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The functional and physical properties of cellular membranes isolated from Triticum aestivum, cvs Norstar and Fredrick, were altered coincident with changes in composition after a lethal ice-encasement stress and further during a 6 hour post-thaw period. Crowns encased in ice for a duration which inhibited regrowth, exhibited enhanced rates of electrolyte leakage. Furthermore, the recovery of total microsomal protein and phospholipid declined, suggesting that some membrane degradation had been induced during the anoxic stress. The microviscosity of microsomes and liposomes prepared from such membranes increased during stress, and this was correlated with a 2- to 4-fold increase in the free fatty acid levels in the microsomal fraction. There was, however, only a relatively minor change in fatty acid unsaturation during the ice-encasement stress. The process continued during a 6 hour aerobic post-thaw treatment, but the pattern was somewhat different. During this phase, the leakage of electrolytes was further increased and the recovery of microsomal protein and phospholipid continued to decline, indicating general degradation; but, in contrast to the anoxic phase, the degree of fatty acid unsaturation declined markedly, indicating lipid peroxidation.  相似文献   
Summary Phosphinothricin is a non-selective herbicide which inhibits glutamine synthetase (EC activity causing an overaccumulation of ammonia in higher plants. Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L) shoot tissue and petiole-derived callus exposed to phosphinothricin show 50 and 70% reductions, respectively, in glutamine synthetase activity with a concomitant rise of 10 and 20 fold, respectively, in endogenous ammonia. The diffusibility of ammonia may limit the use of a detoxifying gene, phosphinothricin acetyltransferase, as a selectable marker for alfalfa transformation. However, the addition of up to 40 times the standard levels of ammonium nitrate to the culture media used in this study had no effect on callus growth, although glutamine synthetase activity was inhibited by 50% and endogenous ammonia increased 27 fold. Therefore, ammonia accumulation may not be the primary cause of cell death in alfalfa after exposure to phosphinothricin. It follows that diffusion of ammonia from cell to cell would not restrict the selection for phosphinothricin acetyltransferase transformed cells, thereby indicating that this enzyme could be used as a selectable marker in transformation experiments.Abbreviations PPT Phosphinothricin - PAT Phosphinothricin acetyltransferase  相似文献   
Lipid crystallization in senescent membranes from cotyledons   总被引:15,自引:10,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Lipid transition temperatures for rough and smooth microsomal membranes isolated from bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) cotyledon tissue at various stages of germination were determined by wide angle x-ray diffraction. The transition temperatures were established by recording diffraction patterns through a temperature series until a sharp x-ray reflection centered at a Bragg spacing of 4.15 Å and denoting the presence of crystalline lipid was discernible. For rough and smooth microsomes from 2-day-old tissue, the transitions occurred at 0 C and 3 C, respectively, indicating that at this early stage in the germination sequence the membrane lipid is entirely liquid-crystalline at physiological temperature. By the 4th day of germination, the transition temperatures had increased to 32 C for smooth microsomes and 35 C for rough microsomes, indicating that at 29 C, which was the growth temperature, portions of the membrane lipid were crystalline. During the later stages of germination, the transition temperature for smooth microsomes continued to rise through 44 C at day 7 to 56 C at day 9, by which time the cotyledons were extensively senescent and beginning to abscise. There was also a dramatic increase in the proportion of membrane lipid in the crystalline phase at 29 C. By contrast, the rough microsomes showed little change in transition temperature and only a slight increase in the proportion of crystalline lipid during this late period in germination. The data indicate that substantial amounts of the lipid is senescing membranes are crystalline even at physiological temperature. Moreover, there is a temporal correlation between the appearance of this crystallinity and loss of membrane function, suggesting that the two may be causally related.  相似文献   
The phospholipid content of rough and smooth microsomal fractions from cotyledons of germinating bean declines as the tissue becomes senescent. Both types of membrane contain comparable proportions of three major phospholipids, phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylinositol, which collectively comprise about 90% of the total. This proportionality does not change appreciably during senescence. Only small quantities of lysophosphatides were noted at all stages of senescence. The unsaturated:saturated fatty acid ratio for total extracted lipid declined only slightly in both membrane systems, but pronounced differences in this ratio were observed among the major phospholipids of the membranes. The most striking alteration in lipid composition with advancing senescence was an increase in the sterol:phospholipid ratio; this rose by about 50% for rough microsomes and 400% for smooth microsomes. For both types of membrane the patterns of change in this ratio correlated with previously reported changes in bulk lipid transition temperature, suggesting that the increase in sterol level may contribute to changes in phase behaviour of the membranes during senescence. Arrhenius plots of rotational correlation times for the electron spin label 2,2-dimethyl-5-dodecyl-5-methyloxazolidine-N-oxide (2N14) partitioned into the membrane lipid showed an increase in viscosity with advancing senescence and a corresponding increase in activation energy for both types of membrane. These changes in activation energy and viscosity correlated closely with the increase in sterol:phospholipid ratio. However, no phase transitions were detectable between temperatures of 2 and 55 degrees C despite the fact that transitions from a lipid-crystalline to gel state are detectable within this temperature range by wide angle X-ray diffraction.  相似文献   
A novel method for rapid determination of total microbial cell numbers was investigated. The method involves the application of most-probable-number estimation statistics to direct microscopic counting of microbial cells by using a particle sizing graticule. Its accuracy and reliability were tested with computer simulations of bacterial cell distributions encountered in ecological studies. Good estimates of cell numbers were obtained when the cell density varied from 3 to 6,000 cells per field, i.e., over 3 orders of magnitude. Low levels of contagion did not markedly influence cell estimates, although high levels, corresponding to discrete scattered microcolonies, did. However, these could be recognized visually. Estimates of cell numbers in Breed smears confirmed its speed and good correlation with the standard quadrat counting technique under real experimental conditions.  相似文献   
Smooth microsomal membranes were isolated from axes of soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) seeds at the dehydration-tolerant (6 hours of imbibition) and dehydration-susceptible (36 hours of imbibition) stages of development and were exposed to free radicals in vitro using xanthine-xanthine oxidase as a free radical source. Wide angle x-ray diffraction studies indicated that the lipid phase transition temperature of the microsomal membranes from the dehydration-tolerant axes increased from 7 to 14°C after exposure to free radicals, whereas those from the dehydration-susceptible axes increased from 9 to 40°C by the same free radical dose. The increased phase transition temperature was associated with a decrease in the phospholipid:sterol ratio, and an increase in the free fatty acid:phospholipid ratio. There was no significant change in total fatty acid saturation, which indicated that free radical treatment induced deesterification of membrane phospholipid, and not a change in fatty acid saturation. Similar compositional and structural changes have been previously observed in dehydration-injured soybean axes suggesting that dehydration may induce free radical injury to cellular membranes. Further, these membranes differ in their susceptibility to free radical injury, presumably reflecting compositional differences in the membrane since these membranes were exposed to free radicals in the absence of cytosol.  相似文献   
The mechanism of chilling resistance was investigated in 4-week-old plants of the chilling-sensitive cultivated tomato, Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv H722, and rooted cuttings of its chilling-resistant wild relative, L. hirsutum Humb. and Bonpl., which were chilled for 3 days at 2°C with a 14-hour photoperiod and light intensity of 250 micromoles per square meter per second. This chilling stress reduced the chlorophyll fluorescence ratio, stomatal conductance, and dry matter accumulation more in the sensitive L. esculentum than in the resistant L. hirsutum. Photosynthetic CO2 uptake at the end of the chilling treatment was reduced more in the resistant L. hirsutum than in L. esculentum, but recovered at a faster rate when the plants were returned to 25°C. The reduction of the spin trap, Tiron, by isolated thylakoids at 750 micromoles per square meter per second light intensity was taken as a relative indication of the tendency for the thylakoids to produce activated oxygen. Thylakoids isolated from the resistant L. hirsutum with or without chilling treatment were essentially similar, whereas those from chilled leaves of L. esculentum reduced more Tiron than the nonchilled controls. Whole chain photosynthetic electron transport was measured on thylakoids isolated from chilled and control leaves of the two species at a range of assay temperatures from 5 to 25°C. In both species, electron transport of the thylakoids from chilled leaves was lower than the controls when measured at 25°C, and electron transport declined as the assay temperature was reduced. However, the temperature sensitivity of thylakoids from chilled L. esculentum was altered such that at all temperatures below 20°C, the rate of electron transport exceeded the control values. In contrast, the thylakoids from chilled L. hirsutum maintained their temperature sensitivity, and the electron transport rates were proportionately reduced at all temperatures. This sublethal chilling stress caused no significant changes in thylakoid galactolipid, phospholipid, or protein levels in either species. Nonchilled thylakoid membranes from L. hirsutum had fourfold higher levels of the fatty acid 16:1, than those from L. esculentum. Chilling caused retailoring of the acyl chains in L. hirsutum but not in L. esculentum. The chilling resistance of L. hirsutum may be related to an ability to reduce the potential for free radical production by close regulation of electron transport within the chloroplast.  相似文献   
Transgenic alfalfa (Medicago sativa) expressing Mn-superoxide dismutase cDNA tended to have reduced injury from water-deficit stress as determined by chlorophyll fluorescence, electrolyte leakage, and regrowth from crowns. A 3-year field trial indicated that yield and survival of transgenic plants were significantly improved, supporting the hypothesis that tolerance of oxidative stress is important in adaptation to field environments.  相似文献   
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