献   
In order to better understand the antioxidant behavior of a series of polyphenolic 2′-hydroxychalcones, we describe the results of several chemical and biological studies, in vitro and in vivo. Single crystal X-ray methods elucidated their molecular structures and important intermolecular interactions such as H-bonding and molecular stacking in the crystal structures that contribute to our knowledge in explaining antioxidant activity. The results of experiments using the 1,1-diphenyl-2-dipicrylhydrazyl (DPPH) UV–vis spectroscopic method indicate that a hydroxyl group in position 5′ induces the highest antioxidant activity. Consequently, 2,2′,5′-trihydroxychalcone was selected for further study in vitro towards ROS scavenging in L-6 myoblasts and THP-1 human monocytes, where it shows an excellent antioxidant activity in a concentration range lower than that reported by most studies of related molecules. In addition, this chalcone shows a very selective activity: it inhibits the proliferation of leukemic cells, but it does not affect the normal L-6 myoblasts and human fibroblasts. In studying 2,2′,5′-trihydroxychalcone's effect on weight gain and serum glucose and insulin levels in Zucker fatty (fa/fa) rats we found that supplementing the diet with a 10 mg/kg dose of this chalcone (3 times weekly) blunted the increase in glucose that co-occurs with weight gain over the 6-week treatment period. It is concluded that 2,2′,5′-trihydroxychalcone has the potential to serve as a protective agent for some debilitating diseases.  相似文献   
Measurements of the absorptance of photosynthetic pigments inindividual phytoplankton cells were made using an epifluorescencemicroscope equipped with a spectrograph and CCD array detector.Correction for light loss due to scattering was achieved bybleaching the cells with intense light from a mercury arc lamp,and using the bleached cells as a spectrophotometric blank.Absorption efficiency factors were calculated from knowledgeof the geometrical cross-section of the cells obtained fromcalibratedvideo images acquired at the time of measurement. The single-cellefficiency factors were consistent with the average absorptionefficiencies of cell suspensions measured using a spectrophotometerover most of the visible spectrum, but they were significantlylower below 420 nm. Cells of the diatom Cyclotella crypticaand the chlorophyte Chlorella salina showed clear spectral differencesin spectral shape that could be related to taxonomic differencesin pigment content, but absorption efficiency factors of approximately0.4 at 675 nm were found for both species.  相似文献   
A combination of in situ measurements and radiative transfermodelling were used to study optical conditions in the innerbasin of Loch Etive, a Scottish fjord, in March and April 2000.The basin was strongly stratified with three layers separatedby marked pycnoclines. The surface layer averaged 5 m in depthand was heavily stained with coloured dissolved organic matter(CDOM) which reduced the euphotic depth to between 7 and 10m. Approximately 20% of the photosynthetically available radiation(PAR) in the water column was absorbed by phytoplankton, 44%by CDOM and 36% by sea water. Detectable concentrations of themajor inorganic nutrients (nitrate, phosphate and silicate)occurred at all depths, but significant phytoplankton populations(averaging 6 mg chlorophyll a m–3) were found only inthe reduced-salinity surface layer. The freshwater input thereforeacted both as a source of buoyancy which promoted phytoplanktongrowth near the surface and as an attenuator of visible lightwhich inhibited growth deeper in the water column.  相似文献   
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