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Volatile components of field- and glass greenhouse-grown tomatoes(Lycopersicon esculentum MILL., variety, V. R. Moscow) of differentmaturities were studied by gas-liquid and thin-layer chromatography.The following components were separated and identified: isobutylalcohol, isopentyl alcohol, hexyl alcohol, 2-methyl-3-hexanol,isovaleraldehyde, caproaldehyde, benzaldehyde, furfural, isopentylacetate, isopentyl butyrate, isopentyl isovalerate, butyl hexanoate,hexyl hexanoate, methyl salicylate and -pinene. Chromatogramswere consistent for both field- and greenhouse-grown tomatoesat all stages of maturity. Except for isovaleraldehyde and hexylalcohol, the biosynthesis of volatile components increased alongwith the growth of fruit. Isovaleraldehyde and hexyl alcohol,presumed to give the "green leafy" aroma of tomatoes, were foundto be in their highest concentrations at the breaker and thelarge-green stages, respectively. 1This research was supported by a research grant—UI 00449—fromthe National Center for Urban and Industrial Health, U. S. PublicHealth Service.  相似文献   
This paper deals with stochasticm-compartmental systems with continuous time-dependent infusions into all compartments and reversible time-independent flows between any two compartments. A methodology for the first two moments of the distribution of the number of units in the different compartments at any point in time is outlined without resorting to the usual techniques of generating functions and inverse Laplace transforms. A possible application to a systems analysis of the kidney transplant system is discussed.  相似文献   
越南苦苣苔科植物四新记录种   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
报道了4个苦苣苔科(Gesneriaceae)植物在越南的分布新记录,其中1种为半蒴苣苔属(Hemiboea)的红苞半蒴苣苔(H.rubribracteata),2种为报春苣苔属(Primulina Hance)的文采报春苣苔(P.wentsaii)和疏花报春苣苔(P.laxi flora),还有1种为吊石苣苔属(Lysionotus)的桂黔吊石苣苔(L.aesch ynanthoides)。文中列出了每个种的标本引证和地理分布情况。  相似文献   
The cellular role of the DNA polymerase encoded by the Saccharomyces cerevisiae POL4 gene is unclear. We have used an epistasis analysis to investigate whether the proteins encoded by the POL4 and RAD27 genes participate in alternative, non-redundant subpathways of DNA base excision repair (BER). We constructed strains in which the genes were deleted singly or in combination and have examined their sensitivity to DNA damaging agents as well as spontaneous mutation frequency. The double deletion strain is no more sensitive to damaging agents and has no higher spontaneous mutation frequency than the most sensitive single mutant. These data indicate that the protein encoded by the POL4 gene does not participate in a non-redundant subpathway of base excision repair under these conditions. We discuss the implications of these results in light of the recent classification of the POL4 gene product as a member of the DNA polymerase lambda family.  相似文献   
报道了7个楼梯草属和赤车属植物(荨麻科)新纪录,它们分别为锐齿楼梯草(E. cyrtandrifolium),变黄楼梯草(E. xanthophyllum),对叶楼梯草(E. sinense),宽叶楼梯草(E. platyphyllum),托叶楼梯草(E. nasutum),短叶赤车(P. brevifolia)和华南赤车(P. grijsii)。列出了各个物种的标本引证和地理分布情况。  相似文献   
越南铁线莲属一新种   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文描述的产于越南的毛茛科Ranunculaceae铁线莲属Clematis一新种C. hagiangensis N. T. Do是欧亚大陆第一个具单性花的种, 在花构造方面与单性铁线莲组单性铁线莲亚组sect. Aspidanthera Spach subsect. Dioicae (Prantl) W. T. Wang的种类近缘, 但叶均为单叶, 萼片呈卵形或宽卵形而不同。在单性铁线莲亚组的种, 叶通常为复叶, 只在C. dimorphophylla W. T. Wang和C. variifolia W. T. Wang同时为单叶和复叶, 此外萼片呈长圆形、倒披针形或狭卵形。  相似文献   
Males of the oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel), are strongly attracted to methyl eugenol (ME), and recent work demonstrated that ingestion of this chemical enhances male mating success, apparently owing its role as a precursor in the synthesis of the male sex pheromone. The current study expanded upon earlier laboratory and field-cage experiments by assessing whether prerelease exposure to ME increased the mating competitiveness of mass-reared, sterile males in Hawaiian orchards. Releases of sterile males from a pupal color-based sexing strain were made weekly in two fruit orchards over 8 mo, with the sterile males at one site given ME for 24 h before release (treated) and the sterile males at the other site given no ME before release (control). Fruits were collected periodically during the study period, and eggs were dissected and incubated to score hatch rate. At both sites, releases of sterile males increased the proportion of unhatched eggs well above prerelease levels, but the incidence of egg sterility was consistently, and statistically, greater in the orchard receiving ME-exposed males. Computed over the entire release period, the average value of Fried's competitive index (that characterizes the mating success of sterile males relative to their wild counterparts) for ME-treated males was 3.5 times greater than that for control males, although this difference was not statistically significant. However, when computed over the period during which egg sterility values were elevated and stable, presumably when females inseminated before the releases were rare or absent, the competitive indices were significantly higher for ME-treated sterile males. The implications of these results for implementing the Sterile Insect Technique against this species are discussed.  相似文献   
Senecio squalidus (Oxford Ragwort) is being used as a model species to study the genetics and molecular genetics of self-incompatibility (SI) in the Asteraceae. S. squalidus has a strong system of sporophytic SI (SSI) and populations within the UK contain very few S alleles probably due to a population bottleneck experienced on its introduction to the UK. The genetic control of SSI in S. squalidus is complex and may involve a second locus epistatic to S. Progress towards identifying the female determinant of SSI in S. squalidus is reviewed here. Research is focused on plants carrying two defined S alleles, S(1) and S(2). S(2) is dominant to S(1) in pollen and stigma. RT-PCR was used to amplify three SRK-like cDNAs from stigmas of S(1)S(2) heterozygotes, but the expression patterns of these cDNAs suggest that they are unlikely to be directly involved in SI or pollen-stigma interactions in contrast to SSI in the Brassicaceae. Stigma-specific proteins associated with the S(1) allele and the S(2) allele have been identified using isoelectric focusing and these proteins have been designated SSP1 (Stigma S-associated Protein 1) and SSP2. SSP1 and SSP2 cDNAs have been cloned by 3' and 5' RACE and shown to be allelic forms of the same gene, SSP. The expression of SSP and its linkage to the S locus are currently being investigated. Initial results show SSP to be expressed exclusively in stigmas and developmentally regulated, with maximal expression occurring at and just before anthesis when SI is fully functional, SSP expression being undetectable in immature buds. Together these data suggest that SSP is a strong candidate for a Senecio S-gene.  相似文献   
McInnis DO  Shelly TE  Komatsu J 《Genetica》2002,116(1):117-124
The success of the sterile insect technique (SIT) depends critically upon mating between released sterilized males and wild females. In Hawaii, improvements in the efficiency of sterile males were attempted on two separate fronts – mating enhancement and survival improvement. In the former, two methods have been investigated – selective breeding and aromatherapy. In the latter, flies which survived in field cages for several days were selected and bred to produce progeny with enhanced survival ability compared to control flies. Regarding mating selection, standard laboratory-reared males that successfully mated with wild females in field cages were allowed to breed. F1 offspring were inbred, then the selection procedure was repeated for four additional cycles. In the aromatherapy procedure, laboratory-reared males were exposed to ginger root oil for several hours 1 day prior to testing in field cages. Compared to controls, the selected flies improved the mating competitiveness of male flies ca. 3-fold, irradiation reduced this increase to ca. 2.5-fold. Exposing the selected, hybrid strain raised the fitness of the lab males to ca. 9-fold that of wild males. In the ongoing survival selection study, we have obtained lines in which the selected males survived ca. 2-fold better than laboratory control males over several days in an outdoor field cage, with food and water provided. The goal is to combine the traits of higher survival and mating ability into a single strain for SIT release.  相似文献   
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