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Abstract: Intrastriatal injections of the mitochondrial toxins malonate and 3-nitropropionic acid produce selective cell death similar to that seen in transient ischemia and Huntington's disease. The extent of cell death can be attenuated by pharmacological or surgical blockade of cortical glutamatergic input. It is not known, however, if dopamine contributes to toxicity caused by inhibition of mitochondrial function. Exposure of primary striatal cultures to dopamine resulted in dose-dependent death of neurons. Addition of medium supplement containing free radical scavengers and antioxidants decreased neuronal loss. At high concentrations of the amine, cell death was predominantly apoptotic. Methyl malonate was used to inhibit activity of the mitochondrial respiratory chain. Neither methyl malonate (50 µ M ) nor dopamine (2.5 µ M ) caused significant toxicity when added individually to cultures, whereas simultaneous addition of both compounds killed 60% of neurons. Addition of antioxidants and free radical scavengers to the incubation medium prevented this cell death. Dopamine (up to 250 µ M ) did not alter the ATP/ADP ratio after a 6-h incubation. Methyl malonate, at 500 µ M , reduced the ATP/ADP ratio by ∼30% after 6 h; this decrease was not augmented by coincubation with 25 µ M dopamine. Our results suggest that dopamine causes primarily apoptotic death of striatal neurons in culture without damaging cells by an early adverse action on oxidative phosphorylation. However, when combined with minimal inhibition of mitochondrial function, dopamine neurotoxicity is markedly enhanced.  相似文献   
We measured the electrophoretic mobility of multilamellar phospholipid vesicles, the 31P NMR spectra of both sonicated and multilamellar vesicles, and the conductance of planar bilayer membranes to study the binding of spermine and gentamicin to membranes. Spermine and gentamicin do not bind significantly to the zwitterionic lipid phosphatidylcholine. We measured the concentrations of gentamicin and spermine that reverse the charge on vesicles formed from a mixture of phosphatidylcholine and either phosphatidylserine or phosphatidylinositol. From these measurements, we determined that the intrinsic association constants of the cations with these negative lipids are all about 10 M-1. This value is orders of magnitude lower than the apparent binding constants reported in the literature by other groups because the negative electrostatic surface potential of the membranes and the resultant accumulation of these cations in the aqueous diffuse double layer adjacent to the membranes have not been explicitly considered in previous studies. Our main conclusion is that the Gouy-Chapman-Stern theory of the aqueous diffuse double layer can describe surprisingly well the interaction of gentamicin and spermine with bilayer membranes formed in a 0.1 M NaCl solution if the negative phospholipids constitute less than 50% of the membrane. Thus, the theory should be useful for describing the interactions of these cations with the bilayer component of biological membranes, which typically contain less than 50% negative lipids. For example, our results support the suggestion of Sastrasinh et al. [Sastrasinh, M., Krauss, T. C., Weinberg, J. M., & Humes, H. D. (1982) J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 222, 350-358] that phosphatidylinositol is the major binding site for gentamicin in renal brush border membranes.  相似文献   
The olfactory discrimination process of male cabbage loopermoths, Trichoplusa ni (Hübner), was assessed by measuringtheir response to one of two emission sources within a windtunnel. The males discriminated between (1) Z7–12:Ac concentrations;(2) Z7–12:Ac alone and the volatile emission from excisedfemale sex pheromone glands; and (3) Z7–12:Ac and theemission from a mixture of six synthetic pheromone componentsthat mimics the volatile emissions of a female gland. Althoughmales could discriminate between a freshly excised female sexpheromone gland and 7.4x 10–11 M Z7–12:Ac, theycould not discriminate between a gland and 78.5x10–11M Z7–12:Ac. Males also could not discriminate betweenthe mixture of six volatile compounds and 28.7x10–11 Mof Z7–12:Ac. The data show that male cabbage looper mothshave difficulty discriminating between Z7–12:Ac aloneand in mixtures with other female-emitted volatile compounds.  相似文献   
Blindness from conjunctivitis caused by Actinobacillus suis was found in a Canada goose (Branta canadensis) from a wildlife refuge in Kentucky. Lesions were not observed elsewhere and other body organs were grossly normal. Actinobacillus spp. in birds is rare and this is apparently the first report of conjunctivitis resulting from this infection in waterfowl.  相似文献   
Immature sperm from the caput epididymis are immotile and infertile. It is thought that caput epididymal sperm are infertile due to their immotility, as well as to an inability to bind to the zona pellucida, suggesting the absence of a functional receptor for the zona. However, the sperm receptor for the zona pellucida has been identified previously as the enzyme galactosyltransferase (GalTase) (L. C. Lopez et al. (1985) J. Cell Biol. 101, 1501-1510) and is present on the surface of caput as well as cauda epididymal sperm (N. F. Scully et al., (1987) Dev. Biol. 124, 111-124.). In this paper we examine this apparent conflict and show that immotile caput epididymal sperm are able to bind to the zona pellucida if they are first washed free of caput epididymal secretions, which contain factors that inhibit sperm-zona binding. Consistent with this finding are results that show that caput epididymal fluid is capable of inhibiting the binding of mature, cauda epididymal sperm to the zona pellucida. Caput epididymal fluid contains, among many other components, a soluble GalTase and an alpha-lactalbumin-like protein, both of which are capable of inhibiting mouse sperm-zona binding. Thus, caput epididymal sperm have the appropriate receptor, i.e., GalTase, for the zona pellucida, to which they can bind if removed from the inhibitory factors that mask their zona-binding ability.  相似文献   
Studies of 1H NMR selective saturation recovery were performed to determine the imino proton exchange with solvent water of the base pairs in the Eco RI endonuclease recognition sequence GAATTC, placed at the center of self-complementary decamer and dodecamer oligonucleotides. In one oligonucleotide the innermost adenine was replaced by the fluorescent base analogue 2-aminopurine (2AP). From the measurements at different concentrations of TRIS buffer acting as proton exchange catalyst, base pair lifetimes were evaluated. The results at 25 degrees show that the AT base pairs have lifetimes of the order of a few ms, whereas the surrounding GC base pairs in a dodecamer have lifetimes of about 100 ms. The (2AP)T base pair has a shorter lifetime than the corresponding AT base pair. The temperature dependent optical absorption, and for the 2AP containing oligonucleotide fluorescence, were used to study the single strand-duplex equilibrium of the decamers. The results indicate that NMR and the optical techniques, although applied at very different concentrations, monitor the same conformational transition of the oligonucleotide.  相似文献   
Moose, Alces alces, were infested with 21,000 or 42,000 larval Dermacentor albipictus at the end of September. Larvae grew rapidly and molted to the nymphal stage 10-22 days after infestation. The nymphal stage lasted approximately 3 mo until mid-January and was characterized by a diapause. The diapause is likely an adaptation to survival in cold climates. Nymphs started engorging in January and adults were seen with increasing abundance from mid-January to March and April. The minimum parasitic period was 175 days. Growth of larvae and nymphs was similar on moose given different numbers of larvae and was generally similar between a moose infested in November and moose infested earlier. Dimensions and stages of development throughout the parasitic phase are given. Game enforcement officers are encouraged to use these data for determination of season of death of moose.  相似文献   
Zona cutting and zona drilling of the mouse oocyte significantly increased the fertilization rate (3.8-90%) at low sperm concentrations (less than 200,000/ml) compared with zona-intact controls (0-45%). More oocytes were fertilized after zona drilling. Zona cutting was associated with a low loss of oocytes (less than 1%), no increase in polyspermy and normal development in vitro and in vivo after fertilization. There was a 4% oocyte loss rate after zona drilling, mostly due to extrusion of the oocyte from the zona during the procedure. Hatching of blastocysts occurred about 12 h earlier for zona-drilled than for zona-cut and zona-intact control oocytes. Zona drilling was associated with a higher, but not statistically significant, rate of polyspermy at all sperm concentrations tested. The proportion of zygotes developing to the blastocyst stage was not different between the techniques (zona cut, 77%; zona drilled, 66%; control, 71%). Similarly, no difference was found in the percentage of embryos implanting after blastocyst transfer to the uterine horns of pseudopregnant female mice (zona cut, 67%; zona drilled, 68%; control, 77%). Transmission electron microscopy demonstrated the induced defects in the zona with no damage to the oocyte or oolemma. Parthenogenetic activation was not seen after either of the micromanipulative techniques. Both techniques have promise for application to the human.  相似文献   
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